French Wolf's Howl of the Carrion King


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I have to say, this is being beautifully done, sir. I suspect that I know what's about as a player, but the mystery, the lack of confidence, makes the image so compelling. Bravo!

In the flash of the Dancing Lights, did Livvy or Rova see Erizi by the stones? Or Shimei in the scrub?

Perception for Livvy 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15 (not as an action)

The Exchange


With that Perception roll, yes, Livvy did catch a glimpse of Erizi directly ahead of her, between the rocks. Shimei is in fairly good view beyond him. And thanks for the compliment.

Isn't Norn up too?

Shimei hesitates, torn between helping Erizi and the two targets to the left. The lure of gnolls in his sights is too much. He begins easing to the left hoping for a clear shot.


In game terms, ready an action to fire on a gnoll if Zaid moves his dancing lights to reveal one. If I get a target

Long Bow 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20... damage 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7.. includes gnoll killer bonus, if they are inside 30' add another +1 to hit and damage for point blank shot

The Exchange

Apologies, Norn too.

Female Halfling Rogue 3

Are the Gnolls still looking in her direction?

The Exchange

Nope, Norn they have run about forty feet at least beyond the shadowy distance of the dancing lights.

Shimei stands ready to fire, his bow trained towards where the gnolls fled.

Norn Perception check DC16

As the closest, Norn can tell that the pair of gnolls didn't get all stealthy at the end, they just kept moving that round.

Livvy and Norn to act.

Female Halfling Rogue 3


1d20 + 9 ⇒ (17) + 9 = 26

Norn once again tries to get herself into a position where the Gnoll's will be backlit by the lights and shoots at one of them

1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17


1d8 ⇒ 4

Sneak attack

1d6 ⇒ 3


"Rova, keep down watch for the other gnolls. We wait here. Let me know what you see."

As quietly as she can, she will cast Message on Shimei. I believe from the description Erizi is no longer visible, anyway.


You hear a whisper as though the halfling had come right up behind you without you hearing, "Shimei. This is Livvy. Rova and I are on the far side of the rocks. We may be able to coordinate through my spell - do you have a plan? I think we will have trouble killing them off, but we might be able to convince them they are in for a bigger fight than they expected."

The Exchange

Livvy, Erizi is still in view and with that spell, he can read the spoiler to Shimei too?

French Wolf wrote:
Livvy, Erizi is still in view and with that spell, he can read the spoiler to Shimei too?

I thought it was a single-target spell. If I can cast it on both allies, the content would be slightly different, but the gist would be the same.

Shimei straightens up as if startled and looks around. He whispers something and pauses, then looks around again.

Livvy, FW:

What Shimei whispers is "Little one? Livvy, where are you? Livvy ...?"

Sorry to leave you hanging, PR. I've been busy IRL. I assume you're using message? If so you get 2 targets and Erizi could be in. I don't think you've tried this trick with Shimei before. He's got no clue. He has seen you cast dancing lights and thinks Zaid's are yours.

Shimei gives up on looking and shouts, "Move the lights. We can shoot the gnolls."

Regarding Nombir's suggestions from Jan 23. I will follow the group's lead in that regard. Right now Shimei is focused on killing gnolls. If someone gets hurt, flight or holing up will become more important to him.

male; F +8, R +4, W +3 Human (Garamundi); AC* 17/14/13 or 19/14/15 (* When raging -1) HP 68/55(+8), Rage 14/7, Init +3, PER +8 Barbarian / Titan Mauler / 4; CMB +8, CMD 22

Erizi stays hunkered down in his cubby hole, trying to get his breath back. He shouldn't get so excited when he is fighting. It seems that fighting for a pack instead of for himself adds extra energy to his fighting.

He is a bit confused by all the quite movements, and lights disappearing and appearing around him, so decides to hold his peace until he sees something tangent to fight.

Male Human (Keleshite) Wizard (conjurer) 2

Zaid has the lights follow after the gnolls.

Shimei, Erizi, FW:

Sorry, yes, Livvy is whispering to both Shimei and Erizi via Message and no, I don't know that either target is going to realize what's happening. (Erizi, please see Livvy's spoiler for Shimei a bit earlier - I thought it was a single-target spell and that you were out of sight in the darkness, but I was incorrect, so I would have worded it slightly different to include Erizi, also.)

Whispering again, "Yes, Shimei, it's Livvy. We are hiding on the other side of the big rocks from you. We can come to you. Erizi, are you wounded? You've done well, again."

male; F +8, R +4, W +3 Human (Garamundi); AC* 17/14/13 or 19/14/15 (* When raging -1) HP 68/55(+8), Rage 14/7, Init +3, PER +8 Barbarian / Titan Mauler / 4; CMB +8, CMD 22



Erizi convinced this is a gnoll trick, looks around a bit at the sound of Livvy's voice, then with an angry scrowl, prepares to charge from his cover as soon as he has his breath back (is no longer fatigued from rage).

The Exchange

No answer comes from Erizi or Shimei. Zaid manages to follow the paths through the rocks and fixes one gnoll as it takes cover behind a bush in the shadows of the magical torchlight. Norn's crossbow bolt arrows in at the hyenaman.

Miss chance 1d100 ⇒ 2

But misses by inches. The gnoll yelps involuntarily, giving away its position to one and all but the cry is about sixty feet from Erizi and Shimei in the cluttered rocks.

Although the creature has cover, Shimei's bow twangs too, Miss chance 1d100 ⇒ 39 and the arrow skims the gnoll's cheek, opening a wide flap in it.

I have described Norn and Shimei slightly out of order apologies for that.

Then the gnoll leaps up and runs even further away, probably out of range of Zaid's spell unless he moves forwards out of the cave.

Of the other gnoll, the darkness has claimed him for now.

Erizi, Shimei:

Livvy whispers again, "Well done. I will send my lights out, too, to see if more are out there."


I don't know if they hear all her whispers or just what she intends to send.

Whispering to the gnoll, "Rova, what do you see? Are there more out there? I'm going to bring up torches like those over there -- if you've seen or heard something, I will send them toward it."

She will bring up the torches thirty feet from their position, toward the last known position of the gnolls unless Rova gives her a different location. She intends to keep them low to the ground and avoid the known positions of allies, moving them gradually around the hill until she or Rova see a target.

The Exchange


The only message they get are the ones you point and spoiler to them in my book. Rova sniffs the air and suddenly dives away with his sword in hand into the valley, where the darkness swallows him up. He is headed back towards where the party came from at some speed.

Back round to Erizi

There are no gnolls in view, two have gone left beyond Norn and out of sight of Zaid's magical torches. Shimei has his bow pointed in that direction. Norn is hidden somewhere around. Nombir and zaid are watching from the cave entrance still.

Perception check DC20 (that's a general spoiler not just for Erizi)

Sounds of footfalls and scattered rocks fade quickly over to the left. Something(s) are moving fast....away.

The Exchange

Round Six
Erizi 24 (up next)
Gnoll 18 (done)
Shimei 12+ (due to readied action, moves up the initiatives)
Zaid 12
Nombir 10
Gnolls (2) 9
Norn 7
Livvy 3

male; F +8, R +4, W +3 Human (Garamundi); AC* 17/14/13 or 19/14/15 (* When raging -1) HP 68/55(+8), Rage 14/7, Init +3, PER +8 Barbarian / Titan Mauler / 4; CMB +8, CMD 22

1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5 Perception

Erizi plans on doing nothing for the next 6 rounds except try to get his breath back. (Fatigued). If a target presents himself he will haul himself together and wade into combat.

Bent over and gasping for breath, Erizi wonders at his fitness level. " I didn't used to get winded so easy. I am growing soft."

Female Halfling Rogue 3


1d20 + 9 ⇒ (4) + 9 = 13

Perception 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9 ouch


To be clear, Rova took off running back in the direction the gnoll party came from? Or the direction that our party came from? In other words, does it appear that he's using this as an opportunity to return to Kellermane? (forgive the spelling, please)

Sense Motive is probably appropriate 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 1 = 12

Male Human (Keleshite) Wizard (conjurer) 2

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10

"They are gone for now." Zaid whispers to Nombir, staying where he is.

The Exchange


Towards Kelmarane.

The Exchange

French Wolf wrote:

Round Six

Erizi 24 (fatigued)
Gnoll 18 (done)
Shimei 12+ (due to readied action, moves up the initiatives)
Zaid 12 (done)
Nombir 10
Gnolls (2) 9 (done)
Norn 7
Livvy 3

With Shimei, Norn and Nombir to act, the dark night is quiet, other than the odd pant from Erizi and Zaid's murmured words.

Unless they have any specific actions planned, like running off after the gnolls, the action is pretty much over. Over to you three.

Shimei draws and nocks another arrow and sits listening and watching. He knows better than to pursue gnolls in the dark.

Perception, 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24

If he hears nothing, Shimei waits a while longer.

When he is convinced the gnolls are gone, the nomad slips through the darkness back to the cave.

"We move now before they bring more." He looks at the party sizing up the people. "Rova and Livvy on point. Erizi, Nombir, Zaid ~pause~ and Norn in the middle. I'll watch the backtrail with dog. Keep moving away from Kelmarane. Three whistles means stop."

Not trying to steal Nombir's leadership role. Shimei's just being pushy.

Male Human Cleric 2

"Agreed Shimei. Lets go everybody, quickly!"

The Exchange

Someone is missing....Livvy returns alone.

male; F +8, R +4, W +3 Human (Garamundi); AC* 17/14/13 or 19/14/15 (* When raging -1) HP 68/55(+8), Rage 14/7, Init +3, PER +8 Barbarian / Titan Mauler / 4; CMB +8, CMD 22

Erizi finally breathing easy again..."So Livvy, did you're pack mate show his true colors"?...Then pointing and laughing..."I told you you couldn't trust him". "Did he run like the true coward he is, or die of fright, or did you have to put him down"? "Ha ha ha ha ha!".

Then hearing Shemei's words grows silent, and begins to follow.

Livvy's lights illuminate the area for a bit before she returns to the cave. "The gnolls seem to be gone." With a weary nod at Erizi, she adds, "All of them."

"Shimei is right - if he leads the others back, he knows our group better than any other." Looking at Erizi again, "If we see him again, there will be no hesitation - if you don't beat me to it, I'll kill him myself."

Listening to Shimei's plan, she adds, "Without Rova's eyes, I'm little use to sneak in front. I don't want to give away our position with my lights... but Rova was my error, I will lead if you feel that is best. Maybe with Norn?"

"No, you stay in the middle. Norn and Erizi lead. What happened with Rova?"

male; F +8, R +4, W +3 Human (Garamundi); AC* 17/14/13 or 19/14/15 (* When raging -1) HP 68/55(+8), Rage 14/7, Init +3, PER +8 Barbarian / Titan Mauler / 4; CMB +8, CMD 22

Erizi begins to preen and strut. He is back leading the pack. In his warped reality that is :-)

And I was worried Rova would get ideas if he lead the way.....

Shimei of Merraketh wrote:
"No, you stay in the middle. Norn and Erizi lead. What happened with Rova?"

She shrugs, "I don't know. He said nothing, and he did not attack me, but he took off after you fired your bow. Not that I think your shot away from us had anything to do with it, but that's when he ran away. Toward Kellermane." She pauses, "I know you cannot trust them, and yet... I wanted to trust him. Now I'm just mad at him."

Male Human (Keleshite) Wizard (conjurer) 2

"I suppose we learned our lesson: never trust a gnoll."

The Exchange

In a minute, the party gather their bedding, including the smelly one left by Rova, then they are outside ready to leave the cave, Erizi and Norn up front, heading......

Kelmarane is across the valley and directly before the party, the ridge of hills runs left to right so which way do you wish to go. Bear in mind that many of the party (except Zaid and Erizi) need 2 more hours sleep or tiredness and fatigue will set in.

Livvy Goldenscale wrote:

She shrugs, "I don't know. He said nothing, and he did not attack me, but he took off after you fired your bow. Not that I think your shot away from us had anything to do with it, but that's when he ran away. Toward Kellermane." She pauses, "I know you cannot trust them, and yet... I wanted to trust him. Now I'm just mad at him."

"You are lucky he left you alive."

"Let's go that way. " Shimei points in the direction away from Almah's camp at the old monastery.

Not sure if that's left or right, but I don't want to lead the gnolls to Almah.

The Exchange

That's sort of a right. How long do you intend walking for? It will be dawn in about an hour and a half.

The party stumble down the valley, trying to avoid making unnecessary noise, the starlight reasserts itself and everyone can pick out the worst of the cacti and more angular points of many rocks. Nevertheless those without elven eyesight or better are hard pressed not to hurt themselves, especially the four who most tired.

The valley is about half a mile across and then the hills show several groups of pointed pillars of rocks, like fingers reaching up. They run just inside the ridge line and while one may be only the size of a house, others are much larger. There is an opportunity to get lost these maze-like rock formations.

Male Human Cleric 2

As Nombir moves with the party "it's not your fault Livvy, I tried to give Rova a chance, but it looks like he may have betrayed us. However, if we just kill everything we see, we just become animals like them."

"He didn't kill me. He actually helped me up to that point. He got the sword, we got some information. He could have called the others in or captured me easily. I'm a little confused as to his motivations at the moment. I just know we could not stay in the cave -- too many gnolls were aware of us and Rova's knowledge made it that much more dangerous."

Shimei will whistle a halt after about an hour. He's looking for a spot where crouching or recumbent men will be hidden from a distance and we can see down our backtrail a good distance. Caves with one exit need not apply. Some shade once the sun comes up would be a bonus.

Finding such a place he stretches out on the ground, "Zaid, Erizi. It's still your watch."

Assuming no one objects, that is. We need some rest.

It takes Livvy very little time to find a place relatively clear of ground clutter - or clean one - and curl up into a tiny ball and fall asleep.

male; F +8, R +4, W +3 Human (Garamundi); AC* 17/14/13 or 19/14/15 (* When raging -1) HP 68/55(+8), Rage 14/7, Init +3, PER +8 Barbarian / Titan Mauler / 4; CMB +8, CMD 22

Erizi stands his watch, idly picking at his still oozing wounds, occasionally glancing at the fitfully sleeping Livvy. He almost feels bad about laughing at her, but not quite. As he walks by Zaid he places a friendly hand on his shoulder, and turns to look at the sleeping halfling.

"That one's good heart will get her killed one day".

Erizi the Landless wrote:

Erizi stands his watch, idly picking at his still oozing wounds, occasionally glancing at the fitfully sleeping Livvy. He almost feels bad about laughing at her, but not quite. As he walks by Zaid he places a friendly hand on his shoulder, and turns to look at the sleeping halfling.

"That one's good heart will get her killed one day".

Awww. Just makes you want to cuddle her up and protect her, doesn't it?

male; F +8, R +4, W +3 Human (Garamundi); AC* 17/14/13 or 19/14/15 (* When raging -1) HP 68/55(+8), Rage 14/7, Init +3, PER +8 Barbarian / Titan Mauler / 4; CMB +8, CMD 22
Livvy Goldenscale wrote:
Erizi the Landless wrote:

Erizi stands his watch, idly picking at his still oozing wounds, occasionally glancing at the fitfully sleeping Livvy. He almost feels bad about laughing at her, but not quite. As he walks by Zaid he places a friendly hand on his shoulder, and turns to look at the sleeping halfling.

"That one's good heart will get her killed one day".

Awww. Just makes you want to cuddle her up and protect her, doesn't it?

Normally, but after lying next to Rova she probably has fleas :-)

Erizi the Landless wrote:
Livvy Goldenscale wrote:
Erizi the Landless wrote:

Erizi stands his watch, idly picking at his still oozing wounds, occasionally glancing at the fitfully sleeping Livvy. He almost feels bad about laughing at her, but not quite. As he walks by Zaid he places a friendly hand on his shoulder, and turns to look at the sleeping halfling.

"That one's good heart will get her killed one day".

Awww. Just makes you want to cuddle her up and protect her, doesn't it?
Normally, but after lying next to Rova she probably has fleas :-)

That's OK, so does Erizi.

The Exchange

Shimei of Merraketh wrote:

Shimei will whistle a halt after about an hour. He's looking for a spot where crouching or recumbent men will be hidden from a distance and we can see down our backtrail a good distance. Caves with one exit need not apply. Some shade once the sun comes up would be a bonus.

Finding such a place he stretches out on the ground, "Zaid, Erizi. It's still your watch."

Assuming no one objects, that is. We need some rest.

As the silent banter comes from the halfling, Erizi can keep a good view of the approaching dawn. Half an hour after he crashes down with tiredness, Shimei is forced to wake up by his faith and pray with the dawn. Pray for those oh so important magicks.

In theory, Shimei would miss out on learning spells because all clerics of Sarenrae must surely prepare and pray with the dawn and he hasn't had eough sleep yet. But I think he should be able to catch up on his eight hours after praying as well.

Then he returns to sleep for another hour and a half to allow the spells to bed down just like his muscles and various aches. Last to be awake everyone else is up and breakfast completed.

While Shimei wipes the grit from his eyes and catch up with Nombir. There is a strange groan below the party back down the trail and Rova staggers into view, clutching his bloody side. He rests against a sloping rock, before pushing himself off and weaving down the trail looking down and not back. He grunts and ends up on his knees, gasping for breath again.

French Wolf wrote:
There is a strange groan below the party back down the trail and Rova staggers into view, clutching his bloody side. He rests against a sloping rock, before pushing himself off and weaving down the trail looking down and not back. He grunts and ends up on his knees, gasping for breath again.

Livvy stops and stares, eyes wide as realization hits. She rushes over to the gnoll.


"What happened to you? Come, let us heal you!"

She turns to the others, "Nombir, Shimei! He is hurt!" Turning back to the gnoll, she continues...


"What did you do? How did you get hurt?"


Once again, I must say, "Bravo!"

male; F +8, R +4, W +3 Human (Garamundi); AC* 17/14/13 or 19/14/15 (* When raging -1) HP 68/55(+8), Rage 14/7, Init +3, PER +8 Barbarian / Titan Mauler / 4; CMB +8, CMD 22

"No it is a trick". "Do not go"! Erizi shouts looking on in horror.

1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20 Perception to find the ambush party

Shimei levers himself on his feet and begins stringing his bow. He scowls in the gnoll's direction. Why is he back? And has he lead others to us.

"Norn." Shimei points along the back trail and to the left. "Dog. " Shimei heads out on the right side of the trail.

SOrry, Livvy. No time for hurt gnolls yet.

French Wolf wrote:

In theory, Shimei would miss out on learning spells because all clerics of Sarenrae must surely prepare and pray with the dawn and he hasn't had eough sleep yet. But I think he should be able to catch up on his eight hours after praying as well.

Erastil, not Sarenrae. Longbow, not scimitar. Bow-father, not Hot Mama. :-P

I'll reload my spells if you insist.

Nice twist. Does Rova still have the sword?

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