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Personally I don't really feel that 4ed is that similar to Earthdawn. There are definitely similarities, but I think they're mostly superficial.

I'm not a fan of 4ed. It might just be that I like 3rd edition too much. I've played 4th, but never had as much fun as I did playing 3rd. 4ed feels very sanitized to me. It's very nice, shiny, and balanced. It seems to me that the designers bowed before the god of balance in exclusion to everything else. And in many ways it almost seems to me that it is the antithesis of everything that is Earthdawn. Earthdawn has depth. 4ed is shallow.

But I digress. I don't want to turn this post or thread into a 4ed rant. Too late, I know.

As for converting Rise of the Runelords to the Earthdawn system, here's some of my 3 cents. First you might want to consider taking the Orc right from ED and just call it a Half-Orc. Earthdawn orcs and D&D orcs are different enough that you might just be able to get away with it. Half-elf should be easy enough. As for gnomes I actually think I've seen Earthdawn gnomes somewhere. I think the ones that I saw were racial variants on dwarfs. It's a thought at least.

A priest/cleric discipline will be trickier. ED doesn't really have a "healer" class. All/most of the spellcasting disciplines have some kind of healing magic. Other then that I think the Lightbearer talent has some healing at a certain rank. There is also the talent Mystic Healing which I believe is one of the Dragon talents related to the Dragon's Daughter, I forget her name. The only other healing I can think of offhand are herbs, potions, and certain magic items.

It isn't that difficult to create a "paladin" class in ED. Just take a martial class, warrior, cavalrymen, etc. and tack on the Lightbearer Talent. It's not a perfect match, but it's close.



While there are no half-orcs (only orks), gnomes, halflings, or half-elves in ED, there's no reason why you can't add them (if you were so inclined). There are also no healing classes in Earthdawn (well, not yet; there is a new healing discipline that I designed for the Cathay sourcebook called the Daughter of Heaven, and one of these adepts features as a main character in my ED novels).

There are no clerics, but there are questors. Questors of Garlen have healing, but you have to wait a bit before you can be a questor (see the Player's Compendium, if available, or 1st edition's Earthdawn Companion).

here's where I see the similarities.

"Powers = Talents"

Reflex AC = Physical Defense
Will AC = Spell Defense

They added a bloodied condition to D&D, so that would be like having a wound in ED.

Earthdawn still has a better magic system, IMMHO.

Now back to the conversion...

Yeah, I considered making the Orc into a Half-Orc, but then I would have to make a tougher Orc for actual I just made a half-orc, it was a simple conversion really.

To introduce my new players, I'm just going to start with Mists of Betrayal....MWUAHAHAHHAHAH...set in normal Barsaive.

Txoro of Barsaive wrote:

here's where I see the similarities.

"Powers = Talents"

Reflex AC = Physical Defense
Will AC = Spell Defense

They added a bloodied condition to D&D, so that would be like having a wound in ED.

Earthdawn still has a better magic system, IMMHO.

Now back to the conversion...

Yeah, I considered making the Orc into a Half-Orc, but then I would have to make a tougher Orc for actual I just made a half-orc, it was a simple conversion really.

To introduce my new players, I'm just going to start with Mists of Betrayal....MWUAHAHAHHAHAH...set in normal Barsaive.

Of course, this conversion would just be to run an Earthdawn game set in Golarion, instead of Barsaive.

My kids and wife rolled up characters for a game...woo, kinda cool, since my wife hadn't wanted to play with them til they got older, but now she's!!

Liberty's Edge

I'm a fan too. One of my longest running games. What I really liked is that ED gave you a reason for going around exploring all the ruins left on the landscape. While I picked up the ED Classic books I'm getting ED third edition that is coming out this summer. My one worry is that it's going to be released by Mongoose through their Flaming Cobra imprint and imo their quality control leaves a lot to be desired. On a similiar note Redbrick also has the rights to Blue Planet and Fading suns so if you are/were a fan of those settings they plan to release those too.


memorax wrote:
On a similiar note Redbrick also has the rights to Blue Planet and Fading suns so if you are/were a fan of those settings they plan to release those too.

We're also doing Equinox! (The next rise of magic after Shadowrun, aka the 8th World.)

So is Equinox set in post-apocalypse Shadowrun?


Txoro of Barsaive wrote:
So is Equinox set in post-apocalypse Shadowrun?

Well, it's about 10,000 or so years after Shadowrun. Earthdawn with guns and monofilament swords?


Txoro of Barsaive wrote: Earthdawn with guns and monofilament swords?

No, that would be Shadowrun. ;) Equinox is a bit further out there...beyond the stars...

Hank Woon wrote:
Txoro of Barsaive wrote: Earthdawn with guns and monofilament swords?
No, that would be Shadowrun. ;) Equinox is a bit further out there...beyond the stars...

It's all so cryptic so far....Equinox


Re the races discussion, for my own perculiar taste I have ripped out the classic fantasy elves, orcs etc and kept only those humanoids which are more unique to the setting - for example the Obsidiman race. I like to differentiate settings and to achieve that sometimes less is more.

I'm compiling some art for use in my campaign here:


Quick campaign update. Hyperion has now escaped from the Kaer, taking with him other prisoners from the 9th Circle of the Pit (Prison). Nyx and several other capable but dispensable people are preparing to leave and give chase. The atmosphere is pretty exciting.

I've decided that their Kaer is located underneath Parlainth! They will have to fight their way up through the frightening derelict catacombs beneath the City... oh the lols! I can't wait : D

Now my campaign is heading out into the world proper, I warmly welcome tips, advice or adventure hooks from you more experienced Earthdawn GM's. You lovely people : )

Liberty's Edge

Txoro of Barsaive wrote:
Instead of selling them, read the main book and the creature book, that's all the rules, and the disciplines through circle 8

I have actually read a few of the books - but I just will never get round to running the game as there are no other players willing to play and I have too many other games I want to run as well.

I have read:
Earthdawn 1st Edition
GM Screen 1st Edition
Barsaive Campaign Set
Denizens of Earthdawn Vol 1
Denizens of Earthdawn Vol 2
Earthdawn Companion 1st Edition
Mists of Betrayal
Terror in the Skies
Earthdawn 2nd Edition
Earthdawn Companion 2nd Edition
GM Screen 2nd Edition
Shards Volume 1: The Journey to Lang
Shards Volume 2: Runvir's Tomb
Shards Volume 3: Kept in the Dark
Shards Volume 5: Tournament Troubles

So Arcane Joe, I guess your Barsaive is nothing like the base setting then, didja remove humans too?

So all you have left are Windlings, T'skrang and Obsidimen?

What I liked about Barsaive is that the dwarves were the most numerous race, Elves were 6'3. and Orcs and Trolls were BUILT into the system as playable races..did you fill in the gaps at all?

None of your players are willing to even give it a try? wow, kinda players are saying dude, go for it, run a game, we'll play

My feeling is that creators sometimes have to appeal to the lowest common denominator by including staple 'popular' fantasy races.

I've used the campaign themes that appeal to me, but I always, always feel that anything is up for adaption to the sensibilities of the DM and the culture of the players.

Hate to say it, but orcs and elves are considered a little 'corny' in these parts. But if they work for you then go right ahead.

Well it is set in the age of it could even possibly share the world with MiddleEarth if one were so inclined...The One Ring would be a major legendary item...that weaves threads to those who use it, and works its way into them...

The Fellowship could definitely be seen as adepts. Not necessarily as Barsaivian adepts, but that they use half-magic and adept magic I could definitely see that.

So I guess Shadow Run never appealed to your group heh...

But hey, once you get the books in your hands, its your game...what's the age range of your group?

Earthdawn Fan right here, I just finished up a 2 year game using EDC. I am a bit disappointed (money on my side wise) of a new edition, but from a standpoint of it's alive and kicking that is awesome!

It's a new edition for those of us who were using 1ed or 2ed stuff, it's basically a reprint of EDC, but that will be more widely available to those of us in the States...

Txoro of Barsaive wrote:
It's a new edition for those of us who were using 1ed or 2ed stuff, it's basically a reprint of EDC, but that will be more widely available to those of us in the States...

Not quite. From some of the messageboard post at Redbrick, I gather that some of the optional rules they introduced as free PDFs are become core rules. Unless I miss read the post, the Advanced Discipline Mechanics are becoming core. This means each discipline will be able to pick one talent at each circle from a pool of choices specific to the discipline. No two members of the discipline need be the same any more.

Other than that and cleaning up some errors, it sounds like the rules are going to largely be the EDC.

Redbrick Earthdawn Forum

Hank, got anything to add to that? Sounds like some cool options already!

(of course with talent knacks you never had to be the same as another discipline anyway ;)


Txoro of Barsaive wrote:

Hank, got anything to add to that? Sounds like some cool options already!

Thraxus has the right of it; there are some significant changes (the ADM being one), but overall it's compatible with EDC (and by extension, 1st and 2nd editions). It's a lot like the leap from 3.5 to Pathfinder.

No pre-order stuff yet, not showing up on Amazon or anything yet..and only a couple months away...


Xaaon of Xen'Drik wrote:

No pre-order stuff yet, not showing up on Amazon or anything yet..and only a couple months away...

I was told you can preorder from Mongoose.

Hank Woon wrote:
Xaaon of Xen'Drik wrote:

No pre-order stuff yet, not showing up on Amazon or anything yet..and only a couple months away...

I was told you can preorder from Mongoose.

Oh I'll have to look again, I hadn't seen it yet...

OK I found, how many pages were in the Lulu Printing for the PLayer's Compendium? 500+? right, wonder what got cut out to bring it down to 296...


Txoro of Barsaive wrote:
[, how many pages were in the Lulu Printing for the PLayer's Compendium? 500+? right, wonder what got cut out to bring it down to 296...

The books are being split into the Player's and Gamemaster's Guides and the Player's and Gamemaster's Companions (the latter are targeted for an August release, though this might be subject to change).

Combined, the 4 books roughly equal the Compendiums.

Hank Woon wrote:
Txoro of Barsaive wrote:
[, how many pages were in the Lulu Printing for the PLayer's Compendium? 500+? right, wonder what got cut out to bring it down to 296...

The books are being split into the Player's and Gamemaster's Guides and the Player's and Gamemaster's Companions (the latter are targeted for an August release, though this might be subject to change).

Combined, the 4 books roughly equal the Compendiums.

Ah, that's how they're being split up...I hope the Companions don't cot $40 also, or that will bring the complete basic set to 160 bucks!! OUCH. That's even more than the LuLu set...ouch! heh.


Xaaon of Xen'Drik wrote:

Ah, that's how they're being split up...I hope the Companions don't cot $40 also, or that will bring the complete basic set to 160 bucks!! OUCH. That's even more than the LuLu set...ouch! heh.

I'm not sure what goes into the pricing of the books, but yeah, I hope so too.

Do you know if it's going to be divided like the original books? first 8 circles in the guides and 9-15 in the companions?


Txoro of Barsaive wrote:
Do you know if it's going to be divided like the original books? first 8 circles in the guides and 9-15 in the companions?

I do know, but I don't know if I'm supposed to say. ;)

Dark Archive

Hank Woon wrote:
Txoro of Barsaive wrote:
Do you know if it's going to be divided like the original books? first 8 circles in the guides and 9-15 in the companions?
I do know, but I don't know if I'm supposed to say. ;)

tease ;-)

I would assume it would be set up the old way... yes?

Super stoked for 3ED to come out. I've been a huge fan since it originally came out and I own all the books but RB's Nations of Barsaive, Kratas and a few of the Shards. I'm eager to see what will be different in the new edition- hopefully some d20-style combat maneuvers, new Knacks, etc.

I'm gonna need another bookshelf between Savage Worlds, Paizo and now Earthdawn. Woot!

DigitalMage wrote:

I have all the FASA and LRG books but have only read a few of them, and I have not really had a chance to play or run it yet (I only ever manage a couple of sessions before it all fizzles out).

I am actually thinking about selling my books :(

I've been sort of looking to pick up a bunch of the original Earthdawn books. Used to have a few back in the day, and have recently become reinterested in the game.

If you are interested in selling them, drop me a line. jeejee0 atz gmail dotz comz

The Exchange

Hiya Hank,

One of the reasons we skipped over to DnD when 3.0 came out was becasue they had intriduced the nifty CR system for combat design. One of the things I hated most about ED was trying to build appropriate encounters for the game. Mind you, despite looking for 5 years I was never able to buy the games masters pack here in Australia so I'm not sure if I was missing much.

Anyhoo, my question is, have you guys addressed the issue of encounter design? I read all the stuff on the red brick home page and I know yo've included all teh critters etc, but I have most of them.

Was curious to know, because I might actually pick up the game master stuff and have a read.



Wrath wrote:

Hiya Hank,

One of the reasons we skipped over to DnD when 3.0 came out was becasue they had intriduced the nifty CR system for combat design. One of the things I hated most about ED was trying to build appropriate encounters for the game. Mind you, despite looking for 5 years I was never able to buy the games masters pack here in Australia so I'm not sure if I was missing much.

Anyhoo, my question is, have you guys addressed the issue of encounter design? I read all the stuff on the red brick home page and I know yo've included all teh critters etc, but I have most of them.

Was curious to know, because I might actually pick up the game master stuff and have a read.


Yes. For the upcoming Gamemaster's Guide, we have removed Legend Point Awards and simply applied "Circle Award: X Circle" whereas X equals the appropriate Circle encounter (guidelines for how to read how many such creatures are appropriate for how many players are given earlier in the same chapter).

The Exchange

Thanks for the swift response.

Well that certainly makes things much easier I can tell you. Couple it with the new mechanic for adjusting attacks and damage rather than shifting dice for steps, and you've cleverly removed the two biggest reasons I decided to stop DMing Earthdawn.

Will definitely pick up the Gamesmaster books and have a read of them I feel. Might even encourage the boys the grab a copy of the players guides. Who knows where that will take us?!


Hey guys

Ran my first 'out of the Kaer' sequence at the weekend, as the heroes fought their way through portions of the City of Parlainth to try and retrieve an Orichalcum Gate Key from a Horror-disguised-as-human who had stolen it and was attempting to deliver it to his hungry masters.

I just wanted to comment that running a 'City as dungeon' was incredibly exciting. The geography and source material provided a very interesting staging ground for adventure. I was inspired to develop all kinds of interesting encounters with roaming Cadaver Men, treacherous masonry, and unsavory scavengers. Mixing these and other elements together to enhance the scariness of situations.

The previous sessions spent in the Kaer (to provide contrast to the 'above-ground' experience) really payed off and Parlainth came across as I'd hoped, a lethal and shocking contrast to Kaer life.

Crucially they still didn't meet a true 'Horror' in this first outing. Anticipation is everything!

Still loving Earthdawn,


Arcane Joe wrote:

Hey guys

Ran my first 'out of the Kaer' sequence at the weekend, as the heroes fought their way through portions of the City of Parlainth to try and retrieve an Orichalcum Gate Key from a Horror-disguised-as-human who had stolen it and was attempting to deliver it to his hungry masters.

I just wanted to comment that running a 'City as dungeon' was incredibly exciting. The geography and source material provided a very interesting staging ground for adventure. I was inspired to develop all kinds of interesting encounters with roaming Cadaver Men, treacherous masonry, and unsavory scavengers. Mixing these and other elements together to enhance the scariness of situations.

The previous sessions spent in the Kaer (to provide contrast to the 'above-ground' experience) really payed off and Parlainth came across as I'd hoped, a lethal and shocking contrast to Kaer life.

Crucially they still didn't meet a true 'Horror' in this first outing. Anticipation is everything!

Still loving Earthdawn,


awesome, I love Parlainth!! Hiermon around yet? Have they found Haven?

Not yet - although they became aware of Haven as an NPC adventurer from there helped them out of a tight corner.

It's kind of amusing, because they went back to Kaer and seem genuinely afraid of going back out again! : D

As well they should...skintwist 7 wounds...done!

True Horrors are truly the nastiest things in any RPG.


FYI: Only a handful of weeks off before the premier of 3rd edition (provided there are no snags and latest estimates are correct)! Also, my second Earthdawn novel, Immortal Twilight, is getting close to publication (layout is finished, we're just waiting on approval from our friends at FASA).

Dark Archive

Hank Woon wrote:

FYI: Only a handful of weeks off before the premier of 3rd edition (provided there are no snags and latest estimates are correct)! Also, my second Earthdawn novel, Immortal Twilight, is getting close to publication (layout is finished, we're just waiting on approval from our friends at FASA).


I have to admit that I haven't been as excited over the release of an RPG in a long time. I have EarthDawn Players Compendium on PDF but I really want to get the 3rd Edition.

Questions and Concerns for anyone who can answer. One of things I've loved about the EPC is the amount of customization that wasn't really available back when I played 1st Edition. And the amount of detail on each discipline. And I understand that in 3rd Ed they will be splitting up the Compendium into two books, so something might be coming later.

Will all the options currently available make it to 3rd Ed? By that I mean Talent Knacks, Blood Magic, Questors, Extra Skills at creation, and so forth? I know that the Talent Option concept is in the main book, which sounds great. Anything else?

Do you think that older edition material, NPC's, Magic items, skills, Talents, so forth could be used in this edition?

Also it seems based on some of the things I've read that there might be a push to make the system more like dnd, more maps, simpler item creation, and so forth. If this is so, would you say it is more like 2nd Ed, 3rd Ed, or 4th Ed? In other words, how much of a board game is it looking like?

That's about all for now.

Thanks in advance.

So here's my deal with Earthdawn. According to its lore it's supposed to be the ancient prehistory of Shadowrun. Really, it is. It even shares metaplot elements and NPCs with Shadowrun. It is to Shadowrun what Exalted is to the old World of Darkness--adventures in the mythic prehistory of the modern/future setting. Interestingly the lore from both games is taken from a real-life belief system called Theosophy (interesting stuff).

Now the trouble is, the cycle of ages according to Shadowrun/Earthdawn run in 5000 year cycles. The Sixth Age (Shadowrun) starts in 2012 and the game is set in the 2060s. Earthdawn is supposed to be set in the Fourth Age. Ack.

So the math here. From 2012 back to the beginning of our age (the Fifth) sets its beginning around 2988 BC! Now it gets worse because the storyline of Earthdawn isn't set at the end of their age--in fact it's somewhere just past it's peak magic level, so probably somewhere from the first quarter to the midpoint of their age. We're talking about a game set somewhere between 5488-6238 BC!

Now I'm okay doing a game set in neolithic times, but this game looks and feels like the renaissance. I'm pretty sure there weren't airships in 6000 BC. In fact, from my research, folks were just figuring out that putting wild seeds in the dirt near your hut meant you wouldn't have to walk as far to gather plants--oh and they were figuring out how to domesticate dogs.

I guess for a game that has its roots in our world, I expect a little more as far as homework done by the developers. You tell me Thassilon was around 10,000 years ago, but that things were more or less the same technologically and magically, well Golarion is a fantasy world and it's history is totally up in the air--so who knows? I'm pretty willing to shrug it off. With Earthdawn though, it was always a bit too much to swallow. I mean it takes place here on Earth and we know some stuff about what things were like back then.

...though for our part we did get pretty far on a conversion, trying to make a version of Earthdawn that DID take place in the era it said it did. Let me tell you, that was an interesting (read: weird) process.


mike smith 853 wrote:

I have to admit that I haven't been as excited over the release of an RPG in a long time. I have EarthDawn Players Compendium on PDF but I really want to get the 3rd Edition.

Questions and Concerns for anyone who can answer. One of things I've loved about the EPC is the amount of customization that wasn't really available back when I played 1st Edition. And the amount of detail on each discipline. And I understand that in 3rd Ed they will be splitting up the Compendium into two books, so something might be coming later.

Will all the options currently available make it to 3rd Ed? By that I mean Talent Knacks, Blood Magic, Questors, Extra Skills at creation, and so forth? I know that the Talent Option concept is in the main book, which sounds great. Anything else?

Do you think that older edition material, NPC's, Magic items, skills, Talents, so forth could be used in this edition?

Also it seems based on some of the things I've read that there might be a push to make the system more like dnd, more maps, simpler item creation, and so forth. If this is so, would you say it is more like 2nd Ed, 3rd Ed, or 4th Ed? In other words, how much of a board game is it looking like?

That's about all for now.

Thanks in advance.

As one of the developers of the current edition, I can say that yes, the options will all be there, yes, it is compatible with earlier editions, and I would say closer to 3rd edition. I would elaborate more, but I only have a moment here. But also, it is available now!!!!!


Thanks Hank. I plan to buy it as soon as it gets to my RPG store.


mike smith 853 wrote:


Thanks Hank. I plan to buy it as soon as it gets to my RPG store.

You bet, Mike; hope you enjoy it! And keep your eye out for some fantastic new products from us in the future, including my 2nd ED novel (which should go live this week)! And if you have the time, you should hit up our new fantastic website (link available from

I'm planning on getting mine sometime soon...I've got a lead on some extra cash coming in, so it should be doable soon. Or I can do some Paranoia demos and get them as rewards...

The ED/SR timeline assumes some accepted theories about human history are wrong.

Thera is obviously the basis of the Atlantis myths (and is located where the real world island of Thera before it blew up).

The ebb and flow of the magic cycle seems to distort aspect of the world too. The setting also assumes that real world legends and OPArts (Out of Place Artifacts) point to ancient civilizations, but the ebb of magic has wiped away most of the evidence.

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