Hunterofthedusk |
As many of you may already know from previous threads, I am currently playing a Gnome Beguiler. It's been about 5 or so sessions and everything's going pretty smooth, but something suddenly dawned on me: I haven't pulled a prank yet! I have all of the means at my disposal, as well as the in-game motivation (Gnome Beguiler, c'mon. If this wasn't a prank-pulling combo, I don't know what is). I'm a little short on time at the moment as I'm on the way out the door, but I'd like to hear some of the pranks you've pulled/wanted to pull to get me started. I've thought of a few things, but they could end badly (marbles on the stairs and vegetable oil on the rails could end badly and just seems a little malicious). I need help guys!
Cosmo Director of Sales |
Surreptitiously cast an illusion spell on the party's dwarf and the party's elf (or whichever two are the most opposite of one another). Switch them right as the party walks into the tavern. If the DM is game, do this secretly so the players don't know why everyone is reacting strangely either.
Kevin Andrew Murphy Contributor |
My jester necromancer years ago made a roast chicken get up and dance whenever the drunk guys at the next table were looking, but had it lie down and play dead on the platter every time the innkeeper looked. Got them thrown out of the inn.
He then told the chicken that it would never rest until it was rejoined with its parts, so a zombie chicken was chasing them down the road at night.
If you don't have necromancy available, you can fake the same trick with Mage Hand and Performance: Puppetry.
Cap'n Jose Monkamuck |
If you are in any room or cavern where the party can't see all of it, or if it has lots of hiding places then you can do LOTs of neat things with ghost sound. Hopefully some of your more trigger happy spell casters won't use up too many of their spells.
We used to have a gnome who made salads with "mushrooms". The Paladin developed quite a taste for them before she realised what they did (she made the first several fort saves).