First Pathfinder RPG game today

Playtest Reports

We will run our first actual Pathfinder Beta game tonight, finally. We have been wrapping up pour 3.5 Age of Worms, but not everyone could make todays game and we are at the point where nobody should miss a session (Wormcrawl fissure about to head into you know who's lair).

Players tonight are two who have no interest in 4E, one who I can't gauge but I think really only likes 3.5 and one who has only played 4E. We will be running Hollow's Last Hope, the free RPG day giveaway as it's short and low level... a good start to our gaming in Golarion.

It will be interesting to watch things tonight, I am really looking forward to tonights game, especially after reading the rulebook again this past week.

good luck man

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