Hollow's Last Hope 4e

Play-by-Post Discussion

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how many slots do you have left?

Ok. I'm opening two more slots to accomodate Cale Noor and Tieren. Go on over to the Discussion Thread.

Felwyst to the white line... Felwyst to the white line

Male Human Geek 10
The Undying One wrote:
Ok. I'm opening two more slots to accomodate Cale Noor and Tieren. Go on over to the Discussion Thread.

Um, do I still have a slot? I didn't see this post.

Cale Noor wrote:
The Undying One wrote:
Ok. I'm opening two more slots to accomodate Cale Noor and Tieren. Go on over to the Discussion Thread.
Um, do I still have a slot? I didn't see this post.

Move on over the discussion thread. They are waiting. And winter is coming....

Shadow Lodge

Male Human

204+120+135=Everyone should be sitting at 459 experience

Go-o-o-o-o-o-o-d morning, Viet... Whoops wrong script

So here we are. Three encounters in the bucket and hopefully on the way to finding a cure for the troubling town.

How's everybody holding up? Any suggestions/critisims?

Also with Arcane Power out if you'd like to make some fixes to your character let me know. Oh and with the rules for Hybrid characters floating about if you'd like to give one a try please feel free to ask.


Laz - I'll be away from Friday morning 5 June to late Sunday evening 7 June. If you need to do something stupidly splatty with Clovis, go for it.

Heh, will do :)

And it's everyone's favorite time... XP time!

Shill Challenge=600
142xp each! (rounding up)

Total XP=601!


And level 2 creeps closer...

Another level, another feat. Planning can legitimately begin.

Male Human Geek 10

I would like to see what some of the mid-level warlord powers can do. Although we seem to working fine with at-wills. That Bugbear attack still bothers me. We should have been able to take them, but our inability to see them half the time...... that sucked.

Laz, I would not mind a few more straight up fights, like with the harpy. Where terrain and visibility are not an issue. I have enjoyed the skill challenges, though, like with the lumber camp. That was fun. I half-expected to have to fight our way out. (which would SUCK!)

I like the personalities we are developing for our characters. It adds to the playing experience.

Having a look at my handy map you're currently 24 miles = 8 hours from the monastery. So leaving the site in the morning you should arrive, barring any interuptions, sometime in the afternoon.

Good to know my skill challenges were enjoyed! Te bugbears were fun play. Especially since they used the forest and the darkness to their advantage. The Harpy was ok, but the party lack of ranged power and her lack of attack power due to flying dragged that fight out.

When you guys get out of the forest there may be more "straight up" fights. But I promise nothing!

M half-orc Dungeon Master lvl 18

Anybody want to play a second level dwarven cleric of Kord? I need a new player for my Nentir Vale homebrew.


Going to have to say no for now. If something falls by the wayside (and it might) then I'm in with pleasure, but if you can get someone sooner, go for it.

The following message is brought to you by the letter, X!

Kolmokmurk (Corruption Corpse) = 175
Creeper (Giant Rat) = 25
33xp each :(

Total XP = 634

Shadow Lodge

Male Human

Too close to bottom for my taste.

Hey all I have a medical appointment in the morning. I won't be around at all, probably. But I should be back up and running on Friday... I hope.

Deathjump Spider x2 = 350
Bloodweb Spider Swarm = 300
650 x2 (I'm awarding Double XP!)
1300 XP!
217 XP each!! (rounding up)

Total XP = 851

Hey all Divine Power is out. If you'd like to make any changes to your characters please do so.


Updated Clovis. Re-trained Burning Spray for Acid Orb, took Sorcerous Sirocco, so he can now fly (along with one ally, only once per encounter and only for a turn, but still - very Clovis). He also took White Lotus Riposte, so if he gets hit by anything he's clobbered in the last round with an arcane power (i.e. anything except his fists), the enemy take 7hp damage.

Shadow Lodge

Male Human

Sorry about the lack of post folks. I'm "trying" to resolve some problems with my home game... WITH FORCE... Regular posting to continue today Sunday at the latest.

I've given Thumpy level 2 powers, feats and bonuses.

Male Elf Avenger 4

I took Elven Precision for my feat, and Distracting Flare as my power.

Dark Archive

Guys, I will be out of the office for the next couple of days. There is a distinct possibility that I will not have any connection to the net. Hence, do not be alarmed if I have not posted on the IC thread.

Work requires me to travel far from Manila, the capital city of the Philippines, to the Pangasinan, a province 100 plus KM away to the North, to handle a criminal case (double murder with multiple frustrated murder) filed against my client by the Mayor of the City where I am going. One of the victims was the former Mayor of that city and who was the father of the present Mayor. There is clearly a lot of emotion in this case.

Suffice it to say I must play a little cloak and dagger as I do not want to advertise that I am the lawyer for the other side. It feels as though my life is turning into an rpg adventure.

Wish me luck.

Hey guys, I wanted to let you know that I put up a board that rosey and I had discussed doing a little bit in the past. Its basically something for us as dm's to stockpile resources and ideas together for our pbp games and otherwise.

It's still bare bones but I'm going to start working on the graphics and other boards to put up on it.

Dm Brain Dump

M half-orc Dungeon Master lvl 18
Radavel wrote:

Guys, I will be out of the office for the next couple of days. There is a distinct possibility that I will not have any connection to the net. Hence, do not be alarmed if I have not posted on the IC thread.

Work requires me to travel far from Manila, the capital city of the Philippines, to the Pangasinan, a province 100 plus KM away to the North, to handle a criminal case (double murder with multiple frustrated murder) filed against my client by the Mayor of the City where I am going. One of the victims was the former Mayor of that city and who was the father of the present Mayor. There is clearly a lot of emotion in this case.

Suffice it to say I must play a little cloak and dagger as I do not want to advertise that I am the lawyer for the other side. It feels as though my life is turning into an rpg adventure.

Wish me luck.

That's nuts! Good luck.

Shadow Lodge

Male Human
Radavel wrote:

Guys, I will be out of the office for the next couple of days. There is a distinct possibility that I will not have any connection to the net. Hence, do not be alarmed if I have not posted on the IC thread.

Work requires me to travel far from Manila, the capital city of the Philippines, to the Pangasinan, a province 100 plus KM away to the North, to handle a criminal case (double murder with multiple frustrated murder) filed against my client by the Mayor of the City where I am going. One of the victims was the former Mayor of that city and who was the father of the present Mayor. There is clearly a lot of emotion in this case.

Suffice it to say I must play a little cloak and dagger as I do not want to advertise that I am the lawyer for the other side. It feels as though my life is turning into an rpg adventure.

Wish me luck.

Cloak and dagger!!! You my friend need music for this!

Wolf Pack = 1026
171 XP each!!

Total XP so far= 1171


Got it. Clovis will be pleased.

Yay ! Thank you DM and everyone for getting thus far!


Very belatedly posted a wish list for Clovis in his profile.

M half-orc Dungeon Master lvl 18

I may be spotty on posting for a week or so. I was in a bad accident the other night. I'm ok, but I wrecked my fiance's car and things have been hectic since. With the wedding only two months away this has been a nightmare. I'll post as often as I'm able.

BTW, I'm selling off my D&D miniatures collection. My email address is ghettowedge@yahoo.com if you're looking for anything specific before I put them on ebay.

ghettowedge wrote:

I may be spotty on posting for a week or so. I was in a bad accident the other night. I'm ok, but I wrecked my fiance's car and things have been hectic since. With the wedding only two months away this has been a nightmare. I'll post as often as I'm able.

BTW, I'm selling off my D&D miniatures collection. My email address is ghettowedge@yahoo.com if you're looking for anything specific before I put them on ebay.

Oh my. That's awful Ghetto. Take care, please.

m human 1

<Thumpy here>

Damn, sorry to hear that. Hang in there, buddy!

Dark Archive

Take care, ghetto.

Male Human Geek 10

WOW! You wrecked her car and she still wants to marry you? SEAL THE DEAL, my friend. Whatever it takes, make that happen. We can handle the game til you get back.

Seriously, good luck. Pre-wedding is a hectic time anyway and added drama only makes it worse. The good news is you guys will be a leg up on most marriages since you had the extra trouble. Better problem solving skills and whatnot. That's how I would look at it.

M half-orc Dungeon Master lvl 18

Thanks, everybody. I'm sure things will be fine. And she was fairly pissed until she saw the wreckage, now she's just glad I'm alive.

Dark Archive

Ghetto, I just have to echo Cale's comment.

Shadow Lodge

Male Human

2x Darkmantles = 1400
233 XP each!!

Total XP so far= 1404


Splendid. Clovis is updated XP wise.

M half-orc Dungeon Master lvl 18

I'm getting married in less than 12 hours and then I'm headed for Vegas. I doubt I'll be posting until Friday. Feel free to NPC Felwyst.

Dark Archive


M half-orc Dungeon Master lvl 18

Thanks! It was pretty nice to be able to post in the Good Things thread.


Wonderful news Ghetto! Speaking as someone who's been happily married for years, it changes everything and nothing in the strangest way. My very best wishes to you and your wife (since time zones mean you are probably wed by now :)

m human 1

Sorry about the job, Ghets.

3x Bats = 900
150 XP each!!

Total XP so far= 1554

Plus an additional 200 XP for collecting all the Ironbloom Mushrooms!

Total XP = 1754!

Shadow Lodge

Male Human

Today is joyous day. For this day, 28 years a go, a god was born to the world. ME!!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!

For that I grant on to you all 2800 XP. That puts you past 4th and only 946 xp from 5rd.

Current XP = 4554


The Birthday Gods are generous indeed :D Thank you kindly.

Merry Birthday, er I mean, Happy X-Mas !

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