Quandary |

This ability seemed to cause a little confusion in the Barbarian thread, as to how it interacts with things like Improved Natural Attack (Feat) or Magic Fang (Spell)...
As well, If you ALREADY have a Bite Attack somehow (w/ different damage), it'd be nice to clarify:
Should you use the damage according to Animal Fury or your "normal" Bite Damage?
I'd probably lean towards the 1st option according to RAW, but what if you have a Poisonous Bite?
Shouldn't that apply to the Animal Fury Bite Attack? It's not like you're growing a second jaw/ set of teeth.
It WOULD be nice if there was a sentence somewhere clarifying that Feats/Spells requiring X ability/condition ARE able to be taken by (Feats) or be cast on (Spells) anyone, but they simply aren't 'activated'/ usable until their stated requirement is met. If the Spell "Magic Fang" requires Natural Weapons to function, it COULD be cast on anyone - It merely has no effect until they acquire Natural Weapons somehow, such as thru Animal Fury or the Sorceror Bloodline Abilities (the duration would begin expiring immediately after casting).
Likewise, if Feat X requiring Strength 24: A Barbarian who has that Strength only while Raging may take that Feat, but it only WORKS while they actually HAVE Strength 24 (Vice versa, you lose use of Power Attack if you take Strength Ability Damage). I've gone into some detail here, but this is a concept that really only needs a simple sentence or so somewhere in the rulebook.