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So,for my own amusement, I've been stating up the iconics int the new system. I've gotten to Sorcerer,and was wondering if there was an "offcial" version of what Seoni's ancestry was. I'm leaning towards fey, or maybe destined, but I was wondering if anyone else had some insight, or mabe a word from the creators on the topic? ::puppy dog eyes::

Slime |

So,for my own amusement, I've been stating up the iconics int the new system. I've gotten to Sorcerer,and was wondering if there was an "offcial" version of what Seoni's ancestry was. I'm leaning towards fey, or maybe destined, but I was wondering if anyone else had some insight, or mabe a word from the creators on the topic? ::puppy dog eyes::
Nothing official from what I saw, but here are a few bits of info that may be of use: "Invisible familiar" mentionned in the stats but never represented anywhere (so basicaly: no familiar), Reference to "Answering to unspecified rules and dictates" (or something like that) and preference for flashy stuff (Spells, clothing and jewellery).
As an Iconic, we could expect Arcane (being a bit closer to 3.5 baseline sorcerer) but Destined sounds a bit more in line with the personnality/background.
Hope this helps a bit, now stop with the eyes' stuff! ;)

Slime |

Doesnt she get arcane bond for her familiar? which is arcane bloodline.?
You can see it on p.43 of the Beta for the Acane Bloodline. the Arcane Bond works the same as the Wizard's so either a familiar or an object and the same staff is always shown in the illustrations, a familiar ... not so much.

The Dalesman |

There's also that picture of Seoni floating cross-legged in a magic circle/pentacle with a slightly sinister glowy-eyed elf lady behind her. I don't remember if the picture was supposed to be in Cheliax or not, but it does have an infernal feel to it. It could be a hint as to her sorcerous bloodline...[shrugs]
More grist for Ye Olde Rumour Mille :)
Your Friendly Neighborhood Dalesman
"Bringing Big D**n Justice to the Bad Guys Since 1369 DR"

KaeYoss |

She has a familiar because those are 3.5e stats, and all sorcerers get that class feature there. I haven't ever seen her familiar on any picture, though (but of course, there's plenty of other things to see in pictures featuring her - all of her, for a start), I'm not sure she'd keep the arcane bloodline just for some gecko.
I could tell you but that would be telling...
Who's your daddy?

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You have a good point she is on her 3.5 stats. In the end of the day we can only assume. may be when the next adventure path comes out we will have the iconic stats updated then we will find out what bloodline my favourite iconic has.
Would you like me to answer your question with a harrowing?

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This is by no means official, but I just updated all the iconics to Pathfinder for a game I'm running for new players this weekend.
I thought about Fey or Infernal for Seoni, but ultimately decided that neither of them really fit (and I wanted to play with the rules some, so I didn't choose Arcane). Based on her spell choices and focus on evocation, I went with the Elemental (fire) bloodline. It just seemed the best fit to me - YMMV.

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This is by no means official, but I just updated all the iconics to Pathfinder for a game I'm running for new players this weekend.
I thought about Fey or Infernal for Seoni, but ultimately decided that neither of them really fit (and I wanted to play with the rules some, so I didn't choose Arcane). Based on her spell choices and focus on evocation, I went with the Elemental (fire) bloodline. It just seemed the best fit to me - YMMV.
You know that seems like the best fit.
Choose a number from 1 to 9.

Pendagast |

I would go arcane bloodline, as it fits a straight up 3.5 conversion. And yeah go tattoo bonding, I have allowed this with a home game wizard, much fun
Yea the tatoo thing has shown up on her anda character in second darkness. They need an adendum to fix a few things that wont translate, like varisian tattos letting you use mage hand once per day....oooooo I can use it ALL day long already!
Need to give the tatoos something.

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seekerofshadowlight wrote:I would go arcane bloodline, as it fits a straight up 3.5 conversion. And yeah go tattoo bonding, I have allowed this with a home game wizard, much funYea the tatoo thing has shown up on her anda character in second darkness. They need an adendum to fix a few things that wont translate, like varisian tattos letting you use mage hand once per day....oooooo I can use it ALL day long already!
Need to give the tatoos something.
We should hope that it will be fixed on the release of rtm rules.

KaeYoss |

If you're not insisting on official, I did a conversion of the "Feats of Varisa" in the RotRL PG as Traits. Here's what I came up with for the Tatoos.
Magic Legacy: The magic of your homeland is in your blood. You were told by a Varisian soothsayer that this magic is linked to
the ancient monuments that dot the landscape, and that if you want to learn more, you should visit the Swallowtail Festival in
Sandpoint. Select a school of magic except divination. If you take the Spell Focus feat for that school, you cast spells of this
school at +1 caster level. In addition, you can cast a single cantrip as a spell‐like ability a number of times per day equal to
your Constitution modifier (minimum 1/day, caster level equals Hit Dice, save DC is Charisma‐ based).
o Abjuration: Resistance.
o Conjuration: Acid splash.
o Enchantment: Daze.
o Evocation: Dancing lights.
o Illusion: Ghost sound.
o Necromancy: Touch of fatigue.
o Transmutation: Mage hand