Channeling Energy -- Rule clarity and completeness questionable?

Playtest Reports

Ran an encounter at low levels against undead. The cleric channelled, and rolled well. So far everything is great.

But when looking up effects I ran into a few questions. First, in the channeling description, does "30' burst" mean diameter or radius? Second, undead failing their save flee for x rounds. Great but details? Did they get the frightened condition? What if the rooms walls or a hazard block their flight? Would they flee into a fiery chasm? Do they cower as in 3.5? If they can't flee and the cleric closes to melee range do they snap out of it as in 3.5?

If if could add to the questions on channeling energy: Do you roll the damage/healing for each creature effected or just once and apply to all?

Gnome-Eater wrote:
If if could add to the questions on channeling energy: Do you roll the damage/healing for each creature effected or just once and apply to all?

As I understand it, once for all.

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I believe that 'burst' is assumed to originate out from the center, therefore a 30' burst would have a 30' radius.

therealthom wrote:
First, in the channeling description, does "30' burst" mean diameter or radius?

Any effect with a standard description (burst, cone, line, etc) is covered in the spells chapter. Bursts are always measured by their radius.

therealthom wrote:
Second, undead failing their save flee for x rounds. Great but details? Did they get the frightened condition? What if the rooms walls or a hazard block their flight? Would they flee into a fiery chasm? Do they cower as in 3.5? If they can't flee and the cleric closes to melee range do they snap out of it as in 3.5?

They flee "as if frightened". Thus, you apply everything from the Frightened condition that applies to fleeing. Thus, they won't flee into a hazard that would deal damage to them, they'll fight if they're prevented from fleeing, and they do not cower.

Zurai wrote:
therealthom wrote:
First, in the channeling description, does "30' burst" mean diameter or radius?

Any effect with a standard description (burst, cone, line, etc) is covered in the spells chapter. Bursts are always measured by their radius.

therealthom wrote:
Second, undead failing their save flee for x rounds. Great but details? Did they get the frightened condition? What if the rooms walls or a hazard block their flight? Would they flee into a fiery chasm? Do they cower as in 3.5? If they can't flee and the cleric closes to melee range do they snap out of it as in 3.5?
They flee "as if frightened". Thus, you apply everything from the Frightened condition that applies to fleeing. Thus, they won't flee into a hazard that would deal damage to them, they'll fight if they're prevented from fleeing, and they do not cower.

Thanks, Fatespinner and Zurai. Next question is, was cowering left out on purpose? Under the old turn undead rule, I liked the image of the undead fleeing for their lives and being reduced to cowering if something blocked their path. That made sense.

Under Zurai's interpretation, if a cleric channels energy in a small room, say 20x20, does the undead take his damage, bump into the wall, and, being prevented from fleeing, come back to kill the hapless cleric? Or would the whole cowering bit, in conjunction with channel energy as written, be just too powerful?

My understanding is that they undead will stay as far away as possible. IF the cleric comes up to it and attacks (or someone else attacks) the undead will defend itself, but it will still try and get away as well if it can (possibly running to the other side of the room).

It's kind of like chasing a goose. As long as it has somewhere to go, it'll probably run from you, but if you get it into a corner it'll go nutters on you and attack.

Dark Archive

Abraham spalding wrote:

It's kind of like chasing a goose. As long as it has somewhere to go, it'll probably run from you, but if you get it into a corner it'll go nutters on you and attack.


Not a sentence I ever expected to read here!

Has this kind of thing happened to you before? ;)


My little sister, but really most animals are that way.

therealthom wrote:
Would they flee into a fiery chasm?

If Mummies and Vampires are lairing near large, continuous open flames, then they're doing it wrong.

Reminds me of one of my first GMs back in the mid 80s. Whenever we'd run into a lava blister or pool of acid we just KNEW Trolls were nearby.

Dark Archive

Abraham spalding wrote:
...but really most animals are that way.

I'm aware, believe me, I just thought maybe you were reliving your own traumatic experience. ;)

Does channeling heal an equal amount of lethal and non-lethal damage at the same time as a typical conjuration(healing) spell would? While it seems obvious that it might, it's already a powerful ability, so we've been playtesting it as NOT. So far, no major issues, though there were a couple times it would've been nice.

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