baron arem heshvaun |
Inspired by Brent, Joey and James
That said, if anyone here wants to stat up a high-level marilith... I'd love to see it!
Would some of our busy bee GMs like to take a crack at Alistraria ?
Once were done with a few drafts let’s get a thumbs up from James and place the 'final edit' on this thread.
Gentlemen, start your engines.
Tzzarg |
Although these are probably not what you are looking for, I have seen one or two high level mariliths statted over the years. Hope these provide some support on how to design Alistraria into a fearsome challenge.
Knightfall over on EnWorld came up with Doodvrouw ( dated-sept-22-07-a.html) a CR 25 marilith/half-vampire/mortal hunter 10. (see post #11)
Robert Wiese for the Fight Club feature over on the Wizards site came up with Aishapra, a marilith dervish, who was statted at cr 17, 21, and 24. (
Good luck.
Stewart Perkins |
Joey Virtue wrote:So what level do we think she is I dont have the book infront of me and I have not read any of it yetI posted it in the other thread too, but in case you're checking here:
** spoiler omitted **
Yea and thats kinda scary because
Karui Kage |
I would say CR 23 actually. Mariliths are pretty much pure combat creatures with some SLAs, and though they have a good Hide/Move Silently they have no special abilities or other qualities that are normally associated with rogues (bonuses against flat-footed creatures, common tactics of sneaking and such, etc.).
I've been statting her up. CR 23 seems appropriate so far.
From the SRD:
Though mariliths thrive on grand strategy and army-level tactics, they love physical combat and never pass up an opportunity to fight. Each of a marilith’s six arms can wield a weapon, and the creature gets an additional three weapon attacks with its primary arm. Mariliths seldom rush headlong into battle, however, preferring to hang back and size up the situation first. They always seek to gain the best possible advantage from the local terrain, obstacles, and any vulnerability or weakness in their opponents.
Sounds pretty Fighterish to me.
Karui Kage |
So I have her statted up, as best I figure. Should she have magic gear? I would assume so, being a major NPC. The highest the chart goes to on NPC Gear is 75,000 GP for weapons, 45,000 GP for protection, 45,000 GP for magic, 18,000 GP for limited use, and 2,000 GP for gear.
Oh, yeah, I statted/converted her using Pathfinder Beta. Hope that's ok. :)
baron arem heshvaun |
So what level do we think she is I dont have the book infront of me and I have not read any of it yet
I was thinking about CR 22 or thereabouts, and NOT above CR 24; she should be able to face down a prepared high level adventuring party of four. But your thoughts on this are as good as mine. James if you see this thread could you please give us some base guidelines?
BUT if you do give her 12 Class levels (yikes) I would not put it all in rouge. Fighter 3/Rouge 5/Assassin 4 perhaps ?
I've been statting her up. CR 23 seems appropriate so far...
Sounds pretty Fighterish to me.
Bring it on baby ! And yes, Marliths are the generals of the Abyss, this one could be 'special' though. Maybe along the lines of an information broker/spy master type; i.e. a wartime Consiglerie/Intelligence Director.
She want's to be Iggwilv's BFF. But the Witch Queen of Perrenland hardly returns her calls anymore *sigh*.
James Jacobs Creative Director |
Rogue levels are non-associated for a marilith; she should be CR 23 or thereabouts. As for how much gear to give her... my general rule for monsters with class levels is to treat them as an NPC of a level equal to their CR. So! She should have gear equal to a 23rd level NPC, which means heading into the Epic Level Handbook/SRD to get the total.
James Jacobs Creative Director |
BUT if you do give her 12 Class levels (yikes) I would not put it all in rouge. Fighter 3/Rouge 5/Assassin 4 perhaps ?
I'm not a big fan of that type of multiclassing over-complexity, generally. Were her stats to come in like that, I'd be 94% likely to rebuild her as a rogue 12 anyway.
baron arem heshvaun |
Rogue levels are non-associated for a marilith; she should be CR 23 or thereabouts. As for how much gear to give her... my general rule for monsters with class levels is to treat them as an NPC of a level equal to their CR. So! She should have gear equal to a 23rd level NPC, which means heading into the Epic Level Handbook/SRD to get the total.
Wow thanks for the guidelines James that was quick!
Now for my next wish can I get a lamborghini gallardo as part of my Pathfinder Subsrciption ?
baron arem heshvaun wrote:BUT if you do give her 12 Class levels (yikes) I would not put it all in rouge. Fighter 3/Rouge 5/Assassin 4 perhaps ?I'm not a big fan of that type of multiclassing over-complexity, generally. Were her stats to come in like that, I'd be 94% likely to rebuild her as a rogue 12 anyway.
I was thinking more of 'backstory' rather than raw power and stats but point taken : )
Karui Kage |
Well, I'm heading home so I'll finish editing her there, once I find out the value of a 23rd level NPCs gear.
Here's her without any of her pwnage gear. I made the weapon choices off of the picture (punching dagger was my best guess for that one weird looking weapon on the top left), and the feat/other choices because they made sense. She is a pretty awesome warrior already, even without the gear.
Here she is. - Using Pathfinder RPG Beta rules, no gear added on yet.
James Jacobs Creative Director |
I didn't see anything about the request for marilith stat block plus class levels - can we get a better linky?
This is pretty much it. There's a marilith character mentioned in Pathfinder #18 who has a very VERY minor role in the Adventure Path, so minor that she doesn't have a stat block. She's a 12th level rogue marilith. Some folk complained that there was no stat block presented, I countered with "She's CR 23 and that's a waste of paper to print a stat block for a minor character in an adventure for 15th level characters," but then said I'd love to see versions statted up.
Turin the Mad |
Turin the Mad wrote:I didn't see anything about the request for marilith stat block plus class levels - can we get a better linky?This is pretty much it. There's a marilith character mentioned in Pathfinder #18 who has a very VERY minor role in the Adventure Path, so minor that she doesn't have a stat block. She's a 12th level rogue marilith. Some folk complained that there was no stat block presented, I countered with "She's CR 23 and that's a waste of paper to print a stat block for a minor character in an adventure for 15th level characters," but then said I'd love to see versions statted up.
Consider it done ^_^. Any specifics on what materials/books are permitted for reference?
The O P |
And yes, Marliths are the generals of the Abyss, this one could be 'special' though. Maybe along the lines of an information broker/spy master type; i.e. a wartime Consiglerie/Intelligence Director.
She want's to be Iggwilv's BFF. But the Witch Queen of Perrenland hardly returns her calls anymore *sigh*.
On a more serious note; some item or tome among her belongings may lead Golarion based players to the names "Iggwilv" and even "Greyhawk" - Epic level other world spanning adventure seed.
Hmm could we give her the ability or a device that lets her Gate in a Kelvezu? I think that would be in character with her theme. [checking kelvezu in the srd]
baron arem heshvaun |
Here she is. - Using Pathfinder RPG Beta rules, no gear added on yet.
Good start Karui! Any others?
baron arem heshvaun |
I make em as they're asked. Converting NPCs to Pathfinder Beta rules takes a half hour for the higher levels, much less for lowers. It's a piece o' cake.
He he, I meant if other posters wanted to take a stab at Alistaria's 'flavor' on top of the 'crunch' but thanks for the crunchy goodness so far.
Turin the Mad |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Alistraxia, Unexpected Advisor and Deliverer of Forbidden Lore Female Advanced Elite Dreadnaught Marilith, 12th level Rogue Book of Templates, Deluxe Edition pages 40-41; Pathfinder Chronicles Campaign Setting, Pathfinder RPG Beta rules set
CR: 22* * Technically her CR calculates to a 27, but I am of the opinion that CR increases should be treated as a certain number of HD. In this case, the CR is set at a 22 since she will almost certainly prove to be a truly formidable threat until the 23rd level 'epic' feats come into play.
"Alistraxia is a deliverer of forbidden lore that often works directly for Abraxas. She is knowledgable in her own right, but the breadth and depth of knowledge Abraxas has access to puts her own not-inconsiderable knowledge to shame. Knowledge is the kind of power that permits a being to indulge in whatever whims strikes a fancy. Her recent errand to deliver a kernal of forbidden lore to Golarion at Abraxas' behest is intriguing. Part of what she will glean from her time in the Blood Basilica includes the theory behind the construction of the earthfall glyphs. Part of what she has already gleaned is the delectable information regarding the transformative nature of the elves into drow. And of course yet another part of what she will gain from her time here includes the delectably entertaining realms unique to the vicinity of the Blood Basilica - as well as the slight chance that a group of puny mortals would dare to attempt to harm her. Once her time here is done - and the forbidden lore of the earthfall glyphs has been distributed as Abraxas has commanded her, she will most certainly seek out a means to construct a personalized variation of the master glyph into an item for her own benefit."
Chaotic Evil Large Outsider (Augmented, Chaotic, Extraplanar, Evil, Tanar'ri)
Initiative: +12
Senses: Darkvision 60'/120'; continuous True Seeing (CL 30th); sees in all directions at the same moment; sees all forms of ethereal and invisible things within 120'; retains her Dexterity bonus to AC even when flat-footed & cannot be flanked; cannot avert nor close her eyes when confronted by creatures with gaze attacks; Perception +56; Sense Motive +38
AC: 47, Incorporeal Touch AC: 27, Touch AC: 22; Uncanny Dodge (retains DEX bonus to AC) and Improved Uncanny Dodge (cannot be flanked unless by 16th level or higher rogues) (10, -1 size, +20 natural armor, +8 Dexterity, +3 armor, +2 shield, +5 deflection)
Hit Points: 720 (18d8 outsider HD +12d8 rogue HD = 30d8 HD, maximized [240] +480 CON bonus)
Saving Throw Bonuses:
- Fortitude +37
- Reflex +33, Evasion
- Will +29
Immune to: Disease, Electricity, Mind influencing effects and spells, Paralysis, Poison and Stunning; critical hits and sneak attacks
Resists: Acid 20, Cold 20, Fire 20, Sonic 20
SR 40
Damage Reduction 10/good and cold iron; 30/magic
Feint DC: 48
Speed 40' ft.
Space/Reach 10 ft./ 10 ft.
BAB +27
- CMB +43
- Melee AB +41
- Ranged AB +34
Melee +6 keen Large bastard sword +47 melee (2d8+28) or slam +46 melee (1d8+20) or tail slap +46 melee (4d6+20)
- Full Attack Melee +6 keen Large bastard sword, wielded two-handed; +43/+38/+33/+28 melee (2d8+28 slashing) [17-20/x2 = 4d8+56]
- and +4 Large spear +41/+36/+31 melee 2d6+19 piercing [20/x3 = 6d6+57]
- and +6 Large defending flail +43/+38/+33 melee 2d6+21 bludgeoning [19-20/x2 = 4d6+42]
- and +3 Large heavy mace of smiting +40/+35/+30 melee 2d6+18 bludgeoning [20/x2 = 4d6+36]
- and +2 Large double-fang of puncturing +39/+34/+29 melee 1d8+17 Piercing [18-20/x2 = 2d8+34]
- and tail slap +46 melee (4d6+12)
- or 6 slams +46 melee (1d8+20) and tail slap +46 melee (4d6+20)
Ranged +4 distance returning spear +38 thrown; 40' range increment; 2d6+19 Piercing [20/x3 = 6d6+57]
Special Attacks
- Improved Grab (triggered by tail slap attack, generating a +43 CMB check to initiate a grab as a free action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity; if successful on the grapple check, she may constrict)
- Constrict 4d6+27 bludgeoning plus DC 40 (10 +15 +15 STR) Fortitude saving throw when constricted to negate losing consciousness for as long as the foe remains in her coils plus (2d4) rounds afterwards
- spell-like abilities (CL 30th)
- Sneak Attack +6d6 plus 2 points Strength damage plus 6 point bleeding attack plus unable to make attacks of opportunity for 1 round
- Felling Strike (ex): 4x/day when she successfully confirms a critical hit, she can elect to elect to make a 'felling strike' by attempting a second confirmation roll. If this second roll is successful, the foe takes full damage from the critical hit as normal and must also succeed on a Fortitude saving throw or be slain. The DC is (10 + damage dealt)
- Punishing Strike (ex): 4x/day she may declare an attack to be a punishing strike, adding her +10 Charisma bonus on the attack roll and her 30 HD as a bonus on the damage roll. She may only do so every 4th round.
- Rapid Strike (Sp): 7x/day she may grant herself a personal-only 'haste' effect at a caster level of 30th.
Spell-like Abilities (CL 30th, DC 23 + spell level)
- At Will: align weapon, blade barrier (DC 29), magic weapon, project image (DC 29), polymorph, see invisibility, telekinesis (DC 28), greater teleport and unholy aura (DC 31)
- 3x/day Quickened Greater Teleport
- 1x/day Summon Tanar'ri as detailed on page 45 of the Monster Manual
- STR 35 / 41 (+15) [ooc](29 +4 dreadnaught +2 elite)
- DEX 21 / 27 (+8) (19 +4 dreadnaught -2 elite)
- CON 37 / 43 (+16) (29+6 dreadnaught +2 elite)
- INT 18 / 22 (+6) (18 +0 elite)
- WIS 20 / 26 (+8) (18 +2 elite)
- CHA 30 / 36 (+13) (24 +2 dreadnaught +4 elite)
Feats (15):
- Combat Expertise
- Combat Reflexes = 9/rd
- Multiattack/Improved Multiattack (2)
- Multiweapon Fighting/Multi-Slice/Improved Multiweapon Fighting/Greater Multiweapon Fighting (4)
- Improved Disarm (CMB +45)
- Improved Feint (CMB +45)
- Improved Trip (CMB +45)
- Exotic Weapon Proficiency - Bastard Sword
- Improved Initiative
- Quick Draw
- Quicken Spell-like Ability - Greater Teleport
- Endurance (Bonus)
- Proficiency with all simple and martial weapons (Outsider Bonus)
- Acrobatics +38 (30r)
- Bluff +43 (30r)
- Diplomacy +43 (30r)
- Disguise +63 (30r +20 polymorph)
- Intimidate +43 (30r)
- Knowledge (arcana) (history) (planes)/(dungeoneering) (local) (nature) +36 (30r)
- Perception +56 (30r +8 racial +10 competence)
- Sense Motive +38 (30r)
- Spellcraft +36 (30r)
- Use Magic Device +43 (30r)
Languages: Abyssal, Celestial, Draconic, Infernal and Undercommon; Telepathy 100'
- All of her natural weapons as well as any weapon she wields are treated as chaotic-aligned, evil-aligned and magical for purposes of bypassing damage reduction and regeneration.
- First Secret of the Demon Serpent (Su): Her Demon Lord Abraxas has taught her some of the forgotten marilith war arts from aeons ago. She has learned how to strike with her natural and wielded weapons as though they were considered adamantine, cold iron and silver - whichever is the most advantageous to her as the blow lands or the weapon strikes a given foe. This ability is automatic and continuous.
- Trapfinding
- Poison Master (ex): If she poisons a foe as part of a sneak attack, the DC for any such poisons is increased by 4 on the initial saving throw.Alternative Class Feature, Pathfinder Chronicles Campaign Setting, page 49
- Crippling Strike Advanced Rogue Talent
- Skill Mastery <Acrobatics, Bluff, Intimidate, Perception, Sense Motive, Spellcraft and Use Magic Device> Advanced Rogue Talent
- Bleeding Attack Rogue Talent
- Slow Reactions Rogue Talent
- Fast Stealth Rogue Talent
- Ledge Walker Rogue Talent
Gear +3 bracers of heavy fortification, ring of splendid security, belt of physical perfection +6, headband of mental superiority +6 30 ranks each in Knowledge (dungeoneering) (local) (nature), vest of eyes, set of four rings of elemental command - 1 each air, earth, fire and water - that she has successfully sought out the secrets to & activated, ring of force shield, +6 keen Large bastard sword, +5 Large distance returning spear, +6 Large defending flail (disarm CMB +47; trip CMB +45), +3 Large mace of smiting, +2 Large double-fang of puncturing, +5 amulet of mighty fists.
Other gear as deemed necessary by Abraxas and/or as she is able to beg, borrow, steal or kill for. Commonly acquired are poisons, depending upon what she anticipates having to deal with.
EDIT: I have no idea why so much of the text morphed into blue "ooc" text >.< ...
Joey Virtue |
Well here is my attempt at her, I did her using 3.5 rules and a few Wizards Splat books she is a sneak attacking machine is how I designed her so tell me what you guys think
Size/Type: Large Outsider Advanced 12th Level Rogue Marilith
Hit Dice: 20d8+12d8+352 (544)
Initiative: +12
Speed: 40ft
Armor Class: 40 (-1 Size, +8 Dex, +16 Natural, +7 Armor),
Base Attack/Grapple: +29/+42
Attack: Long Sword +42 (2d6+14 17-20x2), Slam +38 (1d8+10), or Tail Slap +38 (4d6+10)
Full Attack: +4 Long Sword of Speed +42/+42/+37/+32/+27/+22 (2d6+14 17-20x2) and 5 +1 Long Swords of Wounding +39 (2d6+6 17-20x2) Tail Slap +36 (4d6+5)
Space/Reach: 10ft/10ft
Special Attacks: Constrict (4d6+15) Improved Grab, Spell Like Abilities, Summon Demon, Sneak Attack +6d6, Crippling Strike
Special Qualities: Damage Reduction 10/ Good and Cold Iron, Darkvision 60ft, Immunity to Electricity, and Poison, Resistance to Acid 10, Resistance to Fire 10, Spell Resistance 29, Telepathy 100ft, Evasion, Improved Uncanny Dodge, Trap Sense +4
Saves: Fort +29, Ref +28, Will +20
Abilities: Str 30, Dex 26, Con 32, Int 16, Wis 18, Cha 22
Skills: Bluff +35, Concentration +25, Diplomacy +35, Disguise +20, Hide +32, Intimidate +36, Listen +36, Move Silently +36, Search +36, Sense Motive +36, Spell Craft +30, Survival +12, Use Magical Device +36
Feats: Multiattack, Multiweapon Fighting, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Power Attack, Weapon Focus (Long Sword), Improved Critical (Long Sword), Improved Initiative, Quicken Spell Like Ability (Greater Teleport) Telling Blow (PH2 p83), Oversized Two-Weapon Fighting (CAdv p111), Two-Weapon Pounce (PH2 p84),
Challenge Rating: 25
Items Bracers of Armor +7, +4 Long Sword of Speed (Large), 5 +1 Long Swords or Wounding (Large),
Constrict (Ex) Alistraxia deals 4d6+15 points of damage with a successful grapple check The constricted creature must succeed on a DC 30 Fort Save or lose consciousness for as long as it remains in the coils and for 2d4 rounds thereafter. The save DC is Strength-based.
Improved Grab (Ex) To use this ability, Alistraxia must hit with its tail slap attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it succeeds on the grapple check, it can constrict.
Spell Like Abilities: At Will: Align Weapon, Blade Barrier (DC 22), Magic Weapon, Project Image (DC 22), See Invisibility, Telekinesis (DC 21), Greater Teleport (self plus 50 pounds of objects only), Unholy Aura (DC 24) Caster Level 20th The save DCs are Charisma-based.
Summon Demon (Sp) Once per day Alistraxia can attempt to summon 4d10 Dretches, 1d4 Hezrou, or one Nalfeshnee with a 50% chance of success, or one Glabrezu or another Marilith with a 20% chance of success. This ability is the equivalent of a 5th-level spell.
True Seeing (Su) Alistrxia continuously use this ability, as the spell (caster level 20th).
Feats In combination with her natural abilities, Alistraxia’s multiweapon fighting feat allows her to attack with all its arms at no penalty.
Sneak Attack: If Alistraxia can catch an opponent when he is unable to defend himself effectively from her attack, she can strike a vital spot for extra damage. (6D6 Damage)
Evasion (Ex) Alistraxia can avoid even magical and unusual attacks with great agility. If she makes a successful Reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage on a successful save, she instead takes no damage.
Improved Uncanny Dodge (Ex) Alistraxia can no longer be flanked.
Crippling Strike (Ex) Alistraxia can sneak attack opponents with such precision that her blows weaken and hamper them. An opponent damaged by one of her sneak attacks also takes 2 points of Strength damage. Ability points lost to damage return on their own at the rate of 1 point per day for each damaged ability.
Karui Kage |
Pretty much finished my version of Alistraxia. I decided to stick with Pathfinder RPG Beta rules, along with core equipment. I used the Epic Level Handbook as a gauge for what an NPC of CR 23 should have gear-wise (290,000 gp worth it turns out) and spend that up. I wanted to go by the picture as much as I could, so I made all her weapons unholy (they looked particularly nasty) and wanted to give her scale mail, but ended up going with a light chain shirt as she didn't appear to be wearing much. Only non-visual components really are the cloak and rings, but otherwise it seems all good.
Still have a little over 9,000 gp I could spend, but not sure what on. She doesn't seem the type for wands or such, and is really just a pure combat general marilith with a side of being incredibly sneaky and stabby.
Link here.
James Jacobs Creative Director |
Still have a little over 9,000 gp I could spend, but not sure what on. She doesn't seem the type for wands or such, and is really just a pure combat general marilith with a side of being incredibly sneaky and stabby.
I would suggest spending that last 9,000 gp on jewelry. Mariliths like their bling.
Turin the Mad |
Joey Virtue wrote:tell me what you guys thinkNot bad at all (but not the CR 23 that James originally mentioned). Same with the one above it. The feats from the additional splats are cool, and appreciated.
But I'm not sure the additional advancement (beyond Rog12) is needed nor warranted.
Actually, I would refute that assessment, since the specific description only mentions (pages 44-45):
"... a powerful creature indeed - as a 12th level rogue, her skill with weapons and treachery is far greater even than most mariliths can master." There is no assessment for her CR explicitly stated - and more importantly, I'd be pretty willing to bet a 20th level Pathfinder Beta party could beat my own statblock.
Take a vanilla marilith and tack on 12 rogue levels (with a mere 3 ability score points of advancement plus any gear), I'd wager a 15th level Pathfinder Beta party would give her a run for the money in a fight, presuming they were at least somewhat prepared to deal with a teleporting foe. A 20th level Pathfinder Beta party should stomp her flat.
:) Given the non-hostile set-up of her in the adventure, she is hardly in the optimal position to truly capitolize on her sneak attack ability, which is a large part of her striking power with a more vanilla write-up.
Karui Kage |
Actually, I would refute that assessment, since the specific description only mentions (pages 44-45):
"... a powerful creature indeed - as a 12th level rogue, her skill with weapons and treachery is far greater even than most mariliths can master." There is no assessment for her CR explicitly stated - and more importantly, I'd be pretty willing to bet a 20th level Pathfinder Beta party could beat my own statblock.
Take a vanilla marilith and tack on 12 rogue levels (with a mere 3 ability score points of advancement plus any gear), I'd wager a 15th level Pathfinder Beta party would give her a run for the money in a fight, presuming they were at least somewhat prepared to deal with a teleporting foe. A 20th level Pathfinder Beta party should stomp her flat.
:) Given the non-hostile set-up of her in the adventure, she is hardly in the optimal position to truly capitolize on her sneak attack ability, which is a large part of her striking power with a more vanilla write-up.
I think Arnwyn was just referring to this from James:
"This is pretty much it. There's a marilith character mentioned in Pathfinder #18 who has a very VERY minor role in the Adventure Path, so minor that she doesn't have a stat block. She's a 12th level rogue marilith. Some folk complained that there was no stat block presented, I countered with "She's CR 23 and that's a waste of paper to print a stat block for a minor character in an adventure for 15th level characters," but then said I'd love to see versions statted up."Turin the Mad |
Turin the Mad wrote:Actually, I would refute that assessment, since the specific description only mentions (pages 44-45):
"... a powerful creature indeed - as a 12th level rogue, her skill with weapons and treachery is far greater even than most mariliths can master." There is no assessment for her CR explicitly stated - and more importantly, I'd be pretty willing to bet a 20th level Pathfinder Beta party could beat my own statblock.
Take a vanilla marilith and tack on 12 rogue levels (with a mere 3 ability score points of advancement plus any gear), I'd wager a 15th level Pathfinder Beta party would give her a run for the money in a fight, presuming they were at least somewhat prepared to deal with a teleporting foe. A 20th level Pathfinder Beta party should stomp her flat.
:) Given the non-hostile set-up of her in the adventure, she is hardly in the optimal position to truly capitolize on her sneak attack ability, which is a large part of her striking power with a more vanilla write-up.
I think Arnwyn was just referring to this from James:
"This is pretty much it. There's a marilith character mentioned in Pathfinder #18 who has a very VERY minor role in the Adventure Path, so minor that she doesn't have a stat block. She's a 12th level rogue marilith. Some folk complained that there was no stat block presented, I countered with "She's CR 23 and that's a waste of paper to print a stat block for a minor character in an adventure for 15th level characters," but then said I'd love to see versions statted up."
Yes, presuming that you go with the vanilla 3.5 assessment of a CR 17 +6 for the 12 non-associated class levels, that'd be a correct CR.
Take that up against a 23rd level party and see how long she lasts :P - 1 or maaybe 2 rounds is my bet, under "roll init and get to dyin'" circumstances. :)
Karui Kage |
D'oh!Yes, presuming that you go with the vanilla 3.5 assessment of a CR 17 +6 for the 12 non-associated class levels, that'd be a correct CR.
Take that up against a 23rd level party and see how long she lasts :P - 1 or maaybe 2 rounds is my bet, under "roll init and get to dyin'" circumstances. :)
Oh I don't know, I think she's actually pretty tough for a CR 23. Especially if she has a couple lower demons with her that can give a flank. Imagine what she could do with a set of full attacks, of which most all will hit, except maybe against a guy devoted to AC.
Just imagine. One character getting wailed on by her full attacks. Flanking, she has a total attack with everything of +41/+40/+39/+39/+39/+36/+36/+31/+26. Excluding a miss on a 1, all but two of those will hit an AC of 38 or lower, and the other two will still hit an AC 33 or 28 on a mere 2.
Overall damage? Good god. The sneak attack from flanking?
Longsword: 8d6+14 (avg. 42) x 4 possible hits
Flail: 8d6+13 (avg. 41)
Longspear: 8d6+19 (avg. 47)
Heavy Mace: 8d6+13 (avg. 41)
Punching Dagger: 7d6+13 (avg. 37)
Tail Slap: 10d6+6 (avg. 41)
Overall Damage: 375
Overall if Good Opponent: +56 extra damage on average
Most likely, that would kill any single PC outright. And that's assuming she focused all her attacks on him, didn't miss (or crit), etc.
The best part? She doesn't even really need her buddies for the flank. Likely, her first action in combat will be her Dazzling Display. Against medium creatures, she has an Intimidate of +52. That means the target would need a combined total of 43 Hit Dice + Wisdom mod for her to fail...on a 1. Not likely at all, even with level 23 characters, unless their Wisdom is +20. Then her opponents are shaken for at LEAST 1 round, but likely a good 4-5 rounds. During which time, they are all counted as flat-footed towards her attacks, due to Stunning Defense.
Her defenses aren't that bad either. The AC of 43 is pretty good, although a pure warrior won't have much trouble hitting her most other characters will. Her SR of 37 is a larger problem, even a level 23 caster still needs a 14+ to break through. Her DR of good and cold iron? I guess that varies from party to party.
Oh, and of course, as soon as she gets a single person in her tail through improved grab, they'll need to make that DC 30 Fortitude save or just plain lose consciousness, even for 2d4 rounds AFTER they get let out. Goodbye anyone with a poor Fort.
Personally, I think she is pretty awesome for a CR 23. I know I wouldn't want to go up against her, especially if she's fought as a boss (meaning she'd have a CR 2-3 higher than the party level).
Turin the Mad |
Turin the Mad wrote:O.o A Play-by-Post?
SI El Heffe de Loco !
A quickie ?
LMAO - you have me a good chuckle. (Heffe instead of Jefe though eh? ^^)
Guess we could do that, although I think we might have to drop into Lillith's chat room to do the die rolling for us. :)
Who has the upgraded 'generic' lvl 20 sample characters? I sure don't ... I do know there's a lvl 15 pack of generics ready to roll though.
Turin the Mad |
Turin the Mad wrote:Who has the upgraded 'generic' lvl 20 sample characters? I sure don't ... I do know there's a lvl 15 pack of generics ready to roll though.Let's advance them a few levels and see what's what. Say 17 ? Or keep them at 15 and see if the gods of tpk get an offering.
I'd say 18th, give them all the 9th level goodies for core class. I'd say go for 20th, but I dunno who will be up for the grinding of the last 5 core class levels on 11 iconics. O.o
TPK via ~CR 23 ... at 15th ... youch... ^^ It'd be interesting to see, with some creativity they could do it in theory. :)
daemonslye |
Here is another version Alistraxia using PFRPG Rules (Descent into Midnight p.44) -> CLICK HERE
I figured a "lower level" opponent would be interesting to see; She has taken levels of Unholy Warrior (from Book of Fiends, used by Paizo on occasion) in addition to rogue. I attempted to have her make as much use of the new PFRPG feats as possible. As I look at it, she still has an issue with high AC opponents (unless they are the enemy she targets with her Hamartia (chosen foe) ability). While she has good saves and a few extra defenses vs. enchantments, psionics and damaging spells allowing a save, she will still be vulnerable to high level no-save damaging spells. Given the complexity in terms of feats/items, let me know where I may have made a mistake; Also, I flubbed a bit on the NPC cash for some interesting jewelry (counting this as "treasure", as opposed to "wealth", although they may be seen as the same thing).