On Gnolls, Hobgoblins, and Humanoids

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

Are Gnolls and Hobgoblins representive races in Golarion? Is so, where would they be positioned geographically in the world and what are their choice locations in Golarion? Best for raiding, trade, dungeons, etc.

Solmyr of the Azure Flame wrote:
Are Gnolls and Hobgoblins representive races in Golarion? Is so, where would they be positioned geographically in the world and what are their choice locations in Golarion? Best for raiding, trade, dungeons, etc.

Per some descriptions from the upcoming Legacy of Fire adventure path, there are plenty of Gnolls on the Osirion/Katapeshi border area (I think). Lots of raiding.

Hobgoblins are found anywhere goblins are found to my knowledge, other than that I haven't heard anything specific.

No Hobgoblins or Gnolls on the Varisia random encounter chart from PF#3.

Hobgoblins I'm not entirely sure, north/central avistan is the place to go for them.

Gnolls however primarily live in northern Garund, Katapesh being a nation with a particularly large population, they're big into slaves and typically make raids along the western reaches near the Shatttered Range, They'll play a big part in the early Legacy of Fire adventures, they probably also raid into southern Osirion. They have a strong present as slave-dealers in the Katapeshi capital, Katapesh were they have legitimacy as traders.

Majuba wrote:

Hobgoblins are found anywhere goblins are found to my knowledge, other than that I haven't heard anything specific.

There seem to be a lot of goblins and even some bugbears in Varisia, but no hobgoblins so far.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

According tp Classic Monsters Revisited, Hobgoblins were created to fight elves. It stands to reason that they'd live in former Elvish strongholds that were deserted before Starfall.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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While you can theoretically encounter any of the "baseline" savage humanoid races anywhere in Golarion, they certainly aren't as widespread as the core PC races. We've been trying to limit these races to specific areas, in fact, to help keep things varied... especially since there's really not a lot of game mechanic differences between them all.

We've never really written down these areas, but for the most part it works like this:

Goblins: coastlines, particularly western Avistan from the Lands of the Linnorm Kings down to Cheliax. Particularly fecund and populous in Varisia.

Hobgoblins: Central Avistan

Bugbears: Northwest Avistan (although these guys are more prone to be loners and are more widespread)

Orcs: The Hold of Belkzen and regions radiating out from there. Particularly lots of them in central Varisia.

Lizardfolk: Mwangi Expanse and I'm sure somewhere more temperate but I don't know for sure yet...

Gnolls: Northeast Garund (particularly Katapesh).

Ogres: Northern Avistan

Trolls: Northern Avistan

Kobolds: South central Avistan (particularly Andoran)

Who'd I forget?

Out of Classic Monsters Revisited you missed the Minotaurs. Just a suggestion, possibly throughout the ruins of Thassilonia and Osirion?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

silverhair2008 wrote:
Out of Classic Monsters Revisited you missed the Minotaurs. Just a suggestion, possibly throughout the ruins of Thassilonia and Osirion?

I actually don't really see minotaurs as having a large footprint on Golarion, really; they're the closest to "monster" of these monstrous races, and I've always felt they work best in solitary encounters. Actual civilizations of minotaurs are certainly popular concepts (Warcraft, Dragonlance, etc.) but it's not something that I think Golarion's necessarily going for.

That said, minotaurs are, I believe, focused mostly on the Isle of Kortos, Taldor, and Andoran.

It was just a thought.

I agree, just put em in a maze, or service to a gnoll lamashtan cult!!

Hobgoblins were made? By the Azlanti??

Paizo Employee Creative Director

vagrant-poet wrote:

I agree, just put em in a maze, or service to a gnoll lamashtan cult!!

Hobgoblins were made? By the Azlanti??

We haven't revealed who's responsible for creating hobgoblins. Not sure we ever will.

Damn. Okay, I'll create my own! That is the point of those delightful eternal mysteries after all!

Dark Archive

James Jacobs wrote:
We haven't revealed who's responsible for creating hobgoblins. Not sure we ever will.

SARUMAN ! Or Christopher Lee.

Wasn't Christopher Lee played by Saruman recently?

Anyway, I think it was the elves themselves: They wanted some decent sparring dummies, and orcs were not around at the time yet. Goblins just don't work.

But then the pesky Azlanti meddled and the Hobbies were able to flee.

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