Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper |

It has surprised me how the maul / greathammer / bloody-big-double-headed-oversized-hammer always seems to be omited from all core D&D materials. This is such a classic fantasy weapon, just as much as the greataxe or greatsword. The maul always gets added in via supplement later -- so why not cut to the chase and add in this classic weapon to the Pathfinder weapons listing?

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It has surprised me how the maul / greathammer / bloody-big-double-headed-oversized-hammer always seems to be omited from all core D&D materials. This is such a classic fantasy weapon, just as much as the greataxe or greatsword. The maul always gets added in via supplement later -- so why not cut to the chase and add in this classic weapon to the Pathfinder weapons listing?
*straightens the collar of his robes as he points toward the chalkboard with a stick* it's quite simple,really.the change from knife to dagger to short sword to long sword to greatsword to big-ass sword is a natural evolution (the broadsword being an offshoot that died several editions ago,as briefly discussed in dwarven historian Clang A'din's book On the Origin of Steel,chapter 83,paragraphs 17 to 839).the hammer,however,has only had time to evolve into a warhammer,not having enough time to develop further.in order to make up for this disparity,smiths have forcefed steroids to warhammers to grow them into big-ass mauls to compensate for the oversight,thus this is why mauls don't show up until later supplements.i hope this clarifies the reason why their arrival is delayed.next week we will discuss the tome about killer vegetation,The Celery Stalks at Midnight.class is dismissed,enjoy your day/night/timeless eternity

Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper |

*straightens the collar of his robes as he points toward the chalkboard with a stick* it's quite simple,really.the change from knife to dagger to short sword to long sword to greatsword to big-ass sword is a natural evolution (the broadsword being an offshoot that died several editions ago,as briefly discussed in dwarven historian Clang A'din's book On the Origin of Steel,chapter 83,paragraphs 17 to 839).the hammer,however,has only had time to evolve into a warhammer,not having enough time to develop further.in order to make up for this disparity,smiths have forcefed steroids to warhammers to grow them into big-ass mauls to compensate for the oversight,thus this is why mauls don't show up until later supplements.i hope this clarifies the reason why their arrival is delayed.next week we will discuss the tome about killer vegetation,The Celery Stalks at Midnight.class is dismissed,enjoy your day/night/timeless eternity
But how am I supposed to re-enact the big battle scene in Conan where "big tough un-known actor guy" keeps swing his maul at Conan, crushing pillars and everything else in sight??? A greatclub just doesn't cut it... unless you are an ogre. Hrmm... unless I make it a world of half-naked, buff halflings, and give one a warhammer... but that just conjures up horrible images...

Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper |

Check out the Earth Breaker (can't remember if its in the Beta or not, but its definitely in the Rise of the Runelords Player's Guide). Its a 2d6 x3 critical bludgeoning hammer. Its what I think you're looking for.
This see that this weapon is also listed in the Campaign Setting, and I'm quite certain it could be considered a maul / warhammer. Thanks for pointing this out.

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.next week we will discuss the tome about killer vegetation,The Celery Stalks at Midnight.class is dismissed,enjoy your day/night/timeless eternity
[threadjack]The Celery Stalks at Midnight is ultimately about a vampire bunny rabbit duking it out with some awakened animals, not killer vegetables (although vampire-spawn vegetables do make an appearance)[/threadjack]

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Studpuffin wrote:Check out the Earth Breaker (can't remember if its in the Beta or not, but its definitely in the Rise of the Runelords Player's Guide). Its a 2d6 x3 critical bludgeoning hammer. Its what I think you're looking for.This see that this weapon is also listed in the Campaign Setting, and I'm quite certain it could be considered a maul / warhammer. Thanks for pointing this out.
You are welcome!
The earthbreaker is very much the maul, but with a fancier name. We chose to call it an earthbreaker to give it a Pathfinder spin.
And an excellent name it is too! We house ruled one into our 3.5 game a few years ago but came up with the boring name of great hammer.
Probably won't see this, but what are the odds of making a great club a simple weapon? Its seems kinda wonky as a martial weapon with the Maul and Earthbreaker around considering its just a big stick.