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I generally love alchemical items and other 'mundane' equipment (I've got a huge list of custom mundane goods that I often make a GM agree to that my characters often have), so I'd personally love to see Paizo expand the range of alchemical items: both the types and how they scale.
Maybe with an increased DC and twice the materials cost, you can brew improved Alchemist Fire that does 2d6 fire damage and 1d2 splash damage, or harder to escape Tanglefoot Bags. Or maybe introduce items similar to what appears in the Complete Adventurer, granting small skill bonuses (hopefully at more reasonable prices than the ones in CA). Honestly, I'd be happy to see whatever creativity the Paizo folks can stamp onto one of my favorite equipment types.
How does everyone else feel about alchemy? Fun addition that needs to scale up as players do, or extraneous flavor?

HaraldKlak |

I agree with you completely. If you feel like posting something from your list (alchemical or otherwise), I would enjoy reading it.
Personally I am trying to convince my GM to let my have a custon magic item, which spawn a random alchemical item each time you take something from it. It's gonna end up in some stupid situations where my gnome bard is throwing tindertwigs at the enemy, because he hoped for a alchemist's fire.

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I wouldn't even increase the price. What I think would work a lot better is to just have the item scale with the level of the person using them. In most games, alchy items get really useless at the high levels just because they do very little damage. and the D.C.'s are so low by that point, even targetting someone's worst save means don't roll a 1 (or so).
Maybe, the damage might double every 5 levels, and the D.C. goes up by +5? Something like that.