Sharen |

Original thread HERE
Maybe it's time to clarify if Divine PrC CL add to the existing Divine spellcaster's level in order to to gain new domains powers.
I can understand that a wizard that takes a Arcane PrC doesn't gain new schools powers from the addition of the CL, since it's not specialization anymore ( unless some special PrC are created that would match the specialization itself ).
On the other hand, Divine Spellcaster's still worship their god, maybe even more for some PrC ( example of some PrC ( not included in the prC enhancement ) that have a perequisite of being cleric of some specific god ). Then why should they not progress in their access to domain powers ?
Now mechanically speaking, Domains are not as powerful as schools specialization. Schools powers abilities are more powerful in the overall, and the ability to cast any spell of the school of a given level makes it very flexible. Altough you have two domains for clerics, you are stuck to specific spell like abilities ( some of them won't ever be used, and they can't even be converted into healing )
Speaking of domains granting spell like abilities, I'll also ask the clarification about THIS matter.

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As I understand it, the wording between Cleric Level and Caster Level was just a generalization, and was not literal, because at the point in question, mean the same thing.
As for weither Prestige Classes will increase Domain abilites, they are not sure which way they will go yet. That is the reason there are no official PathFinder Divine Prestige Classes right now. Likely however, they will probably go with Prestige Classes that increase specific Domains, but want to test out different ways, and do not know if they will continue with PF Domains or 3.5 Domains in the final.
As for the Spell-Like Abilities, Domains grant Extra specific Spells that must be memorized just like normal spells. They are treated as Spell-Like abilities, (right now), but other wise act just like any other Cleric spell. (Essentually this means they do not require compontents, have a Cha based D.C., and do not get bonus spells for a high Cha).
That is as I understand it, at the moment, but I could be wrong.

Tholas |
I wish there would be some update on these issues. The domains as they are now are a bit of a letdown to me.
As for weither Prestige Classes will increase Domain abilites, they are not sure which way they will go yet. That is the reason there are no official PathFinder Divine Prestige Classes right now. Likely however, they will probably go with Prestige Classes that increase specific Domains, but want to test out different ways, and do not know if they will continue with PF Domains or 3.5 Domains in the final.
Doh! And I though I was following that part of the beta closely. When and where did Jason post that?