[Dragon Disciple] Build suggestions?

Prestige Classes

I'm building a 15th level character for our new Beta
game, which will be using the tournament module Crypt of
the Devil-Lich. Any suggestions for a Dragon Disciple build?
One feat will be going to Leadership (we're only 3 PCs,
need a little more meat), and we've got rolled stats (*high*
rolled stats, around the Epic Fantasy point-buy level). Only
material we can use is Paizo created Pathfinder stuff, so no
WoTC expansion books. Other than that, no real plan yet.

C'mon, I know y'all have opinions, and this is the Internet, for
$DEITY sake. Share them!

Yeah here are some suggestions:

1. Don't double post.
2. Post in the right area.
3. Don't be rude when asking for help.

Abraham spalding wrote:

Yeah here are some suggestions:

1. Don't double post.
2. Post in the right area.
3. Don't be rude when asking for help.

Sometimes I forget why I usually avoid web forums like the plague.

Thanks for reminding me.

Pleasures all mine believe me.

Abraham spalding wrote:
Pleasures all mine believe me.

Glad I could make your life a little better, all a part of the service.

Out of curiousity, where would a clever guy like yourself think
the right forum for discussing the design for a build of the
Dragon Disciple (using the most current Pathfinder Beta rules
set) is?

General dis, gamer connection, gamer life some place like that.

Probably not in the middle of the design forums where people are trying to get the system straight to begin with.

Beyond that I would have to say that at first glance a bard can really rock better with Dragon Disciple than a Sorcerer would.

I think it's funny that the only person who appeared to have been PO'd by the OP was you, Abe, and your response was many times more caustic that the good-natured request for assistance the OP requested.

But, what the heck do I know? lol.

I'm not sure what the P1$$ing match is all about but there are different ideas of where to take the Dragon Discipline. Are you focused primarily on being a melee bruiser? Then you probably want to do Barb 4/ Sorcerer 1/ DragonD 10 or even Barb 4/ Sorcerer 1/ DD 7/ Eldritch Knight 3. If you are primarily a caster you probably want to put more caster levels in and do sorcerer 5. I haven't run one yet but I think BAB is a big concern for a Dragon Discipline unless he has some levels in a martial class before he enters the class.

As far as spell selection goes the spell selection isn't going to be much different than it was under 3.5. You might check this list out or this one.

A PC in my game is a Blood Rage Barbarian/Draconic Bloodline Sorcerer/DD, and it is working well for him. His only 'complaint' is that the Dragonform duration is 'too low', but he isn't sweating it.

I'd try either...

Ranger 1/Bard 4/Dragon Disciple 7/Eldritch Knight 3 (evil outsider favoured enemy usually works pretty well for a high-level game) --> has 11th level bard casting


Bard 8/Dragon Disciple 7 --> 13th level bard casting

or maybe...

Fighter 1/Paladin 2/Sorcerer 2/Dragon Disciple 7/Eldritch Knight 3 --> has 9th level sorcerer casting

The dragon disciple I'm heading towards with one of my characters is going to be something like:

Half-elf Monk 6/Sorcerer 2/Dragon Disciple 7

Then I'll try to get the best Amulet of Mighty Fists I can afford and use Beast Shape to polymorph into all kinds of cool creatures with lots of natural attacks (to mix with unarmed strikes). (Giant octopus?)

I'll bite, Why Ranger 1? Is that just for the Martial Weapons?

I used barbarian because the rage stacks with the polymorph stuff.

Bard is nice because it keeps the BAB up, it plays well with the DD.

Dennis da Ogre wrote:
I'll bite, Why Ranger 1? Is that just for the Martial Weapons?

Sure, and skills, and +2 to all attacks/damage vs. a common high-level foe. 1 level of Barbarian gives you barbarian rage, i.e. +2 to attacks and +1 or +2 to damage for 6+ rounds per day (except to all foes and with some drawbacks). The bonus to ground speed is nice, though.

In case its not clear, I think they're suggesting 1 fighter level with the Bard to keep up attack bonus through 5th (when Bards normally lose one).

For a straight Sorcerer build (which I think is plenty powerful by the way) you might consider Sorc8/DD7 to pick up the 7th level bonus feat of Sorcerers.

I'd go for Arcane Strike feat to help with claw damage. Change self to keep your scales from giving away your resistance/immunity.

Majuba wrote:
For a straight Sorcerer build (which I think is plenty powerful by the way) you might consider Sorc8/DD7 to pick up the 7th level bonus feat of Sorcerers.

The thing is, I don't think that's superior to Sorcerer 15. You won't be a very good melee fighter with your poor BAB, and there's nothing else that Dragon Disciple gives that's comparable to 7th level spells (IMO). In fact, if you're going for a full caster sorcerer, you're much better off with another bloodline altogether (like Arcane or Fey).

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