Paizo on Facebook

Off-Topic Discussions

Liberty's Edge

Ok, so I finally broke down and created a profile on Facebook. Derek Jude Tallman. Anyone interested, shoot me a friend request.

Edit: here

You got mine already ;)

Scarab Sages

Mine is coming too.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

N'wah to y'all, though the Paizo guys gave away my secret identity as Ashton Sperry a long time ago. :)

Check me here.

Liberty's Edge

N'wah wrote:

N'wah to y'all, though the Paizo guys gave away my secret identity as Ashton Sperry a long time ago. :)

Check me here.

fixed the linky for you!

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
houstonderek wrote:

fixed the linky for you!

Youze is t3h_m4g1k_M4n! :D

Liberty's Edge

Hehehehe :)

Scarab Sages

And don't forget to stop by the 'Paizonians' group!

The Exchange

Got ya added.


This be me --> ed.healy

I finally broke down and did it. Let me know if the link works, you all know how I am about that kind of stuff.
The real Lena

You can find lots on paizonians here:

Butterfrog faceboo

Wayfinder Facebook

We All Facebook Down Here.

Jade, I accepted your friend request, how come you're not on my page. Ugh, why does everything have to be computers, wouldn't you all prefer a nice hand written letter?

Lady Lena wrote:
Jade, I accepted your friend request, how come you're not on my page. Ugh, why does everything have to be computers, wouldn't you all prefer a nice hand written letter?

I confirmed the invite. We're good. :) Thanks!

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Come on get HAPPY!

Ed Healy wrote:
This be me --> ed.healy

I think you are the only one I'm linked with in this thread at the moment.

I am Dave Woodrum

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