Eberron PbP: Dhakanni Characters (PFRPG)

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Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Concept is done and stats are half done. Hopefully tomorrow I can finish it off (sorry I've had a full weekend).
I do have a couple of questions though:


1. Are evil characters allowed? I wanted to play a LN Hobgoblin Rouge/Air Element Sorcerer but I was also thinking of leaning towards the Assassin PrC, with connections to Kech Shaarat, but obviously you have to be Evil for that. Which I don't really want to be. But if I want to take Assassin levels then I have to be... (man Assassin should be non-good restriction).

2. I'm not sure if I missed it, but hp for 2nd level are rolled or full hp for HD? I know 1st level is Full+Racial+CON, just not sure about 2nd.

3. I think that's it.

The Exchange

1.It's Eberron, alignment isn't as restrictive as normal D&D so, I don't think being an Assassin you have to be evil...especially in hobgoblin society...

2. roll 2nd level HP, use invisiblecastle or another dice roller.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

DM Dhakann wrote:

1.It's Eberron, alignment isn't as restrictive as normal D&D so, I don't think being an Assassin you have to be evil...especially in hobgoblin society...

2. roll 2nd level HP, use invisiblecastle or another dice roller.

Cool thanks.

I'll probably use IC. I have an account 'cause I have so many PbPs (current and past).

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Not to be a Buzzkill or anything, but do you realize that you have been spelling Dhakaan wrong?
It's double a, not double n.

It's the goblin way of spelling it, not a translation by some know-it-all fop from Sharn. ;)

The Exchange

HAHA, I actually looked it up also...then typed it wrong...


The Exchange

Ok , what specifically do you all WANT from your Dhakaani adventure? I'll get the game started in the way I'm going to, but where do you want it to go?

Scarab Sages

Anyone know if CS can change the name of stuff for you?

DM Dhakann wrote:
Ok , what specifically do you all WANT from your Dhakaani adventure? I'll get the game started in the way I'm going to, but where do you want it to go?

Ahem......[doing best Braveheart voice] "Unite the clans! United them!"

DM Dhakann wrote:
Ok , what specifically do you all WANT from your Dhakaani adventure? I'll get the game started in the way I'm going to, but where do you want it to go?

magic items and power. head of some sort of guild, group, or nation

Here is Haruuc.

I still have to fill in some stats (mainly because of Possessions) and the Background/Description, but I'll get that done tonight after I get back from work.

Just quickly so you can assign traits:
He can trace his lineage back to the Minor Nobility of the Empire of Dhakaan. Because of this he was stationed as a low ranking officer, but when his Sorcerous abilities maifested he was reassigned from the rank and file.

DM Dhakann wrote:
Ok , what specifically do you all WANT from your Dhakaani adventure? I'll get the game started in the way I'm going to, but where do you want it to go?

Glory for Dhakaan!

Personal Glory and Power (not necessarily wealth, but personal power/notoriety and magic) within the Empire for Haruuc.

The Exchange

You're going to have the same name as the leader of Darguun?

And you're in, if Kurgal gets finished we'll deal with that later. Game starts in earnest tomorrow. Haruuc, go ahead and finish up you stuff, and we'll be rolling...

That's funny, I didn't even realize until you said that and I went and checked...
You know I read that a number of times and it never even registered with me. Must have been floating around in my subconscious 'cause I came up with that name while out driving to a job. Weird!
I'll change it if you want.

Haruuc is ready to go (pending a name change).

Awaiting Traits and te go ahead to enter the Bloody Blade.

The Exchange

It's fine, I'm sure Haruuc is a common name???

I'll get the traits sorted out tonight, go ahead and enter the GG...get some interaction with the other characters.

The Exchange

Everyone who's playing a hobgoblin from the mountain Dhakaan tribes, add a [[spoiler]] with how you feel about the Lhesh Haruuc, is he a strong leader? Do you want to usurp his power and lead the nation yourself? Would you like to be the Heir Apparent, thus increasing the power of the Dhakaan mountain clans?

DM Dhakann wrote:
Everyone who's playing a hobgoblin from the mountain Dhakaan tribes, add a *spoiler* with how you feel about the Lhesh Haruuc, is he a strong leader? Do you want to usurp his power and lead the nation yourself? Would you like to be the Heir Apparent, thus increasing the power of the Dhakaan mountain clans?

Brignat is still forming an opinoin about Lhesh Haruuc. Lhesh is strong but his willingness to make the people mercenaries and his acceptance and devotion to dieties makes him seem weak and wrong to rule. As of now, Brignat will fulfill his mission: recon & retrieve.

Ur-Kaim doesn’t want to rule and would support any who give the Gatekeepers greater influence in Darguun. He feels that Lhesh Haruuc is a strong leader buit not a powerful one, Lhesh has managed to hold the borders but a great leader would be able to make the other races nations to treat us with respect and fear our might.

DM Dhakann wrote:
Everyone who's playing a hobgoblin from the mountain Dhakaan tribes, add a [] with how you feel about the Lhesh Haruuc, is he a strong leader? Do you want to usurp his power and lead the nation yourself? Would you like to be the Heir Apparent, thus increasing the power of the Dhakaan mountain clans?

I believe that Lhesh Haruuc is an imposter and not fit to rule, tho i will grudgingly admit that he has done a reasonably good job of holding the clans together thus far. of course i think that i should rule everyone, so i think of anyone in the ruler seat as an imposter
The Exchange

Drexel Morrow wrote:
DM Dhakann wrote:
Everyone who's playing a hobgoblin from the mountain Dhakaan tribes, add a [] with how you feel about the Lhesh Haruuc, is he a strong leader? Do you want to usurp his power and lead the nation yourself? Would you like to be the Heir Apparent, thus increasing the power of the Dhakaan mountain clans?
** spoiler omitted **

So, the lazy cowardly hobgoblin thinks he should rule...interesting
The Exchange

Haruuc, your traits. I'm giving you 3 traits due to your extensive background

Touched by Syrania
You were born during the coterminous period of Syrania, you are touch by the Azure Sky. Gain a +2 bonus to acrobatics checks

Savage Nobility
You're a minor noble amongst the Dhakaani, you can expect a bit more respect from those who realize who you are.
You gain a +2 trait bonus to Diplomacy when your status is known, diplomacy is a class skill for you, and you gain 1 rank in it.

Blade Bearer
You were trained as a blade bearer, an expert with a great sword
You gain a +1 trait bonus to attack with great swords

DM Dhakann wrote:
Drexel Morrow wrote:
DM Dhakann wrote:
Everyone who's playing a hobgoblin from the mountain Dhakaan tribes, add a [] with how you feel about the Lhesh Haruuc, is he a strong leader? Do you want to usurp his power and lead the nation yourself? Would you like to be the Heir Apparent, thus increasing the power of the Dhakaan mountain clans?
** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **

of course its easy to be lazy when you have lots of servents and its easy to be cowardly when you have lots of body guards, and rememeber he is only cowardly when he doesnt think that he can win through either brute strength or guile
The Exchange

Dementia Walker wrote:
DM Dhakann wrote:
Drexel Morrow wrote:
DM Dhakann wrote:
Everyone who's playing a hobgoblin from the mountain Dhakaan tribes, add a [] with how you feel about the Lhesh Haruuc, is he a strong leader? Do you want to usurp his power and lead the nation yourself? Would you like to be the Heir Apparent, thus increasing the power of the Dhakaan mountain clans?
** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **

Well you could always challenge him to a duel... ;)

The Exchange

Haruuc, where's Darguun Mauler feat at?

Everyone else....at least list a reference location for any feats that aren't from the PH... I have like 60 books, and work full-time so I tend to lose track of where things are....

DM Dhakann wrote:
Haruuc, where's Darguun Mauler feat at?

It's from Races of Eberron p. 108. It's a Racial Feat.

Let me know if you need the description.

Well you could always challenge him to a duel... ;)

Im thinking guile with him, then find some way to step in and take command... if i even get that far

DM Dhakann wrote:
Everyone who's playing a hobgoblin from the mountain Dhakaan tribes, add a spoiler with how you feel about the Lhesh Haruuc, is he a strong leader? Do you want to usurp his power and lead the nation yourself? Would you like to be the Heir Apparent, thus increasing the power of the Dhakaan mountain clans?

The Lhesh Haruuc is a capable leader, and he has certainly taken Darguun into a better age. He is however a commoner as far as Haruuc is concerened (a viewpoint instilled in him by his father and his exposure to the Guard and Ruus Dhakaan).

In his eyes, Ruus Dhakaan is the only Hobgoblin capable of leading Darguun into becoming a new Dhakaani Empire and taking control of a much larger area than Darguun currently occupies.
He sees hmself riding high in this new Empire, not being one of the movers and shakers, but certainly having high standing.

The Exchange

Nope: I found it...

Now, Spiked Chain is exotic...and you don't have the exotic feat.

As far as Rethal's concerned, long as Haruuc can hold on to his position, he's worthy of it. That does, of course, not preclude a coup d'etat... if it's successful, clearly, the new ruler is stronger than the previous one.

The Exchange

Feel free to make up additional goblinoid words to add additional flavor to the game.

I made up a couple already:
Maka'akesh - An annual tournament
keshk - Sire
keshka - Lady (made that the femanine version.

Just try to make the new words seem like existing goblinoid words like:
Kech Sharaat

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

DM Dhakann wrote:

Nope: I found it...

Now, Spiked Chain is exotic...and you don't have the exotic feat.

That's why I took Darguun Mauler. The feat lets me treat Dire Flail and Spiked Chain as Martial, not Exotic and as a fighter I am trained with all Martial Weapons. It meant I had to take a level of Fighter which didn't really fit with what I had in mind, but I worked it into the Backstory so it actually makes sense.

I put the Benefits of Darguun Mauler into Haruuc's Character Profile (right down the bottom - For the DM)

The Exchange

y'know, I read that...this morning...right after I had gotten up...so I read it but that part didn't register! LoL...so, [jedi mindtrick]forget what I said[/jedi mindtrick]

The Exchange

I hope my entrance was up to par! heh, man Haruuc your IC dice are mean to you today...

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

DM Dhakann wrote:
I hope my entrance was up to par! heh, man Haruuc your IC dice are mean to you today...

Nice entrance. Made the whole place stop dead.

I know!
Oh well, ya gotta take the bad with the good I 'spose...

The Exchange

Rethal, we're waiting for you on the main thread. I don't know if you've been watching it or not, been since last Thursday since you've posted there...the game is afoot.

Everyone if you check out the profile for "DM Dhakaan" There are house rules and the growing Lexicon of Goblinoid words. If you don't you're a karuush'dae, heh just kidding, but look it up to see what I called you!!

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

DM Dhakann wrote:
Everyone if you check out the profile for "DM Dhakaan" There are house rules and the growing Lexicon of Goblinoid words. If you don't you're a karuush'dae, heh just kidding, but look it up to see what I called you!!

Hey... I resemble that! ;)

Scarab Sages

Kurgal Rougaul wrote:
Here is the start to my goblin. I will buy gear and finish up the skill and background tomorrow.

Dreamweaver, I understand from searching your thread you had a bit of a house fire over Christmas, bummer, take you time, let me know when you might be able to play again. We're well underway now.

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