[Weapons & Maneuvers]

Equipment and Description

Shouldn't all polearms be Trip-able? (QStaff, Spears, Glaives, etc)?

Net: The Touch attack makes sense, but why isn't CMB used instead of Opposed Strength for controlling the net / trying to escape from the net? (allowing Escape Artist, of course) ...Though if "Maneuver AC" incorporates Dodge Bonuses & BAB, that might be better than Touch AC for the original attack, since it's not a MAGICAL Touch "discharge", but an object that might be shrugged off quickly...?

Bolas: As written, you can either choose to do damage normally, OR attempt a Trip Maneuver.
It would seem more appropriate to say they Trip AND damage with the same d20 roll. Alternately, that it damages on a successful Trip...?
(It could also work off of Touch AC like the Net - or however Net attacks end up working)

Also, shouldn't ranged CMB rolls use DEX not STR (or both?)
Though this is really tied into the topic of which bonuses CMB takes/ how Maneuver "Attack Rolls" work.

Scarab Sages

I'd like to see CMB use Dex or Str, with a Feat (Agile Maneuvers) to add both.

I like the Net and Bola Points.
I utterly agree on the polearm thing.

Grand Lodge

I think the reason not all polearms get tripable advanatges is based upon the design and use of the weapon.

Spears are designed for thrusting, impaling, and penetrating. While it can be used to sweep an area that is not its primary function. A feat might allow all polearms to be tripable.

On the other hand some polearms were designed for tripping. Glaives and other such weapons were designed with a nice little hook. This hook does not exactly you are trying to hook an opponent's feet. It does mean you are trying to get a hood on the opponent's armor or flesh and pull him off balance causing him to fall. Then a prone opponent can be stabbed.

So, I would say, no, not all polearms are tripable. A feat, however, could allow it.

I'm not saying that they all need a BONUS, just to ALLOW the attempt in the first place...
(the point of this is to make Maneuvers MORE COMMON instead of 95% of combatants not able to ATTEMPT them)

I don't see how tripping someone with a Quarterstaff is so IMPOSSIBLE compared to Tripping them Unarmed.
Why couldn't you 'hook' someone's leg (off balance) with a straight rod?

Grand Lodge

Anyone can use any weapon to make a trip attempt already. It is a maneuver. You can attempt a trip with a dagger I suppose or dental floss.

What makes a weapon tripable is the added bonus it confers to the attempt. If the weapon does not add a bonus then why does it need anything special to be tripable?

Also I would not necessarily allow all polearms to "drop weapon to avoid being tripped." That would require the Improved Trip feat. The reason being is that someone trained to use a Spear is trained to use it normally, that is as a piercing weapon. To use it to make trips is unusual and uncommon. Therefore not covered in basic training for the weapon.

Quandary wrote:

I'm not saying that they all need a BONUS, just to ALLOW the attempt in the first place...

(the point of this is to make Maneuvers MORE COMMON instead of 95% of combatants not able to ATTEMPT them)

I don't see how tripping someone with a Quarterstaff is so IMPOSSIBLE compared to Tripping them Unarmed.
Why couldn't you 'hook' someone's leg (off balance) with a straight rod?

I think the idea is that in order to hook someone's leg with a straight rod, you have to put yourself at risk of being tripped yourself. The "bonus" for the tripping weapons is that you can drop them - they don't add any to the roll.

So you essentially can trip someone with a quarterstaff, but the mechanic is no different than doing so unarmed.

That's just how I see the reasoning, not entirely sure I agree with it.

Krome wrote:

Anyone can use any weapon to make a trip attempt already.

It is a maneuver. You can attempt a trip with a dagger I suppose or dental floss.
What makes a weapon tripable is the added bonus it confers to the attempt.
If the weapon does not add a bonus then why does it need anything special to be tripable?

Hm, well I didn't get that from Pathfinder or 3.5, though of course anyone can attempt all the Maneuvers UNARMED with their leg, etc.

The bonuses from using a weapon are that any Enchants, Weapon Focus/ Fighter Training might apply (remember CMB is for other chapter ;-))
as well as being able to drop it (potentially) as Majuba mentions.

There are plenty of Weapons that are listed as allowing a Maneuver WITHOUT a Bonus to it, or granting a Bonus to ONE Maneuver, but only ALLOWING another Maneuver. If all Weapons can attempt all Maneuvers, then this wording is superfluous. I think it's there for a reason, namely that Daggers shouldn't be Trippable. I don't think a Dagger should be a Trip Weapon, but since it seems like you could POSSIBLY Trip someone with a Polearm (not necessarily with a Bonus), I think they SHOULD be described as able to attempt that. As per the current Beta, if you don't have the Improved Trip Feat, attempting a Trip still provokes an AoO, meaning they have a chance to Trip you, like Majuba says.

I really don't see how merely allowing more Weapons to ATTEMPT more Maneuvers is terribly un-balancing.
I personally think having more Maneuvers in combat would make the game more interesting and fluid.

/my 2cents

Perhaps using a dagger can eliminate the penalty for attempting a grapple with one hand full. Double wielding daggers wouldn't help, in my opinion. I personally know some basic single knife techniques which are used with single edged blades to establish a hold or lock, and then throw an opponent with an empty hand working with the knife. I would not consider myself an adventurer, so maybe there can be some more things of this nature. I thought about those techniques, and although you can use a knife in a throw, it generally seems to be part of a grapple sequence, rather than an actual trip.

Perhaps by default light weapons could allow ignoring one hand full grapple penalties?

...Those are great ideas, Lynx...
Though I think the whole Grapple as Standard Action not allowing Full Attacks
needs to be worked on to allow interesting stuff like that to be viable.

Grand Lodge

I am not opposed to using language that clearly says that this weapon can be used for tripping- can drop the weapon to keep from being tripped in return, etc. I just don't want all of the weapons gaining special bonuses to tripping. That's all.

If it is just clarifying that this is a good weapon for tripping then I am all for it.

Anything that gets maneuvers used more often is great.

Actually, now that I think about it, I would like to see language stating that "X" weapon can be used in grapple as well.

As far as I can tell, you can use all 1-handed weapons now while Grappled.

Unfortunately, if you want to Grapple at all (even with the penalty for not having both hands free)
you lose any other attacks, unless you have a Monstrous Form with access to Improve Grab.

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