evil deeds

General Discussion (Prerelease)

hello all,
it's been a while since i posted here, but i need a little help. i'm playing a campaine where my char is a Vsharn fighter. and well vasharn are evil by nature, and needless to say most of my guys life has been spent on the brink of death. so i've had little time to be evil. but now i'm finaly at a point in his life where i can surive more and wish to take on a double life if it were. but unlike my Assisan (only other evil char i have ever played. and was pretty simple.) i can't think of any ways a fighter can preform evil acts with out getting my self killed. any help?

thx for your time and any advice ya can give. and sorry my spelling and gramer blows chunks. i do know this and am to lazy to fix it.

Liberty's Edge

well i don't know the races or the groups you mention, but let me take a go for a recommendation

the fighter could be a bountyhunter or a mercenary, he could take the works he like, he just do them for money, he can be as ruthless as he wants and his jobs supports this

or a city guard :)
how many corrupt officers are out there in your campaign setting, hit some dealers in the head force them to give their moneyfor "guard protection", do some dirty jobs

all in all there are always options

the Vasharn are a race in the book of vile darkness. (sumup = vasharn are to humans as drow are to elfs)

as far as my currnet city i'm in. it's the larges city on the content i'm on. i'm all ready a bounty hunter. but i'm not finding my self really being evil on my hunts. unlike my assisan i would sometims be very rutless in my attempts to get information out of victoms before killing them. oh yea. i'm teamed up with a Mino ranger.

Liberty's Edge

Mission125 wrote:

the Vasharn are a race in the book of vile darkness. (sumup = vasharn are to humans as drow are to elfs)

as far as my currnet city i'm in. it's the larges city on the content i'm on. i'm all ready a bounty hunter. but i'm not finding my self really being evil on my hunts. unlike my assisan i would sometims be very rutless in my attempts to get information out of victoms before killing them. oh yea. i'm teamed up with a Mino ranger.

try hurting inocents

get the targets' loved ones so you get to them
torture them for information
capture them and laid them as a trap
or kill them and make it appear it was the target so he will come to you

i like, thx for the help.

Liberty's Edge

Mission125 wrote:
i like, thx for the help.

no problem :)

There's evil during active adventuring:

  • Excessive Cruelty to enemies, including killing those who surrenderd.
  • Interrogate brutally, or turture them for info, and kill them afterwards no matter how useful and helpful they've been.
  • Kill everyone, including noncombatants, the old, the sick, the young...

    And beyond that, there's recreational evil.

  • Steal, extort, rob, assault people. Extra money's always good.
  • Cheat, steal, and swindle - preferrably preying on the desperate, like selling snake oil as panacea during a plague.
  • Start fights that turn bloody and fatal over every slight or annoyance.
  • Don't waste time dating - rape. Double score if your tastes are firmly in the realm of the sick, like children.

    If you prefer the less psycho approach, you can always be just selfish:

  • Look the other way when someone needs help, or help only after extorting a lot of money from them.
  • Only take on jobs for great pay - even if they cannot really afford to pay you that much. If the other side pays more, always consider changing sides.

    But remember: Evil might often be psycho and all that, but it doesn't have to equal self-destructive stupidity. Learn to judge whether you can get away with something.

    Choosing not to do an evil act can have selfish reasons, like pesky witnesses in a very lawful city, witnesses you can't hope to silence. And if you always defect to the other side, no one will hire you.

    So remember that evil is selfish, meaning doing what's best for you. Sometimes, not doing the evil thing is the evil thing to do!

  • Profession: evildoer.

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