Here4daFreeSwag |
You'll believe a tentacled aberration can fly...
Some musical accompaniment included.
P.S. plus some variation on that musical accompaniment too.
P.P.S. Sanity maintenance not guaranteed.
Parlon Merkins |
Parlon Merkins wrote:While Boomer's infamous Pants of the Many Monkeys (from rpg super-star "gag items" fame) has monkeys that can speak french, among other things, there are some aberrations out there that can sing in faux-french.And apparently, somebody's been teaching those tentacled aberrations how to sing in faux-italian too.
Haz some more tentacled aberrations that can sing in faux-french (minor NSFW) with a dash of faux-french variant (minor NSFW). Apparently, it was inspired by a french opera about Spain...
And while we're at it, haz some moar tentacled aberrations singing in faux-italian too. ;)
PS As an added bonus, haz some remixed faux italian tentacled aberrations. ;)
Here4daFreeSwag |
When you're working in the service industry, tiny-sized tentacled aberrations are just entirely perfect for padding your... ahem..."resume". Not to mention about any "unintended" protective side effects...
PS For those having trouble with the above linkage, try here instead.
Here4daFreeSwag |
Something old...
Here4daFreeSwag wrote:Here4daFreeSwag wrote:With the right kind of enlightened hiring practices, even tentacled aberrations can be put to good use doing jobs in the public sector...Putting an end to unemployment benefits for tentacled aberrations, so that they go back into the workforce.An increase in the tentacled aberration workforce...
Pushing for an increase in getting tentacled aberrations to work in the public sector...
PS. An alternate version for those having trouble accessing the aforementioned link above. ;)
Something new...
The good news... there's some free Tentacules issues for CoC/BRP available on DrivethruRPG. :)
The bad news? They're all written in French. Mebbe not so bad for France and Quebec... ;p