Sorcerers: Truly Flexible casting

Classes: Sorcerer and Wizard

Warning: Messes with backwards compatibility

I was reading another thread which was calling for the unstaggering of Sorcerer spell progression. While I completely agree that a Sorcerer should progress equally to the other full casting classes, what about giving them spell points so that they'd truly be flexible casters. If a sorcerer's casting is so innate, then why is he limited to casting a certain amount of various spell levels. Let him draw on his own personal power to cast whatever spells he wants.

Any thoughts? Too powerful? Not enough?

I do this in my home games. One way to keep BC is on a one per one base.

1st=1 point
2nd=2 point
3rd=3 point
4th=4 point
5th=5 point
6th=6 point
7th=7 point
8th=8 point
9th=9 point

so 6th level would not be 6/4 but 14 points

Many wont like this but it does allow more flexablty

And you sir have my avatar :D

While I don't mind the idea, we already have psions... which are basically the same thing discribed here.

To be honest I find the psions point set up needlessly complicated

I didn't find it that bad, each level is an odd number of points start counting at 1.

Augments are generally 2 points each, or the same number as the 'meta-psionic' feats are.

I kind of liked the fact I didn't need fireball, coldball, electricball, etc. With them all rolled into one scaling power I could be more versitile with what I had.

However that's off topic:

I just really don't see a point casting system as the major fix for sorcerers. I do think that when you use a higher level slot to cast a spell it should act as an automatic heighten spell, but that's just me.

Myself I think bloodlines are they way to go. They do need them more often however

I don't know, I posted an idea in my New Directions thread. I think sorcerer's should have more flexibility with the spells they do have. To do this I would like eschew material to improve over levels, and the sorcerer to be able to reduce the cost of metamagic feats over the course of his sorcerer career. This would show that becuase of his intimate connection to magic he can do things with his spells that wizards simply can't figure out in formulae. I want to like the bloodlines, but currently they are just too weak (claws on a poor BAB chasis? IT'S A TRAP!).

seekerofshadowlight wrote:
Myself I think bloodlines are they way to go. They do need them more often however

First off, sorry for stealing your avatar.

Secondly, I don't disagree with the bloodlines being paramount. I only suggested the shift to spell points because it appears the Sorcerers spells will remain staggered. I think they should be unstaggered to even out Sorcerer/Wizard dynamic, but having the truly flexible casting provided by spell points might negate/at least temper this disadvantage.

Liberty's Edge

i think all the magic system should change to spell points or mana points or something like that...but also i see the idea of only differentiating the sorcerer and wizard with blood or school, maybe just as theya re, just more spells for the sorcerer, and non-memoriced spells for the wizard...

new spells would cost some XP

xp cost is gone. And I for one am damned happy to see xp cost die

eh don't worry it is a sweet avatar.

Liberty's Edge

but still wehave wizards who needs to memrorize spells and sorceres that have limited selection of spells and bounded to "spell slots"

either all of the system changes, or none of it

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