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Yossa turns around to face the rest of the group. He says in a quiet yet commanding voice "Alright, team, here's what we're going to do. We're going to report to Service Firm PLC, specifically Outfitting Express F206-TPK to get outfitted for our upcoming mission. Let's go."

Male Meat Popsicle Troubleshooter/Security System Installer 1/1

<Benedict exhales noisily when it becomes clear that neither the Vulture Squad nor the High Programmer are here to blast him into little, mutated pieces.>

"Yes'sir, Yossa-R-IAN, sir! As the team's Equipment Guy, I am happy to coordinate the glorious Computer's glorious outfitting mission so as to efficiently and happily glorify the happiness of the glorious Computer's glory and equipment (now with more happy)! Lead on, Leader Yossa, and I will follow! Happily!"

<Benedict turns and gives Rossa's camera the biggest smile he can manage, slowly opens his single serving container of Cold Fun, and takes a big swig.>

*gulp* "Aaaaaahhhh! ... Did I mention that I think Yossa's coat-thingy is treason? ... Alright! Let's go!"


Did I find anything in Johnny's pocket, or was he watching me too closely to make the attempt?

"Team Leader, I am soooooo ready to like totally perform....this mission"

"Camera's roll'n so like...let's roll, you're the main boss man."

"Let's roll."

<Checks all his weapons.>

"Ready for anything."

Recording Officer Rosas-R-RED-1 wrote:
"Camera's roll'n so like...let's roll, you're the main boss man."

<Sidles over to the redhead.>

"So, have you seen the new RGE-1,000,000 Plasma rifle? Piece of work, piece of work."

<Knowing wink.>

"Hit a commie with that thing and all that's left is retina burn on your own eyes.... <trails off> Yup. Still got a commie shaped black spot on my left peripheral side. Maybe you didn't catch my name with all that excitement. Johnny. Johnny-R-OTN."

PH. I made a layered pdf of the Sothis map. Interested?

<Nodding toward Yossa.>

"That coat bothers me."

Male Meat Popsicle Troubleshooter/Security System Installer 1/1

<Benedict slides with Johnny, trying to stay behind him, and smiling weakly as he finishes his Cold Fun.>

Male Meatsack

Dexter gets up slowly, clutching his stomach. He grabs his rifle and slings it over his shoulder then still hunched over he follows the rest of the team as they make their way out.

"Stupid mutant..." he mutters under his breathe...

*nudge nudge*

*wink wink*

"say no more, say no more! the RGE-1000000 is far and away superior to the RGE10000. Nod's as good as a wink to a blind man!"

Layered PDF of Sothis? oooooooo, I love Sothis

Yossa puts on his trenchcoat with dramatic flourish.

"Hey, this coat is legally aquired. If it wasn't, I'd be commie scum and thus would not wear it, since commies don't have this sense of style. Now onward, to the breifing." *Smile*

He then begins walking to the nearest transport to take us to where we need to go.


This coat was aquired legally, right? RIGHT?

Recording Officer Rosas-R-RED-1 wrote:
"...Nod's as good as a wink to a blind man!"

<Puzzled look. Scratches his head.>

Benedict-R-NLD wrote:
<Benedict slides with Johnny, trying to stay behind him, and smiling weakly as he finishes his Cold Fun.>

<Glances back.>

Shouting: "HEY RETINA BURN! You're getting a little too close. I might accidentally kill you. My reflexes are lethal."

<Does a couple of fake looking martial arts moves.>


After a quick scrounge in Johnny's pocket you pull out small plastic package. It is coded orange and has some sort of food item you aren't familiar with (unsalted peanuts).



Your coat is totally legal. You were so cool they thought you needed to help bolster the team's image with an awesome red leather trenchcoat.

The Vulture goons and the Ultraviolet citizen turn and leave as soon as the message is delivered, leaving you to wonder why the f@*$ a high programmer is delivering you a message to report to PLC.

As you follow Yossa out of the firing range you pass arrive at the checkout counter that is set up near the entrance/exit to the range. This is where you are required to check in your laser rifles. However, the clerk manning the counter isn't the most diligent fellow in the world. He seems half asleep at his chair. It would be easy enough to walk out with the guns, but to do so would be treasonous.

Omnipotent and Benevolent GM wrote:
... This is where you are required to check in your laser rifles....

Laser rifles? Can we keep our laser pistols and other assigned equipment?

Yes you can keep your assigned gear, but your pistols are useless until you get the barrels, which would normally be distributed to you at the Outfitters, assuming you have the proper requisition forms, which you have none of right now. But, it's possible the Computer has already put in req forms for you, and whatever equipment you will need for the mission is waiting for pick up. However, normally you would actually be assigned a mission before going to PLC...

When you arrived at the range you were given laser rifles to use during target practice. You were shooting infrared target holders for about 20 minutes prior to your run with the UV citizen.
You each have a charge canister with 3d6 shots left (you can roll the number if you are planning on trying to steal the guns).

Johnny-R-OTN wrote:
Omnipotent and Benevolent GM wrote:
... This is where you are required to check in your laser rifles....
Laser rifles? Can we keep our laser pistols and other assigned equipment?

Could I stuff it in my shooter bag?

flicks the camera over the team
And ar there any cameras around?

swings the camera past the mutie
Any other weapons just laying around?

pans the camera to the illustrious and sex-ay team leader
"That sure is a nice's red, must be legal, especially since the high programmer didn't exterminate you eh?"
did the vulture goons drop anything green?

If I can't put the rifle in the bag then I'll steal all the canisters I can.

<Sated by the slaying of several IR clones, Johnny hands in his laser rifle dutifully.>

"Better things will come, I always say."

<Checks the settings on his detergent cannon and...>


looks for treasonous uncleanliness among his fellow citizens. Also checks his pockets surreptitiously.

All the weapons and ammo are kept securely locked up. There is nothing just lying around for the taking (except what you have in your hands. The clerk is also safely behind a blast shield window and a small section of window can open where the counter meets the blast shield, so that you can slide weapons through. There are likely cameras monitoring, but they are hidden if they exist.


the stock folds in and barrel screws off. If you did those things you could easily fit in your bag.

Male Meat Popsicle Troubleshooter/Security System Installer 1/1

<Benedict cheerfully places his laser rifle on the counter and turns to Johnny.>

Who needs a gun when your hands are registered weapons? Johnny-R-OTN-1, you have no idea how much better I feel about being assigned to this group, now that I know that there's another mutant among us. I thought I'd be the only one. But now that I know your reflexes are lethal, which must be some kind of really amazing mutant power, by the way, I feel so much more at ease. Can you shoot lasers with your reflexes? or really sharp knives? or do your reflexes just make people's heads explode like *pop*?

I wonder how you managed to get your collar off, though. Mine itches something fierce. And you're so mellow ... that must be nice.

<Scratches neck and takes another sip of Cold Fun.>

Rosas immediately points the camera at the newly outed mutant!

"How do you answer these charges?"

"why are your powers not registered, stink'n mutant scum"

you better be the O&BGM

Spoilers are UV clearance citizen move along now

anytime I say turns on the charm...I'll be using my mutant power

paranoid yet?

Benedict-R-NLD wrote:


I wonder how you managed to get your collar off, though. Mine itches something fierce. And you're so mellow ... that must be nice.

<Scratches neck and takes another sip of Cold Fun.>

<Sniff, sniff.>

"Benedict-R-NLD, I am the hygiene officer assigned to this party, and I'm afraid I've detected an offensive odor on your person. I must ask you to submit to a full body examination immediately. Please remove your equipment and clothing."

<Mimes putting on rubber gloves. Readies his detergent cannon.>

Male Meat Popsicle Troubleshooter/Security System Installer 1/1

<Benedict starts sweating again.>

*Uuurrp* Oh, errr, that's just my yummy Cold Fun, heh heh! Yeah, just a little happy-time burp-gas from everyone's favorite beverage! Nothing to see here!

<Benedict then leans close to Johnny and whispers:>

In all seriousness, I'm happy to submit to a hygiene inspection, Hygiene Officer, but as Equipment Guy, I'll have to hold onto and inspect your equipment while you do so. I'm sure you'll even get some of it back.

<Benedict leans back and looks around nervously, wondering if he can make it to the door before the detergent cannon goes off.>

male human


Johnny-R-OTN wrote:

PH. I made a layered pdf of the Sothis map. Interested?

<Nodding toward Yossa.>

"That coat bothers me."

Shall I e-mail it? I don't want to put it on filefactory.

Male Meatsack
Benedict-R-NLD wrote:

<Benedict starts sweating again.>

*Uuurrp* Oh, errr, that's just my yummy Cold Fun, heh heh! Yeah, just a little happy-time burp-gas from everyone's favorite beverage! Nothing to see here!

<Benedict then leans close to Johnny and whispers:>

<Benedict leans back and looks around nervously, wondering if he can make it to the door before the detergent cannon goes off.>

"Benedict you have been ordered to strip down and prepare for a hygiene inspection! Our friend the computer saw fit to make Johnny the hygiene inspector, therefor to disobey his orders is as good as disobeying the great computer itself!!"

Dexter Raises his rife and points it at Benedict

"As loyalty officer I need to make sure people are following orders and are loyal to our friend The Computer. Benedict are you loyal?"

can I get a copy too? my email will be in my profile

"Aaaaahhhhh. The sound of hatred - music to my ears."

<Looks at Benedict down the barrel of the detergent cannon.>

Male Meat Popsicle Troubleshooter/Security System Installer 1/1

Fine! Fine! Hygiene-away!

<Slowly begins to strip.>

But *I'm* not the one aiming an unassigned laser rifle, Dexter, which was clearly expected to be returned to a lawful agent of the Computer. Isn't that right, buddy?

<Smacks glass to get rifle-return attendant's attention.>

I hope that detergent cannon has a "tickle" setting.

<Braces for a thorough cleansing.>

<Fires the detergent cannon.>



Wow, I already hate Johnny so much i can't wait to see what happens to him.

Download Sothis map here

"HAHaHAHAHhahhahA! Eat soap, mutie."

Male Meatsack
Benedict-R-NLD wrote:

Fine! Fine! Hygiene-away!

<Slowly begins to strip.>

But *I'm* not the one aiming an unassigned laser rifle, Dexter, which was clearly expected to be returned to a lawful agent of the Computer. Isn't that right, buddy?

"Why that is right muttie, good thing we haven't left the firing range yet."

Calling out the the attendant

"Don't mind me, I'll be handing this in as soon as I'm sure this mutant is obeying orders"

Benedict-R-NLD wrote:
I hope that detergent cannon has a "tickle" setting.

It says something about 'as flamethrower' in the weapon description.

The range and spread is the same as a flamethrower, but the damage code is much lower. I only just got the Johnny Rotten reference on your name. I'm a little slow apparently.

You launch your detergent gun and it hits Benedict like a fire hose. He's knocked on his ass (snafued), and covered with soap suds. Fortunately, he is now very clean and will likely reek of detergent for the rest of the day. The clerk at the desk watches and laughs.

He says, "It makes me so happy to see a registered mutie cleaned properly!"


demanding to inspect the detergent gun was a good idea. You would be fully in your authority to do so. Also you now have reason to believe that Johnny might possess treasonous natural foods. You even have some treasonous natural food that you could plant on someone else. Furthermore, you suspect that Johnny is getting a bit suspicious of you, you noticed him searching his pockets recently, and if he finds out some are missing, given your mutant nature, he might accuse you of having treasonous foods. Wouldn't it be better to beat him to the punch. Sure it would. And as usual its perfectly acceptable to make your accusation, terminate the traitor and then show the evidence afterwards.

can you just e-mail me the map?

Everyone give yourselves 2 perversity points for your performances thus far.

Male Meat Popsicle Troubleshooter/Security System Installer 1/1

Ahhhh. That feels nice. Now, Johnny, it's my turn. Please hand over your detergent cannon for inspection. As I was being hosed down, I felt like the pressure differential was all over the place. Might be a malfunction in the Primary Hydro-Synthesis Coupling or a clog in the Retro-Synthoid Emission Nozzle. I'll just have to take it apart to check it out. I'll have it back to you in no time. Thanks, and the Computer is your friend.

<With a warm grin, Benedict holds out his hands for detergent cannon.>

Johnny, you hate yourself? That's sad.

<Hands it over>

"Don't you feel so much better, retina burn."

Male Meat Popsicle Troubleshooter/Security System Installer 1/1

Indeed. Well, I sure don't want to risk treason in defying the High Programmer's direct orders, so we should get going to wherever it is that Yossa's leading us.

*whispers, conspiratorially*

He's Team Leader, y'know. But. I'm not sure he's not a Commie traitor. Let's keep an "eye on him," as you say. *wink*

I'll have this back to you just as soon as possible.

<Benedict stows the detergent cannon with his gear, gives Johnny a knowing look, followed by a glance at Yossa, and then hurries to follow his beloved Team Leader.>

Seeing that the equipment handler here is awake now, Rosas-R-RED obediently turns in her laser rifle, then hurries to catch up with the rest of the team.

Hey do we have a spot open for another troubleshooter? a RL friend wants to join in

"Hey, Benedict, that thing better be repaired fast. It's the only thing we have to kill Commies with until we get our barrels. High-powered cleaning supplies make Commies melt, you know. I've seen it with my own eyes."

*Returns his rifle*

"Goodbye, Riff. I'll miss you."

Male Meatsack

Hands in rifle and follows the group

Radeval hasn't joined us so I could give that character to another player if he's ready to join in.

After checking your rifles you head out to PLC. When you arrive, you walk into a rundown outfitting depot. A vacant-looking RED clerk is standing behind the counter, picking something out of his ear. Above him is a tattered sign that reads ‘If we don’t stock it, it’s not available at your security clearance! The clerk's name tag reads- Derek-R-JMS-12. This PLC branch is small. There's not even a line up, and only the single clerk.

Benedict-R-NLD wrote:


** spoiler omitted **

Johnny' loud reply to Benedict: "It's the coat, isn't it. I wonder if it's flammable?"

<Looks sideways at Yossa through narrow slits.>

After arriving at supply, to the clerk: "Wow, clone number 12, you must have seen some violence. You ever mop your own guts and brains off the floor?"

"Hey trenchcoat, you gonna give this guy the requisition or stare at him like a cloning vat tumor?"

In response to your comment he stares at you rather blankly. Genetic drift hasn't been very good to him and it shows.

Johnny-R-OTN wrote:
Benedict-R-NLD wrote:


** spoiler omitted **

Johnny' loud reply to Benedict: "It's the coat, isn't it. I wonder if it's flammable?"

<Looks sideways at Yossa through narrow slits.>

After arriving at supply, to the clerk: "Wow, clone number 12, you must have seen some violence. You ever mop your own guts and brains off the floor?"

To imagine Johnny's voice just think Brock Sampson from the Venture Brothers.

<Looks at the clerk, then back at his comrades>

"Decanted a few times too many methinks."

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