Female Power Svcs Recording Officer
Service firm: Swingvolt
Service firm type: Power Oscillation Professionals
Security clearance: RED
Credits: 1,000
Tics: When in doubt, set something on fire.
Example of tic in use
Pat-R: I’ve investigated the barracks as you
ordered, sir! Please don’t mind the smoke.
Douglas-R: What smoke?
Pat-R: It looks like the barracks are on fire. I’ve no
idea how that could’ve happened, sir.
Management 06
Hygiene 01
Moxie 10
Stealth 05
Assess Flammability 11
Disguise 01
Shadowing 09
Violence 08
Demolition 12
Energy Weapons 08
Field Weapons 12
Fine Manipulation 01
Projectile Weapons 01
Hardware 08
Chemical Engineering 16
Electrical Engineering 01
Figure Out Which Wire Does What 14
Software 05
Put Together a Rockin’ Soundtrack 11
Wetware 08
Cloning 01
Devise Interesting Drug Interactions 14
Pharmatherapy 12
Open slots for narrow specialties: 2
(Management, Violence)
Female Power Svcs Recording Officer
Mutation: Charm
Society: Mystics (degree 3)
Secret skills: Drug Procurement 15, Partying 16,
Twitchtalk (Mystics) 05
Background: If there’s anything you know how to do,
dude, it’s… um… where was I? Oh, yeah. You know
how to have a good time. You know which pills mellow
you out and which ones send you on a blazing high that
goes on for, like, hours. You like to drink and party and,
most of all, you like to set things on fire. Fire’s real pretty.
Nothing gets a party started like a crackling bonfire of
PLC forms.
As the recording officer, you get to take pictures of
every darn thing. It’s great! When you’re done, you’re
going to put it all together into one rockin’ vid. Now you
just have to make sure that you have lots of cool stuff
to film. Especially explosions. And flames. Lots of fire
will make this the best vid ever!
Lately you’ve been hooked on this new drink called
Doctor Bot. Apparently it flushes all the hormone
suppressants out of your body after you drink it. All you
know is that it makes you feel really good when you drink
it, and afterwards you get these strange… urges… you
can’t explain. Maybe if you share it with the rest of your
team, you can all figure it out together…
Your service firm supervisor tells you, ‘Look, kid, there’s
some serious power drains hitting the system lately, and
we may need your help even while you’re Troubleshooting.
No, it’s nothing major; just keep your PDC handy and
expect a call or two over the next few days. Be ready to
shut down the local power conduits—discreetly!—when
we give the word.’
Your contact tells you, ‘Hey man, there’s this new leaf
or seed or whatever that you can smoke to get, like,
totally buzzed. I hear the Sierra Club’s got, like, crates
of the stuff. If you can find any of their guys, the pass
phrase for this week is, like, ‘Smash the Machine’. See
if you can pick up some of that root or weed or whatever
it is for me, okay?’ She also mentions the Mystics are
on the lookout for new breeds of vatslime (the algae
residue that congeals on old food vats), which they use
as a base for developing all sorts of funky psychedelic
compounds. Bring her any uncatalogued vatslimes and
she’ll give you some of the good stuff in trade, okay?
(1) six-pack of Doctor Bot nutrient drink (illegal)
(1) oversized camera case bearing ‘That Show Trial
Show’ logo
(1) strobe light
(1) pack Cancer-Lite cigarettes
(1) disposable lighter
(36) visomorpain (Little Black Friend) tablets
(3) benetridin (VideoLand) capsules (INDIGO)
(2) funny pink pills that you don’t know what they do.