Bard - Some Alternate Bardic Music

Classes: Bard, Monk, and Rogue

Howdy, all. I'm running a Pathfinder game right now, and one of my players really wanted to play a bard but wasn't going to ever use her Inspire abilities. She's very evil, and more than a bit insane, and the whole making people fight better thing just really wasn't for her, so I cooked up these quick-and-dirty alternate bardic songs for her. The campaign isn't going to make it past 11th level, so I didn't bother with the progression past that point, but I figured I'd post this anyway, just to give people ideas.

This bardic music progression totally replaces the bardic music in the beta (but no other class features of the bard). Also, “will save” = 10 + ½ Bard level + Cha mod, but “will save vs perform” = perform check result.


1st: countersong (as Beta),
Distracting-> Distract (force enemies to make two saves vs. illusions, must succeed on both),
fascinate (as Beta),
inspire courage+1 -> incite paranoia (cause everyone within 45 feet to feel paranoid. group makes one save, PC-class characters make another. Paranoid characters take a -2 penalty to Will saves to resist fear and charm effects, AC, and all charisma-based checks, but get +1 to damage, initiative, and reflex saves. Also, characters that fail their save must make another save after one minute or start a riot if the bard is still playing. Characters must make a spot check opposed by the Bard’s Perform check to find the source of the paranoia)
3rd: Inspire Competence -> Mar competence (enemy takes -3 to a specific skill, makes will save vs. perform to notice penalty)
5th: Inspire Courage +2 -> Dirge of Doom (as Beta, from 8th level)
6th: Suggestion (as beta)
8th: Dirge of Doom -> Frightening Tune (as Beta, from 14th level), discordant performance (as beta)
9th: Inspire Greatness -> Break Mind (can only be used on a helpless enemy, 1 hour play time, enemy must make will save vs perform or be confused permanently)
11th: Inspire Courage +3 -> Paralyzing Show (as Beta, from 14th level)

In any case, I know this isn't perfectly balanced, and I'm not suggesting it be used as written. I'd just like to get the wheels turning on other possible bardic musics, so bards can choose.

I think that's cool for you to turn a class on its side like that so a player can explore it. Bravo! You've started, so go ahead and work it through all the way.

Here's what I've used for an evil bard PrC, the Dark Harlequin:

Cursed Music (Su): A Harlequin's bard levels stack with his class levels to determine the total level for purposes of his bardic music abilities. However, his music is also corrupted by the dark energy infusing his being - many of the bardic music abilties have the opposite effect when used while playing the special instrument, as noted below (alternate names are noted in parentheses, for those who wish to use them):

Fascinate (Dirge of Despair): Creatures are rooted in place from fear instead of enchantment. All other specifics of this ability remain unchanged, but creatures immune to fear cannot be affected (and those who gain a bonus to saves vs. fear also have it applied to this ability).

Inspire Courage (Inspire Fear): The Harlequin's singing and playing gives his enemies a -1 penalty to attack rolls, and a -1 penalty to saves vs. charm and fear effects. It has no effect on his allies.

Inspire Competence (Litany of Curses): The Harlequin inspires self-doubt in one being by denigrating its abilities and generally filling it with hopelessness. The target suffers a -2 competence penalty to skill checks for as long as the Harlequin plays and the target can hear him, up to 2 rounds per class level.

Suggestion: No change.

Inspire Greatness (Inspire Weakness): The target suffers a -2 penalty to Constitution, a -2 competence penalty to attack rolls, and a -1 penalty to Fort saves.

Song of Freedom: No change.

Inspire Heroism (Inspire Cowardice): The target suffers a -4 morale penalty to saves and a -4 penalty to attack rolls.

Mass Suggestion: No change.

They get other abilities like Dark Lullaby (put someone to sleep), song of discord (causes enemies to attack each other), requiem of the damned (his music can affect undead as well as the living), shattermind (feeblemind effect on one target), and symphony of destruction (as wail of the banshee, 1/day).

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