Changes to Rise of the Runelords for 6 PCs (Spoilers )

Rise of the Runelords

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I will be starting a group of six in just a couple of weeks. All of this looks like great advice, and if the offer still stands I would love to get a copy of the Word doc

justinthomason AT gmail dot com

Thank you much!


This stuff is great! Beign a lazy DM without much time, I picked up the A.Path and been running with the Pathfinder Beta rules. My group loves it and it's very easy to tweak and run.

The problem is, that my group being formed by accomplished munchkins, they are starting to find the encounters very easy.

Using your modifications I scared the hell out of them and ALMOST killed a couple of PC (great session).

I've heard that you have a word version and I'd really appreciate if you could mail it to me at pab(dot)martinez(at)gmail(dot)com

I know I can get the info from this excellent thread but I'd like to have the most up-to-date version.

Also, very interested in continuing the campaign through level 20...



P0L wrote:

I've heard that you have a word version and I'd really appreciate if you could mail it to me at pab(dot)martinez(at)gmail(dot)com

I know I can get the info from this excellent thread but I'd like to have the most up-to-date version.

Also, very interested in continuing the campaign through level 20...




Liberty's Edge

ditto on the word copy as well if you could Virtue:

either way, nice changes/write-up of the 6pc RotRL


So guys im making some personal changes adding prestige classes and making some of the encounters more challenging

Are you guys interested in my personal additions or not cause ive been changing my personal notes so I might want to keep an old copy of the originals without my extra changes. What do you guys think?

Hey Joey,

I'd love to see those updates.

The Exchange

Joey Virtue wrote:

So guys im making some personal changes adding prestige classes and making some of the encounters more challenging

Are you guys interested in my personal additions or not cause ive been changing my personal notes so I might want to keep an old copy of the originals without my extra changes. What do you guys think?

I'd be interested in both versions actually, this AP is what I plan on using for my groups first expirience with Pathfinder using the official rules come August. If you could send them to me in word, I'd appreciate it.

Tilquinith AT gmail dot com


Dark Archive

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber

I would like a copy please. My posting name

The Exchange

I also have a question for you, the treasure listed for the green dragon chyfon has page numbers referenced. Where are these from? I'm guessing perhaps the Magic Item Compendium but I don't have it in front of me at the moment to double check.

Tilquinith wrote:
I also have a question for you, the treasure listed for the green dragon chyfon has page numbers referenced. Where are these from? I'm guessing perhaps the Magic Item Compendium but I don't have it in front of me at the moment to double check.

Yeah thats from the MIC.

Great notes man!

Hey, I ran the Stone giant attack on sandpoint as you upgraded it, but I ALSO made Longtooth advance by one age category.

* The players are of sufficient level to be able to cast Raise dead
* It isn't necessary that the players stop the raid completely
* The dragon doesn't need to fight to the death

As it happens.. the players KILLED the frickin' dragon and stopped the whole raid!!!

Scarab Sages

Hey Joey, first off, I just gotta say I have always loved what you're doing with the "adjustments" to the Adventure Path.

Until 4 weeks ago, I've only had 3-4 players at my table. Now I have 6 with a possible 7th coming next week! So I immediately thought of you.

We have just started Spires of Xin-Shalast and I've printed everything I could find of yours. However, I was curious if you ever finished Karzoug's stats? Or, is it here and I just missed it?

Thank you for your time, and keep up the fantastic work!!!



Your upgrades proved to be very necessary for my min/maxed players. They doubted me when NOTHING could hit Mokmurian and they even argued that it was not possible until I showed them a comprehensive list of buffs that skyrocketed his AC up to 40 (I added a +2 natural armor amulet). Still the sorceress with a 17 roll on the die JUST saved against petrification and hit him with an empowered maximized enervation and an empowered one draining 10 levels. After that they managed to kill them, but it really made them sweat.

An advice would be to include preparations for a ninja squad attack like the one attempted by my group. The rogue was polymorphed into a tiny mouse, so he didn't set the alarm traps, then made invisible and with mindblank inmune to detection by see invisibility. Still I said that Mokmurian was scrying on them since before, so he was still buffed.

P0L wrote:


Your upgrades proved to be very necessary for my min/maxed players. They doubted me when NOTHING could hit Mokmurian and they even argued that it was not possible until I showed them a comprehensive list of buffs that skyrocketed his AC up to 40 (I added a +2 natural armor amulet). Still the sorceress with a 17 roll on the die JUST saved against petrification and hit him with an empowered maximized enervation and an empowered one draining 10 levels. After that they managed to kill them, but it really made them sweat.

An advice would be to include preparations for a ninja squad attack like the one attempted by my group. The rogue was polymorphed into a tiny mouse, so he didn't set the alarm traps, then made invisible and with mindblank inmune to detection by see invisibility. Still I said that Mokmurian was scrying on them since before, so he was still buffed.

Can someone please send me the upgrades for this?

I like what I see and while I kill a player a game, I think it is more to dice than anything else.

bruce (underscore) lombardo (at) yahoo (dot) com

no spaces.

This is a great thread Joey. Even though my Runelords game is on a hiatus, your conversions have definitely seen a lot of use as it meshes well with my play style. Thanks!

Hey Guys thanks for all the kind words I have been on vacation I start work on monday so I will try to get all the email and stuff out then Glad you guys like it

All be warned of the power of ENERVATION.
My players have found out that level draining a foe until he has a -10 to his saves (about 2 or 3 rounds) and then casting Hold Monster or Hideous Laughter of some other stupid stuff is a VERY effective strategy.

Foes need some protection against this.
- Spell Immunity
- Death Ward

Sovereign Court

P0L wrote:

All be warned of the power of ENERVATION.

My players have found out that level draining a foe until he has a -10 to his saves (about 2 or 3 rounds) and then casting Hold Monster or Hideous Laughter of some other stupid stuff is a VERY effective strategy.

Foes need some protection against this.
- Spell Immunity
- Death Ward

It's a d4 of negative levels per round, so it'd be at least 3 rounds (and, therefore, three level 4 spell slots available or item charges expended) if all the ranged touches hit and the opponent had no spell resistance. It's certainly true that a caster can make a single opponent suck; in this case, an opponent with a low touch AC is indeed going to be vulnerable; that means that encounters and adventures have to be planned with that in mind; the RotRL AP has been pretty tough for the party, so far, on resource management. It's a nasty spell, though (although Energy Drain, which is much higher level, is really upsetting when applied to PCs).

Bagpuss wrote:
It's a d4 of negative levels per round, so it'd be at least 3 rounds (and, therefore, three level 4 spell slots available or item charges expended) if all the ranged touches hit and the opponent had no spell resistance.

He mentioned earlier in the thread that it was an Empowered Maximized Enervation + an Empowered Enervation. So two rounds. (Although to be fair, Empowered Maximized Enervation requires a 9th level slot, unless there's a Sudden Maximize feat or a rod of Maximize being used somewhere.)

hogarth wrote:
Bagpuss wrote:
It's a d4 of negative levels per round, so it'd be at least 3 rounds (and, therefore, three level 4 spell slots available or item charges expended) if all the ranged touches hit and the opponent had no spell resistance.
He mentioned earlier in the thread that it was an Empowered Maximized Enervation + an Empowered Enervation. So two rounds. (Although to be fair, Empowered Maximized Enervation requires a 9th level slot, unless there's a Sudden Maximize feat or a rod of Maximize being used somewhere.)

The target was a single white dragon, you-know-who and when.

It was hit by an EMPOWERED drain from the sorceress (who rolled a 4)
and then a wand used by the rogue, rolling a 3.
The next round another 4 from the sorceress.

I stand corrected. I could've sworn I saw Empowered Maximized Enervation somewhere...

hogarth wrote:
I stand corrected. I could've sworn I saw Empowered Maximized Enervation somewhere...

You were right, I posted it when I reported my damned players using the same tactic to subdue mokmurian. But that was because I didn't remember correctly. They can only empower it for now.

Asks for the updated addition to the AP, please.
Would anyone mind sending them to me at Thanks!

Im just getting back into the loop with school starting back up so I can do stuff here in Class can everyone who needs to the notes in word please let me know.
Thanks guys im glad you are enjoying the changes

What I would like to know is if you have an updated and buffed Karzourgh. My players have been able to handle most of what I've been throwing at them so I want a really memorable and tough fight.

Your notes were a BIG help and spiced things up nicely

Scarab Sages


Your notes have been a great help to me, since I am running this AP with not 6, but 8 players(!) so I definitely need to boost it up. I would appreciate any notes you have in word, as well as changes you might have made since the Core Rules were released. I am probably going to have to boost things up even higher in later levels, but I may do that by adding more character levels onto some of the monsters instead of increasing numbers. My email is redcelt32 at

Hey Joey,

Your posts have proved invauluable to my gaming group.
If you could e-mail me your word documents and extra additions, I would be eternally grateful. e-mail is

These changes are exactly what I'm looking for to "up the ante" in my group's run-through. Could you send me a copy of the word file?

bdunten (at)

Thank you!

Liberty's Edge

I'd also like to get the second version of your notes. Thanks!


Thank you for your efforts in helping the community, Joey. I would appreciate a copy of the Word file, as well.



Alright Im hoping to get caught up in the next few days

We just purchased a house and we are fixing it up and im also a highschool football coach so time is real tight right now

Scarab Sages

Please, please share with us your notes and fixes.. my AP is underway and I could use the help! :)

Just sent emails to

rwnichol at
shinwonmoon at
Tilquinith at
damnitall22 at
bruce_lombardo at
abillings at
redcelt32 at
papercraft at
bdunten at
emondf at
sciencephile at

Did I miss anyone i cant get this far behind again
I threw in some extras in the email there is like 10 files

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

How did I miss this? If you wouldn't mind sirra, sending those notes out again?


Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

I would appreciate the info as well. You sent it to me months ago, but it is stuck on a computer that crashed :(


Thank you!

Scarab Sages

Joey, I forwarded the email w/attachments to the last two posters in case its a while before you check back to the thread. Hope thats okay!

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Thank you for that Redcelt, and THANK YOU Joey for making such wonderful changes available to us all.

Thanks Red im hoping to be on here a little more

redcelt32 wrote:
Joey, I forwarded the email w/attachments to the last two posters in case its a while before you check back to the thread. Hope thats okay!

With a slight growth in the one I am running, would you mind send it to me too? Thanks!

tenebrae at

Dark Archive

Hey hey !
Great ideas Me want great ideas !!!! Me really happy and appreciate help !

if you could send it at loic-thumerel at


Post Scriptum : Thanks a lot !

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Awesome stuff, thank you!

Chewbacca wrote:

Hey hey !

Great ideas Me want great ideas !!!! Me really happy and appreciate help !

if you could send it at loic-thumerel at


Post Scriptum : Thanks a lot !

Got a Mailer Daemon sorry

Looks like my ROTR group will be six players too. I'd love to see your suggestions and notes (

So Joey, have you given any further thought on how to expand the final encounter of the AP yet? Any templates, PRCs, additional equipment or tactics to give Karzoug to help him last against 6 PCs?

Have you done CotCT yet? lol

No Not yet my game is on a break because I just purchased a home

Joey Virtue wrote:
No Not yet my game is on a break because I just purchased a home

Thank you for improving your local economy by purchasing a home.

And immense thanks for sending me your changes. I feel like you have really improved the game for those of us that have large groups. The PC's were scared properly for having 8 fire giants, 8 alu fiends, and Delavine in the Iron Cages of Lust.

It did end peaceably, because they think they can just diplomacy their way out of it. If I ran it wrong, I apologize. But Delavine won't just let them waltz out of the Runeforge.

What a great way to scalp the PC's by having them deal with her minions after they fought the iron golem at the end. With her friends. And they have had no rest.


Thanks again, Joe!

The Exchange

Plan on doing character creation this coming Sunday, and possibly the first session if we have time. Will be using your updates since I'll be running it for 6 players. I'll try to chime in every once in a while to let you know how it works out. Thanks for sharing.

Beercifer wrote:
Joey Virtue wrote:
No Not yet my game is on a break because I just purchased a home

Thank you for improving your local economy by purchasing a home.

And immense thanks for sending me your changes. I feel like you have really improved the game for those of us that have large groups. The PC's were scared properly for having 8 fire giants, 8 alu fiends, and Delavine in the Iron Cages of Lust.

It did end peaceably, because they think they can just diplomacy their way out of it. If I ran it wrong, I apologize. But Delavine won't just let them waltz out of the Runeforge.

What a great way to scalp the PC's by having them deal with her minions after they fought the iron golem at the end. With her friends. And they have had no rest.


Thanks again, Joe!

No longer does Delavine live peaceably in the Runeforge. Sadly, the combat was so XXX that we could not record it.

Beercifer wrote:

No longer does Delavine live peaceably in the Runeforge. Sadly, the combat was so XXX that we could not record it.

Now that conjures some scary images to mind...I bet that party's got some nice mental scarring to deal with now! ;)

Your Friendly Neighborhood Dalesman
"Bringing Big D**n Justice to the Bad Guys Since 1369 DR"

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