When Darkness Comes: Shisumo's 'Second Darkness' PbP


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My fault, disregard last post.

Makoa lets loose a furious roar and steps closer to the enemy. Enter rage

Earthbreaker, Power Attack 1, Raging (1d20+6=9, 2d6+11=16)

Makoa's attack is roughly as effective as his opponent's have been so far, which is to say, not at all. Together, however, the two of them might just bring the shoddy old mission down entirely...

Hezekiah. You start on the first floor, in the equivalent of either J11 or K11. Clifford has just gone up the stairs to the north, if that affects your decision at all.

Male Human Wizard 1 (diviner)

Hezekiah climbs the stairs to G11 and tries to take in the situation, readying an action to cast Charm Person on anyone who approaches with hostile intent.

The skinny guy who just tried to stab Jugger decides that the sailor's club looks like it might hurt if it lands, and so turns tail and runs. When he gets to the intersection, though, he looks one way, seeing Hezekiah and Clifford, and looks the other, spotting Makoa and Jagor, and comes to a shocked halt. “Boss! They're everywhere!” He's in I10 now.

The mission bell stops ringing, and from a doorway at the end of the other hall, a scrawny looking fellow with a three-legged dog at his heels appears in the hall. The dog begins barking incessantly at the new arrivals, while his owner draws his rapier. This one's in N6.

Ghorum comes crashing up the stairs in his armor, making enough noise to cause people in the street to think the bell had started ringing again. “Trouble f'r sure!” he shouts, with apparent glee. In H11.

Jugger hears more scraping from beyond the door to his left, and then it opens, revealing a shorter fellow, his face covered in scars and tattoos. He also has a rapier out, and he tries to stab Jugger with it at once; the point simply scrapes across Jugger's armor without slipping through, however. Behind the scar-faced man, Jugger can see an elf with a longbow, aimed more or less directly at him.

Still in his defensive posture, the man in the rags and patches makes another attempt to slip past Jugger. Even wounded, though, it's just not that easy to get past the broad-shouldered cleric. Another AoO!

“Dammit, boss, lemme at 'im!” the teenager yells in frustration, forced to once again stab around the doorframe toward Jugger. The awkward angle, however, means Jugger can easily turn the attack aside with his club.

Out by the stairs, the half-orc with the morningstar turns his attention to Makoa, and this time his blow hits not carpentry but flesh, hammering the barbarian for 6 hp. He laughs, shouting in Orc,

“That's for Bugsy!”

Jagor is up at last! New map here.

Initiatives for Round 3:
Skinny guy 20
Guy with dog 19+
Ghorum 19-
Scarface 13++++
Ragpatch man 13+++
Teenager 13++
Half-orc with morningstar 13
Balding guy 13-
Jagor 12+
Elf 12-
Clifford 11
Jugger 8
Makoa 7
Hezekiah 2

DM Shisumo wrote:
Still in his defensive posture, the man in the rags and patches makes another attempt to slip past Jugger. Even wounded, though, it's just not that easy to get past the broad-shouldered cleric. Another AoO!

"Yah!" bellows Jugger as he takes a swipe at the ragman. "Looks like I tipped the rats from th'bilge!"

Atk+2 = 13. Miss!

Jagor attempts once again to slip past the star-wielder. Acrobatics 1d20+7=20

I don't think that makes it, so I'm probably needing an action to stand up. Again. I'll use Makoa for cover to avoid the AoO, if possible. Still using Total Defense.

Earth Breaker; Raging; Power Attack 1 (1d20+6=13, 2d6+11=21)

Jagor Bonebreaker wrote:

Jagor attempts once again to slip past the star-wielder. Acrobatics 1d20+7=20

I don't think that makes it, so I'm probably needing an action to stand up. Again. I'll use Makoa for cover to avoid the AoO, if possible. Still using Total Defense.

Since you fall flat in Makoa's square, it isn't really possible to use him as cover per se. And, in this case, it doesn't really matter anyway, because the roll was quite high...

As Jagor rolls away from the warrior, he accidentally leaves an opening, and the morningstar wielder pounces on it ruthlessly, hammering him for 5 hp.

Around the corner, the elf lets fly an arrow, trying to shoot around his fellow gang member at Jugger. The attempt is completely ineffective, however, and the arrow flies down the hall to embed itself in the wall at the end of the corridor, just over the skinny thief's head.

Clifford, then Jugger.

Male Halfling Rogue 1

Clifford move to H10 and tries vainly to stab the youth

Att 9, Dam 3

DM Shisumo wrote:
Around the corner, the elf lets fly an arrow, trying to shoot around his fellow gang member at Jugger.

"Merciful Desna!" Jugger shouts as the arrow whizzes passed. "Look'ere! I was just wantin' t'speak with yer raggy-man boss - it's no need t'pin me t'the hull! Seein' he's called you lads t'fight is a bit disturbin' t'that plan, though."

Jugger brings his club up and around once more, aiming to put the patchwork figure to rest.
1d20+2=22 Crit?
Crit Confirm: 1d20+2=10 No. Damage: 3

As the skinny man at the hallway intersection ducks away from the arrow, the movement disrupts Clifford's aim, so that the halfling stabs only air. Jugger manages to draw more blood from the scalp of the ragged, patch-cloaked man, and he grunts in pain. At the other end of the hallway, Makoa's mighty swing comes within a hair's-breadth of striking his opponent, but is just a bit too wild to make contact.


Male Human Wizard 1 (diviner)
DM Shisumo wrote:

As the skinny man at the hallway intersection ducks away from the arrow, the movement disrupts Clifford's aim, so that the halfling stabs only air. Jugger manages to draw more blood from the scalp of the ragged, patch-cloaked man, and he grunts in pain. At the other end of the hallway, Makoa's mighty swing comes within a hair's-breadth of striking his opponent, but is just a bit too wild to make contact.


Hezekiah tries to even out the odds somewhat and casts Grease on H7, H8, I7 and I8, trying to figure out if Jugger is friend or foe.

I think you must have a line of sight to do so . don't have the rules with me

Male Human Wizard 1 (diviner)

Sorry, didn't read the map properly.

Correction: Cast Daze on Clifford's adversary.

Hezekiah Sexton wrote:

Sorry, didn't read the map properly.

Correction: Cast Daze on Clifford's adversary.

You don't seem to have daze prepped.

Male Human Wizard 1 (diviner)
DM Shisumo wrote:
Hezekiah Sexton wrote:

Sorry, didn't read the map properly.

Correction: Cast Daze on Clifford's adversary.

You don't seem to have daze prepped.

Not my day (/week/year) it seems.

Acid splash on Cliff's adversary.

The skinny man shrieks as a glob of acid burns its way through his trousers and sears an ugly red-black patch into his skin. "Mage!" he shouts. "Mage!" Assuming a defensive posture, rapier weaving and feet moving rapidly back and forth, he tries to pull back from Hezekiah and Clifford to K10, provoking an AoO from Cliff.

Jagor didn't specify where he rolled to his feet, but I'm assuming it's N10. If it's not, we might revisit this action.

The guy with the dog rushes toward Jagor, apparently hoping speed and surprise will help to catch the half-orc off-guard. As wild as his attacks are, however, Jagor dodges with exceptional ease. (The dog, however, stays at the end of the hall, barking.)

Over on the stairs, Ghorum looks around a little blearily, then grins. His form wavers - almost as though any onlookers were intoxicated and having trouble focusing on him - and suddenly, he is standing in the hallway, just where the skinny gang member had been a moment before. "Let's try that again, lads!" he calls out, raising his holy symbol and calling out, "Pour out your blessings on your thirsty flock, O Accidental One!" Bless on everyone except Jugger (who, sadly, is not considered an ally yet). He then steps into the hall 5 ft step to I9 and readies his mace, turning to examine Jugger. "And who're you, lad?" he calls out.

The scarred man in the doorway makes another stab at Jugger, but the sailor deflects it easily. The man in the patched cloak wipes blood from his eyes and steps backward 5 ft move to G7, looking angry. He pulls a crystalline flask from within his cloak and drains it, then produces a knife and takes on a fighting stance. Before he can close, though, the younger man in the doorway steps out into the hall, followed by the balding fellow, who now looms in the doorway. Freed from the confines of the room, the teenager's stroke is much sharper, and cuts Jugger deeply for 6 more. At the same time, the balding man stabs in as well, but the attack is wide.

Sense Motive DC 11, Jugger only:

The balding guy missed on purpose.

Facing off against Makoa, the half-orc with the morningstar makes another wild, angry attack, but nothing comes of it, save for an old and faded painting crashes to the floor from the wall next to the barbarian.

Initiatives for Round 4:
Skinny guy 20
Guy with dog 19+
Ghorum 19-
Scarface 13++++
Ragpatch man 13+++
Teenager 13++
Half-orc with morningstar 13
Balding guy 13-
Jagor 12+
Elf 12-
Clifford 11
Jugger 8
Makoa 7
Hezekiah 2

Jagor is up.

New map when I get home tonight.

For my action:


Earth Breaker, Raging, Power Attack 1 (1d20+6=23, 2d6+11=16)

"WAAAAA!!!!" Makoa roars as he swings his mighty hammer.

N10 is fine. I'm back down to 2 hp, y'all.

Jagor continues to dodge and weave, keeping the dog's owner off of Makoa's back. Continue Total Defense for AC of 24.

"We have company, Makoa. Jagor watch your back."


I just realized I forgot the AoO for failing to get past the half-orc fighter in the first place, Jagor, but since I just rolled a nat 1 on the attack, we'll call it good.

As Jagor ducks as weaves around the rapier from the guy with the dog, the elf fires another arrow down the hallway, whizzing past Jugger and ruffling the hair in Ghorum's beard, but not accomplishing much else of interest.

Clifford, then Jugger. Makoa's action's above.

Male Halfling Rogue 1

Clifford does not have an AoO since the skinny one did but move

Clifford looks at the skinny one and says 'You should go sit this fight out here pointing to J11 friend if you want to survive your wounds'

He then delays to see hpw the man react

Clifford Strauss wrote:
Clifford does not have an AoO since the skinny one did but move

He did something else. It wasn't the withdraw action, Clifford gets the AoO. Now, if you'd like to forgo it, in hopes of helping out your diplomatic overture, that's fine, but you do have it if you want it.

Make me a Diplomacy or Intimidate check (depending on how exactly you're spinning that bit about his "wounds"), please.

Male Halfling Rogue 1

Since I want to be diplomatic , I'll forego my attack :)

diplomacy 27 : the force is with me

DM Shisumo wrote:
"And who're you, lad?" he calls out.

"Name's Jugger," replies the big man as he tries to bludgeon the spear-weilding youth. Atk+2 = 18, Dam+2 = 7

"I'd elaborate, but as ye can see..." He says as he flickers from sight, reappearing a split-second later. (in I8 and making a 5' step to J8)

"... I'm a might busy at the moment"

The skinny guy looks uncertainly back and forth between Clifford and Hezekiah, then says, "All right..." He moves toward the windows, raising his hands.

"Coward!" roars the half-orc with the morningstar, but the word is largely cut off by a scream of pain and rage as Makoa's earthbreaker finds its target at last, sending a spray of blood and filling the air withthe sound of breaking bones. Though the warrior still stands, he seems almost on the verge of collapse.

Around the corner, Jugger produces much the same effect on the teenager who is using a shortsword, pummeling him mercilessly before teleporting a short distance away to catch his breath. The youth still stands, but he seems to be holding onto consciousness by the thinnest of threads.

Hezekiah again.

Male Halfling Rogue 1

Clifford stop delaying then and move to K10 flanking the half orc

His attack is not as successful he could hope for but at least he give a +2 to attack to Makoa

Male Human Wizard 1 (diviner)

Hezekiah tries to finish off the half-orc, thinking that even the searing acid is more merciful (and leaves less of a stain) than Makoa's earthbreaker.

I'll be out of town for the next week. Please play Hezekiah for me.

Hezekiah's blast catches the warrior in the back, searing into his spine. The attack seems to be the last straw, and he collapses to the floor, unconscious and bleeding to death.

The skinny guy cowers in the corner where Clifford directed him, staring with wide and terrified eyes at the bloodied body of the half-orc on the floor of the corridor.

The guy with the dog makes another attempt at stabbing Jagor, but it is no more effective than his last try.

Ghorum apparently decides that Jugger is a friend, or at least an ally, under the circumstances. He steps into the doorway, chanting "As chance laid its hand on you, O Cayden, lay your hand on this man." A pale blu glow wraps around his outstreched hand, and he places it on Jugger's arm. Jugger feels his wounds begin to close recovering 5 hp.

The scarred man steps out into the hallway, hoping to catch Ghorum off-guard, but his attack is so off-target Ghorum doesn't even have to move in order for it to miss.

The man with patched cloak steps up, but his way is blocked by his scarred ally. He swears under his breath, then attempts to slip past the scarred face and move past Ghorum, but fails. Ghorum knocks him backward, where he becomes entangled with his ally and falls to the ground prone in I7.

Jugger and Ghorum hear a door open at the end of the hall around the corner, and a wavering, elderly voice say, "Balston? Balston, what's going on out here?"

The balding man appears at the corner and stabs again, this time toward Ghorum, but misses once more.

Jugger, did you make the Sense Motive roll from earlier?

Jagor is up. Map is here.

Initiatives for Round 5:
Skinny guy 20 (cowering in corner)
Guy with dog 19+
Ghorum 19-
Scarface 13++++
Ragpatch man 13+++
Teenager 13++
Balding guy 13-
Jagor 12+
Elf 12-
Clifford 11
Jugger 8
Makoa 7
Hezekiah 2

"Makoa do nice work. This man want to talk to Makoa now."

Continuing Total Defense, AC 24.

Jagor steps back from the man attacking him to N11 to give Makoa room to swing his earthbreaker.

The elf sends another arrow whipping down the corridor. Jugger thinks it was probably aimed at Ghorum, but it actually gets closest to hitting the skinny guy in the corner.

Clifford, Jugger, Makoa.

Male Halfling Rogue 1

Clifford shouts ; 'Jagor !' : He then indicate to go downstairs
Doublemove to J11 downstairs going past Hezekiah

DM Shisumo wrote:
He steps into the doorway, chanting "As chance laid its hand on you, O Cayden, lay your hand on this man." A pale blu glow wraps around his outstreched hand, and he places it on Jugger's arm. Jugger feels his wounds begin to close recovering 5 hp.

"Gods bless ye, Brother! First round's on me!"

DM Shisumo wrote:
Jugger, did you make the Sense Motive roll from earlier?

Completely forgot:1d20=5 No.

Seeing the ragman fall, Jugger decides to take this opportunity to try and keep him there.
ATK: 1d20+2=19 Damage: 1d6+2=7

5' step to N10

Earth Breaker, Rage, Power Attack 1 (1d20+6=15, 2d6+11=18)

"Me have nothing to say. But Koth want to meat you."

The misspelling of meet was intentional

Ouch - half-orcs punning! Just hit me with the hammer and get it over with, man! ;)

Seriously, though, don't forget you've got a bless bonus on your attacks.

Clifford disappears down the stairs, while around the corner Jugger tries and fails to strike the cloaked man on the ground - even on the floor, the figure rolls and twists out of the way of the blow.

Makoa turns his full attention on the man with the dog, with bloody and lethal results - the barbarian's earthbreaker crushes the life from the man's body, dropping him bonelessly to the floor. The dog gives an agonized howl, rushing forward to stand atop the body, alternately licking the man's dead hands and growling and barking at Makoa.

Hezekiah watches the halfing rush past him, shaking his head in confusion, before slowly making his way down the hall to the interaction of the two corridors. Seeing the thugs facing off against Ghorum, he reaches into his pouch and draws forth a small bit of butter, wrapped in wax. He crushes it between his fingers, pointing down the hall and saying loudly, "Fett!" A spray of grease appears on the floor and walls at the bend in the hallway, splashing through the open door at the far end of the hall. Though the scarfaced man manages to keep his feet, there is a heavy thud as the balding man drops heavily to the ground.

The grease covers H7, I7 and I6, as well as the wall next to H7 to the west.

Ghorum booms out a laugh, trying to hit the ragpatch figure while the man lies on the ground. If anything, though, the greasy covering makes him harder to hit, it seems, as the cloaked figure slips sideways and avoids the dwarf's attack. Ghorum then takes a step back, making an "after you" gesture toward Jugger.

Carefully maintaining his balance, the scarfaced thief takes a step forward for another stab at Ghorum. It's an attack with a lot of effort behind it, but not much accuracy.

The cloaked figure carefully rises to his feet provoking an AoO from Jugger as he does so, then tries a slash at the sailor through the doorway. The attack finds a weak spot in Jugger's armor and deals 4 hp on a really unimpressive crit.

The balding man rises slowly to his feet as well, but can't do much beyond that.

Map is here. Jagor is up.

Initiatives for Round 6:
Skinny guy 20 (cowering in corner)
Ghorum 19-
Scarface 13++++
Ragpatch man 13+++
Teenager 13++
Balding guy 13-
Jagor 12+
Elf 12-
Clifford 11
Jugger 8
Makoa 7
Hezekiah 2

"Heh. He never forget that meating, Makoa. Heh."

Jagor sees Clifford's motion and moves down the stairs to meet him at K11, I guess? Why does Cliffy look like one of the hoods on the map? If that's one of the hoods, my action will likely change.

Jagor Bonebreaker wrote:

"Heh. He never forget that meating, Makoa. Heh."

Jagor sees Clifford's motion and moves down the stairs to meet him at K11, I guess? Why does Cliffy look like one of the hoods on the map? If that's one of the hoods, my action will likely change.

Because he (that is, Clifford) is on the lower level in the same spot. If you guys don't come right back upstairs - and I have no idea what robin's up to, so who knows? - then I will add another map to put you on accordingly.

The elf archer wastes another arrow trying to shoot past his allies to hit Ghorum.

Clifford, Jugger, Makoa.

DM Shisumo wrote:
The cloaked figure carefully rises to his feet provoking an AoO from Jugger as he does so

Nat 1. Kharmic Fail!

Male Halfling Rogue 1

Clifford move to P10 downstairs while saying to Jagor
'We are bottled in this corridor . Maybe we can climb up a window on the other side but we'll have to be stealthy '

Clifford Strauss wrote:

Clifford move to P10 downstairs while saying to Jagor

'We are bottled in this corridor . Maybe we can climb up a window on the other side but we'll have to be stealthy '

"Jagor know Clifford have plan. Jagor lift Clifford to window?"

There is an oak tree in the backyard that overhangs the roof. If you run (rather than taking a double move), you can start climbing it the next round. (So Clifford could climb it next round, and Jagor on the round after.) Otherwise, the windows are 16 feet from the ground.

Male Halfling Rogue 1

I thought we could only run on a stright line , guess I thought of charge not run
We'll do so then if the tree allows us to acceds to a window . But we'll need to know where they are
No need to make a second map for this ...

DM Shisumo wrote:
Carefully maintaining his balance, the scarfaced thief takes a step forward for another stab at Ghorum.

"Surely yer dear sainted mother told ye to ne'er hit a man'o'th'cloth, yeh?" Attacking scarface: 11+2 = 13. Damage = 6+2=8

"Might be why she'us cryin' when I left her this mornin', you'n yer disrespect."

Charge to K10, Swinging at enemy in J11.

Charge, Earth Breaker, Rage, Power Attack 1 (1d20+8=20, 2d6+11=13)

I have 1 more round of rage left

Makoa charges the enemy, wildly swinging his Earth Breaker as hard as he can, hoping to connect for a swift finish.

Makoa wrote:
Charge to K10, Swinging at enemy in J11.

Um, that's the guy Clifford convinced to stay out of the way for the rest of the fight. He's gone two rounds without doing anything other than hide in the corner. You sure you want to do that?

Move to J7 then, attack I7

Earth Breaker, Rage, Power Attack 1 (1d20+6=15, 2d6+11=19)

There are two walls in the way of that action. (Which is at least partly the fault of my mapmaking skills, or lack thereof.) If Makoa delays, though, Hezekiah and Ghorum are aware of the problem, and you can keep that attack roll...

lol, guess i'll delay then.. sorry for all that

Seeing the tight passage, Ghorum shouts to Hezekiah, "Make way for the hammer!"

Hezekiah takes a step back to J10 and readies an action when Makoa runs past. Ghorum does the same moving to I10, which allows Makoa to run up the hallway and turn the corner, his earthbreaker already swinging. Both Hezekiah and Ghorum touch him as he runs past, each giving him a +1 bonus that can be used on an attack roll in the next three rounds, but not both together. As he sprints, Ghorum calls out, "The sailor's on our side! Leastways, I think he is..." The scarfaced man stares in horror at the charging half-orc, but can do nothing except issue a short scream before the earthbreaker crashes down on him, killing him instantly. Makoa is now in I9.

It seems to become immediately clear to the man in the patched cloak who the real danger is, and he immediately turns his dagger on Makoa stepping to I8. Shaken by the force of the half-orc's attack, however, the dagger strike is weak and awkward, threatening to take some of Jugger's beard but nothing of Makoa's flesh.

The balding man steps carefully up behind the ragpatch man, though he looks fearfully over his shoulder at the elf archer. Nevertheless, he makes an attempt at hitting Jugger that misses wildly.

Another Sense Motive check, Makoa and Jugger, DC 11.

The balding man's attacks are deliberately going wide. He is actively trying not to hit Jugger.

Jagor is up. New map shortly.

Initiatives for Round 7:
Skinny guy 20 (cowering in corner)
Ghorum 19-
Hezekiah 19--
Makoa 19---
Ragpatch man 13+++
Teenager 13++
Balding guy 13-
Jagor 12+
Elf 12-
Clifford 11
Jugger 8

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