Rogue - Minor Magic - At will?

Classes: Bard, Monk, and Rogue

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At-will abilities are awesome because suddenly, you don't have to worry about whether a particular use is optimal. You can use them for comedy, to needle another player, or for a dramatic flourish.

Make a rogue's talent a scarce resource, and it'll probably only be used in combat. That sounds less fun to me... and if you've made the game less fun, and haven't solved any balance problems... what have you accomplished?

I can understand not wanting rogues to have magical talents in the first place, but am a bit baffled by those who are ok with mage hand 2/day but not at-will.

starwed wrote:
At-will abilities are awesome because suddenly, you don't have to worry about whether a particular use is optimal. You can use them for comedy, to needle another player, or for a dramatic flourish.

true, i loved that time i splashed acid in my friends face i laughed so hard, he of course died, he only had 9 hp, i rolled max, hahahahahahahahahahaha

starwed wrote:
Make a rogue's talent a scarce resource, and it'll probably only be used in combat. That sounds less fun to me... and if you've made the game less fun, and haven't solved any balance problems... what have you accomplished?.

it is less fun, but mage hand isn't the only spell on the list, there are damaging spells, and even if they only do 1d3 in the hands of wizards, they can do 1d3+10d6 in the hands of a high level rogue.

starwed wrote:
I can understand not wanting rogues to have magical talents in the first place, but am a bit baffled by those who are ok with mage hand 2/day but not at-will.

i stand with the idea of it being a advanced talent, turn your 2/d spell to an at will.

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

I'm playing a rogue in a playtest now. He's about to gain lvl 2. I looked at the minor/major rogue talents, but they're weak enough that I'm going to take the dip in Wizard (this campaign doesn't allow sorcerer dips or sorcerers multi-classing).

And probably not just one. This rogue has been frustrated by wizard locked things. Unfortunately, Knock is a second level spell, so the minor/major rogue talents wouldn't cut it for him anyway. So somewhere down the road I see more levels in Wizard for him as well. Too bad Arcane Trickster has such a high spell caster level entry requirement.

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