Gamers for obama

Off-Topic Discussions

I'm not trying to start a political war here (however it may). But I sent in a recommendation to that they should produce a "gamers for Obama button with a few recommendations, one for each table top gamers and console gamers. they are now producing them and are only $1 each Check them out.

Gamers for Obama

Take the politics to the Off Topic Board where it belongs.

I second Denis da ogre suggestion, please take it somewhere else, before this turns into a WoW chat forum (where they like to talk at about religion & politics in the trade chat).

Thirded, and have emailed the PostMonster General, requesting the moving of this thread.

Another vote to move.


Liberty's Edge

Joshua J. Frost wrote:

thank you!

and to the OP. um. no.

lordmolay wrote:

I don't want to get political, but I did read demonicstuff the first time I saw this.

And I, too, agree that this doesn't belong here.

Why would I wear a button that supports a racist?

I'm not a big fan of white people either, but dang, he and Reverend Wright are just waaaayyyy out there.

The Exchange Contributor, RPG Superstar 2008 Top 6

I'm a gamer for Obama. And calling him a racist? Cheap.

I'm another gamer for Obama. Agrees with Russ... there's more latent racism in this country than people want to admit. The racist comment was unnecessary.

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

GM the DM wrote:
Why would I wear a button that supports a racist?

I don't know why you would either. We're talking about buttons that support Obama.

Oh. I see what you did there.

lordmolay wrote:
Gamers for Obama


Scarab Sages

Oh my god! I'm not even a US resident and I want some of these just for the hilarity value. I mean, "Bass Guitars for Obama" or "Closet Rock Fans for Obama"? awesomeness. "Yeti Hunters for Obama"? "Steampunk for Obama"? I want to know who designed these. he deserves a drink.

If they make a "Porn Enthusiasts for Obama", I'll vote for him. Oh, yes, and when they allow me to vote, not being an U.S. Citicen and all. But I would get a PEFO button either way!

The Exchange

I'd go for a "Porn Enthusiasts for Porn" button. Actually, I don't have need for a button. But I'd support a "Porn Enthusiasts for Porn" porno flick.

Scarab Sages

Well, they have both a "Trekkies for Obama" and "Geeks for Obama" pin, which is close enough I guess.

(yes, I'm stereotyping for the sake of humour. I belong to all three groups, incidently.)

veector wrote:
I'm another gamer for Obama. Agrees with Russ... there's more latent racism in this country than people want to admit. The racist comment was unnecessary.

I've been a target for racists and subjected to bigotry all my life. Racists rely on people not pointing a finger and condemning them loudly and publicly; it's how it continues to thrive.

If people would stand up and blast racism when it rears it's ugly head, there would be less of it.

Just 'cause the man has the same color skin I do, does not absolve me of the duty to point it out and condemn it. Loudly and with every chance I get.

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