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Let's kick off a directed discussion about this. Please check out the general conversions thread if you need to see some example monsters and discussion on how to convert.
I am running a Curse of the Crimson Thrones campaign and would love to take a look at what conversions other game masters have already done. No use reinventing the wheel.
Edge of Anarchy
- The Shingle Chase will be a skill challenge (Acrobatics, Athletics, Perception) requiring 12 successes before 3 failures.
- Cabbagehead is an Ogre.
- Potions of featherfall are avaliable (as Blackjacks escape hinges on it).

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Here is what I have so far:
Part Two: City in Turmoil - Random Encounters
- Drunken Guard - skill challenge
- Imps and Dragons - use as is
- Mad Prophet - use filth fever from the otyugh
- Meet the Mob - use 5 human rabbel + human thug
- Otyugh - use as is
Part Four: Welcome to the Guard - All the World's Meat
- use human guards
- use reefclaw
- use boar
- use Verik

Arcesilaus |

I am actually in the middle of running CotCT in 4th edition. (Maybe 'the middle' is inaccurate: we just finished the 7th session and have completed the Dead Warrens in EoA).
I have found that although conversion seems quite easy and not terribly time consuming, I am still working on becoming sufficiently nuanced with the rules to put together really good encounters. They're getting better, though. I could post my EoA conversion, but it might not be immediately comprehensible, as it is in outline format. If there is enough interest, though, I'll put it up.

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I've also got a pile of .doc files with all my encounters from CoCT so far (halfway through "Pestilence" in Seven Days to the Grave right now). The encounters in the Old Fishery are a bit of a pushover, as it was my first time designing encounters and I didn't want a TPK on my hands, but most people seem to agree that Gaedren and the gang are designed to be somewhat easy, so I'll pretend that was the plan the whole time.
Mine would also need some clean-up before throwing them out for the world to use, and I make my own 4e stat blocks using Word's table function that look identical to WotC's MM stat blocks, so that'd probably get the "unfair use" legal ninjas on my trail if they appeared on the Interweb. But for standard MM monsters, I suppose I could just list name and page number.

Jeremy Mac Donald |

Here is what I have so far:
Part Two: City in Turmoil - Random Encounters
- Drunken Guard - skill challenge
- Imps and Dragons - use as is
- Mad Prophet - use filth fever from the otyugh
- Meet the Mob - use 5 human rabbel + human thug
- Otyugh - use as isPart Four: Welcome to the Guard - All the World's Meat
- use human guards
- use reefclaw
- use boar
- use Verik
How do you make the professional looking monster stat cards?

Mauricio Quintana RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32 |

I am about to start playing CotCT converted to 4e with my new group.
@ Josia Knight: Thanks for this --- the conversions for the reefclaw and the boar are most useful. Do you have any details on the skill challenge for the drunken guard in part two?
There was talk of more conversions going on in another thread, here.
Here's what I have so far:
Part 1:
I made two versions of the jigsaw shark, one elite and one standard, posted them here.
Convincing Lamm's Lambs to rebel is a Lev 2 skill challenge, complexity 1, Primary skills Diplomacy and Streetwise (mostly because one of my players is a rogue that used to be a Lamm's Lamb, but I ruled that any character native to Korvosa AND trained in Streetwise can roll this one); also, if players use Bluff to gain combat advantage successfully in any of the combats involving the orphans, they grant a +2 circumstance bonus to the next Diplomacy or Streetwise check in the challenge.
lamm's lambs - use human rabble
I am substituting deathjump spiders for the drain spiders.
Gobblegut is a visejaw crocodile (although I am considering adding at least one other croc, as per Arcesilaus's suggested modification in the other thread).
For the otyugh in part 2, steelwhisper posted a fantastic (IMHO) encounter in the other CotCT 4e conversion thread, quoted below:
I ran this encounter last night as part of the 4E Curse of the Crimson throne campaign I am running with six second level characters. Only five players were able to make it last night so the standard difficulty encounter which I designed for them was a little tougher than expected. Great fun though.
The set-up was a rough square (twenty by twenty) with a sewer entrance marker in the centre and a number of market stalls placed throughout the square. The players enter from a three by three square on the southern portion of the map and are allowed one turn of movement before the Otyugh emerges.
Encounter : Otyugh Uprising!
This encounter takes place in a marketplace in Old Korvosa. The PC’s are drawn to the market by shouts of alarm and when they approach they begin to feel tremors in the ground beneath their feet. They reach the market just in time to witness an enormous explosion from under the cobblestones in the centre of the market and see an Otyugh burst forth from the sewers below. From the gaping hole thousands of rats begin to emerge and swarm over the marketplace. There are injured and trapped civilians under the rubble and overturned stalls.Otyugh ( 300 xp) MM211
Tactics: The Otyugh will remain close to the hole in the centre attempting to grapple targets with it’s 3 square reach. It will fight to the death.2x Rat Swarm 125 xp each MM219
Tactics: The swarms will start next to the hole and attack the nearest PC or group of PC’s. They will fight to the death.Skill Challenge: Rescue trapped citizens 300xp
Description: There are rats everywhere, swarming all over the marketplace. There are a number of people trapped under the rubble and overturned stalls who are in danger of being killed by the rats. You only have a limited time to save them. For every failed roll or turn that passes without a successful roll being made one person will be eaten by rats. Six people must be saved before three die for the challenge to succeed. (Standard complexity 2 six passes before 3...
I also like the Harrow point uses proposed by scytale2:
Harrow point uses:
Reroll initiative
+1 to reflex attacks for an encoutner
+1 to AC/Reflex defences for an encounter (max +3)
Add one to speed in an encounter (Max +2)
I'll post more as I work my way through it.

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Edge of Anarchy
- The Shingle Chase will be a skill challenge (Acrobatics, Athletics, Perception) requiring 12 successes before 3 failures.
Is there any reason why the original 15-card system can't be used? That way, even if they do get that many failures there's still a possibility for them to catch up(unlikely though it may be).
Just wondering if there's something I'm missing that may require the change.

Arcesilaus |

Josiah Knight wrote:
Edge of Anarchy
- The Shingle Chase will be a skill challenge (Acrobatics, Athletics, Perception) requiring 12 successes before 3 failures.
Is there any reason why the original 15-card system can't be used? That way, even if they do get that many failures there's still a possibility for them to catch up(unlikely though it may be).
Just wondering if there's something I'm missing that may require the change.
I used the original 15 card system, and it worked just fine. I obviously had to change the skills (I used Athletics, Acrobatics, Streetwise ("I know a shortcut."), Perception, and Diplomacy ("Quick! Which way did she go?"). I allowed an action point to basically allow the player to skip ahead one card (as if using a standard action normally). I also lowered the DCs by 5 to be more along the lines of the revised DCs by level on p. 42 of the DMG. It worked wonderfully, and the PCs managed to catch Trinia by the second to last card. I then used a skill challenge of sorts as they convinced her it was better to turn herself in than be captured. Overall, very dramatic and led to all sorts of fun role-playing as the party decided what to do with her.

Mauricio Quintana RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32 |

yeah, I also intended to use the cards... When I first read the adventure, I had just read the section on Skill challenges in the DMG, and I remember thinking how similar-yet-original the chase through the shingles was --- kind of a "3.5 skill challenge"...
I love the skill challenge system, so I decided that I would also use the Shingles chase as a model for designing future, unique skill challenges.

Mauricio Quintana RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32 |

Actually, looking over the two threads with 4e conversions for CotCT, I realized something: no one has mentioned converting the disease, blood veil, which is so central to 7DtG...
Has anyone taken a shot at it? How about the other diseases in the back of the 7DtG book?
Since ability damage wasn't invited to the 4e party, I am a bit stumped on how to convert this aspect of the AP.
as always, any help is greatly appreciated.

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How do you make the professional looking monster stat cards?
I use a magic set editor program to create them, with another authors design style. If you send me a set of monster stats in email, I can easily make a card for you, or send you the directions to do so yourself.
Email is josiahknight 'at' gmail 'dot' com.
Since there is another thread for the conversions, I will post more updates on "this post".

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Actually, looking over the two threads with 4e conversions for CotCT, I realized something: no one has mentioned converting the disease, blood veil, which is so central to 7DtG...
Has anyone taken a shot at it? How about the other diseases in the back of the 7DtG book?
I don't know anything about it apart from the fact that it exists, but Creighton Broadhurst has written a book on disease for Expeditious Retreat Press. It's called 'Plague', and appears to be available in print and pdf, so it could provide some tips.

James Blair |
I looked at the Shingle Chase skill list, and noticed that most of them seemed to convert to only 2-3 skills (Athletics, Acrobatics, and Perception covered about 90% of them). I had this shiny new Harrow deck I bought from Paizo lately, and since my players were not interested in gambling with them I felt I had to work Harrow cards in there somewhere.
I set up 15 cards face-down, then placed 15 more face-up next to them. Movement between cards was similar. The ability on the card determined the ability involved in the check, and "alignment" determined the difficulty (DC 11 for LG, DC 12 for NG, ... on down to DC 19 for CE). The player was allowed to use any skill that used the card's ability score.
To move 2 squares, the player had to pass the "public" face-up skill check. To move 3 squares, the player had to pass the "public" skill check and the "private" face-down skill check. Once revealed, the "private" check was known to the players.

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I have created a wiki to help collaborate our efforts. Currently it is a hidden website (mainly so my players don't access it).
If interested in gaining access to the wiki (and contributing ideas and suggestions), please register here:
Edge of Anarchy Wiki Registration
Contact josiahknight@gmail.com with any questions.

Arcesilaus |

A very rough draft of my take on Blood Veil:
Blood Veil - Level 8 Disease
Endurance: improve DC 19, maintain DC 14, worsen 13 or lower
The target is cured. <> Initial Effect: The target loses one healing surge that it cannot regain until cured. The target takes a -2 penalty to its Will defense. <> At the end of each extended rest, the target takes 10 damage. Each time the target becomes bloodied, it gains ongoing 5 damage (save ends) <> Final State: The target cannot be healed above its bloodied state and is dazed. If the target is reduced to 0 hit points, it dies immediately.
Thoughts? I have 2 concerns:
1. It is too deadly, with too many effects. I was trying to maintain the 3.5 Con and Cha effects and fear I might be trying to do too much.
2. It isn't deadly enough. This disease should be fatal to a normal human (within about a week). But, I had a hard justifying giving the PCs a disease that might kill them, through a couple unlucky die rolls. I guess there's nothing saying the disease has to affect NPCs and PCs the same way ...

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I have created a wiki to help collaborate our efforts. Currently it is a hidden website (mainly so my players don't access it).
Contact josiahknight@gmail.com with any questions.
The wiki is up and running at the following website now.
Edge of Anarchy Wiki(Edge of Anarchy Wiki Registration)
I have given access to everyone who has registered so far. I am also putting conversions people have made on here on the wiki (with appropriate credits). If you want anything taken off there, please let me know.
Happy Gaming,

Mauricio Quintana RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32 |

fhtagn! I totally neglected checking this thread for too long...
Arcesilaus, thank you for posting your take on Blood Veil. I don't have my rulebooks on me as I write this, but I'll check back and post again with my comments. At first glance it seems pretty good...
Re: Skill Challenges in general.
Last night I ran my group through "Meet the Mob" (one of the suggested encounter ideas in Part Two of EoA)...and it very spontaneously transformed into a Skill Challenge (spontaneously because I hadn't envisioned it as such)...
I decided it would be an easy, level 1 challenge. The key skills were Bluff, Intimidate, Diplomacy, and Streetwise, and successful resolution implied breaking up the group that was threatening Amin Jalento. Failure meant that the group of thugs/angry citizens would attack the PCs.
I had already modified the encounter slightly because I needed to introduce a new PC, whom I decided would be friends with Jalento (and also a student of Vencarlo's Academy, but that's another story). However, I was amazed at how easily my players rolled with it...
I am glad to report my Skill Challenge "on the fly" worked out pretty well. I am enjoying those mechanics a lot.
I hadn't thought of turning the encounter with Lavender into a skill challenge... hm. Another one for when I hit the books at home tonight.
I'll post the "Meet the Mob" Skill Challenge to the Wiki when I finish actually writing it up.

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We now have 10 DM's registered (and thus able to add content) to the Curse of the Crimson Throne wiki. If interested, please register and add your ideas, concepts, and requests so we can work together.