Barakus bustles (Black Tom's Necro campaign II)


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Female Human mixed blood (Skandik blood link) Cleric 2 (favored class)

Petra cast Inspiring Word on Kirwen

Male Half Elf ( want to make something of it !) Ranger 2

Juliare kills one of the archer opposite him
Att 26 damage 11

Clark steps 10' toward the oncoming dwarf and concentrates Detect Evil on his foe.

Stated loud enough for the bandits to hear:

"We have been sent by the city to apprehend your leaders. They have misled you, caused you to hurt innocent people. We only seek to bring them to justice. The courts cannot fault us if some of the gang escapes."

Bluff 1d20+7=26


Meanwhile, Thrakhir curses at being hit by the stray arrow. He steps back into the bushes, only to hustle around the side of the camp to come up behind one of the archers.

Double move around the "south" of the camp, please. Couldn't find a profile for the PC, so I used the bonus from an earlier post:

Stealth 1d20+8=24

Clark Freeman wrote:
Couldn't find a profile for the PC, so I used the bonus from an earlier post:

This should do it.

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat

Thrakhir disappears into the brush.

As another archer falls, the rest of the bandits listen to Clark's speech, take a brief look at one another and then quickly abscond from the scene.

The dwarf roars in fury and charges Clark. The vicious axe bites into his side for 4 points of damage. The bard ends his song and curses, then lobs a spell at Juliare. Will save vs 14 Fell Tarmick is nowhere to be seen.

Well done, Clark. You get a hero point and a piety point for this clever way to end the conflict and minimize bloodshed. This might seem pointless since we're ending this campaign, but note that hero points are player-specific, so you can port them over to your other character(s).

You're all free to act again.

Female Halfling Swashbuckler 6

Felicia keeps up the song as she begins to hea into the camp and look for the boss.


1 d 20 - 1=1

Sweet! Just trying to keep the paladin's conscience clear, you know.

Did my Detect Evil pick up anything on the dwarf?

If the dwarf is evil:

Clark draws divine power to himself and attempts to channel it into his foe. Smite Evil, of course

If the dwarf is not evil:

Clark turns his attention to the aggressive dwarf and attacks.

1d20+6=11, 1d8+3=7 Smite Evil will make this a 14 to hit and a 9 damage; Clark's AC will also become 20 vs evil creatures' attacks for this round.


Thrakhir, realizing his erstwhile targets have turned tail and fled, begins to search for either the bard or the thus-far unseen leader.

Another move action to get into better position and an action to look around the camp for the threats.

Perception 1d20+5=8 Bleah!

Kirwen grunts in disappointment as the archers take off - he was looking forward to some payback - but doesn't try to undercut the paladin's offer of clemency. Instead, he moves toward Clark and the dwarf, readying his mace, and coming up alongside them to strike at the dwarf bandit.

Pretty sure I wouldn't be able to flank this turn, but together Clark and I might manage it next turn if needed.

Mace attack (1d20+4=20, damage 2d6+5=11)

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat

As the dwarf who is evil, by the way lunges, he leaves an opening for Clark, who is quick to profit by it. Guided by sheer righteousness, he connects with a resounding blow. As Kirwen steps up and bashes him, he keels over.

At the same time, an arrow whizzes by out of nowhere and hits Felicia for 10 points of damage. Fell Tarmick appears for a moment and then ducks back behind a tent. His position is about K20, just in range for Thrakhir, whom he hasn't spotted.

Female Halfling Swashbuckler 6

Felicia pauses and looks down in mild surprise at the arrow stuck in he chest "Huh that's funny didn't feel a thi........." She slumps onto her knees than collapses onto the ground.

Currently at -1 Hp although on the plus side Felicia's music lasts for 3 more rounds

Male Half Elf ( want to make something of it !) Ranger 2

Assuming Juliare has seen the situation , he moves to B20 and shoots at Fell
Att 23 Damage 5

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat
Juliare wrote:

Assuming Juliare has seen the situation , he moves to B20 and shoots at Fell

Att 23 Damage 5

You still need to make your save first and then the bard presents a much better target, since Fell has ducked out of sight.

Clark: Says a silent prayer before turning the mage, "Thanks for the assist, big man!"

Is Petra where she can tend to Felicia easily? If not, Clark will run to the bard and lay on hands. (Getting to use all my paladin abilities this fight!) Will hold off announcing an action so Petra can post, but if the delay's too long, assume Clark ministers to Felicia.

Thrakhir smiles to himself, hefts one of his throwing axes, and lets fly at the oblivious leader. I didn't count any extra bonus from being unseen - I think it's a +2, as though I was invisible to the target.

Throwing axe attack 1d20+5=11, damage 1d6+2=8, sneak attack 1d6=1

Oops, I forgot to include the bardic music bonus on that attack, too, so I think it's a 14 to hit and 9 damage before sneak attack.

Following the throw, the rogue will run toward the leader, stopping behind cover if at all possible.

Forgot my bardic music bonus too, actually, and Petra's inspiring word. (sigh) Oh well. Is the enemy bard within range of a charge for Kirwen?

Male Half Elf ( want to make something of it !) Ranger 2

I thought the bard was out of sight
and WIll Save ! Who dares to try to make me miss a will Save ... 9

Female Human mixed blood (Skandik blood link) Cleric 2 (favored class)
Black Tom wrote:

Well done, Clark. You get a hero point and a piety point for this clever way to end the conflict and minimize bloodshed. This might seem pointless since we're ending this campaign, but note that hero points are player-specific, so you can port them over to your other character(s).

Smart Pixie Rogue!

Isn't Felicia's song +5 rounds after ending song?

Can Petra reache Felica with a cure spell?
In case she can 1d8+1=2....darn

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat

Juliare collapses, wrecked by uncontrollable laughter, that echoes eerily through the forest. Thrakhir's axe strikes Fell in the neck, but he doesn't fall. Sneak damage 4 for a total of 13. Badly hurt and outnumbered, Fell starts to run away. Only the bard remains.

The bard is within range for a double move for Kirwen, but there are too much obstructions to charge. That means Petra could reach Felicia by moving and channeling, but a single move wouldn't suffice to touch.

Seeing that Petra is moving toward the fallen bard, Clark seeks out another target. Does Clark know where to find either of the remaining two bandits? Assuming he saw Fell fire at Felicia, he would probably be his first choice for pursuit, but he's not fast...


On the other hand, Thrakhir knows exactly where Fell has run off to and pursues unless the bard is an easier target. "He went that way!" is provided as a clue to any allies seeking out the leader and "Their chanter is over here!" if the bard's location can be discerned.

Perception 1d20+5=16

I suspect that this is going to get me stabbed, but I think I can pin down the bard.

Kirwen watches the dwarf fall with a satisfied smile, then turns his attention to the bard. Rapidly moving through the undergrowth, he looms over his enemy with his mace held high.

If I get adjacent to the bard, I'm pretty sure that he won't be able to flee without provoking an AoO, even if he tries to withdraw. On the other hand, I suspect he'll just try to poke me, and my AC is only 9 at the moment...

Female Human mixed blood (Skandik blood link) Cleric 2 (favored class)

So it's channel energy. Still only got to HP, LOL
Removing any bandits she can from the channel.

Female Halfling Swashbuckler 6

Felicia's eyes flutter open before jumping up to her feet. "So what I miss?" She asks as if being shot is the most normal thing in the world.

For reasons I can't technically discuss, I'm going to be a lot quieter on the boards for the next week or so. I will try to keep in touch with what's happening here, though.

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat
Felicia Leadium wrote:
Felicia's eyes flutter open before jumping up to her feet. "So what I miss?" She asks as if being shot is the most normal thing in the world.

Are you sure that you and Roylenna aren't related? ;o)

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat

The bard takes a desperate stab at Kirwen, hitting for 5 points. Petra, Felicia and Kirwen can all have a go at him. Juliare is still giggling hysterically.

In the brush there is a great crash, as Fell is brought down by one of his former associates, who has shifted allegiance after Clark's rousing speech and in the hope of sharing in the reward. He takes a swing at his former leader, providing flanking for Thrakhir...

Female Human mixed blood (Skandik blood link) Cleric 2 (favored class)

Attack and damage, including bardic music. If she can get a flank it will be +2 to the attack
1d20+2=14 and 1d6+2=5

Female Halfling Sorcerer (celestial)
Black Tom wrote:
Felicia Leadium wrote:
Felicia's eyes flutter open before jumping up to her feet. "So what I miss?" She asks as if being shot is the most normal thing in the world.
Are you sure that you and Roylenna aren't related? ;o)

Well, now that you mention it, I have a third cousin twice removed named Felicia. She's a marvelous storyteller! You should hear her! I remember once, she...

Oh. Sorry. Wrong thread.

Black Tom wrote:

The bard takes a desperate stab at Kirwen, hitting for 5 points. Petra, Felicia and Kirwen can all have a go at him. Juliare is still giggling hysterically.

In the brush there is a great crash, as Fell is brought down by one of his former associates, who has shifted allegiance after Clark's rousing speech and in the hope of sharing in the reward. He takes a swing at his former leader, providing flanking for Thrakhir...

who's all to happy to help himself to a piece of the fleeing leader.

"Attaboy, lad. You'll be fer making a fine deputy. C'mere, you!"

Forgot the flanking bonus, but I'm sure it doesn't matter.

1d20+3=5, 1d6+2=6, 1d6=3


Seeing the dwarven rogue heading into the brush, Clark pursues to provide aid. His movement's also 20 ft., for purposes of determining whether he can get there or not.

Black Tom wrote:
The bard takes a desperate stab at Kirwen, hitting for 5 points. Petra, Felicia and Kirwen can all have a go at him. Juliare is still giggling hysterically.

Kirwen grunts as the blade strikes home, and he coughs a bit of blood, but the large man still bares his teeth in a humorless grin. "You've had your turn," he tells the bard, "and now it's mine." He drops the mace as claws sprout from his fingertips and he slashes twice at the figure in front of him.

Claw attacks with flank and bless (1d20+7=17, damage 1d8+4=6; 1d20+7=24, damage 1d8+4=11)

That should have been flank plus bardic music, so add +1 damage to each of those swings if they hit.

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat

Kirwen tears the poor bard to shreds and he collapses into a bloody heap.

Out in the woods, Fell sees Clark and Juliare sprinting towards him, and can feel Thrakhir breathing down his neck, which isn't a pleasant sensation at all. He realizes that the game is up and surrenders.

Congratulations! You defeated the Green Tree bandits. You all get 685 xp and one hero point.

Black Tom wrote:
Kirwen tears the poor bard to shreds and he collapses into a bloody heap.

Have I mentioned I really like this character?

Black Tom wrote:
Congratulations! You defeated the Green Tree bandits. You all get 685 xp and one hero point.

So are we done? Is there a denouement still coming?

Kirwen Wyrmsheart wrote:
Black Tom wrote:
Congratulations! You defeated the Green Tree bandits. You all get 685 xp and one hero point.
So are we done? Is there a denouement still coming?

I think this may answer your question...

Black Tom wrote:
Out in the woods, Fell sees Clark and Juliare sprinting towards him, and can feel Thrakhir breathing down his neck, which isn't a pleasant sensation at all. He realizes that the game is up and surrenders.

"Thrakhir, Juliare, I'm sure you have an idea what to do with a surrendered criminal."

Clark will move among the fallen, looking for any that are still alive. Those that he finds will get a single point of healing (to stop the bleeding) and dragged over to the center of the camp. Those that are dead will get dragged together, but out of sight of their fellows. Once that's done, he will see to his companions' wounds if Petra has not tended to them already. Lastly, he will use any remaining healing on his own wounds.


The dwarf has a nasty grin at Clark's words and says, "I might, at that. On yer knees!" If Fell isn't quick enough about it, he kicks him in the back of the knees to drop him before getting in his face. "There, that's better. We'll be needing to return your ill-gotten booty to the proper authorities when we turn your flea-bitten carcass over. We can search for it and tell them how you refused to be of any assistance or you can make it easy for us and we'll tell them how helpful you were once you'd seen the error of your ways. You choose."

He winks at Juliare. "Sound fair to you, Poi... Juliare?"

Male Half Elf ( want to make something of it !) Ranger 2

Yes , sounds fair to give him a chance .

Female Halfling Swashbuckler 6

Felicia takes out a notepad and begins to make notes All the while muttering things like "A dozen men...nah better make it a hundred" and "I should probably make Clark a few feet taller and muscular."

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat

In Fell's tent you find a number of rather filthy rugs made of diverse animal hides, under which there is a locked chest (Fell is very obliging with the key), containing 330 sp and several pieces of jewelry worth a total of 160 gp.

There are also four kegs of fine ale and two cases of fine wine.

The bandit leaders have some stuff worth carrying too: Grump Berger (the dwarf): dwarven waraxe, heavy crossbow, a potion of Cure Light Wounds and a gold necklace worth 65 gp. Garland Franks (the late bard): masterwork rapier, light crossbow and also a potion of Cure Light Wounds. Fell Tarmick himself has a masterwork longsword, a masterwork shortsword, a mighty composite longbow (+2), a masterwork studded leather armor, a potion of Cat's Grace and no less than two potions of Cure Light Wounds.

Your new bandit friend would be happy with half a share and his freedom.

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat
Felicia Leadium wrote:
Felicia takes out a notepad and begins to make notes All the while muttering things like "A dozen men...nah better make it a hundred" and "I should probably make Clark a few feet taller and muscular."

LOL. I don't know how any adventuring party manages without a bard. Just have a hero point. I hope Felicia will consider joining the other party.

Male Half Elf ( want to make something of it !) Ranger 2

Dibs on the bow !!!

Black Tom wrote:
Your new bandit friend would be happy with half a share and his freedom.

He's welcome to his freedom, but I have no idea what half a share is going to look like without some number crunching. I'll take a look, though.

Juliare wrote:

Dibs on the bow !!!

I like potions.

And jewelry. I really like the look of that necklace.

Clark Freeman wrote:
Black Tom wrote:
Your new bandit friend would be happy with half a share and his freedom.
He's welcome to his freedom, but I have no idea what half a share is going to look like without some number crunching. I'll take a look, though.

OK, assuming a gallon of ale equals a keg and a case of wine equals 12 bottles of same, I get a total value for the goods of approximately 3000 gp.

Here's where I get into trouble - I'm not sure how many are in the party. Felicia, Juliare, Kirwen, Petra, Thrakhir, Clark. Is that everyone?

Well, if I missed anyone, they haven't spoken up in a while -- I was back past May and didn't see anyone I'd missed. So... Six-and-a-half shares? Taking into account resale pricing for weapons and armor and normal pricing for goods such as wine and ale, I see a total resale value around 1740 and a per-member share of 267 and change. The bandit-turned-ally would be eligible for 133.5

Here's an thought - does any of this need to be returned to the city so it can be distributed to the original owners? And wasn't there something about a reward? Perhaps we should give the bandit some pieces and haul the rest to the guard.

Female Halfling Swashbuckler 6
Black Tom wrote:
Felicia Leadium wrote:
Felicia takes out a notepad and begins to make notes All the while muttering things like "A dozen men...nah better make it a hundred" and "I should probably make Clark a few feet taller and muscular."
LOL. I don't know how any adventuring party manages without a bard. Just have a hero point. I hope Felicia will consider joining the other party.

Sure would be more than happy to

Female Halfling Swashbuckler 6

"Hey wait a sec......" Felicia pauses as she looks and notices the longbow she turns and wheels on Fell looking annoyed. "Your the one who shot me aren't you?.......Hmph Well I'm definitely not putting your name in when I start telling this one"

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat

The kegs of ale are marked with the sign of a local merchant, so maybe you should return those. The wine is very fine and each of the two cases is worth 60 gp. Also after some rummaging Felicia finds a masterwork lyre tucked away in the mess.

Don't know how that would affect your calculations.

Fell grins at Felicia: "Well, unless my memory fails me, you were the ones to attack my camp. We were just defending ourselves from you lackeys of the oppressors."

Black Tom wrote:

The kegs of ale are marked with the sign of a local merchant, so maybe you should return those. The wine is very fine and each of the two cases is worth 60 gp. Also after some rummaging Felicia finds a masterwork lyre tucked away in the mess.

Don't know how that would affect your calculations.

Not a concern - it's all in a spreadsheet, so it's easy to modify as necessary.

"It appears that someone might be wanting some of these items back. I propose we make an effort to return items before we start making claims on any of it." To Fell, "Excepting, of course, items belonging to you and yours - I'm not comfortable handing you back your sword at this particular time."

Male Half Elf ( want to make something of it !) Ranger 2

We could , the point first ... and Felicia , you should particularly mention Fell and the way he was ridiculous there .

Female Human mixed blood (Skandik blood link) Cleric 2 (favored class)
Black Tom wrote:
Fell grins at Felicia: "Well, unless my memory fails me, you were the ones to attack my camp. We were just defending ourselves from you lackeys of the oppressors."

Don't expect anyone to believe "We were just defending ourselves". You are just a bandit and parasite who is to lazy to do a decent work so you rob and murder.

Felicia, why don't you just write the bandit cowardly ran away.

or something like this


Edited version of Brave Sir Robin from Monty Python and the Holy Grail

Bravely bold Sir Fell rode forth from the bandit camp
He was not afraid to die, O brave Sir Fell
He was not at all afraid to be killed in nasty ways
Brave, brave, brave, brave Sir Fell

He was not in the least bit scared to be mashed into a pulp
Or to have his eyes gouged out and his elbows broken
To have his kneecaps split and his body burned away
And his limbs all hacked and mangled, brave Sir Fell

His head smashed in and his heart cut out
And his liver removed and his bowels unplugged
And his nostrils raped and his bottom burnt off
And his p*nis...

Brave Sir Fell ran away - No!
Bravely ran away, away - I didn't!
When danger reared its ugly head
He bravely turned his tail and fled - No!
Yes, brave Sir Fell turned about
And gallantly he chickened out
Bravely taking to his feet
He beat a very brave retreat
Bravest of the brave, Sir Fell

Male Human (mostly) Ex-cleric and Grumpy Cat

Well, I for one am excited to hear Felicia's take on the whole affair.

Bundling up your loot and Fell and starting the trek back to Warwik, after giving your bandit ally his share (whatever you decide on he's not in a position to argue), the sun comes out and everything seems a lot easier.

There are no encounters on the way back (excepting a small merchant caravan that provides you with the perfect opportunity to brag about your exploits.

No bragging on Clark's part. If asked, he will just say that they've done what they could to make the roads in the area a bit safer for now.

Female Halfling Swashbuckler 6

Felicia on the other hand will probably do nothing but brag, Although by the time she is finished she will have blown the story out of all proportion.

On a side note what xp progresion is being used Felicia may have enough xp (over a 1000) to lvl but I'm not sure.

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