Obtaining PFS IDs whilst at a con?

Pathfinder Society

Liberty's Edge 1/5

I am planning to run a Pathfinder scenario at a local convention and I imagine that I may get at least one person who hasn't yet registered and / or got a character.

Whilst I can create and provide pre-generated characters for a player to use, how can they get a Pathfinder Society ID so that I can record that they played?

Liberty's Edge

I will be in the same position in a few weeks so any information would be helpful now that the Josh has returned to the building.

Lantern Lodge 4/5

This is just a suggestion, and certainly may not work for everyone, but if you or one of the players at your table have a 3G web-enabled mobile phone, you can access the Paizo website and sign up using your mobile phone.

In fact, I'm sitting on a tram using my mobile phone to type this very message while on my way to work.

It could be a bit slow and cumbersome navigating the site and entering forms this way, but still might be a handy option when no other method is available.

Cheers :-)

Liberty's Edge 1/5

DarkWhite wrote:
This is just a suggestion, and certainly may not work for everyone, but if you or one of the players at your table have a 3G web-enabled mobile phone, you can access the Paizo website and sign up using your mobile phone.

Whilst I have such a phone, unless the site has free wi-fi I am not prepared to pay for the data downloads.

Surely there must be another way, or should I consider dropping running PFS until Paizo have got the process a bit more robust?

Dark Archive

I'd start by talking to the convention organisers. Explain that for your events to work properly you need players to have access to the Paizo website to register their characters.

If that's not possible - if there isn't an internet connection available at the venue at all - you could print out some 'you need to register: do this once you get home' sheets.

They could include full instructions on how to get a PFS number, and then instructions to email you with the number as soon as they've registered.

You could also take their email addresses etc to chase them up!

Then you just delay emailing Josh (or using the reporting link if it's up by that point) until you've received all the information.

It's a chunk of extra work, admittedly, but it ought to work.

A wider point, given that this is a playtest season: would a better solution all round be to dispense with PFS numbers and replace them with email addresses? That way a new player, who knows what email address they will use to register on the Paizo site, even if they haven't yet, can use that to identify themselves, and the system can accept it even if no-one has yet signed up. Once the person does sign up, the system associates the events played with the new account. Possible?

Sczarni 4/5

pedr wrote:

A wider point, given that this is a playtest season: would a better solution all round be to dispense with PFS numbers and replace them with email addresses? That way a new player, who knows what email address they will use to register on the Paizo site, even if they haven't yet, can use that to identify themselves, and the system can accept it even if no-one has yet signed up. Once the person does sign up, the system associates the events played with the new account. Possible?

the issues with this are that the 1) Chronicle of the adventure needs to have your PFS number on it.... and your pathfinder number card doesn't have a email address on it, so future DMs can't Identify that 'this is the player that this chronicle is for'

Dark Archive

Cpt_kirstov wrote:
pedr wrote:

A wider point, given that this is a playtest season: would a better solution all round be to dispense with PFS numbers and replace them with email addresses? That way a new player, who knows what email address they will use to register on the Paizo site, even if they haven't yet, can use that to identify themselves, and the system can accept it even if no-one has yet signed up. Once the person does sign up, the system associates the events played with the new account. Possible?
the issues with this are that the 1) Chronicle of the adventure needs to have your PFS number on it.... and your pathfinder number card doesn't have a email address on it, so future DMs can't Identify that 'this is the player that this chronicle is for'

You're right. My suggestion would be to replace the whole concept of a PFS number with the use of email addresses. It would mean altering the design of SCs, and re-issuing PFS cards - but that's the sort of thing which is possible at the end of a playtest period.

I'm not saying my idea is perfect, and it would certainly require work at the systems end, but it would resolve the problem of new members.

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

pedr wrote:
You're right. My suggestion would be to replace the whole concept of a PFS number with the use of email addresses.

This raises a whole other concern about privacy. I don't want to be passing out a bunch of cards with my personal email on them. Anyone who would need the card would just be able to enter my PFS number in the site and report that way.

Well at Gen Con UK people who weren't already signed up for Pathfinder Society were able to get a Pathfinder Society card with a confirmation code. They could then use the number with the card when they play and signup properly using the confirmation code once they got home.

The cards were provided to me by Joshua Frost.

I expect to have a similar problem at Conception next year so was planning on asking for some cards to use there. If you want Digitalmage I can ask for them sooner so I have them with me for the con you are talking about (Assuming its Oddcon as we'll both be there).


Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Kithran wrote:
Well at Gen Con UK people who weren't already signed up for Pathfinder Society were able to get a Pathfinder Society card with a confirmation code. They could then use the number with the card when they play and signup properly using the confirmation code once they got home.

Yep. The tool we're working on for creating your event will also allow you to download a bunch of the cards Kitran is talking about. Just give one to every new player.

Scarab Sages 1/5

Vic Wertz wrote:
Yep. The tool we're working on for creating your event will also allow you to download a bunch of the cards Kitran is talking about. Just give one to every new player.

Will this tool be available for retail stores as well, or just conventions?

And at the risk of getting in trouble for asking, is there an ETA for availability of said tool?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Guile wrote:

Will this tool be available for retail stores as well, or just conventions?

And at the risk of getting in trouble for asking, is there an ETA for availability of said tool?

It'll be available for anybody setting up an event. I'm not sure on the ETA, but it's one of Gary's highest priorities.

What Vic said.

*And* we're certainly concerned about privacy issues here and are not interested in requiring GMs and players to be forced to share personal information (such as email addresses).

Lantern Lodge 4/5

DigitalMage wrote:
DarkWhite wrote:
This is just a suggestion, and certainly may not work for everyone, but if you or one of the players at your table have a 3G web-enabled mobile phone, you can access the Paizo website and sign up using your mobile phone.
Whilst I have such a phone, unless the site has free wi-fi I am not prepared to pay for the data downloads.

While not wanting to dismiss your concerns, and costs, services and availability probably differ from region to region and company to company, I was also under the impression that accessing the web via mobile would be a costly exercise, at least until I enquired about it.

For example, the company I'm with offers $5 per month, you can access 20Meg, $8 per month for 100Meg, or $12 per month for 200Meg.

I have an hour and half commute to work each way, so that's three hour out of every day I'm sitting on my butt being bored. So this is a small monthly cost that enables me to enjoy the Paizo boards during the down-time in an otherwise busy day.

I think I use my mobile for web a lot, but I don't even get close to using my monthly download limit.

I think you'll find more mobile phone companies are starting to offer more competitive rates for web access, and more con attendees will start having the service on their phones. I will certainly be using it in a couple of weeks when I run PFS at Unicon in Melbourne.

I'm not saying you should be using it, I'm just putting the idea out there for others who might already have web access on their mobile but hadn't occurred to them to use it to register for PFS in a con situation.

Liberty's Edge 1/5

Kithran wrote:

If you want Digitalmage I can ask for them sooner so I have them with me for the con you are talking about (Assuming its Oddcon as we'll both be there).

I fyou could get some that would be great! And yes it is OddCon I am referring to :)

Liberty's Edge 1/5

DarkWhite wrote:

For example, the company I'm with offers $5 per month, you can access 20Meg, $8 per month for 100Meg, or $12 per month for 200Meg.

I usedto have Web n Walk from T-mobile for £7.50 a month, but I cancelled it as I wasn't using it enough.

When I wnet to Continuum recently they had free Wifi though, so that would have been no problem (I actually used the wifi to download some of my rules and a PDF to create an ad hoc scenario :))

I recently got a Pathfinder Society card at a con, and now when I go to activate it, I realize that I had already signed up for a number. So now I have a character registered to the first number, but (hopefully) the one mod that character played reported to the second (unactivated) number. Suggestions?

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