Six Monks Bar


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Male Human Monk/3

S16. Will upgrade character ASAP

Drunky glares around suspiciously. He hadn't drunk too much tonight, for he understood the importance of the night... If any... Anyway, he had only had a couple beers with some pals before heading down. He should be fine. The arena? Sounds... bloody...


As he sees the others enter, he sees some familiar faces, but there are some new ones. It would be interesting to seem some newbies try their hand at brawling. He calls out:

"Hey! I don't need this, so the winner gets it!" Throwing the 1.5K he was planning to save up for weapons, before realizing that a real monk used fists or any piece of wood laying around.

Male Human Monk 3

A short feminine looking man can be seen sitting crosslegged by the southernmost entrance (J1) meditating until the commencement of the contest.
He appears to be ignoring the others, but inwardly he knows exactly where everyone is and what they are doing.

Lord Flash wrote:

A short feminine looking man can be seen sitting crosslegged by the southernmost entrance (J1) meditating until the commencement of the contest.

He appears to be ignoring the others, but inwardly he knows exactly where everyone is and what they are doing.

Lord Flash and Karr:


I will assume that you have trained at the same monastery as Karr the Choleric and are here because you intercepted a message meant for him. Reading it, you saw a golden opportunity to make a name for yourself and went to the legendary Old Arena in his place. It fits your backstory and may become important later.

Female Half-orc Monk 3

Gunnom enters the Arena (A4) to look around as well.

"Hmm... Now what?"

I still need to purchase my equipment. Sorry. I hope I get to it today.

Male Halfling Monk 3


I should be able to update today.

Hey guys, the next 48 hours are going to be nuts for me so I won't be updating. When I post on Wednesday though, I will be Dr. Tarren the Dungeon Master, PhD. Sorry for the delay of game and cheers.

Male Human Monk/3
Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:
Hey guys, the next 48 hours are going to be nuts for me so I won't be updating. When I post on Wednesday though, I will be Dr. Tarren the Dungeon Master, PhD. Sorry for the delay of game and cheers.

Don't worry, get what you need to, done first.

Okay, so Ilil has to ring in, right?

Here I am, loaded with a bandolier of alchemical goodies!

Ilil wrote:
Here I am, loaded with a bandolier of alchemical goodies!

Which entrance are you coming in through? I'll randomly assign you if you can't answer before I get a chance to update the map. ;-)

You have found the arena by following a map that led you into nondescript alleys, behind shabbily built wooden structures and rubbish bins, down stairs and then along a long corridor. As you neared the end, you saw several tightly locked and reinforced wooden doors. You know to ignore these because an opening at the end of the hall reveals a warmly lit room beyond.

Arriving at the end of the corridor, you look in on 'The Old Arena' -- a room 95' by 95' in size, with 12 posts, several entrances, and a large pool in the center. A stone block stands in the middle of the pool. It was used as a test for monks for many years but was abandoned for reasons none of your masters will speak of. You know from rumour and myth that sections of the arena were trapped but you know little more than that. The traps are rumoured to be moved between tournaments.


Ilil at A10
Gunnom at A4
Lord Flash at J0
Little Jakie at S10
Drunk Monk at S16
Tallis at D20

Correct me if these are wrong.

Remember, no magic. Non-lethal weapons. Roll a perception check every round (after you declare your intentions for the round). Please be very clear were you are moving each round as I may need to decide if you have triggered a trap.

Also, I'm abandoning initiative for the time being. You can post the regular number of actions each round. The order of your post will be the order of initiative. If you post last in one round, you cannot post first in the second. This should speed things up considerably

Oh, and one last thing. brouhahahhahahahah!

Male Halfling Monk 3

I take a five foot step into the room, looking around carefully, dancing nimbly on my toes as I prepare myself for combat.

Perception: (1d20+9=19)

Activating Dodge.

Male Human Monk 3

"Hey, it looks like we're all here. Well, except for that guy. I don't know you." Tallis says as he walks out, pulls out a bag and assumes a combat stance.

Perception: 1d20+8=13
Moving to D14, drawing a tanglefoot bag, activating Dodge.

Tallis Kotellos wrote:

"Hey, it looks like we're all here. Well, except for that guy. I don't know you." Tallis says as he walks out, pulls out a bag and assumes a combat stance.

Perception: 1d20+8=13
Moving 30 feet down, drawing a tanglefoot bag, activating Dodge.

Please be precise. That's 30' straight down?

Male Human Monk 3
Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:

Please be precise. That's 30' straight down?

Sorry, forgot about the coordinates on the map. D14.

Ilil draws a smokestick and ignites it on a nearby torch, moving to C10 before dropping it on the ground.

No need for Perception as she is now surrounded by smoke...but just in case:1d20+4 = 10

Male Human Monk 3

Lord Flash watches some of the others make their moves, before moving swiftly forward so as to be more aware of anyone incoming towards him.
Move forward 25" to J5.

Perception Check. (1d20+9=15)


Dr Tarren DM: I haven't had a chance to get LF's Equipment up yet, I will do so this weekend. I have a question for you however. I have bought Manacles and wanted to know what kind of rolls I would have to make to be able to put manacles onto someone as an attack? I would assume it would be a Grapple Check, but instead of initiating a Grapple I would put the Manacles onto my opponent. Would this be a correct assumption? Would it even be possible for me to do this? I have bought the Manacles, but if it would be impossible for me to do this then I will erase them off the sheet and hold the gold in reserve for a later round (if I make it to a later round that is).
If I am able to use the Manacles in this way, then LF will draw a set of Manacles as his second Move Action (per rules for retrieving an item). If not then he will instead pull a Tanglefoot Bag from his Backpack instead. Whichever one you decide maybe you could add some text so that the others know what he has done.

Lord Flash:


The closest thing to getting manacles on someone would be in a the third round of a grapple attempt -- using a rope to tie someone up. This may seem a bit restrictive but I don't see manacles as being the same as handcuffs. Locking them would be as difficult as pulling tight a rope that has a loop already prepared. So, round 1: successful grapple; round 2: pin; round 3: manacle.

A bit difficult to do but within 18 seconds you would have pretty taken most opponents out of the game. Monks, of course, can continue to make unarmed attacks using their feet, a la Jackie Chan.

Male Human Monk 3

Dr Tarren DM:


That's a fair call.
Here is one last question: I might still attempt the manacles if it were possible to say attach one end to an ankle and the other to a wrist in the way you described above. This would do much more towards taking somone out of the match as it would make it extremely hard to continue to attack (I have already thought of the foot attack prospect).
Is this possible?

Lord Flash wrote:

Dr Tarren DM:

** spoiler omitted **

Lord Flash:


Sure. It would still be done on the grapple after the pin condition has been achieved, i.e., 3rd round. Just a warning though. I think we have found CMBs to be difficult to achieve. If you have the right feats and bonuses, it may be feasible.

Female Half-orc Monk 3

Gunnom is still curious as to what happens next and takes only a small step foreward (B4), keeping her guard up (Total Defense).

Dr. Tarren DM:

You wrote: All bladed weapons will be padded.
So, can I use the masterwork kama from last round? Is there a penalty for using it with the padding?

Gunnom wrote:

Gunnom is still curious as to what happens next and takes only a small step foreward (B4), keeping her guard up (Total Defense).

Dr. Tarren DM:
** spoiler omitted **



The damage it does is now non-lethal. ... It is a bit of a clumsy rule but it is the one that the scenario proposed and I'll stick to it for simplicity.

Drunk Monk, post by this evening or miss this round. ;-)

Since it looks like he may not show up for a while, I'll just take over for Drunk again temporarily.

Drunk hobbles over and enters a defensive stance.
Moves to S14, uses Total Defense, Perception: 1d20+3=15
Remember, if Drunk actually posts before the next round starts, his action takes precedence.

Six monks enter the old arena. You notice that it is surprisingly clean for an arena that was outlawed several decades ago. Lanterns hang from the twelve columns shedding light over the whole arena. Someone has been using it for something. The floorboards creak beneath you and you recall hearing that any part of this floor can be turned into a trap and that when monks fought here, they never knew where the pits would be.

Round 2 begins. Post in any order except Drunk Monk cannot post first.

Male Halfling Monk 3

"Hey drunk, sorry to smell you again," I quip to the intoxicated monk but I don't move to attack him, having experienced the horrors of his breath before. Instead I move diagonally across the room (to p7, crossing r9 and q8 on the way) and while still bouncing on my toes, I ready myself to be attacked.

I am still dodging.
I ready a flurry of blows against the first monk to move within range this round.

Perception: (1d20+9=21)

Male Human Monk 3

Tallis takes a small step and hurls his Tanglefoot Bag at Ilil.
Moving to C13, still activating Dodge. Tanglefoot Bag: 1d20+5=18, Perception: 1d20+8=18

Male Human Monk 3

Lord surveys the area and notices Jackie moving in his diection. He takes out a small bag and throws a handful of small shiny objects onto the ground in Jackie's direction.
Perception (16 + 9) = 25


InvisibleCastle was down so I rolled the old fashioned way. Hope you don't mind.
Activate Dodge [Swift Action].
LF stays put and draws a bag of Caltrops [Move Action], spreading them in (K6) [Standard Action].
I have also decided not to go the Manacles route.
NOTE: He is not currently carrying his Shuriken or his Potions due to the non-lethal damage/non-magical item rules of the current Contest.

No one else want to act in this round?

Male Halfling Monk 3

I can act twice if you want ;P

Drunk moves to S7 in a straight line, and still using full defense.

Perception: 1d20+2=13

Tarren, how are you treating thrown/splash weapons? Can Ilil use snatch arrows to catch them?

If Yes: Ilil throws the tanglefoot bag back at her attacker.

If No: Ilil throws her own tanglefoot bag at her attacker.

Tarren, my IC account is messed up. Could you roll for me?

Male Human Monk 3
Ilil wrote:
Tarren, my IC account is messed up. Could you roll for me?

Ilil's roll for hitting me with a tanglefoot bag: 1d20+8=18

Tallis gets hit square in the chest by the tanglefoot bag.
Reflex: 1d20+7=8 -2 to attack rolls, -2 to AC and throiwn weapons from drop in dex., can't move.

Male Human Monk 3
Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:
No one else want to act in this round?

Maybe flash_cxxi's powers of Thread Killingness are leeching over into Lord Flash because I share his name?

Ilil wrote:

Tarren, how are you treating thrown/splash weapons? Can Ilil use snatch arrows to catch them?

I would say so, yes. Are there DMs who don't allow it? I could see (at the table) some kind of dexterity check to avoid breaking it but I'll just allow it.

Lil' Jakie wrote:

"Hey drunk, sorry to smell you again," I quip to the intoxicated monk but I don't move to attack him, having experienced the horrors of his breath before. Instead I move diagonally across the room (to p7, crossing r9 and q8 on the way) and while still bouncing on my toes, I ready myself to be attacked.

I am still dodging.
I ready a flurry of blows against the first monk to move within range this round.

Perception: (1d20+9=21)

As Jakie steps between the two posts, he hears a click just in time to leap forward and avoid a dart that flies from one pole to the other.

Since the rules are unclear, I'm ruling that a reactive perception check allows you to avoid being caught flatfooted by a trap but not to avoid setting off a trap. An active perception check can identify the trap before it is set off. Am I just being thick or are the rules unclear here? As it so happens, Jakie's not being flatfooted allowed him to avoid the dart.

Tallis Kotellos wrote:

Tallis takes a small step and hurls his Tanglefoot Bag at Ilil.

Moving to C13, still activating Dodge. Tanglefoot Bag: 1d20+5=18, Perception: 1d20+8=18

As Tallis passes between the posts, a dart shoots out from one and sticks into his side.

3 points of damage. Make a save against poison (DC 13) or take a point of constitution damage.

Lord Flash:


You notice that the floor beside you (K5) is suspiciously charred. It also smells of a chemical smell. ... All others, I expect other players read the spoilers but that their characters don't. ;-)

Lord Flash, I assume you threw the shiny objects on K5?

Inebriated Ascetic wrote:

Drunk moves to S7 in a straight line, and still using full defense.

Perception: 1d20+2=13

The Drunk Monk takes one step before the floor opens up beneath him.

DC 20 reflex save or the Drunk Monk goes down.

Tallis Kotellos wrote:
Ilil wrote:
Tarren, my IC account is messed up. Could you roll for me?

Ilil's roll for hitting me with a tanglefoot bag: 1d20+8=18

Tallis gets hit square in the chest by the tanglefoot bag.
Reflex: 1d20+7=8 -2 to attack rolls, -2 to AC and throiwn weapons from drop in dex., can't move.

Tallis is not having the best round.

Lord Flash wrote:
Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:
No one else want to act in this round?
Maybe flash_cxxi's powers of Thread Killingness are leeching over into Lord Flash because I share his name?

Nah, this thread moves slowly. I think you will find it is about to get more interesting however.


Male Human Monk 3
Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:
Tallis is not having the best round.

Tell me something I don't know. It's like Tallis used all his dice-luck when I one-shotted Ilil as Drunk back in the first fight.

Tallis assumes as defensive a combat stance as he can, then yells out "Come on! Hit me alredy! Knock me out! Let me just get another loss under my belt already!"

Using Full Defense, AC come out to 18 total. Also, I just failed the Fortitude save. HP down by an additional 3 from Con loss. Fort. save, if you care: 1d20+7=11

Drunk falls into the pit.
Reflex: 1d20+5=11

Male Human Monk 3
Tarren the Dungeon Master wrote:
Lord Flash, I assume you threw the shiny objects on K5?


K6 actually (it does say that in my spoiler about my actions above). This round I am gonna take out some more and spread them in K4. I was gonna spread them in K5 this round until I noticed what I noticed.

Lord Flash carefully pulls another bag from his sack and spreads more shiny objects on the floor between himself and Jackie.

I am assuming because I didn't move that I don't need another Perception Check? Just let me know if I do.


Activate Dodge [Swift Action].
LF stays put and draws another bag of Caltrops [Move Action], spreading them in (K4) [Standard Action].
Caltrops are now covering (K6) and (K4).

Male Halfling Monk 3

Perception: 1d20+9=11

"Whoah, bad day, bad day," I mutter as the dart flies by me.

I almost decide the safest course of action is to stand still and wait until everyone else has fallen into a pit, but I don't. Instead, I leap towards the new monk, one I don't recognize, charging between the caltrops to attack.


Charge into K5 (which should avoid the Caltrops), still dodging.

Charging Attack: (1d20+10=19)
Assuming I don't fall in a trap before my foot connects: Damage: (1d4=2)

Lil' Jakie wrote:

Perception: 1d20+9=11

"Whoah, bad day, bad day," I mutter as the dart flies by me.

I almost decide the safest course of action is to stand still and wait until everyone else has fallen into a pit, but I don't. Instead, I leap towards the new monk, one I don't recognize, charging between the caltrops to attack.


Charge into K5 (which should avoid the Caltrops), still dodging.

Charging Attack: (1d20+10=19)
Assuming I don't fall in a trap before my foot connects: Damage: (1d4=2)

LJ, I'll need to know exactly which squares you pass through. ... Might as well make a reflex save while you're at it.

Male Halfling Monk 3

O6, N6, M5, L5, K5

Reflex save: (1d20+8=19)

Acting last, Ilil seizes the opportunity of her successful return of the sticky bag.

She takes the direct approach, C11-C12, and then punches at Tallis with nonlethal damage.

Wow, IC is my friend. That's 14 to hit, 1 damage.

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