4th Edition and the Scarred Lands

4th Edition

Dark Archive

I am going to try and start my tabletop group on a Scarred Lands campaign, using 4th edition. Can anyone give me some ideas on how to incorporate dragonborn, eladrian, and tieflings into the setting?

Hmm... The tieflings and Eladrin might not be too tough. I'm sure during the Divine War there were some 'deserters' from the armies of the gods who might have gotten a bit... frisky?
As for the Dragonborn, that's a toughie...If memory serves, true dragons hadn't been seen on Ghelspad in quite some time. The Black in Shelzar is believed to be the only one on the continent. Of course there are the Dragon Isles, but not much info was released on those, and I think they're supposed to be rather removed from the world at large.

Dark Archive

David Fryer wrote:
I am going to try and start my tabletop group on a Scarred Lands campaign, using 4th edition. Can anyone give me some ideas on how to incorporate dragonborn, eladrian, and tieflings into the setting?

Dragonborn could hail from the Dragon Lands isles (a sub-continent described in "Strange Lands - Lost Tribes of the Scarred Lands") or maybe they've been created by the gods in the same fashion of the Wrack Dragons during the Divine War.

In the aforementioned book there's a draconic race of humanoids (called Tatsuri), that can be easily substituted.

Eladrins are just another servitor race, maybe tainted with slarecian tampering (even if without psychic powers) who experimented with elf stock in the past.

Tieflings... well, they're just that. Even with the different cosmology of the Scarred Lands, there are enough devilish and demonic influence in the material plane to be a non-problem.
Chardun has a host of devil servitors, and places like Calastia - even if with its human supremacist attitude - or Dunahnae are good starting lands for them.
Or you can just give up the whole fiend-taint idea and say that they're a byproduct of titans experimenting with humanoid races.

The Warforged can be a project by the Salacerians or that Titan that was made of molten metal. He's the only one who couldn't spawn rat people. Anyways the War Forges kept running and the WarForged started to come out looking for materials and possibly a life.

Dark Archive

Scarred Lands - the Sword & Sorcery Imprint are bringing back 4e versions of The Creature Collection and Relics & Rituals - http://www.fierydragon.com/ -

I don't know any specifics yet but that will be AWESOME. Nothing says "points of light" like The Scarred Lands!


Greg Volz
Natural Twenty Gaming

Scarab Sages

I used to love relics & rituals, playing a wizard is great fun when your mates don't recognise the spells you use.

Anyone know if their releasing the setting again, Ghelspad(?).

My books were unfortunately sold in a moment of financial crisis 8-}

Dark Archive

Or the warforged could be the children of the Mithril Golem who's divine essence animated some of the pieces left over from it's sacrifice.

Heck - there could even be a pilgrimage held each year and the characters could hire on as guards to protect the pilgrims or non-warlike women/children warforged.


Greg V.

Goth Guru wrote:
The Warforged can be a project by the Salacerians or that Titan that was made of molten metal. He's the only one who couldn't spawn rat people. Anyways the War Forges kept running and the WarForged started to come out looking for materials and possibly a life.

The real question, is are the dragonborn and tielflings, etc... necessary for the Scarred Lands?

In my opinion, no.

One of the strengths of a campaign setting is not only how well it incorporates into the core rules, but how well it can work it's own mythos and ideas into the core rules. Since 4e changed so much of the default assumptions, the SL setting actually works better for 4e. If the dragonborn, etc... are truly necessary, they can be like the Forsaken elves and be extremely rare and under heavy eyes whenever they're seen.

Party of that though will probably depend on what the GLS allows at that point too I imagine.

I would say no to dragon born and tiflings myself they just don't fit the setting. I was gonna say the same on warforged but the mirthal thing was just damned good. Or maybe they could be the spirts of fallen paladins reborn in this new form to serve there god.

Dragon born and tifeling scream titan spawn and half orcs are barely allowed to live they I do not see being allowed that

It seems as if Elves and Eladrin are already pretty good for Wood and Forsaken elves. I don't have the 4th edition book so I don't know if there's a special power or what have you to make the change not work, but there's already a schism between the nature dweller and arcane empire elves, you know?

Scarab Sages

Joe Kushner wrote:

The real question, is are the dragonborn and tielflings, etc... necessary for the Scarred Lands?

In my opinion, no.

One of the strengths of a campaign setting is not only how well it incorporates into the core rules, but how well it can work it's own mythos and ideas into the core rules. Since 4e changed so much of the default assumptions, the SL setting actually works better for 4e. If the dragonborn, etc... are truly necessary, they can be like the Forsaken elves and be extremely rare and under heavy eyes whenever they're seen.

Party of that though will probably depend on what the GLS allows at that point too I imagine.

If this was Wotc doing it they would probably end up in there somewhere, thankfully Fiery Dragons is 3PP 8-).

Dark Archive

Greg Volz wrote:

Or the warforged could be the children of the Mithril Golem who's divine essence animated some of the pieces left over from it's sacrifice.

Heck - there could even be a pilgrimage held each year and the characters could hire on as guards to protect the pilgrims or non-warlike women/children warforged.


Greg V.

Great idea!

IIRC, in the "Mithril - City of the Golem" sourcebook, there was something about a Golem Cult, which was subtly manipulated by the lords of the Penumbral Pentagon, which in turn had its origin with Slarecian tampering in shadow magic... sort of wheel within wheels origin to a brand new race...

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Hmm... My two C-bills.

Dragon Born do work well to replace/supliment the Dragon Isles.

Tieflings could be anything from planetouched to some kind of titan spawn, to children of a new cult.

Ironically, Gnomes are rare in the setting anyway.

I'm not sure how you'd run the 'Heat' mechanic. I always felt it was a kludgy mechanic, myself.

Warforged- that's easy. Cult of the Perfected, Corran, Thulkas, lots of different ideas.

Shifters- Hmm, They could be Titanspawn of Denev or Tanil's dad (who's name escapes me) Serpent Shifters of Mormo for the win!

Eladrin, Forsaken elves changed by Janderos, or a faction of forsaken elves who went plane hopping trying to find his essense. The later could be fun. How do you react when the god you were looking for was raised behind your back?

The Exchange

Matthew Morris wrote:

Shifters- Hmm, They could be Titanspawn of Denev or Tanil's dad (who's name escapes me)

Tanil's father is the titan Hrinruuk.

Heh. I don't know why I didn't think of this earlier, but there's a city ( I think it's called the gleaming city) in the middle of some mountain range that are inhabited by a "race" of constructs called the hollow knights. Essentialy they're animated, sentient suits of armor...
Wouldn't take much of a tweak to make them your new warforged.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Wintergreen wrote:
Matthew Morris wrote:

Shifters- Hmm, They could be Titanspawn of Denev or Tanil's dad (who's name escapes me)

Tanil's father is the titan Hrinruuk.

Thanks, I kept thinking Hrunnok or something, close.

He couldn't have a simple name like MEsos, or Mormo, or Kadum....

Oh, another angle on the Shifters... Maybe they're descended from Lycanthrops that oppose Belsmeth? Followers of Madriel?

Lipto the Shiv wrote:

Heh. I don't know why I didn't think of this earlier, but there's a city ( I think it's called the gleaming city) in the middle of some mountain range that are inhabited by a "race" of constructs called the hollow knights. Essentialy they're animated, sentient suits of armor...

Wouldn't take much of a tweak to make them your new warforged.

That's where the forge that's making them is. Maybe inside a mountain there.

Check out the Vigil Watch: Secrets of the Asaathi.
That may help, as well.

SL is/was a great setting.

Joe Kushner wrote:

The real question, is are the dragonborn and tielflings, etc... necessary for the Scarred Lands?

In my opinion, no.

I totally agree. If you want the racial abilities of one of these races, I would re-write them to fit the forsaken elves or the drendali, or some other existing Scarred Lands race.

Lipto the Shiv wrote:

Heh. I don't know why I didn't think of this earlier, but there's a city ( I think it's called the gleaming city) in the middle of some mountain range that are inhabited by a "race" of constructs called the hollow knights. Essentialy they're animated, sentient suits of armor...

Wouldn't take much of a tweak to make them your new warforged.

Right on- The Hollow Knights of the Gleaming Valley are remnants of the Divine War that were created by Corean. They're the original Warforged!

Scarab Sages

I agree with most all the sentiments and suggestions here; first, you don't have to use the new 4E races if you don't want to. If you do, it's really quite easy to put them into SL - they've been around, and just not encountered yet. Rewrite some of the existing races into the new 4E ones (eladrin=forsaken elves, dragonborn=tatsui from the Dragon Lands, warforged=hollow knights, etc.). One suggestion I haven't seen: tieflings from the Devil's March. Think about it - many devils were left behind and took over this region. Devils are slavers. Devil + human=half-devils, whose children would be tieflings. Presonally, I would use dragonborn as a race from the Dragon Lands, warforged as an alternative to the hollow knights of the Gleaming Valley, shifters as a previously unknown race from the northern wastes (such as the Bleak Savannah), changelings rife in Shelzar and across Calastia, and tieflings in the Devil's March.

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Has this gone anywhere? The game I mean. If the 4x stuff advances the Scarred Lands, I might look at the PDFs, for backwards compatability. I like Scarn, have a love for it that is almost Golarion in its fevor.

Matthew Morris wrote:
Has this gone anywhere? The game I mean. If the 4x stuff advances the Scarred Lands, I might look at the PDFs, for backwards compatability. I like Scarn, have a love for it that is almost Golarion in its fevor.

Fiery Dragon is allegedly very close to releasing a Scarred Lands 4th Edition Creature Collection.

Creature Collection 4E is now available in PDF format. Check it out at fierydragon.com

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