PHDs Call of Cthulhu pbp


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Robert Luck Check- 1d100=39

Robert carefully takes an electric torch and digs his way through the crammed spaces of the rubble. He can't help but get the goo on his clothing as his body brushes up against fallen timbers that struggle to hold up the horrifically sagging remains of the dying farmhouse. He worms his way further back into the ruin. You can hear his labored breaths and his grunting and groaning as he tries to squeeze through narrow gaps. He is gone for many minutes, but you have a sense of where he is by the light from his torch. He seems to have made it back a good distance.

spoiler for Robert

It takes a great deal of effort and courage, but you finally make to the rear of the farmhouse. Your clothing is covered with the alien goo. Fortunately, it doesn't seem to be acidic or anything like that. Well perhaps that's inaccurate. Your face does feel rather tingly and itchy, as do your hands. At the rear of the farmhouse you find that there is actually some open space. Enough that you can walk about. In fact, you believe you have managed to get far enough back that you are partway into the actual hillside. However, you have come to a stone wall, built into the hillside itself. There behind an empty book case that was leaning against the wall, you find a concealed wooden door that you suspect leads deeper into the hillside.

Rita calls "IS everything alright basck there ?"

Male Human aviator/researcher/investigator

"Yes...perfectly alright. I've found a door into the hillside" Robert calls back.

He tries the door handle to see if it's locked but does not open the door.

Male Human Catholic Priest, Ex Army Chaplin

"Hold up a minute" "I'll join you". Might not be a bad idea to have someone watching your back" Fergus intones.

Fergus Luck: 1d100=29

Fergus squeezes his way through the rubble to join Robert. He finds it more challenging, as he is somewhat older than Robert and not as limber as he once was. His clothes also become covered in the nasty alien goo.

The door is crudely constructed, and Robert finds that though it is a little stuck it doesn't seem locked. With a little pushing, you figure could shove it open.

Evelyn looks at Rita with the curiousity plainly written on her face seemingly only held back by the stench and the goo. "Now what do you think lies beyond a door in a hillside?" She gives the goo a rather annoyed look.

Rita eyes gleam "Didn't the diaries say something about creating gold- maybe they have some kind of ....whadja call it ... al-kee-mists lab back there."

A chill suddenly runs through her as the thought occurs: Or another one of those creatures that Doctor Armitage spoke about...

As the silence from the ruins wears on she looks at Rita, "Do you think they are ok? It seems to be taking awhile. I can't hear them anymore can you?"

Male Human aviator/researcher/investigator

Robert hands the torch to Fergus and forces the door open, stepping through, his pistol at the ready.

Fergus and Robert


Your open the door, and there is only darkness. Fergus shines his light forward. It illuminates, a narrow tunnel has been bored into the bed rock of the hillside. It is shored up with timbers and goes back some 20 feet before opening into a room that looks to be about 14-15' in diameter. From your vantage point at the entrance to the tunnel, you can see that there appears to be some sort of diagram etched into the floor of the room up ahead. Also in the room, you can make out what looks like an anvil and some iron tools. Things are quiet, except for the occasional drip. You are relieved that the tunnel is slime free.

Male Human aviator/researcher/investigator

"There's a tunnel and a room back of the hill..We're going in" Robert calls

He steps through the door alert for anything that might be there

We're going for all the good horror tropes here...split the party, split the party ! lol.

Rita moves about a bit to keep warm, and turns to Evelyn.

"Well, what do we do while the boys have fun getting grubby and dirty and slimey ? Turn over the graveyard ? Or howsabout we start up that old stove and keep warm in the barn ?"
She pauses, noting the ecited gleam in Evelyns eye, and glances from her to the ruins and back again....
"Suire-ly you're not thinking....? Ick ! " she adds.

Rita wrote:

We're going for all the good horror tropes here...split the party, split the party ! lol.

Rita moves about a bit to keep warm, and turns to Evelyn.

"Well, what do we do while the boys have fun getting grubby and dirty and slimey ? Turn over the graveyard ? Or howsabout we start up that old stove and keep warm in the barn ?"
She pauses, noting the ecited gleam in Evelyns eye, and glances from her to the ruins and back again....
"Suire-ly you're not thinking....? Ick ! " she adds.

Evelyn scrunches up her nose and shakes her head, "No, no, I am not thinking about crawling through that slime but if it were not there I might be tempted to find out what objects lie hidden in such a secretive location. All the hints we have come across seem to indicate it had some importance for the previous occupants."

After waiting around impatiently for 10 minutes, "Lets go look at the top of the hill. The walk will keep us warm."

Rita nods
"I think there's supposed to be some stones on a hill near here. Maybe we can see it from up there"

Fergus and Robert

Cautiously you make your way down the tunnel into the room. Shining the light around you can that there is in fact an anvil, hammer and tongs in the centre of the room. It sits inside a some sort of runic circle that is etched/carved into the stone floor. In addition to those tools, there are also some sets of old iron dies that look like they were designed to mint coins in.

On the right wall is a iron door that is 3' x 2'. On the wall opposite you there is a tunnel way that extends deeper into the hillside.

It is very still and quiet.

Rita and Evelyn

The hill is steep and sizable. It will probably take a good 15-20 minutes to hike up to the top.


Once they have been in the door for over 10 minutes we start climbing

I'm not sure how long they'll be in there for

Male Human aviator/researcher/investigator

Robert investigates the iron door keeping well away from the runic circle which he will investigate later using his anthropology skill to connect it with any religious practice

Robert and Fergus

The iron door opens with some difficulty. It opens into a small, short tunnel that leads what looks like the rusty iron door of an oven. The floor of the tunnel is filled with ash and coal remains (about 6-8 inches high). You suspect that this is the back of some kind of strange alchemist type oven, perhaps related to the minting of the mysterious gold.

Robert Edward Jackson wrote:
Robert investigates the iron door keeping well away from the runic circle which he will investigate later using his anthropology skill to connect it with any religious practice

Male Human aviator/researcher/investigator


Robert purses his lips.."Wasn't there something about a furnace in those notes..I think we just found it Fergus"

Male Human Catholic Priest, Ex Army Chaplin

"Yes Robert". "I believe we have". "I wonder if we should look inside"?

Fergus looks more closely at the circle to determine if he recognizes anything.

1d100 &#8594; [38] = (38) Occult roll

OOC: Don't know what is wrong, but for some reason when I hit the links in IC it won't copy, so I just have to manually go in and copy the roll.


You don't entirely recognize the symbols being used in the diagram, but you suspect they are related to some kind of gating effect- like a teleportation circle. Though some ritual would likely have to be performed to activate it.

Evelyn and Rita

While the men investigate the passage way the two of you hike your way up to the top of Sentinel Hill. The hill is large and steep. You can't help but feel uneasy, for the grass and bushes that remain on the hillside all look withered and dead. The climb takes a good twenty minutes. When you reach the top, you are feeling winded and tired. The view from the top is quite spectacular and you can see for a great distance. As you look around you are again filled with unease. The hills of surrounding countryside truly done have unnaturally rounded tops, and so many of them have been cleared of trees and have stone circles built on the tops of them.

There is no stone circle on Sentinel Hill, only a single large stone with a flat top. Strange runes are carved into the base of the stone, and there is a shallow trough carved into the stone around the perimeter of the "table top".

"Wow, you can see for miles. Is like, kinda, being on top of a tall buildng and seeing Central park!"

Rita takes out a notebook and pencil, and does a quick rubbing of the runes.
"I'm sure the Father would like to see these when he's finished grubbing about down there." she adds.
She shivers for a moment, as if cold. "Kinda creepy place though."

Rita and Keeper:


She looks slowly around at the terrain, "Yes, it is quite a nice view yet.......strikes me as a bit.....odd. Not sure exactly, can't quite put my finger on it." Collecting each of the rubbings as Rita makes them she looks at them closely, "Hmmmm, wonder what they mean?" After they examine the stone closely she heads back down with Rita to see if the boys have found anything interesting yet.

Rita points out the hills

Keeper & Evelyn


"Is it me, or do they all look like giant pitcher mounds like in baseball ? All kinda...well, regular. Man-made ? Or maybe a big ants nest ?"
She looks thoughtful huddles further into her coat.
She then has a march around the top of the hill to see if there's any signs of anything unusual that would suggest the hill is indeed a manmade barrow.

If she finds nothing, she heads back down the hill with Evelyn, after a suitable quick rest.

What are Robert and Fergus doing now?

Male Human aviator/researcher/investigator

Robert moves to open the furnace door still ready for anything that may lurk in this place though he is getting more and more convinced that they will encounter nothing

Robert and Fergus


Robert you open the door to the furnace and make your way through the low, tight tunnel. It stirs up plenty of soot and old ashes, but when you reach the end you are able to open the oven door that is built into the hillside and come out into the fresh air not terrible far up the hill from the ruins of the Whateley farm.

Keep in mind that there was also one additional tunnel way that led deeper into the hillside, which you have not yet explored.

Male Human aviator/researcher/investigator

"Well at least we don't have to go back through that slime..whatever it is..and the ladies might be persuaded to join us"

Robert looks down towards the house but can't see the ladies

"Strange I don't see them.."

Robert, the ladies are just coming down the hill as you emerge from the oven door.

"Eeek! ...oh, Robert, it's you. You gave me quite a scare, all covered in dirt and goo like that. Did you find anything interesting ?"

Male Human aviator/researcher/investigator

A furnace..some sort of mystic circle..and a tunnel leading further into the you want to see?"

"So, what you're saying is you want to entice me into a dark room with you ? What kind of a girl do you think I yam ? "

She laughs.
"Come on then, sounds like fun ! Are you coming Evelyn ?"

Rita wrote:

"So, what you're saying is you want to entice me into a dark room with you ? What kind of a girl do you think I yam ? "

She laughs.
"Come on then, sounds like fun ! Are you coming Evelyn ?"

She looks at Robert covered in goo and dirt, "Ummmm, I'd rather not......" She then throws up her hands and sighs, "Well, I guess if your going to go I can't very well just stay out here and leave you to the mercies of two men in the dark. We girls have to stick together." She smiles at Robert and holds out her hand for him to take and help her down into the hole.

Male Human aviator/researcher/investigator

Robert hastily wipesw his hand on his coat...which truth be told doesn't really clean it much and hands Evelyn and then Rita down the slight drop to the furnace entrance. His hand lingers on Evelyns perhaps a second longer that would have been considered proper by his mother

"Lead on Fergus I'll bring up the rear"

Male Human Catholic Priest, Ex Army Chaplin

"Hmm...ah...yes", and with a nervous cough and clearing of his throat Fergus moves forward down the tunnel, hoping none see his gestures of the cross as being scared. He has been in similar situations and is very cautious.

Evelyn follows Rita and Fergus periodically glancing back just to make sure Robert is still there. Being in the dark down in these tunnels makes her edgy but she takes comfort in Rita's excitement of the unknown and smiles to herself.

Male Nightgaunt Tickler level 8/

Rita fishes her heavy torch out of her handbag and turns it on.
She grins at Evelyn. "If any of da boys gets fresh with ya, just let me know, and I'll..." she makes clubbing movements with the torch, causing the beam to jitter wildly about. "....unless you'd like them to." she adds with a wink. Rita's excitement is palpable, and the rush of adrenaline seems to be making her keen to shock...

So you're going to explore a little ways into the tunnels then? Keep in mind Squire Whateley is still sitting at the carriage waiting for you.

Male Human aviator/researcher/investigator

Let's not get too involved in's a cold day and I don't want to leave the old timer out there too long.Hard to believe that he and my Daddy probably shot at each other at one point isn't it"

Robert can't see Evelyn's look in the dark but he can see from her posture that she is a little agitated, "I didn't drag myself through all that soot just to get dirty. I would like to at least take a bit of a look around before we have to crawl all the way back up there."

"We've already been gone for almost an hour - five more minutes wont hurt..."
Rita shines a torch down the unexplored passageway.
"Come on - could be they've got their gold back here. "

of course in CoC thats VERY unlikely...

Male Human aviator/researcher/investigator

Once again Robert moves into the lead pistol at the ready..he's glad of the extra ligght provided by Rita's torch.Slowly and surely he moves down the tunnel senses alert for anything out of the ordinary.

sorry for the delay folks. I'll be posting more details about the tunnel tomorrow.

Okay I'm ready to try to get this game back on track. Real life has been a little crazy lately.

You make your way back through the door in the hillside (Rita and Evelyn can read any of the recent spoilers to get a sense of the room right beyond)

At the back of the room a 5-foot-wide tunnel beyond continues into the darkness for about
another 50 feet before it gradually becomes a natural cavern,
expanding to a width of 20 feet. The floor of this cave begins
sloping drastically and you have to carefully make your way down the rocky sloping floor. You can hear the sounds of dripping water throughout the cave, and the air is humid and cool. Eventually it descends into a wide fissure nearly 100 feet across. There doesn't seem to be any ledges or openings on the far side of the fissure, but a rope ladder securely fastened by iron pegs hangs over the edge. Shining a light down in the fissure reveals a fairly level floor some 150 feet below, although details are difficult to pick out. The ladder is long enough to get to the bottom.

Thankful she is dressed against the chill Evelyn begins to relax a little bit and enjoy some of the excitement. To no one in particular,"Who would have thought these caves existed?" Looking down over the edge she feels the butterflies flutter in her stomach and she unconsciously grabs Robert's hand and holds on, "That is quite a drop. While I have to admit to some concern about going down it's the climb all the way back up that concerns me the most. However, I am now extremely curious as to what the former residents of the house above us used these caves for."

"Rope," mutters Rita. "I shoulda remembered some rope."

She eyes the rope ladder warily. "I'd wouldn't want to climb that first without a lifeline. I don't like heights."

She stands back from the edge, visably wincing as Evelyn looks over it.

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