Raise of the Poodle Lords

Off-Topic Discussions

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That depends on what the definition of 'is' is.

We may need coal for staurday's squirrel BBQ... Ok, he's in, lets conscript him!


*runs off to dig up his meds*

Llamafrog wrote:

We may need coal for staurday's squirrel BBQ... Ok, he's in, lets conscript him!


Squirrel BBQ...*drool*

He is rather fond of saying he burns with the intensity of a thousand suns. Although, I do not like my squirrel that well done.

*runs around in circles*

I can't find my meds!
I can't find my meds!
I can't find my meds!

Clinically Depressed Poodle wrote:

*runs around in circles*

I can't find my meds!
I can't find my meds!
I can't find my meds!

*Takes tranquilizer gun and shoots CDP in the rear end*

*runs around for a bit*

Yip yip yip yip!

*passes out*

Clinically Depressed Poodle wrote:

*runs around for a bit*

Yip yip yip yip!

*passes out*

*while CDP is asleep, Cockapoo takes off running with CDP's squeaky toys* SQUEAK! SQUEAK! SQUEAK!

*wakes up*

HEY! Where's all my stuff?

Everbody steals my stuff.....

Drops one of his squeaky toys at Clinically Depressed Poodle's paws.

Clinically Depressed Poodle wrote:

*wakes up*

HEY! Where's all my stuff?

Everbody steals my stuff.....

*brings back CDP's toys* I'm just messin' with ya! *licks CDP*

Everybody's always "messin" with me to....

Does the Happy Poodle Dance in the middle of the clubhouse.

I am starting a Mutants & Masterminds campaign this Saturday. I have four players. How you say, 'woot'?

CourtFool wrote:

Does the Happy Poodle Dance in the middle of the clubhouse.

I am starting a Mutants & Masterminds campaign this Saturday. I have four players. How you say, 'woot'?

Congrats! *Licks Courtfool*

CourtFool wrote:

Does the Happy Poodle Dance in the middle of the clubhouse.

I am starting a Mutants & Masterminds campaign this Saturday. I have four players. How you say, 'woot'?

Gratz boss! Maybe one day I'll get some RL players. I need to show off my lead miniature collection ....

Licks CF

I ran a pick up M&M game last weekend. A new super hero team in Austin prevent the destruction of a museum then chase after a thief who stole a historic relic. They eventually confront a new supervillian taking over the underworld, who through a serious of unfortunate rolls, and bad difficulty setting by the GM, mind controls the entire team.

Only one of the players in that game is going to be in my regular group. The other team was made up of Power Level 10 pre gen characters. The new group will be Power Level 8. I thought it would be amusing to have the new group battle each of the ex-Heroes from the pick up game. Uncovering that the ex-Heroes are being mind controlled and hopefully, eventually defeating the mind controller.

The first ex-Hero I decided to use was a morphing alien. This allows me to keep the secret a little longer of who the new team is really up against.

The plot thus far: The mind controller, Azteca, decides to use the alien that can take the form of anyone to infiltrate someone of power. The alien, by the way can become desolid and invisible as well. Just not all at the same time. Anyway, Azteca decides the DA would be a good person so he can set up inept prosecuters to his cases, tamper with evidence and generally do naughty things.

The alien breaks the DA’s neck, cuts off his head and hands and dumps him in the landfill. Then the alien takes the DA’s place.

One of the PCs has the Contact’s Feat, so he gets a call from a pal down at the landfill. “Hey, you just got to see this before I have to call it in to the APD.” The PCs investigate the body and determine the suit comes from the Texas Clothiers (tag maybe). The go to the shop and the shop keeper tells them that particular suit is special ordered by the DA. So the PCs run off to the DA’s house to find him alive and well.

The PCs do some more investigating but are not coming up with much. Then the DA’s wife calls and mentions her husband is acting odd. The PCs decide they need to confront the alien again, but now the alien knows they suspect something. So he sets a trap for the PCs.

I have not decided what the trap is yet. I am thinking a bunch of minions for a good fight scene. When that fails to stop the PCs, the alien attacks them himself confident that he is more powerful.

I welcome input.

I think the old double cross: Have the minions 'kidnap' the DA. The heroes rescue him, then while they are trying to 'protect' the DA from harm and fight off the minions, he reveals he is the BBEG and lays on the smackus downus.

My two milkbones ...


I like that. I could even use that to explain why he is 'acting weird'. Make it look like a blackmail plot turned kidnapping.

Trots in from the A Civil Religious Discussion thread, panting.

Oh my, I've been away for a while...what have I missed?

I wonder which poodles are attending PaizoCon 2009?

*raises pawn*

Llamafrog wrote:
I wonder which poodles are attending PaizoCon 2009?

Not I.

Tucks tail between his legs and skulks off.

CourtFool wrote:
Llamafrog wrote:
I wonder which poodles are attending PaizoCon 2009?

Not I.

Tucks tail between his legs and skulks off.



Me neither

widdles on carpet

I'd love to go but I don't have the Poodle Pounds to get there. *yelps*

Well, I'll try and represent all poodles on the Con... :(

Poodle pride, yapyapyapyap!

*runs in circles chasing own tail*

Llamafrog wrote:

Well, I'll try and represent all poodles on the Con... :(

Poodle pride, yapyapyapyap!

*runs in circles chasing own tail*

Do us proud Llamafrog! Be sure to bite a Jack for us! YAP!

I never get to go to Cons.....

Everyone ingored my post....


I have never been to a con either, Clinically Depressed Poodle.

CourtFool wrote:
I have never been to a con either, Clinically Depressed Poodle.

Are you just saying that to try and make me feel better?

No. I have never been.

Then maybe we should start our own convention......


I was going to try and shorten it to make it sound cooler, but POO CON didn't really sound all that enjoyable.

I like PooCon! Yap!

Better yet, have it in the Eukon. PooCon in the Eukon!

Allright then - POOCON it is!

But it's cold in the Eukon.....CDP don't like snow brushing against his poodle jewels. Brrrrr....

O.k. PooCon in the Eukon¹.

¹Due to environmental issues, the location will not actually be in the Eukon.

Sweet! POO CON 2009

One other rule though - No French People! I gotta insist on that one. Other than that, I'd say anything goes. What kind of events will we have?

Maybe a costume contest?

And maybe some L.A.B.S.

Live Action Butt Sniffing

We could have it in Sebastian, Texas.

L.A.B.S. Yay!!!!!

*goes grease up the nose*

We'll also have to decide on a date for POO CON. Even though I don't like winter, I'd vote for December - the END of the year.

Will they have this swine flu contained by then? I would hate for it to jump species again.

Swine Flu! Ooohhhh, all of a sudden I don't feel so good......

Clinically Depressed Poodle wrote:
We'll also have to decide on a date for POO CON. Even though I don't like winter, I'd vote for December - the END of the year.

Poodles of Oregon? I thought we'd exterminated them!

Kobold Cleaver wrote:
Poodles of Oregon? I thought we'd exterminated them!

Don't you have a thread to god mode in. :)

CourtFool wrote:
Kobold Cleaver wrote:
Poodles of Oregon? I thought we'd exterminated them!
Don't you have a thread to god mode in. :)

I haven't god moded since my characters stopped being important, you dumb inbred chihuahua! *Kick*

Oh no! A big scary lizard has come into our thread to terrorize us! Whatever shall we do?

I've got an idea......

YAWN.....*takes a nap*

Snuggles next to CDP


grumble whine fidget

Another thing about POO CON - who should we have as our Guest of Honor?

Clinically Depressed Poodle wrote:
Another thing about POO CON - who should we have as our Guest of Honor?

How about Jeri Ryan? I'd love to hump her leg. *drools*

Cockapoo wrote:
How about Jeri Ryan? I'd love to hump her leg. *drools*

Is that the chick from that fake Star Trek show?

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