CourtFool |

I ran a pick up M&M game last weekend. A new super hero team in Austin prevent the destruction of a museum then chase after a thief who stole a historic relic. They eventually confront a new supervillian taking over the underworld, who through a serious of unfortunate rolls, and bad difficulty setting by the GM, mind controls the entire team.
Only one of the players in that game is going to be in my regular group. The other team was made up of Power Level 10 pre gen characters. The new group will be Power Level 8. I thought it would be amusing to have the new group battle each of the ex-Heroes from the pick up game. Uncovering that the ex-Heroes are being mind controlled and hopefully, eventually defeating the mind controller.
The first ex-Hero I decided to use was a morphing alien. This allows me to keep the secret a little longer of who the new team is really up against.
The plot thus far: The mind controller, Azteca, decides to use the alien that can take the form of anyone to infiltrate someone of power. The alien, by the way can become desolid and invisible as well. Just not all at the same time. Anyway, Azteca decides the DA would be a good person so he can set up inept prosecuters to his cases, tamper with evidence and generally do naughty things.
The alien breaks the DA’s neck, cuts off his head and hands and dumps him in the landfill. Then the alien takes the DA’s place.
One of the PCs has the Contact’s Feat, so he gets a call from a pal down at the landfill. “Hey, you just got to see this before I have to call it in to the APD.” The PCs investigate the body and determine the suit comes from the Texas Clothiers (tag maybe). The go to the shop and the shop keeper tells them that particular suit is special ordered by the DA. So the PCs run off to the DA’s house to find him alive and well.
The PCs do some more investigating but are not coming up with much. Then the DA’s wife calls and mentions her husband is acting odd. The PCs decide they need to confront the alien again, but now the alien knows they suspect something. So he sets a trap for the PCs.
I have not decided what the trap is yet. I am thinking a bunch of minions for a good fight scene. When that fails to stop the PCs, the alien attacks them himself confident that he is more powerful.
I welcome input.