David's Scarred Lands Campaign


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Dark Archive

Male Lesbian Cyborg Bastard Child of Paizo 18
Gal wrote:
Gal stands guard with Pavel (or at another entrance if there is one) against the return of any enemies while the prisoners are freed

You do find another exit from the room, almost hidden in the shadows. This is likely where the kobolds escaped the room.

I need Perception checks from every one.

male Halfling Factotum / 2

"Ha! scared them off we did". "They're stupid little cowards anyway"

Perception (1d20=14)

AC 21 (20)/T 13/FF 17; CMD 24, HP 76/76

Perception check (1d20+6=16)

"What d'you reckon these little blighters were about with all this? How are we faring? Anyone hurt badly?"

Male Half Elven Wild Druid / 1 XP:1,340/2,000

Perception=1d20 6=15+2 for sight and sound

Male Dwarf Cleric of Abadar 2

lol 5

Lost in his own thoughts, Branomonrik pays little mind to the going ons in the room

Perception 1d20+7=25

Pavel wrote:
How are we faring? Anyone hurt badly?"

Freeing the last of the prisoners, Gin starts looking over there injuries.

"Dosen't look like it, but I'm not sure about these people yet"

Heal 1d20+3=11

Dark Archive

Male Lesbian Cyborg Bastard Child of Paizo 18

Gal, Gin, Kelindra, and Pavel

You notice that even though the ground slants away from the pillar at the spot where you fought the kobolds, the blood from the bodies is flowing towards it.

AC 21 (20)/T 13/FF 17; CMD 24, HP 76/76

Pavel's eyes trace the floor slowly. His eyebrows climb towards his scalp as he realizes what's going on...

Ripping off his cloak and throwing it into the blood on the floor, he starts to go through his pack for a blanket.

"Forget the kobolds; help me sop this up! I ain't keen to see what happens when that thing gets fed some more blood!"

Male Half Elven Wild Druid / 1 XP:1,340/2,000

Gal catches movement out of the corner of his eyes and they as drawn to the spilled blood. The hackles rise on the back of his neck and a low growl issues from his throat as he observers the dark & unnatural phenomenon. Having no desire what-so-ever to go anywhere near the pillar and does not do so. Gal transforms to human form and says "We must leave here, now!" He moves over to the released captives and spontaneously releases a bust of healing energy

(Everyone within 30' will recover 1hp/rnd for the next 3/rnds)

and he will help guide them back out as quickly as possible the way they came in. If any can't walk he will assist or carry them.

Male Half-Orc Rogue 1

Grunting as the kobolds run off, Soll gets his bearings around him.

Perception (1d20 3=22)

He looks down as the holes in his chest start to knit, and nods his thanks to the crazed elf.

Female Human Cleric 2

Perception check (1d20+3 = 7)

Kelindra is focused on freeing and helping the prisoners. She uses her "stabilize" power to stop blood loss. As she tends to the wounded, she asks gently, "how did you get here? Are you from Mithril?"

male Halfling Factotum / 2

OOC: I'll have sporadic Internet service for the next four days so feel free to play Ivo as needed.

Dark Archive

Male Lesbian Cyborg Bastard Child of Paizo 18

As you cut the prisoners free, they fall to the ground. "Thank the gods you came, those things were going to feed us to that pillar." One woman says.

Dark Archive

Male Lesbian Cyborg Bastard Child of Paizo 18
Kelindra Snow wrote:

Perception check (1d20+3 = 7)

Kelindra is focused on freeing and helping the prisoners. She uses her "stabilize" power to stop blood loss. As she tends to the wounded, she asks gently, "how did you get here? Are you from Mithril?"

The woman says, "Those things attacked us and dragged us down here from the city above. There used to be more of us but they were fed to that pillar."

Male Half Elven Wild Druid / 1 XP:1,340/2,000

Gal is saving the talking for later and is concentrating on getting them all out of here as quickly as possible

AC 21 (20)/T 13/FF 17; CMD 24, HP 76/76

Pavel continues to softly curse as he soaks up the blood on the floor with his personal effects. Glowering over the loss of a perfectly good cloak and winter blanket.

"Am I on top of things or what?", he mutters.

"Fed to the pillar?" Gin asks with puzzled look. "Do any of you know what that pillar purpose is?"

Male Dwarf Cleric of Abadar 2

Branomonrik stays back as the others free the human. "If it needs blood of living creatures, It draws on powers few of you understand. The thing we need to know is, does it make the orders or is mealy a tool?"

He looks again at the gloom in the area "Fire and light,Burn it, with oil if you have it, blessed water if you have that as well"

Male Half Elven Wild Druid / 1 XP:1,340/2,000

Gal hears the words of the accused dealer in death and can't help but snarl "Don't trust the words of this abomination! For all we know he feeds on death himself!" He turns to face him "You know nothing! Yet you try to tell us how to destroy it? How do we know it doesn't feed on fire or other energies as well? You stand here in the back waiting for us to die to use for your vile sorceries and now I see you tell others how to 'destroy' the evil pillar yet make no move to try so yourself!"
His face red with rage Gal leans into the face of the mage "I tell you now, creature of death, it is only a sacred vow I took which keeps me from your throat, yet I will be watching you. One false move and I will send you straight to the realms you worship"

His anger causing him to make the longest speech of his life thus far, Gal, with an effort of extreme will, contains his wrath and continues on with helping the injured prisoners out of the room.

please see OOC thread

"Quit the bickering!" Gin calls out as he helps the survivors out of the tunnel. "Let's worry about one thing at a time. Like getting these people far enough from that thrice-damned thing, before we consider the options."

"As for plans on destroying it...Atleast the necromancer has come up with an idea. I don't see any coming from you". Gin turn and gives Gal a grim look.

AC 21 (20)/T 13/FF 17; CMD 24, HP 76/76

"Aye. Now isn't the time for accusations. I'm wagering if this thing has lasted as long as it has, pulling it down won't be too easy. We get the captives out, chase the kobolds off and be sure to mention it to them guards out there. Somehow I think this is more of a job for a team of priests and scholars than the lot of us."

"From now on, let's save the hostility for a situation when we aren't going to be shanked by kobolds at any moment, huh?"

"Agreed" Gin gives a nod of approval

Male Dwarf Cleric of Abadar 2

Branomonrik pays little mind to the raving man as he stares at the pillar of shadow. He looks to Pavel "Yes, remove it's source of feeding for now. As long as they are close it may feed.

He looks toward Gal " How little you understand of anything fanatic. It is a thing of shadow, of darkness can you not feel that?. Fire is often used to cleanse such things. One would think you would understand cleansing fire, But I can see you understand so very little. Death is but a tool, And I shall be it's master in time. " A dry chuckle escapes his lips " Did nothing in the fight you say, I feel pity for your lack of knowledge and understanding, Fantic "

Shaking his head he looks to the group " Make up your minds, what you do with the shadow spawn, and those it wishes to feed on matters little to me. Fire may or may not destroy such a thing,However allowing this thing to stand, with titan spawn allowed to feed it seems...unwise."

He calls out to his scout, and it comes to him sitting at his feet with ease.It stares into the room with eyeless sockets " Shall I send it after the titan spawn? It could tell us if they have more down there and if they plan an ambush. "

"I see no harm in scouting out the area", Gin looks at the others for there opinion.

Male Half-Orc Rogue 1

"Yurr. Want go chase down little scaly men. Pay them back for putting holes in me."

Dark Archive

Male Lesbian Cyborg Bastard Child of Paizo 18

As you continue to discuss your options, one of the people you rescued begins moaning and says "I don't feel so good." Meanwhile another one lets out a load scream and doubles over in pain.

Check the Discussion thread for your XP

Male Half Elven Wild Druid / 1 XP:1,340/2,000

How far was it from where we left the guards at the entrance to where the pillar room was? I was under the impression it was not that far. Have we not neared it yet with the freed captives?

In reply to the others comments:
to Branomonrik: "I understand that the forces you work with are an abomination to Nature dark one. You understand that my teeth shall rend yoru flesh if you ever turn them against us.

to Gin: "You speak? I had thought that perhaps your tongue was as inactive as your limbs. At least the mage had an excuse, he is weak. What was yours? When I see you move to aid your comrades you may speak to me, until then, do not.

to Pavel:"When there is danger, I act, unlike some others. When there is not, if I choose to speak, I will speak. You have a problem with that?"

Gal is obviously not having a good day. He is underground, out of his natural environment, he is forced to work with an abomination and now there's a pillar of blackest evil trying to suck up their souls...so ya, Someone's a little grumpy ;-)

When the people cry out Gal mutters under his breath "What now!" but he still rushes over to them and attempt a Heal Check (untrained) (1d20=18)

Dark Archive

Male Lesbian Cyborg Bastard Child of Paizo 18
Gal wrote:
How far was it from where we left the guards at the entrance to where the pillar room was? I was under the impression it was not that far. Have we not neared it yet with the freed captives?

You were about 200 feet into the catacombs, although it was a twisty path to get there. You had not left yet, unless you are spliting the party, since Pavel was still trying to clean up the blood.

Gal wrote:

When the people cry out Gal mutters under his breath "What now!" but he still rushes over to them and attempt a Heal Check (untrained) (1d20=18)

Gal doesn't know what to do to help the people, but he can tell it is not natural.

Male Half Elven Wild Druid / 1 XP:1,340/2,000

To the people in pain or if they can't talk to those near to them. "what did those reptile thongs do to you?!"

AC 21 (20)/T 13/FF 17; CMD 24, HP 76/76

"All right, first thing's first: Mr. Gin, Mr. Soll, you seem to be skilled sorts, will you do me a favor and look out for them titanspawn, maybe do a little scouting with the necromancer's mummy rat? Probably best to be the ones surprisin' not the ones surprised. Or even just check their pockets, see if there's anything unusual. Mr. Cadwaller, you said you have a knack for old stuff, what do you think about that pillar? Maybe you got a second opinion?"

He ditches his blood-soaked cloak and blanket, heads toward the prisoners. He lets Gal's outburst go unanswered.

To the captive,"Hold on, friend, we're here to help. What does it feel like? Did it just start? Just try to hang in there, Ms. Snow will likely know what to do for you."

To Gal, whispered

"I know you ain't used to working with other folks and all and you ain't from around here. But down here, with all this... arcane foulness, we have to watch each other's backs. . Whether you like it or not, Branomonrik is not a threat right now. That don't mean you have to like him, that don't mean you have to talk to him; but we do need to work together here... or at least avoid tearing each other's throats out. I would like you to do me a personal favor: just keep an eye on him, all right? Until we know what we're really up against."

Gin rushes to the nearest person "Kelindra, Branomonrik can either of you tell what's happening?"

"The very least we need to get these people out of here now", a concerned look on his face.

Male Half Elven Wild Druid / 1 XP:1,340/2,000

Gal listened to the human ranger's words and he couldn't help but be reminded of some of the lessons his Elven teachers has tried so hard to instill in him over and over again 'Mind your temper Gal. Learn to control your anger instead of being controlled by it. Your passion will be a powerful weapon for you when you learn to wield it correctly'
He had seen the human fight now and couldn't help but respect his prowess, as well, he always seemed to have a level head about him...

In reply to Pavel's comment Gal gives a non-committal grunt "Hmgh"
But from the look in his eye the wise Ranger can tell he has made an impression on the Wild Druid

Male Dwarf Cleric of Abadar 2

Branomonrik makes his way toward the screaming people. His staff clicking on the cold floor. He sends his scout after the titan spawn with a thought. Then he looks over the people thinking inward , and drawing on his arcane knowledge

Know arcane roll 26

AC 21 (20)/T 13/FF 17; CMD 24, HP 76/76

Pavel nods.

"All right: too many cooks in the kitchen. I'm gonna try something here..."

I'm going to take my torch and get it close to the pillar, try and see if I can get a reaction.

Male Half Elven Wild Druid / 1 XP:1,340/2,000

Seeing Pavel's intention's, Gal puts his large strong hand on the ranger's shoulder before he can go more than a couple steps. "Friend" Gal starts, obviously using a world not much used by him before "I know you mean good, but we don't know what will happen if you touch pillar. Pillar is dangerous, fire is dangerous, not seem smart to me.Your life spend how you like, but let us free these ones first" giving him a final look in the eye and then turning back to help the captives.

GM, how many of them Are there? And how long will it take us to clear them from this room?

Dark Archive

Male Lesbian Cyborg Bastard Child of Paizo 18
Gal wrote:

GM, how many of them Are there? And how long will it take us to clear them from this room?

Seven total. The two that are in pain don't seem like they could move at all, but at top speed it would only take two or three minutes to lead them back to the gates where the Ravens are standing guard.

Dark Archive

Male Lesbian Cyborg Bastard Child of Paizo 18
Gal wrote:
To the people in pain or if they can't talk to those near to them. "what did those reptile thongs do to you?!"

"they were doing some kind of ritual," says one of the women who seems unaffected. "Those two were already here when they brought the rest of us in. Maybe they did something else to them first."

Dark Archive

Male Lesbian Cyborg Bastard Child of Paizo 18
Pavel wrote:

Pavel nods.

"All right: too many cooks in the kitchen. I'm gonna try something here..."

I'm going to take my torch and get it close to the pillar, try and see if I can get a reaction.

As you take the toarch close to the pillar it stops beating, but there does not appear to be any other reaction.

Dark Archive

Male Lesbian Cyborg Bastard Child of Paizo 18
Branomonrik Assia wrote:

Branomonrik makes his way toward the screaming people. His staff clicking on the cold floor. He sends his scout after the titan spawn with a thought. Then he looks over the people thinking inward , and drawing on his arcane knowledge

Know arcane roll 26

You have not ever witnessed this before but you do recall reading about something similar from the days before the Disciples of the Abyss and the Society of Immortals were exiled from Hollowfaust. It described the reaction of someone who's essence is being stolen. The signs were very similar to this.

Gin pick up one of the ailing people. "Let's get outta here. We'll deal with that pillar and those reptilians once we return. These peoples safety should be the main concern."

With that Gin, passenger in tow, head back up towards the guards.

Dark Archive

Male Lesbian Cyborg Bastard Child of Paizo 18

As Gin bends down to pick of the struggling man, the man's skin literally bursts. A second later the second man's skin also bursts. Terrified, the other prisioners flee down the passage that you had come out of. The creature that remains in place of the first man strikes at Gin with a hand that now resembles a serpent's head but misses. Each of the creatures appears to be a horrific blue scaled hybrid of snake and human, with snake heads where it's hands should be.

Enough time has passed that I need new initiative rolls.

Male Half-Orc Rogue 1

As Soll looks around for any kobolds trying to sneak back, he turns as he hears the sound of tearing flesh.

"HOLY SH...!"

Initiative (1d20+4=24)

Before he even realizes what he's looking at, the falchion cuts through the air.

Falchion attack (1d20+5=18)
Damage; Sneak damage (2d4+7=12, 1d6=6)

"By the gods...What are these things" Gin unsheathes his blade and strikes at the monster.

Initiative 1d20+4=7...and the horrible rolls continue. Attack [url=http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/1761733/ ]1d20+3=16; Damage 1d6+4=9

AC 21 (20)/T 13/FF 17; CMD 24, HP 76/76

"Hold on, I think this is working..."

Hearing the horrific sound from the captive, Pavel turns to see the gruesome transformation.

"Titan's spit! What the hell is that?!"

I'm dropping the torch, pulling out my bastard sword with a two-handed grip for greater power... and taking a wild swing while Pavel tries to figure out what these things could be.

Initiative roll (1d20+3=7)
Bastard sword, two-handed (1d20+4=10, 1d10+4=11)
Knowledge (nature) (1d20+5=12)

If it's a monstrous humanoid, I get a +2 on attacks for the favored enemy, not that it will likely help.

Male Half Elven Wild Druid / 1 XP:1,340/2,000

"By Gaia, do these horrors not end?!" Gal yells in revulsion as he draws his still glowing greatclub and smashes at one of the aberrations.
Attack and Dam (1d20 4=19, 1d8 4=9)Ooops and add another 2 dam to that for two-handed use.

male Halfling Factotum / 2

"Ah"! "That feels much better". "Thank you..." "Darn it". "What's this now"?

Initiative (1d20 3=22)

Warhammer Attack (1d20 2=20)

Wahammer Damage (Spending Inspiration Point) (1d8 5=6)

Male Dwarf Cleric of Abadar 2

Branomonrik sees the thing that was once human and reaches out filling his hand with the cold touch of the grave and forcing it into his foe with a touch.

It has drained there essence!

Since I was looking at the man I am guessing he is right next to me
Init 21
Attack 14
cold damage 7

Dark Archive

Male Lesbian Cyborg Bastard Child of Paizo 18

Ivo delivers a crushing blow to one of the creatures. Please mention if you are attacking #1 or #2. However, the creature manages to slip past Branomonrik's strike. Gal also manages to get a good solid hit in on the creature that Ivo struck. Soll slashes the second creature, but both Pavel and Gin miss the mark. Kelindra holds back to assess the situation for the time being. One of the creature's lashes out at Branomonrik, but misses as he dodges the wizard's touch. The second one however manages to get a solid hit on Gin. 5 damage and you need to make a Fort save.


You're not sure what these creatures are, but they are not monstrous humanoids.

Gin clutches his wound

Fortitude 1d20+3=17, and I'm at 8hp

Male Half Elven Wild Druid / 1 XP:1,340/2,000

Wracking his brain for all his has seen, experienced and been taught, Gal tries to place the foul creatures
Knowledge Nature (1d20 6=18)
His concentration throws off his attack though as his greatclub whooshes by in what would have been a damaging attack
Attack and Dam on #1 (1d20 4=9, 1d8 6=10)

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