David's Scarred Lands Campaign


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Dark Archive

Male Lesbian Cyborg Bastard Child of Paizo 18

"Keep following Corean Street till you see the big fortress next to the market. That's Mithral Keep. Check in with them," the guard tells Pavel.

AC 21 (20)/T 13/FF 17; CMD 24, HP 76/76

"Okay, got it. Thank you."

Pavel follows the guard's directions and presents himself at Mithril Keep, hopefully not too late.

David Fryer wrote:
Gin** spoiler omitted **

"Thank you, Commander." Gin bows slightly, "I promise to look after them, and that as little harm as possible happens."

"Commander is my assignment only to watch after these people, or to investigate the murders as well? I thought we were trying to keep our presense in Harbor City to a minimum?"

Female Human Cleric 2

Kelindra says farewell to Brother Merling and races upstairs to quickly collect her belongings. With a last, quick inventory of her backpack and a double-check to make sure her father's long sword is fastened securely around her waist, she heads to Mithral Keep.

Dark Archive

Male Lesbian Cyborg Bastard Child of Paizo 18
Gin wrote:

"Thank you, Commander." Gin bows slightly, "I promise to look after them, and that as little harm as possible happens."

"Commander is my assignment only to watch after these people, or to investigate the murders as well? I thought we were trying to keep our presense in Harbor City to a minimum?"

"Normally we would want to keep our presence low, but there is something unnerving about these crimes that leads me to believe that there is more going on than just a bizarre crime spree. Keep your eyes and ears open, the safety of the whole city could be at stake."

"Yes Sir", Gin bows again and excuses himself from the office. Making his way quickly to his room he gathers his belongings, and then to meet the adventures.

Male Half Elven Wild Druid / 1 XP:1,340/2,000

Gal too has been getting increasingly uneasy the closer he comes to the big city. all his natural instincts keep telling him to turn and flee this unnatural blight on the face of mother earth. Yet he had made a promise to the elves of Vera-Tre and he would keep it.
"Gal, this threat concerns us all" Elder Eladoran has said. "You are the best representative we have at the moment. You must journey to Mithral and aid them in their time of need. Your actions there may very well have a significant affect on removing the remains of distrust and fear the people have for those of the Druidic tradition. You are the first we have seen of this new kind of Druid and so we know this is the beginning of your destiny. Do not fail us. do not fail yourself" And he Would Not.

Yet still, the sight of the huge city was overwhelming. 'How will I find... just then Gal caught sight of the ranger he had been scenting for days now. Was caught a few of the words exchanged between the ranger and the guard and deciding to just follow the forest walker. Much better that than trying to speak with the guard himself. So following the ranger at a discreet distance, he enters the huge city...

Male Half Elven Wild Druid / 1 XP:1,340/2,000

As he finally nears the keep, he stops once again. The need to run wild in the woods is screaming in him yet he steels himself. "I will not fail them, I will not fail myself" And he enters...

Male Half-Orc Rogue 1


The waterlogged half-orc on the shore groaned softly in the morning light as he slowly regained consciousness. Alive, he thought to himself. I must be alive. Heaven would have been more comfortable, and Hell couldn't have smelled as bad. One sand-crusted eyelid eventually flicked open and began to survey his surroundings. He started reconsidering that he might be in Hell. Blood-red waves... Crimson sand... Wreckage...
Recollection came flooding back. He remembered the battle, the storm, the beast...
He also remembered ten hours of rowing, which explained why his arms and back felt like they were having a contest to see who could ache more.
But that was okay, because it meant he was alive. For now anyways. He gingerly started to his feet as he pondered his predicament. It was never a good thing to take the plunge into the Blood Sea. He'd seen too many men back at the Toes fall prey to the fever. He felt sure though, that he could shrug it off. He was good at shrugging things off.
More pressing, was the fact that he didn't know where he was. He could be on some uncharted island, or on the Plains of Lede far from civilization. Or...
A glint of light in the distance momentarily blinded him. He shielded his eyes and squinted at the source. After a moment, he could just make out the form of a mammoth silver figure.



He chuckled mirthlessly. Heaven and Hell... Things could be worse, he reflected as he began plodding north towards the city. He'd somehow managed to keep his falchion after the attack, and his crossbow had even stayed hooked to his belt. No bolts though... he thought to himself.
At least once he got to Harbor City, he'd know a place he could grab a bite to eat.

Or possibly a cat.

Male Dwarf Cleric of Abadar 2

Branomonrik Assia walks into the city of mirtal, His robe is coated in dust and dirt from many days of travel.His master bed him to travel here and said he would know why in time. Branomonrik took the words of his mentor with great consurn. Still he road was long and the path of his kind was never an easy one "dying is easy "his master would say "its getting back up after and doing something thats hard" His master was wise he thought.So here he was alone in a city of people that did not understand the power and mystery of his kind. He was tired and near copperless, still this felt, right as he master said it would. With that thought Branomonrik moved down the copperstone street his bone staff clinking .

Dark Archive

Male Lesbian Cyborg Bastard Child of Paizo 18

Once the band of adventurers had assembled at Mithral Keep, a young but attractive woman dressed in the garb of Coreanic Paladin walked into the mid-sized room where they were assembled. The slight point of her ears and her slender build indicated she had elven blood flowing through her veins.
"Thank you for responding so quickly," she said in a strange accent. "I am Sarera, I have been asked to fill you in on what is going on. Over the last few weeks there have been some fairly gruesome murders and mysterious disapperances in Harbor City. These crimes have centered around the catacombs under the city, and we have reason to believe that something or someone has set up shop in the catacombs. Unfortunately our own forces are stretched thin with the problems we have been having on the Northern Peremeter. So we turn to you. Take this, it will get you past the guards at the catacomb entrence," she says as she hands you a Raven shaped amulet.

Male Dwarf Cleric of Abadar 2

Branomonrik takes the amulate and looks to the group that have assembled here. "Greetings I am Branomonrik Assia Of Hallofaust. I have traveled here on the urging of my master and am compelled to deal with the troubles at this time." He looks to the group "As it seems we shall be traveling together ,it would seem wise to know of one another and are capability to better work and solve this issue." Branomonrik gives the group a moment to think before going on I am a necromancer and have traveled far to reach this place, I have some talent with spells and survival as well as knowledge of spellcarft and the arcane. And the rest of you?" he asks as he leans on his bone staff.

Male Half Elven Wild Druid / 1 XP:1,340/2,000

Gal watches and listens to the man with the bone staff speak. He feels the hackles rise on the back of his neck and finally can take no more
"I do not know all the words you use man of magic but I do know that you reek of Death!" The very large Wild Druid is obviously furious and has moved so he is right in the man's face "Such is an abomination against nature and must be...."!

He suddenly seems to catch himself and backs off a bit 'I must remember the masters wishes. I am not in my place, this is not my land. I must remember my teachings. Observe, watch, wait, then strike only when necessary' With a strangled oath "Rargh!" he seems to get a hold of himself. He turns away and backs off, working to control his fury.

AC 21 (20)/T 13/FF 17; CMD 24, HP 76/76

Pavel steps between Gal and Branomonrik holding out his large hands in the hopes of calming the wild druid.

"Now, now, let's not get started on who smells like what. Maybe you smell like death, maybe I smell like a stable and maybe you smell like...a moose or a boar. The point is, some of us smell more than others and it doesn't make anyone less offensive by pointing fingers."

The large man breaks into a wide grin and a friendly wink, hopefully diffusing the situation.

"The name's Pavel. I'm a junior member of the Behjuran Vigil, here recently from Vesh. Just looking to help out. I'm pretty strong, pretty quick and real tough. Good with a sword and a bow, scouting duties, tracking, survival and maps. I know a little about setting bones and wrapping bandages."

He clears his throat, a little embarrassed.

"I'm also a very capable...stableboy.

Male Dwarf Cleric of Abadar 2

Looking at the raveing druid then to Pavel he says "AH one of those who do not understand a pity" he then looks to Pavel"Do not be ashamed of a skill, no matter what others think it may one day be useful and if nothing else my provide you with coin and a bed "

Talking in a hushed tone, "I am Gin Gawain, of the Mithril military." He takes a breath pushing down his natural shyness.

"I look forward to traveling with all of you."

AC 21 (20)/T 13/FF 17; CMD 24, HP 76/76
Branomonrik Assia wrote:
Looking at the raveing druid then to Pavel he says "AH one of those who do not understand a pity" he then looks to Pavel"Do not be ashamed of a skill, no matter what others think it may one day be useful and if nothing else my provide you with coin and a bed "

"Oh, don't mistake me: I like taking care of horses. I just don't think it will be a, uh, life or death sort of skill while looking through Mithril's catacombs."

He chuckles.

"Unless this whole mess is due to some wild horses that got loose down there, eh?"

Male Half-Orc Rogue 1

The half-orc supped at the thin gruel provided by the dour faced barkeep. It was filthy, but cheap, and he had to conserve what little money he had. He paused with the spoon halfway to his mouth and considered his situation.
Harbor City, he thought. Mithral. He never thought he'd return after all this time. He certainly hadn't wanted to. Too many bad memories.
Well, if I wanna get out, I'm gonna need to find some loot. He took another sip of the foul stew and grimaced. He definitely wanted out. He picked up his change from the counter and walked into the rubbish strewn street. Maybe he could find work on another ship. Or possibly be admitted to some mercenary crew. If worst comes to worst, he thought as he clenched his hands I can always rob someone...
Soll wandered Harbor City looking for some work.

Female Human Cleric 2

Kelindra's breath caught in her throat as she looked at Pavel. She was unaccustomed to this response and had disciplined herself not to be tempted by the opposite sex. Yet he seemed so confident and yet so humble...and so handsome. She shook her head and mastered her emotions. She was not some child, overcome with puppy-love.

"I am Kelindra, servant of Corean. It is my pleasure to serve."

Dark Archive

Male Lesbian Cyborg Bastard Child of Paizo 18

Once introductions are out of the way, the intrepid heroes made their way to the entrance of the catacombs. Despite the hustle and bustle of Harbor City, the short street that ran past the catacomb's entrance, little more than an alley in fact, was deserted. At the bottom of the well lit, winding staircase is a large room. inside, you make out five figures, all dressed in black, playing cards. Behind them a large metal gate blocks the entrance to the catacombs proper. They stand when they see you, one walks toward you while the others casually rest their hands on their swords. "What do you want," says the one walking toward you.


As Soll sat eating the dish water that passed for stew, a man approached him. The man had only one arm and a cloak shrouded his face in darkness. Even with the flickering candle on the table, inside the cloak was a mass of impenetrable shadows. "I understand you are looking for work," he said. "I have a job for you. The so-called lords of this city are putting together a small band to explore the catacombs of this city and discover what might have taken root down there." Placing a bag of jingling coins on the table, he continued, "I will pay you this up front to be a part of that group, and I will pay you twice as much when the job is complete to tell me what you find down there. Do we have a deal?"

Male Half-Orc Rogue 1


Soll stared at the stranger as it slowly dawned on him that he was being hired for a job! As he listened to the details, a couple of questions rose in his mind. Who were these people he was supposed to join? Why were they going down into the catacombs?. And what the hells was it to this guy? He shrugged. Questions weren't going to buy him dinner. Anyways, it couldn't be that hard to muscle his way into a crew of tomb looters. He nodded at Mr. Shroud and said "Y'gotta deal."

As the burly half-orc ambled his way through the crowded street, he noticed something odd out of the corner of his eye. A group of well armed and armored people were heading down a small side street that almost looked like...
Soll rubbed his chin as he tried to figure out why anyone would be going down into the catacombs. He couldn't put his finger on it, but it seemd that anyone going down into a place like that knew something.
Where to find some treasure for a start.
He paused for a moment as he made up his mind, and then he made his way to the mouth of the alley. He realized that aside from the group ahead of him, the street was entirely deserted. He walked forward a few more steps, cupped his hands around his mouth and bellowed, "Hey You! Why you go down there!?"

AC 21 (20)/T 13/FF 17; CMD 24, HP 76/76

To the black-clad guard.
"Sarera in Mithril Keep sent us. We're looking into the catacombs, see if we can't find what's tearing folks up around here."

He motions to Branomonrik

"My ally here has the proof, if you need it."

Hearing the half-orc, the big Veshian turns.

"That one of your men or a...ah, concerned citizen?"

male Halfling Factotum / 2

Ivo gives the man his best smile, and proudly presents his Raven icon.

"Why we're supposed to be here". "The City Guard sent us to save the city, since they're to busy". "Now please open the door, and let us get to it".

"Umm By the way, what exactly is in there"?

Male Dwarf Cleric of Abadar 2

Turning to the half-orc Branomonrik Gives him a once over " We have been..Hired to seek out that which kills below the city." He leans on his staff his skin contrasting with the bleach white staff. he holds the crest up to the guard in his tine dark hand "we have this , if you would like us to leave we can do this. I do not call this city home if the creatures that lay down in the dark places wish to feed upon those here and you do not wish my aid then it does not concern me"

Branomonrik again brings his unsettling eyes upon the half orc "So you child of the titans , why are you here are you here to brave the dark as well ?"

Gin's muscles tense at the sight of the half-orc. "By the gods, what is a half-bred monster like that doing here" Gin thinks to himself. He tries to relax his body, and focus on the threat at hand.

Should this monster be provoked to violence this alley would be the last place anyone would want to be.


Due to Gins distrust/dislike of orcs He'll be looking for the quickest escape routes for him and the group should this turn ugly.

Perception 1d20+7=22; Sense Motive on the half-orc 1d2-+7=20; So the half-orc or the others don't notice my act Stealth 1d20+8=14

Male Half-Orc Rogue 1

Soll looked down at the bird shaped amulet the thin, dark man was holding. He didn't know what it was exactly, but the manner in which the man presented it suggested it was some sort of pass or key. Interesting.
"Bad things down there," the half-orc rumbled. "You go down there, maybe you no come back. Why you go down there? You look for treasure?" He drew himself up tall and puffed out his chest. "You bring Soll. He strong. Can see in dark. Dark down there. You bring Soll, maybe you come back," he said as he flashed a toothy grin at the party.

Male Half Elven Wild Druid / 1 XP:1,340/2,000

Used to the prejudice and spite many still hold for those suspected of having ties to the Titans, as well as being a half-breed himself. Gal takes an immediate liking to the strong and straight-forward half-orc. He approaches him and sticks out his arm to grab as greeting. He address the others "We do not know what we face down there. More strong arms good. Gal say..um, I mean, I say we bring him" covering up his grammatical slip with a scowl Gal speaks with no question or patience for argument in his voice.

Male Dwarf Cleric of Abadar 2

" Sol was it,if you wish to travel into the darkness with us then by all means do so. Your birthright may come in hand many times below."

AC 21 (20)/T 13/FF 17; CMD 24, HP 76/76

"I'm not one to spit on an offered hand of aid, but we ain't looking for treasure here. We're looking for a vicious killer or killers. You got the stomach for that? You looking for money, there's better ways to get it. You looking to make the docks and the city safer, then you'll be right for the job."

Pavel turns to the guards.

"Is this the only entrance or exit to the catacombs?"

Dark Archive

Male Lesbian Cyborg Bastard Child of Paizo 18
Pavel wrote:

"I'm not one to spit on an offered hand of aid, but we ain't looking for treasure here. We're looking for a vicious killer or killers. You got the stomach for that? You looking for money, there's better ways to get it. You looking to make the docks and the city safer, then you'll be right for the job."

Pavel turns to the guards.

"Is this the only entrance or exit to the catacombs?"

"The only one that we know of. However, no one has ever properly explored them since the Penumbral Pentagon was driven out, so there may be more that have not been discovered," the guard says.

Male Half Elven Wild Druid / 1 XP:1,340/2,000

"Then no need to wait. Let's go." and Gal follows actions to words (as is his wont) and motions brusquely for the guards to open the gate. Assuming they do, he will draw his cudgel and begin to head in.

are there any light sources? If not, Gal will cast a Light orison on the tip of his cudgel

Male Dwarf Cleric of Abadar 2

With a few arcane and harsh words "AK'DOR NAR'NOK " Light glimmers to life on the end of Branomonrik's staff it gives off an eerie ghostly glow of pale white light.
" Do others need light?" with that he turns to the entrance and awaits the others before entering.

AC 21 (20)/T 13/FF 17; CMD 24, HP 76/76

"Fancy, but I've got a light of my own."

Pavel sparks one of his torches and pulls out his sword before following the druid and the necromancer.

"'Penumbral Pentagon', eh? Sounds, er, dark. I'll wager figuring out just how many other entrances there are and where they are is a good idea; if just to know our way out in case something goes wrong. If you'll pardon me, Mr. Assia, I think it may be wise to let myself or another big lug ahead of you. Wouldn't suit you to come all this way from out west just to get chewed on by some beastie or Titanspawn, right?"

male Halfling Factotum / 2

Ivo seeing that the Big-uns have provided plenty of light decides not to use one of his sunrods. He does however stick one in his belt for easy access. He then positions himself right behind the big warrior in line. Close enough to the front to see whats happening, but not getting hit first by whatever thsy run across.

"Lets go! lets go! Times a wasting".

Female Human Cleric 2

Kelindra sighs. She is obviously being tested by Corean. She can't imagine why the half-orc wishes to join them and what it was he was saying about treasure. And the necromancer....well, Corean works in mysterious ways.

"I will guard our rear unless you wish me to be in front," says Kelindra. "If we are in combat and you need healing, shout for me."

Kelindra grips her longsword and follows the others.

Male Dwarf Cleric of Abadar 2

Branomonrik looks to Pavel "You speak wisdom Mr.Pavel. I would not serve the group best in the lead." He looks to Gal and a thine cold smile brakes the sober lines of his face. "I will stay in the middle with him. " The cold smile seeming eerie on his face he nods toward the darkness. "After you friend" A low cold chuckle escapes his tin lips as he moves after the others.

Male Half-Orc Rogue 1

Soll nods towards the ranger. "Yur. Him right. Small mens stay back. If bad things come, small mens get deaded. Big mens in front, bad things get deaded." He punctuates his words by drawing the massive falchion from the straps on his back.

Soll moves to take point, presumably alongside Pavel.

Dark Archive

Male Lesbian Cyborg Bastard Child of Paizo 18

The guards unlocked the gate and opened it. "Be careful," he warned. "it's a maze inside there." Sure enough, after just a few dozen feet the tunnel branched off, with tunnels heading left, right and directly ahead. A faint breeze could be felt swirling around your feet, but it is difficult to pinpoint where it is comeing from.
I need Perception rolls from everyone.

Male Half-Orc Rogue 1

Perception check (1d20+3=11)

Soll stumbles around aimlessly...

male Halfling Factotum / 2

Perception ( 2 of sound based) (1d20 4=23) (this should say +2 if sound based or 25)

Ivo very curious and alert as always notices...

Male Half Elven Wild Druid / 1 XP:1,340/2,000
Branomonrik Assia wrote:
Branomonrik looks to Pavel "You speak wisdom Mr.Pavel. I would not serve the group best in the lead." He looks to Gal and a thine cold smile brakes the sober lines of his face. "I will stay in the middle with him. " The cold smile seeming eerie on his face he nods toward the darkness. "After you friend" A low cold chuckle escapes his tin lips as he moves after the others.

Sorry Brano, Gal's already in the lead as he was the first to enter and did not stop to wait to play games. Besides, you wouldn't enjoy being beside him and nor would he allow it. PS, just as a friendly note, Gal (not his Player mind) despises undead as unnatural aberrations against nature which need to be destroyed, so probably best not to antagonize a fellow who, at this point at least, could very likely take you out with one blow...or Bite. ;-)

Gal continues on in, accepting Pavel or the half-orc to join him in the lead.
Perception=16 (18 for sight or sound)

Perception 1d20+7=14

Gin files in behind the others.

AC 21 (20)/T 13/FF 17; CMD 24, HP 76/76

Perception check (1d20+6=24)
Damn lucky, hope it lasts.

Pavel nods to the guards.

As Gal runs to the front, the big ranger notes to himself, "Gallop or pause for this one, nothing in between."

"Aye, you and me up front after our new friend there, assuming there's no objections to rear duty? All these passages, the rear could become the front in a moment's notice. I reckon Mr. Gawain and Ms., er, Sister? Kelindra are more than capable."

"Any ideas on a direction or just see where Gal takes us?"

Male Dwarf Cleric of Abadar 2

I know gal doesn't like the nerco...heh fun just wait till I make some undead critters in a few we needs scouts.

perception yay nat 20 I got a 22

Watching Gal head straight into the darkness Branomonrik shakes his head "Foolish" He says to no one. Digging into his robe he pulls forth a small mummified rat corpse and a small black stone. gesting in and invoking manner he chants "NENOK,AVOS, HASZEL NO'RINK!" The small corpse seems to moves looking up at the necromancer with it's dead eyeless face. He lunches the small creature into the darkness it lands with a run and disappears into the darkness.

Looking at the group he smiles his cold smile "We have a scout now" With that he moves deeper into the darkened tunnel.

Dark Archive

Male Lesbian Cyborg Bastard Child of Paizo 18

Assia, Pavel, Gal, Ivo

You can hear a high pitched noise, almost like voices, coming from the left hand passage.

Soll, Gin
The breathing of your group echos through the tunnels, making it difficult to get a sense of what is going on.

Male Dwarf Cleric of Abadar 2

Hearing the sound Branomonirk directs the "scout " that way.

Male Half-Orc Rogue 1

Soll looked down the branching corridors, shrugged, and turned to the rest of the group. "Where we go now?"

AC 21 (20)/T 13/FF 17; CMD 24, HP 76/76

Pavel whispers.
"Left. Voices. They'll see the lights, but if we keep our voices down they may not know how many of us are here."

Trying to muffle my footsteps a little.
Stealth check (1d20+5=20)

Gin carefully, slowly draws his blade as Pavel alerts them to the voices ahead.

Stealth 1d20+8=27

Male Half Elven Wild Druid / 1 XP:1,340/2,000

Hearing the voices to the left, Gal grunts his acknowledgement. As Gal's light on the end of his Cudgel is now not the only source of light and as he can see quite well in low light conditions he ceases to worry about it. As they draw closer to the voices the party sees a remarkable transformation as the large half-elf instantly transforms into a very big and heavily muscled golden wolf. The magnificant specimin pads ahead on silent paws.
Um, ok, Almost silent paws, seems he needs a pedicure :P

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