Chris Mortika's Golarion Campaign


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Male Half-Orc Druid 2nd

Martaug nods. "Fair 'nuff. I get tired'a bein' called a crossbreed. Term hybrid's more acc'rate. Jus' make sure ya don't try an' pass off any doped potions ta da people workin' with ya." When the hostilities start growin' he grinds his teeth in irritation. "Dis ain't xactly da best spot fer dis discussion, ya know. Grumble, try ta keep a civil tongue an' not provoke. Sachiko, don' be makin' threats. Person in yer dubious position should be tryin' to mend fences, not dig holes."

Female Half-Elf Paladin of Iomedae

Turning to face Sachiko, the paladin states, "Martaug is right, now is not the time to fling threats and insults. But know this - I will be watching."

With that she turns back to face the cave opening. "Cross the crevice or down like Gunlar went? If the latter, we may be able to use magic to detect whatever treasure is hidden within... or we might wander for hours."

Female Human (Taldan) Fighter 2

"Any problems that remain amongst ourselves can be dealt with in good time after we have dealt with those problems that continue to plague others. Everyone has stated their opinions, both loudly and vociferously. Let us leave it at that, for now, and concentrate on the task at hand," Kara says, shaking her head at the antagonism present.

Male Dwarf Ranger 2

Grumble's done for now, as far as expressing his disapproval of Sachi's apparent vocation - Grumble is a local after all, and assuredly knows what goes on inside the walls of Sachi's former mistress, even if he doesn't know specifics of Sachi's labor there - that's what one gets for assuming (and having a 9 CHA!!)

He certainly wouldn't go so far as to actually threaten her with tongue-ripping violence, but having been so threatened, his demeanor towards the young lady with her suspicious gifts and her newly-announced "guest" will be unlikely to warm past frigid.

Female Human of Tian Xia decent (Sorcerer Favored Class) Barbarian 1; Sorcerer 1 (Draconic bloodline)

"I agree now is not the place, lets take the frustrations out on the undead, as for me looking into the paladin's eyesI am not evil, my father's grandfather was a great man, to save his nation he battled against an evil spirit, the only way to defeat it was to trap it within himself and forever keep it contained, you see he was also a Paladin, but we call them Samurai wear I come from, he took the stain on his honor so his lord and civilisation could survive. When it came time for my father's grandfather to pass to the next world, the forces of evil swore that once his spirit left his mortal coil, they would take his soul to the pits of Jengoku or hell for all eternity. We found a way to provide protection to our ancestor until we can find a way to release and destroy the demon, that is my burden to bear, not yours, I and the women of my family for generations have found a way to supress the evil taint, if you kill me, then it just gets released, and may claim your nation, so I suggest, you all keep me safe. looking once more to the dwarf "You do not respect what I have been forced to do through slavery, well I do not like it either, why do you think I am risking my life at 16 to pay for my freedom, and for your information, no man, or one has spoiled my purity, and I intend to keep it that way!" Sachi takes a deep breath and relaxes her shoulders
I have no issue with the Roleplay, just after Sachi got called a whore for the 3rd time, I figure she would have stood up for herself finally, it would have been nice if something was said to Grumble at the first instance, could have saved all of this hassle, but its Roleplaying gold!. Also Martaug, I re read all the posts and chat logs, wear do u see the potions I provided were "tainted" if you could point that out it would be super, cause as far as I know Sachi did something she was asked to by the party in the first place, whatever you assume about the person who gave them to us may be wrong....

Sachiko wrote:
Also Martaug, I re read all the posts and chat logs, wear do you see the potions I provided were "tainted"? If you could point that out it would be super, 'cause as far as I know Sachi did something she was asked to by the party in the first place, whatever you assume about the person who gave them to us may be wrong....

It's not there because (a) I explained something to Martaug privately, and (b) he hasn't yet told the rest of the party what his suspicions are.

Aside from Martaug's outburst in the farmstead, you have no reason to suspect the antivenin. Well, other than the fact that your riding spirit seems to really like the woman who gave them to you...

Female Human of Tian Xia decent (Sorcerer Favored Class) Barbarian 1; Sorcerer 1 (Draconic bloodline)

Ya I did not see the instance other thanthe 2 Martag put out 1. throwing the vial against the wall, and the one he just said, so until he shares with us his suscpicions, then it is antivenom to other PC was there when they were given to me so I htink some metagaming is going on...

Sachiko wrote:
Ya I did not see the instance other thanthe 2 Martag put out 1. throwing the vial against the wall, and the one he just said, so until he shares with us his suscpicions, then it is antivenom to other PC was there when they were given to me so I htink some metagaming is going on...

While he hasn't yet explained what the specifics of his suspicions are, we were all there when Martaug had his outburst regarding the quality/origin/whatever of your potion - no metagaming involved.

Also, who was supposed to explain to Grumble that Sachiko wasn't a whore? Work at a brothel, dress like a brothel employee, refer to people as your Master/Mistress...Can't blame a plain-spoken, non-citified dwarf for calling things as he sees them, IMO.

I just think Grumble is mad cause none of the girls at the brothel will play with him, must be a defense mechanism LOl! Anyway, its no big deal to me either way, just you have to expect some PC friction when one PC always calls another a name, regardless of fiegning behind a charisma score of 9, which by the way is average not jerk of epic proportions level. Anyway play your PC as you like, and I will play mine as well.

Two notes: first, a post that's entirely out-of-character belongs in the discussion thread.
The second note is ... on the discussion thread.

So, are you heading down the shaft into the water, or crossing it and exploring the cave system beyond?

Male Half-Orc Druid 2nd

"Dat explanation might go a long way ta helpin' us understan' da oddness hangin' round ya. Thanks fer lettin' us know. Now, I tend ta t'ink dat we should go Gunlar's way. Wi' da added benefit of our cave-eyes we might be able ta more easily see whut he stumbled across. Da faster we're able'ta recover dis t'ing, da better."

All right. You lower a rope down the shaft and it hits the surface of the water about 30 feet down.

Female Kellid Human Whirling Frenzy Wolf-Totem Barbarian 2 (Favored)

"So, all us understand boy-Gunlar story? Yalka expect swim-no-air short way before cave Gunlar tell.
...But Wight-tracks look fresh, so should be-ware."
Any thoughts on order? I can go first, but Grumble/Martaug's Darkvision could be helpful...?

Male Half-Orc Druid 2nd

For Grumble, Yalka:

Martaug cups his hand over Grumble and Yalka's ears as he whispers softly:

"Since dese t'ings don' like da water, try an' trip 'em inna da hole if dey attack while we're shimmyin' down."

The half-orc nods and says "I'll slide down first an' give da bird whistle dat tol' ya 'bout before if it's safe fer da next."

Martaug, you slide down the rope into the water. You stop yourself when you're submerged up to your waistline.

The water is cold, perhaps 40 degrees F. Your feet have not touched bottom, but you can feel that the shaft goes down at least another three feet before opening up.

Oh, by the way, ...
Who's holding the rope up top?

Female Human (Taldan) Fighter 2

I'll volunteer for rope holding duty.

Female Kellid Human Whirling Frenzy Wolf-Totem Barbarian 2 (Favored)

Yalka's plan (I mentioned in Chat) was to bring a stout branch/ slight log (?) which we can tie a knotted rope to. The branch is probably 9-10' long, hopefully enough to span the hole. But if Kara wants, she can hold the rope. An additional length, not necessarily knotted, could be tied to the first person to try swimming the underwater tunnel, in case they encounter trouble/ so we don't get lost.
As the crew investigates the shaft, Yalka sucks in a whiff of air, smelling the slight breeze wafting thru the cave. I un-tie from my horse the stout branch I had prepared, along with the knotted hemp rope I had prepared. I silently carry it up to the lip of the shaft, and accepting any assistance offered, lay it across the shaft, preferably perpendicular to the tunnel. As we're discussing what exactly to do, I'll step out again briefly to tie Lightening up to any suitable place, also leaving my backpack on the horse.

So what is the situation with the ghost players, Chris? Are they here? At the farm, or just wandered off and gotten lost?

Peering fruitlessly into the dark recesses of the cave, past the shaft, I add "Wight here, we know. Yalka ready, but we must take care. Good somebody be look-out above, so Wight not cut rope or steal horse(s)?"

Yalka wrote:

As the crew investigates the shaft, Yalka sucks in a whiff of air, smelling the slight breeze wafting thru the cave. I un-tie from my horse the stout branch I had prepared, along with the knotted hemp rope I had prepared. I silently carry it up to the lip of the shaft, and accepting any assistance offered, lay it across the shaft, preferably perpendicular to the tunnel. As we're discussing what exactly to do, I'll step out again briefly to tie Lightening up to any suitable place, also leaving my backpack on the horse.

Excellent. You encounter no difficulties. Kara, if you want to loop the rope around the branch, you can do so.

Yalka wrote:
So what is the situation with the ghost players, Chris? Are they here? At the farm, or just wandered off and gotten lost?

Characters are back at the farmhouse until the player chimes in, in which case the PC has arrived at the mouth of the cave.

Yalka wrote:
"Wight here, we know. Yalka ready, but we must take care. Good somebody be look-out above, so Wight not cut rope or steal horse(s)?"

The silence of the darkness is the only response.

(Right here, there's enough light for the humans and half-elf to see by, but if you drop down into the shaft or start exploring the caves beyond here, you'll need some light source.)

Female Human of Tian Xia decent (Sorcerer Favored Class) Barbarian 1; Sorcerer 1 (Draconic bloodline)

"My ancestor can provide us with light" Sachiko offers, she pauses. "I sense the struggle between my great grandfather and the deamon, my grandfather is winning for now, he can provide us with more beneficial gifts" [occ]Sachiko can now cast spells so this is represented with her ancestor supressing some of the taint within..I can cast dancing lights at will for the party so light is no issue...[/ooc]

Male Half-Orc Druid 2nd

Still holding the rope, Martaug slips into the cold, cold water, muttering to himself slightly about how it is as it should be for cave water... it is natural... it is good. "It's freezin' my blasted nethers off." With that he takes a big lungful of air, pushes himself below the level of the water and opens his eyes to see if he can see any prominant direction that he should try to swim.

Female Kellid Human Whirling Frenzy Wolf-Totem Barbarian 2 (Favored)

"Valdisara - Are Wight close here?" I ask her, remembering how she checked the Spider tunnel for traces of them before...

Female Human (Taldan) Fighter 2

I'll go ahead and tie the rope to the branch, doing my best ensure that the branch will actually hold Martaug's weight. Assuming that the branch holds solidly, Kara will be ready to pull should Martaug need to come out quick.

Sachiko: let me know when you're casting that, then, and where.

Kara: no problems. Yalka picked a branch that should be able to hold two or three full-grown men.

Let's assume 50' of rope, and that actually tying the rope up top will take 5 feet of that. So Martaug has 15' of rope that he can play out underwater; to get further than that, he'd have to untether himself.

Martaug takes a big breath and sinks beneath the surface. Things get very quiet.



The shaft continues down another ten feet below the water level before opening up into a larger cavern, which extends to the west, north, and east. (For discussion purposes, you're at the center of the south wall.)

Under these circumstances, your darkvision only extends to a range of 25 feet.

The floor of the cavern is below your visual range, but there are many stalagmites that loom up from the darkness, which suggests that this cave wasn't always flooded.

Likewise, the ceiling of the cave has grown a profusion of stalagtites. It looks as if the cave splits to the northeast, so that the cave to the east might be a seperate room.

There doesn't appear to be anything living in here.

Female Human of Tian Xia decent (Sorcerer Favored Class) Barbarian 1; Sorcerer 1 (Draconic bloodline)

Sachiko will wait until the humans are down with Martaug and Grumble an dthen ask quietly if they want the light cast, she is after all a child and defers to the adults for the most part, she will cast the dancing lights in front of the group when the time comes...

Male Half-Orc Druid 2nd

Martaug wraps his legs around the rope and pulls his length of hemp out of his backpack and sets to tying the ends together. As he completes this he will give his bird whisle to let those above know the next person can start their descent. Once he is sure the ropes are knotted together fairly well, he will take another deep breath and, holding onto his rope swim down and to the north. When he feels he has used about half his air, he will use the rope to guide him back to the hole.

Female Kellid Human Whirling Frenzy Wolf-Totem Barbarian 2 (Favored)

I call out ANOTHER whistle the same species uses, to let Martaug know we heard him.
"Who next? Yalka and Kara guard rope for others?"
I glanced at Grumble's C-Sheet, and my suspicions were right, he can't swim, but with the rope set-up we have, Grumble can just hold his breath and haul himself along the rope no problem. Or hang out up top and look at Yalka's cool new gauntlets.

Martaug surfaces and fiddles with the rope, clumsily adding his own length to the end. He whistles his "everything's okay" whistle through chattering teeth, draws a deep breath, and swiftly drops back under the surface.

So, who's next?



The cold water is numbing your hands and feet, and causes you to shiver as you make your way northward. Because of the stalactites, you realize, you'll need to be directly under any hole in the cavern's ceiling in order to see it.

Nothing. Then you find one hole, but it narrows almost immediately to something you could stick your arm into. I'm presuming you choose not to.

Nothing. There's still plenty of ceiling to explore, and you're lungs are beginning to ache. But you have a rough approximation of the size of this cavern. North to south, it seems to be about 80 feet across.

Martaug, I need a Swim check from you. You also take 4 points of non-lethal damage from the cold.

Female Kellid Human Whirling Frenzy Wolf-Totem Barbarian 2 (Favored)

Before Martaug dives again, I call out to him: "Good have way tell message with rope.
Like special pull if want pull back, other pull every... half minute? if everything OK. Other idea for message?"

Male Half-Orc Druid 2nd

Martaug badly misses his SwimSwim Check. I'll leave it to you as to when exactly he looses the line and sinks underwater. Also, I didn't apply the armor penalty for the shield as I wasn't certain if that would be incurred only if it was equipped as opposed to just being lashed to his body. I think it is relatively obvious that Martaug would have strapped his shield and spear onto his pack rather than be holding them in combat position. If it is incurred because of weight alone, I will be certain to count that penalty in future rolls. Oh, and...


Not so much losing the line so much as getting it tangled. Trying to get back to the surface, you get turned around when the line is snared. "Glub" indeed; you're lungs spasm, coughing out precious air.

Fortitude save: 1d20 + 4 = 20, which is good enough to get back and break surface before passing out.

You were under for about three minutes this time. With your shield and arms secured to your back.

Female Kellid Human Whirling Frenzy Wolf-Totem Barbarian 2 (Favored)

As the sounds of a heaving and floundering Half-Orc emerge from the waters, I peer down again, worried at the state of our companion, who seems like he got in over his head... "Mar-Tog? Everything OK?"

Seeing him shiver in the water, I decide he's probably had enough of the water for this moment, so unless he refuses to leave the water, with Kara's help I'll try and hoist him back up, so we can get him out into the sun to dry off. I'll rush off to where my pack is and retrieve the Bear pelt I have, along with some sleeping linens, to wrap him up warm and dry. Heal Check to disperse non-lethal damage: 21

After he's closer to normal, I'll get as clear a picture of the cave as he can give. (Since you didn't use spoiler that's easy enough ;-))
Hmm... I don't think Martaug is the best of swimmers, and neither is our other Dark-seer (Grumble). Why don't I use one of the sunrods that Deserach handed out to each of us, and swim to wherever Martaug thinks is the best bet? I can bring the bear skin with me wrapped in a waterproof bag to warm up if I reach a dry part.

Male Half-Orc Druid 2nd

The young druid does allow himself to be hauled back up and accepts the bear-pelt with gratitude. He explains the layout of the submerged area and shrugs between shivers. "I c'n call on da powers'a nature ta give me a gift of light fer several minutes... What we gain in visibility, we could loose in surprise, but it would be easier ta navigate unnerwater wid a light source. I'm willin' ta go back down an' take another stab at findin' an opening. We'll jes be a bit more prepared dis time 'round."

Martaug will certainly bow to a stronger swimmer and will be more than happy to use one of his orisons instead of wasting equipment.

Female Kellid Human Whirling Frenzy Wolf-Totem Barbarian 2 (Favored)

"If ready, Yalka go swim with Mar-Tog."
Once we're ready, I will strip down, only bringing some knives, my gauntlets,
my rope & grapple, & the bear pelt wrapped tight in the waterproof bag.

Light would be great, just cast it on some piece of each of our clothing.
I checked the Beta, and if you are "trained" in Swimmining you can Take 10 (and the DC is 10 in non-Rough Water),
but since it looks like you don't have 1 rank, you have to roll...
So maybe it'd be best for you to take off all your armor/shield. I think I'd be OK, but I'll do likewise just for flavor.

I think from your last experience, you can pretty well judge how long is half your capacity, so we can turn around before then if need be?
I have more air (CON) than you, AND can swim faster because I'm a Barbarian, so if you DO fail a check or two, I can help by pulling you along faster, making up lost air time, or at least pulling you to safety.

I ask Valdisara again about the Wights (Detect Evil) and if she or anyone can tell if this IS the magic water that keeps away Un-Dead...?

EDIT: Once we set up a rope "trail", I think any non-swimmers can roll CLIMB checks instead of Swim, maybe even @ an easier DC?
(2xCON air limit is the same, of course)

Female Half-Elf Paladin of Iomedae

As Martaug explores the watery cavern below, Val focuses her concentration on the area across the chasm, hoping to sense the presence of any evil that might be there. (Detect Evil)

Val will stay with the rope holders for the time being, and will lower herself down after Yalka. She has no swimming proficiency either, so will definitely need to haul herself along any rope we have in place. Before doing so, she will remove her chain shirt and do what she can to mitigate any hindrance her shield might create.

Yalka gets Martaug warmed up, and the two of them plan on going back down.



Evil ahead, four sources, three of them unmoving, and one of them flitting about.

Martaug and Yalka, you're both ready to drop down again into the shaft. Martaug's cast light on Yalka's right sleeve.

Male Half-Orc Druid 2nd

Sounds a good plan. Should give us 20 minutes of light. Martaug will leave his pack, shield, and spear topside, but will keep his sickle on his belt and his armor on.

Female Kellid Human Whirling Frenzy Wolf-Totem Barbarian 2 (Favored)

If Martaug wears his armor, then I will also do so. (Leaving Spear, etc at top, on entrance side of shaft)
I will let Martaug lead as he knows the cavern first-hand. We can "light up" once we're in the water.
If Martaug has any trouble swimming, I can pull him along (which slows me down to 30' base movement, but moves MT along)
...Unless Valdisara says anything different...

Male Half-Orc Druid 2nd

Actually, Martaug will cast light just before descending... I don't trust my rolling odds to do it while treading in frigid water.

Male Dwarf Ranger 2

Grumble peers at the shivering Half Orc, not at all relishing the upcoming swim. "I'll go down last," he offers. "That way if'n I catch a bad case of the drownding, ye can jes' pull me sodden corpse through."

Female Human (Taldan) Fighter 2

"Very well then. Shall I enter before, or after Valdisara? Her capabilities to detect evil may prove useful in the cavern itself." Turning to Grumblenaught, Kara says, "I certainly hope it does not come to that."

Just wanted to say that post from Grumblenaught is great. Got me laughing out loud at my work-study, earning me funny looks from everyone here in our library. On a different note, finals are starting here, so my posting will be random at best. I'll definitely chime in every day, though.

Female Half-Elf Paladin of Iomedae

In a low voice, the paladin says, "That is fine, Kara, I will go before you and Grumble. Beware, all of you - my goddess tells me that there are several sources of evil ahead, 4 total in range, and one of them moving."

I will continue to detect evil every round (hoping to get more info on the sources near us) until it is my turn to go down to the water, or until the sources move out of range or act

In response to Valdisara's whispered warning, deep rumbling laughter echoes from the darkness ahead of you, perhaps 100 feet in from the cave entrance. Valdisara, it's hard to tell, but you'd bet that it's coming from either the left stable source of evil, or else the one in the center.

"Indeed there are, Valdisara. Clearly, shielding ourselves from your eyes was insufficient, when your goddess can direct your attention to us."

Female Human of Tian Xia decent (Sorcerer Favored Class) Barbarian 1; Sorcerer 1 (Draconic bloodline)

Sachiko steps forward and whispers, "Kami of Fire and Air, light this chamber with your grace so we may see as the skies intend us to, take us from this darkened sky, dance your grace and light this place" four orbs of light wink into existance and sail towards the voices provideing illumination Cast dancing lights

Sachiko, your lights flicker into existence. (What color are they, by the way? Reddish orange, or blue, or ... ?)

At your gesture, they move towards the voice.

After about 30 feet, they sputter and die.

"There'll be none of that, drakeling." says another voice.

Valdisara, are you going to keep the detection focussed ahead, or will you be sweeping it around as well?

Female Kellid Human Whirling Frenzy Wolf-Totem Barbarian 2 (Favored)

Umm... Scratch exploring the underwater part for now, I'm keeping a grip on my Spear.
...Otherwise, I'm standing near the pit edge, delaying action. (My spear able to strike across the pit)

"Show yourself if you not cowards" I call out towards the voice.
Was anyone able to tell if the water below IS Holy Water?

Female Half-Elf Paladin of Iomedae
GM Chris Mortika wrote:
Valdisara, are you going to keep the detection focussed ahead, or will you be sweeping it around as well?

sweeping it around, to see if there are other threats near us. I assume the voice came from the other side of the chasm?

The paladin draws her blade as the creature's words sound across the cavern. "You are right, there is no sense hiding. Come meet us and let us put an end to your unrest."

The first voice chuckles again. "It would appear that our presence here is distracting you from the task at hand. We depart now, so that you may turn your attention to recovering Raschka-Tor's Payment." You hear shuffling in the distance to the north.



One of the creatures leaving seems to favor one leg. And there seems to be a magical darkness up ahead that's receding with the footfalls.



Raschka-Tor is Orc for "fire mountain", and is a great mount on the east end of Belkzen, rumored to be the home of a family of crazy-powerful red dragons.

And there seems to be a magical darkness up ahead that's receding with the footfalls.



Your ancestral spirit strongly urges you to stay up top here and keep watch over the rope and the cave entrance.



No other evil around. other than the sources you already know about. The sources of evil ahead of you move back, beyond your spell's power to recognize them.



Nope, nobody's been able to ascertain that the shaft holds Holy Water. But a gnome told you so, and who wouldn't trust a gnome?

So, the options seem to be: down, across, or out.

Female Half-Elf Paladin of Iomedae
GM Chris Mortika wrote:
Raschka-Tor's Payment."

Does that mean anything to Val?

Female Kellid Human Whirling Frenzy Wolf-Totem Barbarian 2 (Favored)

Hearing the creepily threatening words, I'll crouch down to pick up my bow, aiming my arrow straight down the passageway.
I'll glance over to the Grumble, to see if he's doing likewise, before I let lose: 19 to-hit, 6 dmg (Miss Chance would apply)

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