
Yalka's page

149 posts. Alias of Quandary.

Full Name

Yalka Kross-Darn


Kellid Human


Whirling Frenzy Wolf-Totem Barbarian 2 (Favored)




6'0", 145 lbs.


20 years

Special Abilities

40' Speed.


Neutral Good




Carrion Hill, Ustalav Principality


Hallit, Common, Draconic (ILLITERATE)


Bow&Arrow & Leather Crafter, Herb Gatherer

Homepage URL

Barbarians don't use computers :-)

Strength 14
Dexterity 15
Constitution 16
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 10
Charisma 11

About Yalka

Rage Stats in [Brackets]
Combat Stats:


Saving Throws:
Fort: +6 Reflex: +2[+4] Will: +0[+2]

AC: 16 [18] Flat Footed: 14 [16] Touch: 12 [14]
Hit Points: 25/25 / Death at: -16
Initiative: +2 / BAB: +2 / CMB: +4 [+6] +2 to/vs. Trip Attempts
Fight Defensively: +3 AC/ -4 attack, Full Defense: +6 AC (Acrobatics synergy)

Rage Points & Powers: 5/9
[Rage Fatigue lasts 2* # of Rage Points spent, and lowers STR and DEX by 2 each.]
[Effects: -1 att/ dmg, -1 AC, -1 Init, Medium Load/ 30 speed, cannot Run/Charge]

Knockback: As an Immediate Action after successful melee attack, make one free Bull Rush vs. the target struck. The barbarian does not need to move back with the target if successful.

Weapons/Attacks: (not including 2WF penalties: -2/-2)
[MAY take extra attack @ highest BAB -2, but all attacks take -2 penalty, incl. AoOs]

Masterwork Double
Greatspear (Long) .. +5[+7]att/ +3[+6]dmg..(2d6 dmg) x3, reach
(offhand)............... +5[+7]att/ +1[+3]dmg

Longbow (MW Arrows) . +5 att / ....+0 dmg....(1d8 dmg) x3, R:100'

Dagger.................. +4[+6]att/ +2[+4]dmg..(1d4 dmg) 19+,x3
(offhand)............... +4[+6]att/ +1[+2]dmg
(thrown)..................... +4 att / +2[+4]dmg..................R:10'

MW Claw Gauntlet... + 5[+7]att/ +2[+4]dmg..(1d4 dmg)
Unarmed................. +4[+6]att/ +2[+4]dmg..(1d3 NL)

Traits & Feats:


Caretaker (+1 Heal/Herbalism, Class Skill)
Rich Parents (900 gp starting wealth)

Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Human Bonus): Double Greatspear(Long)
Two Weapon Fighting: -4 each, or -2 each light & double weapons
Improved Trip (Wolf Totem): +2 to/vs. Trips, don't provoke AoO's

Skills: -2/ -3 (MW Hide Shirt/ & Pack) to Str/Dex skills


Acrobatics(Dex) +7 **
-Jump +11 (40' movement)
Climb(Str) +6[+8] *
Craft:Leather(Int) +5 *
Craft:Bowery(Int) +5 * (MW Tools +2)
Handle Animal(Cha) +0
Heal(Wis) +4 (Healing Kit +2) *
Intimidate(Cha) +0
Know(nature)(Int) +5 *
Perception(Wis) +5 **
Ride(Dex) +6 *
Survival(Wis) +4 *
Swim(Str) +6[+8] *

* = 1 rank
Total Ranks: 12

Encumbrance & Gear:
w/ pack: 82.5 lbs. (Medium[Light]), w/o pack: 57) lbs. (Light)


Light (58 lbs)[100 lbs]: No Encumbrance (only Armor Penalty) Speed: 40 Run: x4
Medium(116lbs)[200 lbs]: Max Dex: +3 Skill Penalty: –3 Speed: 30 Run: x4
Heavy (175lbs)[300 lbs]: Max Dex: +1 Skill Penalty: –6 Speed: 30 Run: x3
Max Lift: (350lbs)[600 lbs] Max Push/Drag: (875 lbs)[1500 lbs]

Gear: * = self crafted/ gathered (@1/2 cost for materials)
*MW Double Greatspear(Long) (13 lbs, 335 gp)
2x Dagger (2 lbs, 4 gp)
*Longbow (3 lbs, 32.5 gp)
*16x MW Arrows (2.5 lbs, 3.5 gp) (+1 att)

*MW Hide Shirt (25 lbs, 120gp) (AC 4, Penalty 2, MaxDex 4, 15% Fail)

*Warm Weather Barbarian Outfit (2 lbs, 1 gp)
Amber jewelry (30 gp)
Flute (5 gp)

Healer's Kit (50 gp) (+2 Heal checks)
Anti-Venom Potion (.5 lb)
Large Waterproof Sack
(2) Torches (2 lbs)
Flint & Steel, Tinder (1 gp)
Silk Rope, 50' (5 lbs, 10 gp)
Grappling Hook (2 lbs, 1 gp)
Money sack (7 gp, 8 sp, 20 cp) = 18 gp

*Backpack (1 lb, 1 gp) (with contents: 25.5 lbs)
*(2)Waterskins (8 lbs, 1 gp)
*Bread, Cheese, Dried Meat & Berries (2 lbs) (2 days food)
Handaxe (3 lbs, 6 gp)
*Game Traps (.5 lb, .5 gp) (+2 Survival?)
Mirror, small steel (10 gp)
MW Bower Tools (1 lb, 55 gp) (+2 Craft:Bowery)
Leatherwork Tools (2 lbs, 5 gp)
*Bedroll & Bearskin (8 lbs, 10 gp)

Light Warhorse (150 gp)
Stuff always on Horse: 78 lbs Including Pack: 103.5 lbs Including Me: 306 lbs

Bit & Bridle (2 gp, 1 lb)
15' Hemp Rope (to tie up horse) (3 lb)
*Military Saddle & Bags(12 gp, 32 lbs) (+2 to stay in saddle/ 75% if unconsc.)
*Exquisite Cold Weather Outfit (5 lbs, 15 gp)
Exquisite Barbarian Finery (2 lbs, 30 gp)
*20x MW Arrows (3 lbs, 3.5 gp) (+1 att)
*MW Composite Longbow IN PROGRESS (3 lbs)
*(2)Waterskins (8 lbs, 1 gp)
*Tent & Wooden Stakes (20 lbs, 10 gp)

Light Warhorse "Lightening"
78 lbs. (Light), w/ Pack: 103.5 lbs.(Light)
w/ Me & Gear: 306 lbs.(Medium), w/ Me (Minimum): 222 lbs.(Light)


Encumbrace: Light(60', x5): 230 lbs. Medium(40', x5): 460 lbs. Heavy(40', x4): 690 Drag: 3,450
Abilities: Str 16, Dex 13, Con 17(13), Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 6
Size/Type: Large Animal Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft. Speed: 60 ft. (12 sq)
HD: 3 HPs: 16/ 22 Death at: -17 AC: 14, touch 10, flat-footed 13
Initiative: +1 Saves: Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +2 BAB/CMB: +2/+9
Attack: Hoof +4 melee (1d4+3) Full Attack: 2 hooves +4 melee (1d4+3) and bite -1 melee (1d3+1)
Skills: Perception +4[Scent +12], Jump +13/+17 Running Feats: Endurance, Run
Special Qualities: Low-light vision, scent