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male Human - changling; ie raised as a dark elf

Supergirl; we are outnumbered and have little information; I suggest that we team up and see where this goes. Our teammates are strangly absent and I believe the three of us can do more together than just two. I am loath to just smash things until no one is left standing other than you and I unless absolutely necessary. But to be clear; I will level this building and anything else I deem necessary to keep an artifact of a long sleeping evil diety from any of various pantheons from being used and reawakening such a being. I would not see the earth return to the time of blood sacrifice and depravity on such a scale.

Maelidek the Mystic wrote:
The Batman is very busy; he has determined through the connections of many clues that this is a place of interest to the powers of villiany; I am trying to determine if it is the place or one or more artifacts contained therein; I will brook no interferance from thugs and villains; the construction of this place is at least odd as compared to the structure of other buildings. It is as if we are facing the tactics of a great mastermind who plans dilegently and we are but pieces on a gameboard; why is this building thus shielded if it were not a trap; one layed out since its very construction. This building itself is evidence of a well ordered mind capable of long range complex planning and discipline. Also; there was a team I met just previously to our meeting just now; a Dark clad woman with several minions; they struck me and asked questions; lurkers they are seeking to grab a prize; it seems many are here for this prize; they were very resistant to a subtle yet very strong mental magical push to reveal their purpose in more detail.

"Raven? I hope she hasn't turned evil again..." the Ice Witch sighs.

]I know of this Alpha Flight though my fleeting aquaintance with the Mystic called Shaman who is aware of nature and fae activity.[/quote wrote:

"He of the magical pouch, I've heard he's developed his abilities further since then, nice to know he's still around I don't get to talk much with them well not officially since every time I take my time out its like all of the criminal elements decide to get a death wish..." she nods back.

[quote=]I, for myself, am not tied to the Fae, though I was schooled in the magic of the Dark Elves as well as other forces.
When I spoke to Batman; he did not mention that you and he were aquainted. I do not know this Nightwing; and in truth; no very little of Batman other than the people of this city hold him in reverance as a hero.

"Its also the reason I tend to come back here, I met Nightwing several years back he recommended moving here since I should have been able to hide out given his mentor's rogue's gallery but somethings been causing my power to flare up of late so I took time off to find a quiet place to wait it out. Didn't expect all of this mind you, I thought Di... sorry Nightwing had told Batman about me, I guess not I did know they went through a bad patch a couple of years ago over one of his replacements but I don't know whats happened this time," she replies.

[quote=]<Casting a quick look at Supergirl before again speaking to the Ice Witch> Is this past conflict between Superman and yourself going to be a problem for us now; Supergirl? I know little of Superman other than he too is a hero. <file away in my head that Superman and Supergirl's powers are sun based>
Do you see that our goals may be in line at this point; I would not see the goal of these vile groups fall into the hands of villany at any cost. I do not see you as a villian, though i am not sure why; as if I have some...

"I thought this was the work of that mercenary outfit rather than Mordo. What with almost all of Batman's rogue gallery turning up out of the blue and now you, I'm wondering what else is going on," she shrugs before glancing around.

"Some of them fled down there using the old abandoned underground tunnels, the rest are upstairs I haven't touched them yet since they're not what I was expecting and didn't want to spoil my trap. So which way then, whoever fled down there must have some decent protection to evade me but those upstairs are bound to start a fight with those outside," she asks as she points towards the centre of the basement.

Steps back, folds her arms across her chest, listens intently on the two as they speak. Slight frown across her face.

"Well, this has been a very informative discussion, not sure I follow everything though. How did we come to the conclusion that this artifact is somehow related to some kind of deity?"

"My presence here is strictly my choice. I'm looking forward to settling this matter so I can return to my adopted city. As for teaming up, well....misunderstandings happen, I understand that. I'd like to hear your version of the incident with Superman. As for those thugs outside, I have a sneaking suspicion that they work for Lex Luther."

Supergirl wrote:

Steps back, folds her arms across her chest, listens intently on the two as they speak. Slight frown across her face.

"Well, this has been a very informative discussion, not sure I follow everything though. How did we come to the conclusion that this artifact is somehow related to some kind of deity?"

"More like a few minor trinkets and a couple of more powerful ritualistic talismans," the Ice Witch explains.

[quote=]"My presence here is strictly my choice. I'm looking forward to settling this matter so I can return to my adopted city. As for teaming up, well....misunderstandings happen, I understand that. I'd like to hear your version of the incident with Superman. As for those thugs outside, I have a sneaking suspicion that they work for Lex Luther."

"Probably are, but I'm not the expert on Luthor, your cousin is I believe, anyway as for that "encounter" some bright spark called in the Justice League when I interferred with some of their less than lawful activities, green lantern used his ring, it promptly ran out of power then your cousin tried to overpower me and thats when he almost ran dry, fortunately I was able to get away from them before it got any worse since I hadn't planned on gaining the powers of two of the more powerful members of the JL you wouldn't believe the ticking off I got from the Martian Manhunter for that!" she replies looking a little shamefaced.

male Human - changling; ie raised as a dark elf

I do not know this Martian Manhunter; I was led by some psychic entity to Batman; I do not know Nightwing, the stories I heard was about Batman, Robin and for the kids; Batgirl; mostly about his love/hate with Catwoman as it amused the dark elves.

Raven; I do not know this name <use my dark magic to cast an illusion of the group of the female and her guards/allies> Is this she?

<turn to supergirl> I am not assuming this is an artifact of a lost diety; is just my greatest fear given expression; villains seem to come up with some horrific stuff so best we are prepared for the worst; and that is the worst. Museaums tend to collect very old things lost from antiquity; some of these things have power. There are many kinds of magic; and faith magic is very strong; even the miniscule trickle of power from a moderately faithful person becomes quite strong when thousands or millions have pumped their faith into some item or diety for eons.

Who is this Lex Luthor; you say his name with some vigor as if he were some warlord. Our question seems to be thus. Do we disable the two bands likely to find and allow our true prey to get on farther with their plans or leave them to each other and pursue the true threat. <GM, what was the surrounding area; if there is a firefight between these two groups; what threat are they to innocent life; were their apartments on adjacent streets; I had spent some deal of time looking around at the area waiting for Pong> Not knowing either of these two groups armaments; I dont understand the degree of threat they pose.

Maelidek the Mystic wrote:

I do not know this Martian Manhunter; I was led by some psychic entity to Batman; I do not know Nightwing, the stories I heard was about Batman, Robin and for the kids; Batgirl; mostly about his love/hate with Catwoman as it amused the dark elves.

Raven; I do not know this name <use my dark magic to cast an illusion of the group of the female and her guards/allies> Is this she?

"Looks like her, I wonder who she's here with?" the Ice Witch nods back.

[quote=]<turn to supergirl> I am not assuming this is an artifact of a lost diety; is just my greatest fear given expression; villains seem to come up with some horrific stuff so best we are prepared for the worst; and that is the worst. Museaums tend to collect very old things lost from antiquity; some of these things have power. There are many kinds of magic; and faith magic is very strong; even the miniscule trickle of power from a moderately faithful person becomes quite strong when thousands or millions have pumped their faith into some item or diety for eons.

Who is this Lex Luthor; you say his name with some vigor as if he were some warlord. Our question seems to be thus. Do we disable the two bands likely to find and allow our true prey to get on farther with their plans or leave them to each other and pursue the true threat. <GM, what was the surrounding area; if there is a firefight between these two groups; what threat are they to innocent life; were their apartments on adjacent streets; I had spent some deal of time looking around at the area waiting for Pong> Not knowing either of these two groups armaments; I dont understand the degree of threat they pose.

"Hmm," The Ice Witch looks over at Supergirl.

"If Raven is working for whoevers behind this it is only a matter of time before she realises what I did with those relics, however there is a matter of those upstairs and that friend he mentioned," she nods to Maelidek.

male Human - changling; ie raised as a dark elf

so; how should we handle this; I think we should not split up as outnumbered we might fail or be drastically delayed; what say you supergirl?

male Human - changling; ie raised as a dark elf

I welcome your companionship if you would join us Ice person; are you really a witch? seems derogatory to me unless applicable; do you converse with demons? seems unlikely; what say you; I mean no offense but know not your proper address.

<cheeks redden a bit>

I agree, we stick together. Each of us has weaknesses the others need to compensate for. I say we deal with the tougher group first, if were successful, the others are likely to flee or surrender. I was thinking perhaps we should let one person go on each side, in order to trail them to the greater threats they hide behind. Opinions?

male Human - changling; ie raised as a dark elf

Sounds good <turn to the Ice Witch> please tell us of these relics and the trap that we may assist in springing it. I assume you have the resources to believe that those relics are the goal?

Supergirl; how about you and I on the sides and Ice in the middle?

Maelidek the Mystic wrote:
Sounds good <turn to the Ice Witch> please tell us of these relics and the trap that we may assist in springing it. I assume you have the resources to believe that those relics are the goal?

"They seem to be either european or arabic in origin, oddly it was a black orb that Mordo seemed most interested in. He disappeared moments after touching it, but it remained behind I figured that was accidental on his part the rest weren't particularly interesting best I could tell they were part of some ceremonial ritual," she replies.

]Supergirl; how about you and I on the sides and Ice in the middle? [/QUOTE wrote:

"About the only power I was able to discern was some kind of divination but not what for," she continues looking a little abashed.

male Human - changling; ie raised as a dark elf

dissappeared; sounds like he changed dimensions or realities; I had heard about some gimmic of legend surrounding superman that he puts his enemies in some pocket dimension of hell; the Dark Elves used to scare their little elves that the man in red and blue would come get them and put them in that dimension if they didnt finish their schoolwork.

Well; we should move out, which way? the tunnel?

<I take the left side>

Very well then, I'll take the right. I must say you both really have a twisted view of Superman though. I don't understand why. Claiming he is a criminal and that he imprison's his enemies in some dimension hell....I assume your making reference to the Phantom Zone. Anyway, we can sort out those issues later. Let's move in.

A dull rumble from above makes the entire building tremble even down here in the basement.
"So what exactly is the Commander doing sending a squad of his heavy hitters here?" the Ice Witch asks glancing upwards for a moment.


Looking towards the surface but not through the lead lined part above you, you see a silver disc covered in a green energy field firing blasts down around and at the building above you

"Right anyway down or up which is it?" the Ice Witch asks both of you.

male Human - changling; ie raised as a dark elf

I say down; but have no knowledge; reasonable tactics would have me think that if the items they desired where up; then they would take it and leave; but I believe they must be coming down; securing each level; it is nothing to us; they couldnt stop me on their best day.

Let us go.

It looks like we got company. That silver disc is back and it emits a green energy of some kind. It's firing blasts around the building from up above. This is the second or third time we have run across this little device. I'd assume it's causing the rumbling feeling as well. Anyone know if it's related to the artifacts that lie herein?

Supergirl wrote:
It looks like we got company. That silver disc is back and it emits a green energy of some kind. It's firing blasts around the building from up above. This is the second or third time we have run across this little device. I'd assume it's causing the rumbling feeling as well. Anyone know if it's related to the artifacts that lie herein?

"I have heard the Commander makes use of replicants that are literal walking weapon platforms, one of his adapted the green goblin's motif for gliders that sounds a lot like that, don't know about the green force field mind you," the Ice Witch replies.

male Human - changling; ie raised as a dark elf

So I take it this is a bad thing; an enemy weapon? ok; but I think it a distraction; perhaps another player or one inside trying to get the goods who seeks to clear a path out; either way; we do not good just standing here.

Maelidek the Mystic wrote:
So I take it this is a bad thing; an enemy weapon? ok; but I think it a distraction; perhaps another player or one inside trying to get the goods who seeks to clear a path out; either way; we do not good just standing here.

"The Commander looks alot like the villain from Wrath of Khan, Ricardo Montalban I think the actor who plays him is called has the ability to control others, not sure by what means or whether he's like that Brother Blood fellow but he has considerable resources for a political leader cum Doctor Doom figure, anyway if you want to continue discussing things I'll pop upstairs and see what they're doing up there," the Ice Witch replies as she instantly vanishes.


The Ice Witch just moved at superspeed roughly around your level of power but thanks to the mist she does so without Maelidek realising whats she's done

male Human - changling; ie raised as a dark elf

discuss? what is there to discuss? lets move, I have this gnawing feeling that the bad guys are getting away with it.

Agreed, we need to take action. I'll try and keep an eye on the disc as we move in and confront others. Let's enter the basement and work our way upwards. How fast can you move Maelidek? I can move at super speed and I think the faster we blow by anyone the better. I can take a super shot at anyone we encounter along the way. Agree?

male Human - changling; ie raised as a dark elf

ok; <I move through the basement and around all the object seeking people, doors in the floor; ceiling or walls; I see there is a lot of clutter; but will do a quick search then await the others at the stairs up>

At the stairs up; provided we find nothing in the room; I will fill the stairwell up with darkness to block any cameras or people looking without darksight like I have. Spend a moment listening for notice or activity; then move up the stairs.

I go swoosh through the room, attempting to clock anyone in there (other than allies) and get to the top of the stairs as fast as possible.

male Human - changling; ie raised as a dark elf

I swoosh after her; keeping an eye out for magic stuff, if any.

You come upstairs and see that off to your left is the cafeteria whilst on your right a band of puzzle motif thugs are rushing to wards you.

Basement Exit


Some says quite clearly to your ears,"Oh no what is SHE doing here?!" whilst on your left you can clearly see some of the Penguins goons trying to hide...


There's no sign of the Ice Witch but you can sense a strong magical field coming from straight ahead
The Trail

male Human - changling; ie raised as a dark elf

well, I dont know what a puzzle motif thug is; could you describe them?

how do we initiate combat; is there a roll or stat; will blast one with my eldritch blast unless they are some enchanted animatron in which I will try to cut there strings with counterspell.

roll for whatever is needed; 73.

Maelidek the Mystic wrote:

well, I dont know what a puzzle motif thug is; could you describe them?

how do we initiate combat; is there a roll or stat; will blast one with my eldritch blast unless they are some enchanted animatron in which I will try to cut there strings with counterspell.
roll for whatever is needed; 73.

Question marks on their tunics, as for initiative its 1d10+ modifier based on your initiative, check my avatar for details

male Human - changling; ie raised as a dark elf

hehe; I get a total initative of 3 :)

"Beware Maelidek, some of these criminals serve the Penquin, a nemesis of the Batman. So now we have not just thugs of Lex Luther, but the Penquin as well. Not to mention Bane. Whatever is here, it is drawing together an assortment of criminals. Perhaps they are forming some sort of group, For now, I shall call them the Injustice League. I do believe we need to press forward quickly, as these distractions are here for a delay us while their bosses conduct some serious business."

In a loud and commanding voice I say...

"Anyone who wants to surrender now please just raise your hand!"

I keep a close eye out for anyone with a umbrella and possible tricks they may unfold with them.

Supergirl wrote:

"Beware Maelidek, some of these criminals serve the Penquin, a nemesis of the Batman. So now we have not just thugs of Lex Luther, but the Penquin as well. Not to mention Bane. Whatever is here, it is drawing together an assortment of criminals. Perhaps they are forming some sort of group, For now, I shall call them the Injustice League. I do believe we need to press forward quickly, as these distractions are here for a delay us while their bosses conduct some serious business."

In a loud and commanding voice I say...

"Anyone who wants to surrender now please just raise your hand!"
I keep a close eye out for anyone with a umbrella and possible tricks they may unfold with them.

Its at this point the thugs running towards you come to a sudden halt and begin running the opposite direction!

A bit surprised by their reaction, I whirl around looking behind me, almost expecting to see someone REALLY BAD.

Supergirl wrote:
A bit surprised by their reaction, I whirl around looking behind me, almost expecting to see someone REALLY BAD.

All you see is the sudden collapse of several chairs and tables as the thugs in the cafeteria start running out the opposite side of the disused lunchroom.

A dull roar reaches you ears as something careers through the rear windows that border the cafeteria.

male Human - changling; ie raised as a dark elf

To Supergirl,

"Well, this aught to be interesting, wrecking ball; pilot out of control crashing into the building; our allies; newe enemies; hehe this just keeps getting more exciting."

"Oh Queen of the Dark, Spirits of the Air; Riders of the Lightning; let there be dance and play over this building and fury to mock mortal pride." <just for style hehe; not needed for the spell but might make those listening a bit nervous hehe>

I increase the fury of the storm over this area and magnetize the air a bit so we get random lighting bolts outside as I might need to call on one and storms and lighting aught to mess with their communication; their nerves, and make anyone in big steel things like armored suits pretty nervous and raise their apprehension and fear level maybe :)

To Supergirl,
"hehe is they want to get all technocrazy; we can call up some gremlins to give the a golem in the gears, so to speak hehe"

<start humming some Eddie Rabbit, I Love A Rainy Night>

Gives Maelidek a very strange look and questions his taste in music.
"Are you allright? Your not going to have a nervous breakdown are you?
Where did you say you were from? Your not an average earth boy are you?
We need to capture these bad guys tonight, tomorrow I'm planning on going to the mall.

male Human - changling; ie raised as a dark elf

Nervous; me; no; well; maybe a little bit. I am not used to being near such uhm <blush> human looking beauty; forgive me. As for average, well, probably not; I dont know, not anymore anyway; doubt many humans can pick up and throw an average automobile as I can; but, I went to primary school like other people and was just a somewhat ordiary boy then, but that was long ago.

A mall; what is a mall? is that where people dance to a big band, I do so love music. I never got to dance to Tommy Dorsey and his band...but they probably are not around anymore; things look so very different.

Yes; lets get this done tonight; so much has changed since I was ...well, that is another story for sometime later.

Starts humming the 1960's Batman theme song as she flies towards the fleeing thugs.

male Human - changling; ie raised as a dark elf

uhm; dont you think we should find out what they are fleeing from?

Supergirl wrote:
Starts humming the 1960's Batman theme song as she flies towards the fleeing thugs.

The riddler's on your right, the penguins on your left or both? There's a silver disc between you and the penguin's crew with an oddly familar green aura surrounding it...

Maelidek the Mystic wrote:
uhm; dont you think we should find out what they are fleeing from?

Given the disc could only have been seen in the cafeteria and the fact both started running after a certain girl in a red and blue outfit (with cape) turned up you have a fairly good idea who they're running from, but I believe you've seen the silver disc from before as well..

male Human - changling; ie raised as a dark elf

I follow supergirl ready for a fight, can I see the disk? if so I am gonna blast it for all I have and yell out, "Supergirl; that disk is deadly; it is what attacked the craft and brought down the heroes and wounded several yesterday.

Maelidek the Mystic wrote:
I follow supergirl ready for a fight, can I see the disk? if so I am gonna blast it for all I have and yell out, "Supergirl; that disk is deadly; it is what attacked the craft and brought down the heroes and wounded several yesterday.

Okay initiative order so far:

Maelidek +7
Silver Disc +1

Will post an updated map later today

male Human - changling; ie raised as a dark elf

ok; I think this silver disk is a bad guy; so I blast it; just forgot how; am thinking % and check column; so; 81 on the incredible table.

Maelidek the Mystic wrote:
ok; I think this silver disk is a bad guy; so I blast it; just forgot how; am thinking % and check column; so; 81 on the incredible table.

Maelidek's blast barely penetrates the disc's force field.

Incredible damage versus Remarkable intensity force field, he takes Good damage and wobbles almost


The Cafeteria

If you like to post where you're standing

I will stand in square G-15 and as the thugs approach I shall attempt to use super breath and blow them back across the room. If I need an initiative roll it is an 8.

I checked the book to see how initiative works and it didn't say what size die to roll. I assume it's a d10, if not please correct me. It's been awhile since we rolled for initiative.

Supergirl wrote:

I will stand in square G-15 and as the thugs approach I shall attempt to use super breath and blow them back across the room. If I need an initiative roll it is an 8.

I checked the book to see how initiative works and it didn't say what size die to roll. I assume it's a d10, if not please correct me. It's been awhile since we rolled for initiative.

No problems the thugs by the way were running away before the silver disc burst into the cafeteria

The silver disc now trying to hover is sent hurling backwards into the wall on the opposite side of the cafeteria to you, it however seems undamaged as it ascends again.

Just to confirm:
Supergirl +8
Maelidek +7
Silver Disc +1

The disc unveils an array of weapons which open fire and the immense amount of gunfire chews up the walls, tables and chairs but bounces harmlessly off of Supergirl.

Supergirl's turn

Chain guns mostly rolled a 42 on the Excellent column which is barely a hit but the gunfire bounces off of Supergirl

Using my Heat vision, I shall try and melt the exterior/motor/weaponry of the disc. Hopefully it will disable the machine. I believe I already tried to use x-ray vision on the device and that didn't work. If I'm incorrect, I shall also try that. Do I have any idea if it is strictly a machine or if their is a little person/alien inside?

Supergirl wrote:
Using my Heat vision, I shall try and melt the exterior/motor/weaponry of the disc. Hopefully it will disable the machine. I believe I already tried to use x-ray vision on the device and that didn't work. If I'm incorrect, I shall also try that. Do I have any idea if it is strictly a machine or if their is a little person/alien inside?

X-Ray Vision doesn't work and the last time you saw this particular vehicle it didn't have a sealed top and had a pilot literally fixed to the disc inside where that sealed top is

male Human - changling; ie raised as a dark elf

Are there any windows; cafeterias are usually on the side of building or corners so peeps can look out. I should have a decent storm brewing outside.

"hehe for all we know there is a little guy in there driving that thing, I believe it is far to randomly destructive to allow it to continue"

ok; I fly over and punch the thing as hard as I can on my turn; roll 73; amazing str. hehe dont know how to do this; is it F or S or A score.

<the fotobucket for the feat table is missing or deleted; so am just gonna post my roll>

Maelidek the Mystic wrote:

Are there any windows; cafeterias are usually on the side of building or corners so peeps can look out. I should have a decent storm brewing outside.

"hehe for all we know there is a little guy in there driving that thing, I believe it is far to randomly destructive to allow it to continue"
ok; I fly over and punch the thing as hard as I can on my turn; roll 73; amazing str. hehe dont know how to do this; is it F or S or A score.
<the fotobucket for the feat table is missing or deleted; so am just gonna post my roll>

Let me know if you have problems accessing this link

Marvel Feat Table

A truly dangerous storm is indeed building outside however as you fly across and smash into the disc it barely manages to remain upright as your blow drives it into the opposite side of the cafeteria's wall.

Takes Excellent damage and is now looking dented, awaiting Supergirl's heat vision attack before posting the disc's next move

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

this feat table comes up great; thanks.

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