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Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD

hehe I went the wrong way on the chart; rolled a 36 as base roll; dont know if there are any modifiers. So I guess that is a white.

Valegrim wrote:
hehe I went the wrong way on the chart; rolled a 36 as base roll; dont know if there are any modifiers. So I guess that is a white.

After a while you move on using your spell to defuse the fire as soon as the fiery flyer heads off.

You notice signs of traffic as unwary locals move out of the area away from the debris and fighting that can be heard even over the wailing sirens of the fire engines and police cars which don't sound like they'll be coming any closer at the moment.

What do you want to do?

male Human - changling; ie raised as a dark elf

Well, I dont know if anyone is caught in this rubble; I will call out loudly for a few and move through the rubble; ARE YOU TRAPPED; DO YOU NEED ASSISTANCE; SIGHT OR SOUND! and watch for clues.

I am quite strong compared to a normal; will move some pieces of the larger rubble and search. I am a bit split on what to do; conflicted; but the combat will have to wait and trust in the police; if anyone is trapped here; they have no other help but me.

Can I jump in?

Maelidek the Mystic wrote:

Well, I dont know if anyone is caught in this rubble; I will call out loudly for a few and move through the rubble; ARE YOU TRAPPED; DO YOU NEED ASSISTANCE; SIGHT OR SOUND! and watch for clues.

I am quite strong compared to a normal; will move some pieces of the larger rubble and search. I am a bit split on what to do; conflicted; but the combat will have to wait and trust in the police; if anyone is trapped here; they have no other help but me.

A figure suddenly flows out of the debris.

It takes you a moment to realise he seems to be forming directly out of the ground and the debris slowly merges with him as he stands upright looking around him almost uncertain of his surroundings...

Kisaku you're up!

Kisaku wrote:
Can I jump in?

By all means!

Finally managing to reorient yourself you find yourself standing on what looks like a large field of debris formed from what looks like the shattered remains of some bridge or overpass and to one side looms a dark and glittering city where you can see some great fire off in the distance.
The shrieking of sirens is very apparent as is the figure who meets your gaze obviously this fellow has just seen you appear and from his gait he looks like he has been busy searching through the debris making you wonder what had just happened before you appeared...

Off you go

The figure that forms out of the dust is a man though clothed from head to toe in a body-hugging black suit similar to those worn by Japanese ninja. The face is covered by what appears to be a white porcelain mask.

For the GM's eyes only

Actually the mask is just make up/

<Directed at the mystic>

"Greetings. I am Kisaku."

For the GM's eyes only

I use earth control to sense the amount of debris.

"What has happened here?"

Let me know what it's alright to start.

As Kisaku and Maelidik meet unseen high above the clouds a slim figure flashes through the air cutting close to the upper atmosphere.

The fire below catches her gaze and swooping down she sees a number of fire engines pouring water over a number of burning buildings, a number of figures seem to be rushing around this dark and glittery city but what catches her attention most is a sparkling disc of silver barely holding its own as weird weather gusts around the city keeping the air otherwise clear of air traffic.

She notices something aflame flying down the aquaduct where some kind of massive explosion has sealed off the freeway link from the city to the motorway.

Standing on the debris two figures are talking to each other as another trio including the flying disc she witnessed earlier are pursuing someone down the aquaduct.

Introduce yourself supergirl

Meanwhile the flaming flyer curses aloud.
"Stand still you pint sized reject!" he hollers sending forth another gust of flame down the aquaduct as his intended victim employing various metallic debris strewn along the aquaduct to keep moving and shield himself from attack... however a silver disc looms out from the city as one of its occupants blasts ahead using boot jets to cut across his escape path even as the pilot of the disc seems intent on growing a new set of arsenal to replace what he had just used to blow the freeway junction.

Dropping down from the sky, arms outstretched, with one knee up, I land next to the two figures speaking with one another.

"Supergirl at your service. Anything I can do to help?"

As I speak, I scan the buildings with my x-ray vision for unseen victims trapped in the fire. If I do not notice anything that immediently requires my attention and if the situation seems to be under control I shall turn to converse with those I stand with. If something more important catches my eye I plan to whisk off, leaving introductions for later.

Kisaku looks Supergirl from head to toe, appreciatively. "Hey! You're hot!"

"...But that can wait."

Raises his hands and wills his power.

For the DM's eyes only

Rolled 76 for Amazing Earth Control for a yellow result; starts moving the debris.

Kisaku wrote:

Kisaku looks Supergirl from head to toe, appreciatively. "Hey! You're hot!"

"...But that can wait."

I hope that wasn't a pick up line, because if it was you failed miserably. What's the situation here? I noticed the disturbance as I was flying home.

Turns her right ear towards the surrounding area to see if she can pick up any signs of distress.

Concentrating, Kisaku briefly says, "Merely a statement of fact, babe."

Kisaku wrote:
Concentrating, Kisaku briefly says, "Merely a statement of fact, babe."

Tunes into Kisaku's heartbeat to realize he's probably telling her the truth!

"Rapid heartbeat, accelerated breathing, dilated pupils, perspiring, hmmmmm....Is that anxiety over the emergency or are you glad to see me? Now about this incident, who were the people in the tunnels and how did the fire start?"

Supergirl wrote:

Dropping down from the sky, arms outstretched, with one knee up, I land next to the two figures speaking with one another.

"Supergirl at your service. Anything I can do to help?"

As I speak, I scan the buildings with my x-ray vision for unseen victims trapped in the fire. If I do not notice anything that immediently requires my attention and if the situation seems to be under control I shall turn to converse with those I stand with. If something more important catches my eye I plan to whisk off, leaving introductions for later.


It actually looks remarkably clear as if someone cleared the area before it blew up. There is evidence of fire beneath the debris and they seem more like someone was throwing incendiary grenades however whatever blew up the freeway connection wasn't from whatever is causing the fires as far as you can tell

male Human - changling; ie raised as a dark elf

Greetings heroes; First; is there anyone else caught under the debris here; second; there is a flaming creature attacking a small craft and that needs to be stopped and sorted out; the small craft is badly damaged; I believed it crashed or deposited probably heroes around here; Third and last; I believe that the craft held one local hero of great fame; but ultimately a mortal man, The Batman, I am unflamiliar with many local customs and peoples, but his fame is known even to me.

I am Maelidek, I am here to help. I give a curtious nod to each.

Maelidek the Mystic wrote:

Greetings heroes; First; is there anyone else caught under the debris here; second; there is a flaming creature attacking a small craft and that needs to be stopped and sorted out; the small craft is badly damaged; I believed it crashed or deposited probably heroes around here; Third and last; I believe that the craft held one local hero of great fame; but ultimately a mortal man, The Batman, I am unflamiliar with many local customs and peoples, but his fame is known even to me.

I am Maelidek, I am here to help. I give a courteous nod to each.

To Maelidek:

You actually saw someone flying past holding what looks like Batman and being pursued by a figure on fire also flying and throwing fireballs at whoever's carrying Batman and following after the flaming flyer was a silver disc being piloted by someone who was talking like a robot with two passengers one in a battlesuit that has boot jets and the other seemed to be dressed in rags as if he had been in an explosion

"We'll soon find out."

Kisaku slams his hands together and speeds up the flow of earthen debris from the blast site, piling up into a neat mound nearby.

Still wondering if I see or hear any signs of distress within the fire (also scan the destruction of the freeway) after utilizing both my x-ray vision and super hearing? If not, I shall use my x-ray vision to scan the underground area where the ship was last spotted in order to prepare a resuce.

male Human - changling; ie raised as a dark elf

hmm; more details come to memory; I am still adjusting to the flow of events in this world

someone was carrying someone who looks like batman being pursued by the firely flier.

some robot pursued other heroes or perhaps government agents; I saw a battlesuit; but not much details. I tried to intervene, but was unsure of my success; I thought that those under this pile where in more urgent need.

I shall endevor to help with the fire.

<cast spell to increase the rain upon the burning fires; a real downpour>

Maelidek the Mystic wrote:

hmm; more details come to memory; I am still adjusting to the flow of events in this world

someone was carrying someone who looks like batman being pursued by the firely flier.
some robot pursued other heroes or perhaps government agents; I saw a battlesuit; but not much details. I tried to intervene, but was unsure of my success; I thought that those under this pile where in more urgent need.
I shall endevor to help with the fire.
<cast spell to increase the rain upon the burning fires; a real downpour>

What Kisaku covered with earth, Maelidek's spell quenches what remains of the fires that burn in the debris surrounding you.

Kisaku's earth wave has cleared much of the debris but the displaced matter has now coalesced into a literal wall which is still shaky to say the least...

Meanwhile a fierce battle has broken out down the aquaduct one that even makes the fires within the city look dim in comparison...

"No victims down there?"

"Any of you want to join in the fun?" Kisaku tilts his head in the direction of the ongoing noisy fight.

"It would seem that the burning buildings contain no citizens in peril nor the freeway. Swooooosh.........The aqueduct requires my attention."

I immediently fly towards the aqueduct while using my x-ray vision to see what the current sitation is.

Supergirl wrote:

"It would seem that the burning buildings contain no citizens in peril nor the freeway. Swooooosh.........The aqueduct requires my attention."

I immediently fly towards the aqueduct while using my x-ray vision to see what the current sitation is.

Ahead of you a fierce battle has broken out a man literally aflame is throwing fireballs at some figure dodging both his attacks but also those of some woman in a full body battlesuit whom is literally blasting beams of intense cold and ice from her faceplate.

A silvery disc is orbiting ahead of the current path with its pilot seemingly trying to circle round behind the battle.

Their target appears to be some boy in a makeshift costume or it could be simple clothing and a mask however he appears to be using debris lying along the aquaduct to block the attacks.

The disc suddenly fires a trio of missiles that blasts into the aquaduct the backblast sends the two attackers backwards and even supergirl felt it enough to blink before being blinded by the blast.

Coming to her senses she sees Maelidek and Kirasu closing in even as the battle ahead appears to be getting worse...

Initiative please, roll a d10 and list your Intuition score

I rolled an 8, my intuition is Remarkable.

Supergirl wrote:
I rolled an 8, my intuition is Remarkable.

Have added a section under my profile regarding Initiative scores, Remarkable Intuition adds 2 to your Initiative score

Looks like I got a 10 then.

Init (1d10=4)

Intuition is Remarkable (26).

male Human - changling; ie raised as a dark elf

heading to help; cast my force field personal spell

2+1 3? excellent

The Scene:

As Supergirl takes off and the others follow...

A fierce battle is being waged, the flaming flyer is repeatedly throwing fireballs at someone whose hemmed in from going any further down the aquaduct by a massive wall of ice and is narrowly dodging the attacks of the flyer and a battlesuited figure whose faceplate is projecting waves of cold that is solidifying into ice... mostly because both her attacks and that of the flyer are catching each other turning them into steam which is obscuring their target.

Hovering nearby is a silver disc its pilot appears fused to the vehicle and someone is looking on from atop one side of the aquaduct looking down at the fight below.

Initiative Order:

Supergirl 10

Thanks to your hyperspeed you're up first any questions before acting?

Skater 10
Freon 10
Mad Bomber 7
Flaming Flyer 6
Kisaku 6
Combatant 4
Maelidek 3 Yes you can it only means you miss the first round

Superheroes In New Proverbial wrote:

The Scene:

As Supergirl takes off and the others follow...

Ok, a bit tough to decipher what is going on, who is who, that sort of thing. I got the impression that the flaming flyer is attacking at someone who is up against a wall of ice and unable to go any further. What does this person look like? It sounds like the fireball flyer and faceplated iceperson are working together? Does this appear accurate?

Hovering nearby is this silver disc. I'm a bit confused about the person looking into the aquaduct.

Since I'm uncertain who is who, I think my best option is to try and break the fight up.

If space permits, I shall fly in between the attackers and their target. I shall attempt to "take their blows" relying on my invulnerability to protect me. I'd like to move back and forth and stop as many attacks as possible. If I understand things correctly this should place me between the fireball attacker/ice generator and whoever they are attacking (which I'm confused on), and coming up behind them will be the individuals I just met outside side. This should box them in.

If I don't understand the scene correctly, let me know.

Supergirl wrote:
Superheroes In New Proverbial wrote:

The Scene:

As Supergirl takes off and the others follow...

Ok, a bit tough to decipher what is going on, who is who, that sort of thing. I got the impression that the flaming flyer is attacking at someone who is up against a wall of ice and unable to go any further. What does this person look like? It sounds like the fireball flyer and faceplated iceperson are working together? Does this appear accurate?

Hovering nearby is this silver disc. I'm a bit confused about the person looking into the aquaduct. [/quote

Okay the flaming flyer is airborne throwing fireballs at the young man in the trenchcoat whom has been stopped from retreating any further by the woman in the battlesuit whose faceplate is gushing forth waves of cold however the proximity of fire and ice is causing lots of steam preventing either from directly attacking their opponent.

The silver disc which for visual reference looks like a mixture between a Fantasticar and the goblin glider is hovering nearby and seems to be preparing to enter battle, however another person is present whom is dressed in rags that make it look like he's been in an explosion and he seems content to watch the ongoing fight happening on the floor of the aquaduct before him.


Since I'm uncertain who is who, I think my best option is to try and break the fight up.

If space permits, I shall fly in between the attackers and their target. I shall attempt to "take their blows" relying on my invulnerability to protect me. I'd like to move back and forth and stop as many attacks as possible. If I understand things correctly this should place me between the fireball attacker/ice generator and whoever they are attacking (which I'm confused on), and coming up behind them will be the individuals I just met outside side. This should box them in.

You fly in an block the attacks causing the flaming flyer to react with surprise at your presence.

The battlesuited woman promptly pulls back from the aquaduct and is allowing her ice wall to evaporate whilst the pilot of the silver disc has now noticed you and the weird gleaming aura surrounding the disc has now turned slightly green...

If I don't understand the scene correctly, let me know.

Hope this makes it clearer will post a link to a map of the area on Friday.

I'll continue to block blows from the flier and see if he realizes that his efforts are in vain.

"Perhaps you need to cool off for awhile so we can sort out this situation"

I know that in previous comics Superman had a superbreath and could blow really hard and even freeze things by instantly cooling them off. Such powers were not on the character sheet. I'm assuming such things are unavailable but I thought I'd ask anyway. Is there any water in the aquaduct? If so how deep is it? Is this guy on fire so that I might be able to dowse out his flames? If these are not options, I might like to grab him and throw him into the ice wall to cool him off. On my next turn.

EileenProphetofIstus wrote:

I'll continue to block blows from the flier and see if he realizes that his efforts are in vain.

"Perhaps you need to cool off for awhile so we can sort out this situation"
I know that in previous comics Superman had a superbreath and could blow really hard and even freeze things by instantly cooling them off. Such powers were not on the character sheet. I'm assuming such things are unavailable but I thought I'd ask anyway. Is there any water in the aquaduct? If so how deep is it? Is this guy on fire so that I might be able to dowse out his flames? If these are not options, I might like to grab him and throw him into the ice wall to cool him off.

That's odd I thought Super Breath was pretty much automatic will double check but it seems its a power she hasn't developed yet, doesn't mean you can't pull a stunt using Hyperspeed though


That's odd I thought Super Breath was pretty much automatic will double check but it seems its a power she hasn't developed yet, doesn't mean you can't pull a stunt using Hyperspeed though

Let me know if I can, if I have to try it as a stunt, let me know what to do.

Supergirl wrote:


That's odd I thought Super Breath was pretty much automatic will double check but it seems its a power she hasn't developed yet, doesn't mean you can't pull a stunt using Hyperspeed though
Let me know if I can, if I have to try it as a stunt, let me know what to do.

If memory serves you spend Karma to attempt it and then just use the power rank to roll against and the degree of success indicates how well it results, I'd say in this case it would cost 20 since there is an ice wall melting nearby after all

I'm hoping this will make the situation clearer
Aquaduct Battle 1.0

SG is Super Girl

"You shouldn't let your temper flare like that".

I shall spend 20 karma and attempt to freeze him with my breath. Perhaps that will cool him off.

male Human - changling; ie raised as a dark elf

After my spell is cast; will fly in to support supergirl by moving toward the ice in the aquaduct.

the plan to stop the fight and sort it out is what I had in mind also and seems wise.

<As Maelidek flies in; you see only his face with a long trail of darkness until he stops moving; kind of like a dark head comet; when he stops the image of his body reforms>

"you in the ice; please identify yourself and state the reason for this disruption the the cities peace."

Maelidek the Mystic wrote:

After my spell is cast; will fly in to support supergirl by moving toward the ice in the aquaduct.

the plan to stop the fight and sort it out is what I had in mind also and seems wise.

<As Maelidek flies in; you see only his face with a long trail of darkness until he stops moving; kind of like a dark head comet; when he stops the image of his body reforms>
"you in the ice; please identify yourself and state the reason for this disruption the the cities peace."

The figure is flying above the wall of melting ice, the figure on the floor of the aquaduct with the trenchcoat is the figure you saw carrying what looked like the Batman earlier but there's no sign of whoever he was carrying anywhere nearby. I am assuming that map wasn't clear enough to show the line below each stick figure indicating the height they are above the ground

The battlesuited figure turns noticing you for the first time and pulls immediately back heading towards the port area of the city without replying.

The man dressed in rags looking on from atop the otherside of the Aquaduct looks over at you and then turns and heads off whilst the silver disc starts to head upwards.

The flaming figure now shrouded in winds which you're certain aren't part of your earlier spell expecially as they appear to be coloured blue and red at time circles him causing him to rotate rapidly whatever flame he was projecting earlier seems to have gone out and it looks like the odd mini tornado is also carrying some of the ice wall along with it so you're not too sure how close you can get before the resulting winds start to drag you in too.

The man in the trenchcoat has slumped to the ground he appears to be exhausted.

I am assuming she was the one you were addressing?

Kisaku moves to help any wounded. Otherwise he moves to smother any fires started by the fight. He defends himself when the need arises.

For the DM's eyes only

Kisaku controls any loose earth... up to a ton ready to form as a shield or a weapon, which shouldn't require a feat roll considering his Amazing Level Earth Control

Kisaku wrote:

Kisaku moves to help any wounded. Otherwise he moves to smother any fires started by the fight. He defends himself when the need arises.

For the DM's eyes only** spoiler omitted **

When you arrive you see someone caught in a blue and red mini tornado being buffeted by what looks like pieces from a wall of ice that blocked one end of the aquaduct, nearby hovering is what you assume is Maelidek whilst moving off rapidly both towards the port and upwards are two others the one heading to the port appears to be a battlesuited figure whilst ascending upwards is some kind of silvery disc.

Slumped on the aquaduct floor is a figure in a trenchcoat who seems to be catching his breath.

Your power has detected a second explosion from somewhere else in the city this one is considerably larger than the first and seems to be on the opposite end of the city as far as you can tell

Does it appear as if the flaming menace has been reduced in power after my freze breath? I'm uncertain what the red and blue effect is, from me? Something else?

Supergirl wrote:
Does it appear as if the flaming menace has been reduced in power after my freze breath? I'm uncertain what the red and blue effect is, from me? Something else?

Last I checked super girl's uniform was the same as her cousin's unless there's a more up to date source they're seeing exactly what Jimmy Olsen saw on his photo in last weeks episode of smallville!

Guess I'm still trying to picture the scene, that's all, carry on!

male Human - changling; ie raised as a dark elf

I will use my weather command to cause the pressure to change and make the tornado go away and its ability to sustain itself dissappear; it takes a pressure inversion; hot and cold; so depending which is easier; make it all cold or all hot so no inversion possible.

then I will move to check on the trench cloaked figure who fell; will also keep my senses open to any magic in the area.

<you see Maelidek gesture and command the air to obey his commands in a strange tounge (( the gestures at the mini tornado seem to imply this)) then fly toward the fallen figure>

<< thinks to himself; hmm red whirlwind; perhaps the Flash perhaps has Mr. Freeze who perhaps made this ice block captured in a wind tunnel; but that makes no sense as he is usually in Central City though the his speed is legendary, I better see if that tornado can be stopped before anyone is hurt or more destruction ensues>>

Is there water in the aqueduct and if so, how deep is it? Is there anyone nearby the fleeing battlesuit person who might be able to prevent their escape?

So exactly how long have I been in the Super Hero business and is there anywhere I can go to get a accurate background on this character. DC has changed so many things I don't know what is accurate anymore. Did I die? hasn't happenend yet? Never happened? What about the bottled city of Kandor, does it exist and do I still come from there? When did I get out? Did Superman get me out? How about being adopted by the Danvers? Did that happen, if so, how old was I?

Male Efreeti, advanced manthing 45HD 538

maybe this will shed some light.

Maelidek the Mystic wrote:

<you see Maelidek gesture and command the air to obey his commands in a strange tounge (( the gestures at the mini tornado seem to imply this)) then fly toward the fallen figure>

<< thinks to himself; hmm red whirlwind; perhaps the Flash perhaps has Mr. Freeze who perhaps made this ice block captured in a wind tunnel; but that makes no sense as he is usually in Central City though the his speed is legendary, I better see if that tornado can be stopped before anyone is hurt or more destruction ensues>>

Your spell reveals Supergirl and by stopping her flight around the flaming flyer causes him to fall to the floor of the Aqauduct where he lies stunned as well as shivering.

]then I will move to check on the trench cloaked figure who fell; will also keep my senses open to any magic in the area.[/quote wrote:

He appears to be resting currently.


There's a strong source of magic in the opposite direction from where you're currently facing specifically in the direction of that explosion that you can now hear but Kisaku has turned to look at long before you sensed it

To Supergirl:


]Is there water in the aqueduct and if so, how deep is it? Is there anyone nearby the fleeing battlesuit person who might be able to prevent their escape? [/quote wrote:

The aquaduct has very little water in it, most of what's present came from the melting wall of ice the impression you get is that either its closed for repairs somewhere ahead or hasn't even opened for use yet.
And so far noone has pursued the battlesuited figure yet...

Your career as a superhero can be as long as you like, just assume she's just arrived having recently returned from living with the Amazons and is just starting her attempt at a normal life or if you want you can introduce whatever background you want because this doesn't have to follow the comic history after all

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