
Kisaku's page

9 posts. Alias of Radavel.

About Kisaku



Induced Mutant

F RM (26) H 114
A RM (26) K 78
S RM (26) R EX (Trust Fund)
E IN (36) P 0
R IN (36)
I RM (26)
P EX (16)

Known Powers
Earth Control AM (46) (Uses Earth both as a weapon and a shield)
Body Armor IN(36) (Limitation: Rank is reduced -1CS per attack that it absorbs until Kisaku spends a round to renew it; or is reduce to FE; Body Armor appears like the skin of Kisaku but is actually a layer of earth)
Teleportation RM (26) (Kisaku’s body is reduced to dust and is reintegrated again at the destination instantaneously)

Limitation: Kisaku is an insomniac; he fears sleep. And when he does the demon inside of him takes over.

Martial Arts D
Mesmerism & Hypnosis

Eric Vass, Investment Banker, managing Kisaku’s trust fund (which was funded using diamonds)


While still being conceived in his mother’s womb, Kisaku’s father enacted a ritual which bound a demon to him irrevocably changing his life. His mother’s died giving birth to him and his father always hated and feared him for what he is. Kisaku’s childhood was a harsh one.

After several missions in behalf of the Order, Kisaku abandoned it across time and space until he reached New Proverbial. Hopefully, they will not follow him.