
Website Feedback

Man, I have a helluva time getting around the message boards.
Just my two cents, if it's possible, could you consider a different application for running the message boards?

(other than that...keep up the good work!)

I'd like to second this.

The boards are difficult to navigate for us newbies, which makes starting up discussions/posting to threads etc a little more daunting. I would like to see an obvious place to discuss rules and general gaming issues - and, yes, even other peoples products.

Basically, I'd like to see some traditional forums here at Paizo. There is (IMO) a number of people now looking for a new home (I certainly am) to discuss their favorite game (I'm talking 3.5 here) and it would seem to me that this would be a good opportunity for Paizo, who have really become the obvious spiritual home for 3.5, to widen their appeal.

I realize that Paizo is a business and that the forums as is are a way for your customers to discuss your products, and this makes perfect sense - but it would be nice to find a new place to talk about the game I still play in a common environment.

Anyway, just a thought. And keep up the good work. I've pretty much turned entirely to Paizo now for my 3.5 fix - so thanks :)

Edit: Ah, I hadn't spotted this. I assumed the messageboard link was it. That's what I've been looking for :)


ghost2020 wrote:

Man, I have a helluva time getting around the message boards.

Just my two cents, if it's possible, could you consider a different application for running the message boards?

The entire site is written internally, including the message boards. Gary is the only person coding for the site and is backed up over a year with things that arn't critical to saving the company and/or the customers money. He has mentioned that there are some upgrades on his to do list though.

Cpt_kirstov wrote:
Gary is the only person coding for the site and is backed up over a year with things that arn't critical to saving the company and/or the customers money.

…like creating my llama avatar.

Sovereign Court

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I personally vastly prefer these boards over every other site I visit...

Long live the Loaf!

I do agree with the first two posters that these forums are not the most intuitive to navigate. I also understand Gary has other priorities.

Scarab Sages

there are some very good plug and play software board apps that many sites use and can do customizing to out there, this board is sooo hard to do anything on, i really wish they would get it sorted(from finding new posts, to finding MY posts, to losing written posts) this board is a mess(no offenence to coder but so much of these boards need fixing IMO getting a off the selve product would be the best way to go)

Liberty's Edge

CourtFool wrote:
I do agree with the first two posters that these forums are not the most intuitive to navigate. I also understand Gary has other priorities.

Strangely, I find these the most intuitive--things simply where I expect them to be. It's other forums and sites that give me a headache.


Steven Hume wrote:
there are some very good plug and play software board apps that many sites use and can do customizing to out there, this board is sooo hard to do anything on, i really wish they would get it sorted(from finding new posts, to finding MY posts, to losing written posts) this board is a mess(no offenence to coder but so much of these boards need fixing IMO getting a off the selve product would be the best way to go)

but there are certain other requirements that need to be met - the ability to show the discusssion of a product on the product page and such... it has been discussed before, and they said they looked at all of the off the shelf stuff, and nothing had everything they needed for the elvel of integration the site contains. Any that were close were too restricting to the users

DitheringFool wrote:

I personally vastly prefer these boards over every other site I visit...

Long live the Loaf!

Yes! These boards set the standard for what other messageboards should be like. Paizo boards, keep up the good work.

Hey Paizo, it would be realy nice if you would setup a free PDF download of the new Mass Combat Rules found in the Kingmaker part 5. That way, my players can have a copy on hand too, who will need to know how they work as well as the GM.

Anybody else feel the same way?


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