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Well I've got a pretty sizable force for High Elves in the regular Warhammer game. I'm a bit lacking in variety.
I've got Eagles, Bolt Throwers, a few chariots, Silver Helms, Sea Guard, Swordmasters and Spearmen and Archers. I have no fast calvary and none of the other melee units.
I had a dragon, but things got lost and when it was found again it was broken...

Mark Norfolk |

WHFB - Wariors of Chaos, Tomb Kings, Vampire Counts
WH40K - Imperial Guard (Praetorians), Chaos Marines (World Eaters)
Warmaster - Undead (ie Tomb Kings)
Epic - Titans, Imperial Guard, Space Marines, Eldar, Tyranids, Chaos, Squats, Orks
Battlefleet Gothic - Chaos, Imperial, Necron
I've ran the 1st ed WHFRP "Enemy Within" campaign more times than I can remember. I'm just about to start playing in a Dark Heresy game (I'm a Techpriest).

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The book is GORGEOUS and its a shame it got no recognition at the ENnies - but it may be a time thing (I believe Jan 24th was the official release date.) I expect to see it in competition for a few awards next year. DEFINITELY for artwork, at the least. I'm really interested getting this one running!
I suspect that since the first printing was sold out, and you needed copies to give the judges, that DH was not entered. A second printing just came out.

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Anyone played Aeronautica Imperialis? It looks fun. I don't have the $$ or time for the flagship WH games, so I look for the stuff with little upkeep or cost.
BFG is actually not that much to play. at least compared the the grand i've allready spent on 40K. it only costs like a tenth that to start up a Battle Fleet Gothic army, and if you paint in store, then you don't even have to pay for paint or brushes.
And no, i haven't had a chance to check out the whatchamawhozit you mentioned.

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Night Goblins, specifically. I never counted them up in point value...but there's A LOT of them. I can put down 1500pts painted, so I must have around 4500-5000 in infantry alone. Then there's Snotties, Doom Divers, wolf riders (converted to NG), spider riders (converted to NG), squig herders, squig hoppers, trolls, and shamans. I love the green gits in black robes, they're the army that TRULY represents the ideals of chaos, since you can't really depend on your army to do what it's told much of the time.
I put together a sizable unit of 'Ard Boyz with Grimgor Ironhide and Borgut Facebeater for Storm of Chaos, but now they're just cool models since Black Orcs aren't core units.
Speaking of, if anyone has a copy of Storm of Chaos. The copy I was using wasn't mine, and I'm not interested in buying the book for one set of stats and abilities. So if anyone would shoot me the stats and abilities for Borgut, I'd appreciate it. I may be able to get my friends to let me use my Black Orcs, after all.

Alejandro Torres |

Personally, I play Orks in 40K, so far, I`ve not played anything in WHF, but the Battle for Skullpass starter set is waiting for painting, so of course, I`ll play the goblins.
Sadly, my poor boys have not won a single game!! But I hope to change that trend with a few heavy hitters and the new rulebook.
However, my great joy in this hobby is converting, most of my squads have at least a few custom jobs (I`m working on a gretchin mob right nw, and the funniest grot is holding a gun dramatically, but the gun is one of those joke flag guns! of course, instead of writing "Bang!" on it, I will use the "Dakka" glyph)
My goblin army from the WHF starter will be completely modified to be the "X-gobs", not a parody of the X-Men, but a X-mas themed army! I just hope to finish them by December...

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After watching this completely kick-butt video for Warhammer: Age of Reckoning, who DOESN'T want to play a smoking-hot evil elf babe? Yargh! I may even break all my taboos about playing cross-gender in RPGs (that being, I don't mind if you do, but I have a hard time pulling it off myself .)
Of course, with the new Dark Elves out, I may be drifting down this path of sinister glory a little too willingly.
Here's hoping the 40K Dark Eldar get the same glorious upgrading - I always felt they were given only a half-hearted attempt their first go-round.

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After watching this completely kick-butt video for Warhammer: Age of Reckoning, who DOESN'T want to play a smoking-hot evil elf babe? Yargh!
Wow, that was awesome. And they even used a Lord of Change instead of the typical Bloodthirster!

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My current main force is Crimson Fist Marines (which I started way back in second edition where they had only been mentioned in Rogue Trader)
I also have some Imperial Gaurd (the Necromundan 30th penal legion)
And I have some Tau.
I used to have chaos, and I sold them off, though Nurgle is calling to me again.
And I sold off me eldar as well
My main army is empire, but they are not well mustered yet.
I am also building a very dragon centric high elf army (duh, look at my name)
Imperial and eldar

Valegrim |

well; in ABQ we have a club; name and everthing; one of us is even a Games Workshop moderator; and so on; we have some big events too; one of my favorites is around thanksgiving every year that we call Tanksgiving; bring anything with an armor value; no point limits; we take up like 12 tables put together... :)

Balfic-graa |

I am not a GW Moderator Val. I just help moderate the boards for 40k Radio.
As for armys I play.
12,000 pts Iron Warriors been collecting them for a long time.
1,750 pts Daemons mostly Slaanesh based.
2,000 pts LaTD also Slaanesh based.
2,000 pts BFG Chaos Fleet also Iron Warriors paint scheme.
2,000 pts Wood Elves crag based army so alot of flyers.
2,500 pts Dark Elves just getting back into playing them.

Valegrim |

Balfic has a really sweet looking Warhound that has had some awesome paint jobs over the years; I miss all the sexy chicks stuck to it and it feilding all the band aides during battles in public hehe; am drooling over some of the high end Tau stuff just iching to buy something to take that sucker down :) We have a few players with Mega things like this; need some heavier firepower in my Tau army.

Cazban |

A quick question for those who play Fantasy. I've got three regiments of Chaos Warriors assembled, 12 models each. I also have two boxes left unassembled. Which would be more effective in the game; using those boxes to make my three regiments larger, up to 18 models each, or simply building two more 12 man regiments?
I play Chaos myself, and I recommend picking up the small boxes of three Chaos Warriors to make all of your CW units 15 models each - this will give you the bonus on resolution for having ranks of 5.

R-type |

Last post I'd mentioned falling for Dark Elves, so I think that's going to be my big winter project this year - a fully painted Dark Elves army.
The only hard part I have now is NOT painting them like either WoW Blood Elves or D&D/Pathfinder Drow ... I'm not entirely certain I can resist.
I painted up a small band (about ten or so) of GW and Reaper figs as drow for our Forgotten Realms game and they came out quite well. The colour schemes can get a little samey though, as there's a lot of black used.
Thankfully drow are quite fond of finery and also wear a fair bit of armour etc... :)
Modeling little greenstuff toadstools for their bases was fun too! ;)

Cazban |

Last post I'd mentioned falling for Dark Elves, so I think that's going to be my big winter project this year - a fully painted Dark Elves army.
The only hard part I have now is NOT painting them like either WoW Blood Elves or D&D/Pathfinder Drow ... I'm not entirely certain I can resist.
The new Dark Elf release looks fantastic. I'm planning on picking up a battalion box even if I never play them. They'll still be great for RPGs - you can never have too many dark elves.

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TigerDave wrote:The only hard part I have now is NOT painting them like either WoW Blood Elves or D&D/Pathfinder Drow ...I painted up a small band (about ten or so)
Those are some good ideas - I may just paint them "standard Warhammer" and then get a unit for Drow and a unit for BElves. That would be fun.

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I've never played Warhammer in either the Fantasy or 40K incarnation, but I really like Dark Heresy and the fiction I've just started reading from it. Now I am intrigued by the starter set Assault on Black Reach, especially the Orks. I have read elsewhere that the starter set is not a bad starting army (500 to 600pts). What do you guys think?

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I've never played Warhammer in either the Fantasy or 40K incarnation, but I really like Dark Heresy and the fiction I've just started reading from it. Now I am intrigued by the starter set Assault on Black Reach, especially the Orks. I have read elsewhere that the starter set is not a bad starting army (500 to 600pts). What do you guys think?
I haven't kept up with the new Edition of 40k, but from what i hear, the starter sets are a good buy, especially if you're going halves with a buddy that wants to start playing or expand his army with the opposing forces.

R-type |

This thread has gotten me itching to start a new project... Maybe Tyranids?! My wallet is crying!
What are the new paints from GW like?
I haven't tried them out yet, as I have the old ones and also use Vallejo paints. If I understand correctly didn't GW change the formula and revamp their paint range last year or something like that -causing a bit of a backlash from painters who didn't like the way the new formula felt/dried etc?

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A quick question for those who play Fantasy. I've got three regiments of Chaos Warriors assembled, 12 models each. I also have two boxes left unassembled. Which would be more effective in the game; using those boxes to make my three regiments larger, up to 18 models each, or simply building two more 12 man regiments?
Don't forget that WH 7th Edition changed the definition of a rank to be 5 models wide.
So you may want to add a fifth column to those units to widen them out.
EDIT: Ninja'd by Cazban!

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The 40K box set, Assault on Black Reach costs £40 and its contents are conservatively worth £100. A great deal.
I was in GW Bradford on Monday, and the manager talked me through the contents. It is certainly cheaper than buying separately.
Is that proof of being a great deal, or that the elements are individually priced too high? (£25 for a plastic Dreadnought? Yikes!)

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This thread has gotten me itching to start a new project... Maybe Tyranids?! My wallet is crying!
What are the new paints from GW like?
I haven't tried them out yet, as I have the old ones and also use Vallejo paints. If I understand correctly didn't GW change the formula and revamp their paint range last year or something like that -causing a bit of a backlash from painters who didn't like the way the new formula felt/dried etc?
Honestly, I don't notice a differance between the old paints and the new ones. I might be alone in this and paint enthusiasts may start yelling me down, but they look just fine, dry quickly and worked good on a brush. Vallejo is better, but there's nothing wrong with GW's paints that would necessitate you going out of your way to avoid them.

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I used to play fantasy battles during 5th and 6th edition. I had wood elves, Bretonians and orcs/goblins. I still have the greenskin army but dont play anymore. I loved Mordheim and still have all the terrain I built over a course of 4 years, and my warbands sit waiting in boxes to come looking for those cursed green rocks.
Now I play 40K and have about 2000pts of Ultramarines and 1500 points of Tyranids. All plastic armies are my favorite after years of cursing metal miniatures that break if dropped. (I am a bit clumsy)

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I used to play fantasy battles during 5th and 6th edition. I had wood elves, Bretonians and orcs/goblins. I still have the greenskin army but dont play anymore. I loved Mordheim and still have all the terrain I built over a course of 4 years, and my warbands sit waiting in boxes to come looking for those cursed green rocks.
Now I play 40K and have about 2000pts of Ultramarines and 1500 points of Tyranids. All plastic armies are my favorite after years of cursing metal miniatures that break if dropped. (I am a bit clumsy)
Have you dropped a Zoenthrope yet? I swear! they were the reason I had to learn how to pin things, and the glue still breaks almost ever game. on the upside, the pins mean they swivel in places where they actually would, so it's kinda intimidating to my opponant. bet ya. i bloody hate those things. if they weren't so damned cool, I'd give up on them.

BFG Wiki Admin |

Greetings all!
I noticed a couple of you mentioned Battlefleet Gothic - infact one of you confessed that you were as yet unfamiliar with the game!
I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself.
My name is Maverick and I am the Administrator of Battlefleet Gothic Wiki.
Battlefleet Gothic Wiki is set to become the premium BFG encyclopedia on the web by linking ALL Battlefleet Gothic game sites in the ALL NEW BFG Link Hub.
For those existing Battlefleet Gothic and Warhammer 40,000 players - I invite you to come and check us out just for fun!
For those of you who are unfamiliar with Battlefleet Gothic - I invite you to visit the site for a simple introduction. :)

Jam412 |

I've got about a 1,500 point Necron army and a 2,000 point Death Guard (Chaos) Army. The last time I played though was 3rd Edition, not long after participating in an Eye of Terror event.
I played mostly a Rhino rush type style that I heard got kinda nerfed in 4th edition. Can anyone confirm that?

Balfic-graa |

I've got about a 1,500 point Necron army and a 2,000 point Death Guard (Chaos) Army. The last time I played though was 3rd Edition, not long after participating in an Eye of Terror event.
I played mostly a Rhino rush type style that I heard got kinda nerfed in 4th edition. Can anyone confirm that?
It did get nerfed in 4th ed. Though it has come back somewhat in 5th ed. Just not as overwhelming as before.

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Wow, thread necromancy at its finest.
I am still playing 40K on occassion, when I can get away from my freelance work. That secret project I talked about was finally revealed recently.
You can take a look at some of my fearsome Tyranids in this blog post. (My fully painted Hive Tyrant is about 3/4 down the page).
Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer
Paizo Publishing

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I would love to post pic of my 'nids with their 2 minute paint scheme for everyone to gush over, but i don't own a camera. Mayhaps I'll borrow one at some point in the near picture. My 'fex in particular is worth a look, and I should be getting a tyrant soon too (i really need to boost the heavy firepower in my army)
BTW Jason, that tyrant looks great. If I may ask, how long did it take to paint it?

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I would love to post pic of my 'nids with their 2 minute paint scheme for everyone to gush over, but i don't own a camera. Mayhaps I'll borrow one at some point in the near picture. My 'fex in particular is worth a look, and I should be getting a tyrant soon too (i really need to boost the heavy firepower in my army)
BTW Jason, that tyrant looks great. If I may ask, how long did it take to paint it?
With assembly and painting, he probably took around 25 hours, but I do not thing those photos quite do him justice. I painted him unassembled, which made it much easier to get some very high detail.
Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer
Paizo Publishing

BFG Wiki Admin |

Greetings BFG fans!
I want to let you know about the Battlefleet Gothic podcast now available on Battlefleet Gothic Wiki called Vox Cast. Vox Cast is the first of its kind and features some really fun stuff.
Also available on the Wiki is the BFG Oponent Finder - an online map which shows all the registered players in your area (and beyond).
Check these out today at: www.battlefleet-gothic.wikia.com/

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Check these out today at: www.battlefleet-gothic.wikia.com/
Linkified for you!
Battlefleet Gothic Wikia