Three minor self-indulgent requests

Website Feedback

Sovereign Court Contributor

I have three minor requests, all for the greater glorification of myself. Well, actually, I think the 1st one is just generally helpful.

1) Can we have the PFS character alias names show up in a different colour? Right now they appear in the same blue as people's primary alias (at least for me they do) and it makes it harder to spot when someone i already know is speaking as their character rather than it being someone that I don't know. I vote for green.

2) Next time you adding new avatar icons, can you add the guy from PFS #4, page 10? I call 'dibs!'

3) A long time ago, in another age, I had a contributor tag for writing for Dragon and Dungeon. I know those days are over, but I have now written a published PFS adventure. Can I get a shiny new contributor tag, or perhaps a 'PFS Contributor' tag? Pretty please?

Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

Rambling Scribe wrote:

I have three minor requests, all for the greater glorification of myself. Well, actually, I think the 1st one is just generally helpful.

1) Can we have the PFS character alias names show up in a different colour? Right now they appear in the same blue as people's primary alias (at least for me they do) and it makes it harder to spot when someone i already know is speaking as their character rather than it being someone that I don't know. I vote for green.

2) Next time you adding new avatar icons, can you add the guy from PFS #4, page 10? I call 'dibs!'

3) A long time ago, in another age, I had a contributor tag for writing for Dragon and Dungeon. I know those days are over, but I have now written a published PFS adventure. Can I get a shiny new contributor tag, or perhaps a 'PFS Contributor' tag? Pretty please?

I second number 1. Number 2 I can't vouch for, because I haven't seen PFS 4 yet, but when it comes out, I might ninja said image if it's of anything that could be construed as a rakasta because that's how I roll.

And give Craig his special tag, dangit! even if he is a Taldan fop

Sovereign Court

You have me wrong, sir. I am no fop. The fops pay me to keep them alive.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Rambling Scribe wrote:
Can I get a shiny new contributor tag, or perhaps a 'PFS Contributor' tag? Pretty please?

I need to have editorial update the list of contributors... it's been a while. But I will tell you that if you want a contributor tag, you have to allow us to switch your avatar name to your "as-published" name instead of your nickname. So, nickname or tag—the choice shall be yours.

(Oh, and I didn't answer the first questions because they're really for Gary.)

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

Rambling Scribe wrote:

3) A long time ago, in another age, I had a contributor tag for writing for Dragon and Dungeon. I know those days are over, but I have now written a published PFS adventure. Can I get a shiny new contributor tag, or perhaps a 'PFS Contributor' tag? Pretty please?

Congratulations Scribe. Which adventure is your handywork?

Sovereign Court Contributor

Vic Wertz" wrote:
I need to have editorial update the list of contributors... it's been a while. But I will tell you that if you want a contributor tag, you have to allow us to switch your avatar name to your "as-published" name instead of your nickname. So, nickname or tag—the choice shall be yours.

That makes sense. I'll take the tag over my nickname... just distract me while you pull the band-aid off fast. Ouch!

Sovereign Court Contributor

Sebastian wrote:
Rambling Scribe wrote:

3) A long time ago, in another age, I had a contributor tag for writing for Dragon and Dungeon. I know those days are over, but I have now written a published PFS adventure. Can I get a shiny new contributor tag, or perhaps a 'PFS Contributor' tag? Pretty please?
Congratulations Scribe. Which adventure is your handywork?

Thank you Sebastian! I wrote "The Frozen Fingers of Midnight." I hope you enjoy it!

Dark Archive Bella Sara Charter Superscriber

Rambling Scribe wrote:

Congratulations Scribe. Which adventure is your handywork?
Thank you Sebastian! I wrote "The Frozen Fingers of Midnight." I hope you enjoy it!

You'll know if I don't. ;-)

Paizo Employee Senior Software Developer

Rambling Scribe wrote:
1) Can we have the PFS character alias names show up in a different colour? Right now they appear in the same blue as people's primary alias (at least for me they do) and it makes it harder to spot when someone i already know is speaking as their character rather than it being someone that I don't know. I vote for green.

On the list. Will be fixed tomorrow or Wednesday.

PS: Probably not green.

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Gary Teter wrote:
PS: Probably not green.

OOOO, OOOOO! Shiny Red, 'cause red goes faster so it must be better than all those lazy colours! ;)

Scarab Sages

Rambling Scribe wrote:
Vic Wertz" wrote:
I need to have editorial update the list of contributors... it's been a while. But I will tell you that if you want a contributor tag, you have to allow us to switch your avatar name to your "as-published" name instead of your nickname. So, nickname or tag—the choice shall be yours.
That makes sense. I'll take the tag over my nickname... just distract me while you pull the band-aid off fast. Ouch!

I think Craig should get a special "Rambling Scribe" tag in addition to the "Contributor" tag.

Just 'cause.

Scarab Sages

flash_cxxi wrote:
Gary Teter wrote:
PS: Probably not green.
OOOO, OOOOO! Shiny Red, 'cause red goes faster so it must be better than all those lazy colours! ;)

Me and my cousin had an argument one night that lasted about 6 hours that was based on the question of whether or not the colour red is faster then the colour blue (40k ork awesomness aside). we both pulled some wonky physics, math and chemistry out of nowhere, did a bunch of research online, and finally boiled ti down to a)depends if you're in a vaccuum, b)depends if light is a particle or a wave and c)depends if a cat with a piece of toast butter side up taped to its back would land on its side (I'm serious. it came up.). we eventually stopped due to running out of coffee. great conversation.

Sovereign Court Contributor

Ungoded wrote:

I think Craig should get a special "Rambling Scribe" tag in addition to the "Contributor" tag.

Just 'cause.


Worst case scenario, I'll just sign off all of my posts with my nickname.

Rambling Scribe

Sovereign Court Contributor

Gary Teter wrote:
Rambling Scribe wrote:
1) Can we have the PFS character alias names show up in a different colour? Right now they appear in the same blue as people's primary alias (at least for me they do) and it makes it harder to spot when someone i already know is speaking as their character rather than it being someone that I don't know. I vote for green.

On the list. Will be fixed tomorrow or Wednesday.

PS: Probably not green.

As always, Gary is one step ahead of me. And the particular colour isn't actually important to me, as long as it is easy on the eyes and clearly distinct form the alias colour and the primary account colour.

Sovereign Court Contributor

flash_cxxi wrote:
Gary Teter wrote:
PS: Probably not green.
OOOO, OOOOO! Shiny Red, 'cause red goes faster so it must be better than all those lazy colours! ;)

That's why when light hits a prism, it splits into all the different colours, starting with red. Red gets out first, because red is faster.

Grand Lodge

Rambling Scribe wrote:
Sebastian wrote:
Rambling Scribe wrote:

3) A long time ago, in another age, I had a contributor tag for writing for Dragon and Dungeon. I know those days are over, but I have now written a published PFS adventure. Can I get a shiny new contributor tag, or perhaps a 'PFS Contributor' tag? Pretty please?
Congratulations Scribe. Which adventure is your handywork?
Thank you Sebastian! I wrote "The Frozen Fingers of Midnight." I hope you enjoy it!

Ran it last night. Loved it!

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Craig Shackleton wrote:
...just distract me while you pull the band-aid off fast. Ouch!

I bet you didn't even feel it!

(And on the plus side, you cast the winning vote for green.)

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Ungoded wrote:

I think Craig should get a special "Rambling Scribe" tag in addition to the "Contributor" tag.

Just 'cause.

I agree. I actually thought the same thing the other night while laying in bed (don't ask what goes through my head as I attempt to go to sleep). Good to see someone else thought so too. =)


Gary Teter wrote:
Rambling Scribe wrote:
1) Can we have the PFS character alias names show up in a different colour? Right now they appear in the same blue as people's primary alias (at least for me they do) and it makes it harder to spot when someone i already know is speaking as their character rather than it being someone that I don't know. I vote for green.

On the list. Will be fixed tomorrow or Wednesday.

PS: Probably not green.

Their Green!

Sovereign Court

How splendidly verdant!

Sovereign Court Contributor

Vic Wertz wrote:
Craig Shackleton wrote:
...just distract me while you pull the band-aid off fast. Ouch!

I bet you didn't even feel it!

(And on the plus side, you cast the winning vote for green.)

Woo Hoooo!


Woo Hoooo!

The Rambling Scribe

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