What's the XP formula?

Races & Classes

The calculation to find the XP needed for your next level was easy in 3.5, but I can't seem to figure out what the formula is for Pathfinder. Are they just arbitrary or am I missing something?

Paizo Employee Director of Game Design

darth_borehd wrote:

The calculation to find the XP needed for your next level was easy in 3.5, but I can't seem to figure out what the formula is for Pathfinder. Are they just arbitrary or am I missing something?

The formula is based on the amount of XP awarded per encounter and the average number of encounters needed to gain a level. Those numbers are in turn based of the assumptions used to create a balanced encounter.

Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer

Jason Bulmahn wrote:

The formula is based on the amount of XP awarded per encounter and the average number of encounters needed to gain a level. Those numbers are in turn based of the assumptions used to create a balanced encounter.

Jason Bulmahn
Lead Designer

I don't understand. Are we talking about the same thing? What I am asking about is if there is a way to mathematically figure out the XP needed for your next level. Under medium progression, for instance, you need 2,000 XP to reach level 2, 5,000 XP to reach level 5, and 9,000 Xp to reach level 4. It seems there is a formula of next level * 1000 XP to reach that next level. The standard 3.5 progression was similar. But with PFRPG medium progression, that changes because level 5 needs 15,000 instead of 14,000. I don't see any pattern to the fast and medium progression either.

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See this thread for a detailed discussion:
http://paizo.com/paizo/messageboards/paizoPublishing/pathfinder/pathfinderR PG/general/archives/xPProgressionChart

Long story short -- you can get an exact formula for the Medium progression. The Excel version is:

=ROUND((2000 * (2^FLOOR(A1/2,1) - 1) + 3000 * (2^FLOOR((A1-1)/2,1) - 1))/10^(FLOOR(SQRT(A1-1),1)+1)*2,0)/2*10^(FLOOR(SQRT(A1-1),1)+1)

The Fast and Slow progressions are based on it, with some inconsistent rounding (sometimes up, sometimes down, sometimes to three digits, sometimes to two).

Fast = Medium/1.5 (rounded)
Slow = Medium*1.5 (rounded)

hogarth wrote:

See this thread for a detailed discussion:

http://paizo.com/paizo/messageboards/paizoPublishing/pathfinder/pathfinderR PG/general/archives/xPProgressionChart

Long story short -- you can get an exact formula for the Medium progression. The Excel version is:

=ROUND((2000 * (2^FLOOR(A1/2,1) - 1) + 3000 * (2^FLOOR((A1-1)/2,1) - 1))/10^(FLOOR(SQRT(A1-1),1)+1)*2,0)/2*10^(FLOOR(SQRT(A1-1),1)+1)

The Fast and Slow progressions are based on it, with some inconsistent rounding (sometimes up, sometimes down, sometimes to three digits, sometimes to two).

Fast = Medium/1.5 (rounded)
Slow = Medium*1.5 (rounded)

That's exactly what I was looking for! Thank you!

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