A Toast to the Pathfinders!

Pathfinder Society

Lantern Lodge

Lodge Brothers! Lodge Sisters!

Please join me in briefly putting our many secondary allegiances aside and join me in a toast!

For as you know on Oathday many of us will arrive in Absalom. There we shall have our courage and ingenuity tested time and time again. Not all of us are coming back.

For there we will face challenges not meant to be challenged and discover secrets not made for discovery.

And we do it all with only ourselves and our fellow Pathfinders!

To the greatest calling in all of Golarion!


Sovereign Court


Scarab Sages

MMMM.... a fine brandy that is.

Liberty's Edge

Cheers! To all Pathfinders! May we all survive the challenges ahead, and laugh in the face of the dangers we might face.

Dark Archive

To the Pathfinders!


Sovereign Court

Well done.
Cheers! Pathfinder first!

The Exchange

Whee! We're made of epic awesomeosity!

Scarab Sages

Hurray to all! *sips his cognac*

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber


Hands out cake

The Exchange 5/5

Lazaro wrote:


Hands out cake

Here here! Well, not the cake....

Liberty's Edge

Glory to the Pathfinders!!
And Cayden....wait...why's the rum gone?

Liberty's Edge


Scarab Sages

Here, Here! We are all Pathfinders first and foremost!

Dark Archive

Yes a toast to all of our brothers and sisters, both past and present. may our road always go on and may the tales of our adventures carry on with the weight of time.

Liberty's Edge

Sil climbs to the top of a barstool. "Cheers."

The Exchange

Here, here to Pathfinders!

(Secretly pours off drink in case those damn Cheliax Factioners poisoned it.)

Scarab Sages

Duncan & Dragons wrote:

Here, here to Pathfinders!

(Secretly pours off drink in case those damn Cheliax Factioners poisoned it.)

Well, in that case I can reveal that the Osirians put contact poison on the chalice itself. Or did we?

Dark Archive

Pathfinders we all, and honored thusly for our discovery of the winding ways - drink deep, friends, and know that beneath skin or even blood, we are united in soul.

Paizo Employee

To da Pathfinders!

Eh! Dere's alotta gatherin's anight.

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