RPGXplorer Announces Pathfinder Society & Pathfinder RPG Character Sheets Available

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

Scarab Sages

Yep, you read that right….Pathfinder sheets can now be downloaded for free direct from our Characters Sheets, Statblocks and Cards etc. forum.

And if you’ve not been there before, check out the Paizo style statblock and array of other outputs too inc. statblocks and um cards, er hence the name I guess :)

Many thanks to RPGX community member, forum mod and resident XSLT guru Nebular for his hard work on these!

Try the free trial here

People, if you have not explored the fantastic piece of Software that is RPGXplorer, you are seriously missing out! PLUS, the Rise of the Runelords dataset for this program is free!

Grand Lodge

Anyone know if they support Mac yet? Or are they limited to just Windows?

Dark Archive

Will RPGXplorer have a Pathfinder RPG data set when in comes out August 09? I really like RPGXplorer and would not want to have to stop using it when I switch to Pathfinder.

Scarab Sages

NSTR wrote:
Will RPGXplorer have a Pathfinder RPG data set when in comes out August 09? I really like RPGXplorer and would not want to have to stop using it when I switch to Pathfinder.

What we're aiming for in the first release is to provide complete rules support for Pathfinder RPG Beta as quickly as possible. The initial dataset will not be complete in most areas but we will provide samples of everything to show how it should be used.

I fully expect the community to get a complete dataset out fairly quickly.

You only have to look at progress on other materials to see how effectively users are working together on this.

Krome wrote:
Anyone know if they support Mac yet? Or are they limited to just Windows?

I would love a Mac version as well. But since they are .Net based (which is a thoroughly Microsoft technology), then it's Windows only (without Parallels or I think there are some attempts to get .Net apps running on Mac with varying success).

But I don't work on the project, I'm just a fan. :)

Grand Lodge

I wonder why anyone would choose to use a Microsoft propietary language to do something like this. Your expansion possibilities are limited, such as no other systems. Especially when there are so many other ways of doing it.

using Web 2.0 technology, even, something like this would be possible to do online, system independent. And even as a system independent program it could be ported to be downloadable to be used on any and all systems (that is sell disks) that can be used on any system using a modern browser.

Also, if you make it a free online service, you can sell advertising, and a system like this is likely to be one of a kind for a while. Thereby garnering a HUGE chunk of the market and LOTS of traffic.

You could sell versions that do not need i-net access for a nominal fee.

Just the way I would have done it.

Course, what do I know :)

Scarab Sages

Development on RPGXplorer started about 5 years ago. The choice of development language was more to do with what I was proficient in at the time than anything else although to be fair, .Net was being touted as cross-platform at the time and it did enter my thinking.

As a small company you don't have the resources to completely rethink and redevelop each time something better comes along or indeed, choose technologies that you aren't adept in when you're trying to get something up an running as one or two-man business. Even though you might be aware that it's not an ideal choice you just have to roll with it.

Not trying to be defensive here btw, just explaining! :)

Scarab Sages

Sorry I didn't respond on the Mac thing btw.

The answer to this is that the third party components we bought
use something called PINVOKE calls (Platform Invoke) which as any devotee of the MONO* compatability tool will tell you is a showstopper.

We also use an embedded browser which is basically just a wrapper for IE.

*-MONO is .Net for Linux/Mac.

So we're wedded to Windows I'm afraid.

Krome wrote:

I wonder why anyone would choose to use a Microsoft propietary language to do something like this. Your expansion possibilities are limited, such as no other systems. Especially when there are so many other ways of doing it.

using Web 2.0 technology, even, something like this would be possible to do online, system independent. And even as a system independent program it could be ported to be downloadable to be used on any and all systems (that is sell disks) that can be used on any system using a modern browser.

Also, if you make it a free online service, you can sell advertising, and a system like this is likely to be one of a kind for a while. Thereby garnering a HUGE chunk of the market and LOTS of traffic.

You could sell versions that do not need i-net access for a nominal fee.

Just the way I would have done it.

Course, what do I know :)

I agree that a robust web version would be great (of course I work on web apps as a career, so I'm biased). For one thing it would make updates or both software and data much easier to support and push out.

However, I can certainly understand it being in .Net. It's easiest to go with what you know and a very large portion of professional programmers out there are eyeballs deep in .Net. I sure am. :)

Now Adobe Air just recently threw a new option for cross-platform software, but it's still so new it'll be interesting to see if it gains any traction. However, that doesn't do much for the existing software like RPG Explorer.

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