Darl Quethos

Anurien's page

Organized Play Member. 52 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.


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Scarab Sages

You are welcome.

CEO RPGXplorer

Scarab Sages

I haven't had a chance to look at the Society stuff yet (although we do now have a Pathfinder Society character sheet). We'll look at that for the next dataset update.

RPGXplorer's next release is 1.95, this brings full support for Monsters inc. a new Monsters folder, support for Dragon's sorcerer levels etc, Spell/Psi-like abilities etc. etc.

We're expecting that in a couple of weeks ish.

After that we begin on support for the beta (v2.0). I can't give a dev time figure on it just now but we're certainly hoping to get it done quickly.

v2.0 is included in the price btw.

Scarab Sages

RPGXplorer is proud to announce 21 new datasets for Paizo's Pathfinder Adventure Paths and Pathfinder Modules:

For convenience these are grouped into 3 downloads of 7:

Curse of the Crimson Throne
Pathfinder Modules #1
Pathfinder Modules #2

We've also posted a revised complete Rise of the Runelords download to update it to 1.9.0 functionality.

Download them here.


Scarab Sages

The current installer and patch now included Hotpatch D which is the last one.

Scarab Sages

We're going to be adding support to RPGXplorer as soon as is humanly possible.

Scarab Sages

Well, we've given them a BAB as per familiar.

Scarab Sages

RPGXplorer has just announced that we will be supporting the Beta in version 2.0 which is due this fall.

For those currently playing 3.5, we also have a special edition of 1.9 available exclusively at the Paizo stand at GenCon which is preloaded with all Pathfinder and Pathfinder Module datasets (RoTR, CotCT, GameMastery).

There's a special one-off show-only discount of $10 too!

There is general free upgrade to version 2.0 from 1.9 so if you buy now, you are getting your Pathfinder RPG functionality included.

Said same 3.5 datasets will be available for general download shortly but you'll get them first at GenCon for sure.

If you've been living under a rock or not seen our cool ad in Kobold Quarterly 1.9 is chock full of Animal Companion, Familiar, Special Mount etc. goodness plus the ability to create a Mount (e.g. warhorse) and print off statblock for it. Not to mention monster playable races!

Coming in 2.0 is the ability to create and level Monsters!

Ooooh, I nearly forgot. We've just put up our Pathfinder Society and Pathfinder RPG character sheets also (both for 3.5 Edition at the moment of course) and check out the Paizo-style statblock too (as well as all the other stuff you'd expect such as 3.5 Classic, 3.5 Revised, Character Cards etc.)

Drop by our site and take a test drive.

CEO RPGXplorer

Scarab Sages

Dragnmoon wrote:
If I bought the Version on Paizo now would I have to buy 2.0 again when it came out?

= No

There is no charge to upgrade from any previous version to 2.x

Scarab Sages


You can if you want though!

Scarab Sages

Insert Neat Username Here wrote:
Pathos wrote:
Well there is the Third Party Databases for RPGXplorer.

Those are for the rules presented in Rise of the Runelords, such as prestige classes, weapons and religions.

And I don't think anyone's working on one yet. It would be rather pointless when so much is still changeable.

I disagree, the finalisation of the Pathfinder ruleset is a year away. I for one, can't wait that long.

CEO RPGXplorer

Scarab Sages

And by the magic of google....


Scarab Sages

Abaddon was the main villain in the first ever AD&D campaign I played in. I'd be interested to know the specific origin.

Scarab Sages

Sorry I didn't respond on the Mac thing btw.

The answer to this is that the third party components we bought
use something called PINVOKE calls (Platform Invoke) which as any devotee of the MONO* compatability tool will tell you is a showstopper.

We also use an embedded browser which is basically just a wrapper for IE.

*-MONO is .Net for Linux/Mac.

So we're wedded to Windows I'm afraid.

Scarab Sages

Development on RPGXplorer started about 5 years ago. The choice of development language was more to do with what I was proficient in at the time than anything else although to be fair, .Net was being touted as cross-platform at the time and it did enter my thinking.

As a small company you don't have the resources to completely rethink and redevelop each time something better comes along or indeed, choose technologies that you aren't adept in when you're trying to get something up an running as one or two-man business. Even though you might be aware that it's not an ideal choice you just have to roll with it.

Not trying to be defensive here btw, just explaining! :)

Scarab Sages

NSTR wrote:
Will RPGXplorer have a Pathfinder RPG data set when in comes out August 09? I really like RPGXplorer and would not want to have to stop using it when I switch to Pathfinder.

What we're aiming for in the first release is to provide complete rules support for Pathfinder RPG Beta as quickly as possible. The initial dataset will not be complete in most areas but we will provide samples of everything to show how it should be used.

I fully expect the community to get a complete dataset out fairly quickly.

You only have to look at progress on other materials to see how effectively users are working together on this.

Scarab Sages

Turin the Mad wrote:
What if we bought 1.8.6 at Paizo (via download) - will you be willing to e-mail us a hyperlink to get the goodies to add to our software ? Please ?

We're right in the middle of something just now and the datasets aren't actually ready to go as separate files (they're just input directly into the master development database), so no we can't.

We'll look at getting them up by the end of next week but I can't promise anything just now. Sorry.

Scarab Sages

Matthew Morris wrote:

Big RAW vs/ RAI question.

Do Psicrystals get feats?

At the moment Psicrystals use the Psicrystal Monster Class for advancement and behave like familiars, so no.

If you want to just copy and paste the Psicrystal Class and insert Bonus Feat components as appropriate.

Does that answer your question?

Scarab Sages

lastknightleft wrote:
so does that mean that those of us who don't have the ability to go to indy will be SOoL?

Upgrade to 2.0 is already included in the price so if you buy it normally you're ok. Discount is for the show only though. I believe it's discounted $5 here anyway.

The datasets will become available after the show i.e. a week monday.

Scarab Sages

100 boxed copies of the RPGXplorer GenCon Special Edition will be available to buy exclusively from the Paizo stand at, um, GenCon Indy!!!!

What’s so special about it? Well, aside from all the cool new stuff in 1.9.0 it’s also preloaded with nearly 30 Pathfinder and Pathfinder Module datasets inc. the complete Burnt Offerings, Crimson Throne and all the GameMastery modules.

And furthermore, the Special Edition is $10 off the regular price at only $29.95!!!!

And further furthermore, this price includes a free upgrade to the full Monsters functionality and Pathfinder RPG Support coming in version 2.0 (approx. September).

As if you didn’t already have a reason to drop by the Paizo stand…;)

Scarab Sages

Yep, you read that right….Pathfinder sheets can now be downloaded for free direct from our Characters Sheets, Statblocks and Cards etc. forum.

And if you’ve not been there before, check out the Paizo style statblock and array of other outputs too inc. statblocks and um cards, er hence the name I guess :)

Many thanks to RPGX community member, forum mod and resident XSLT guru Nebular for his hard work on these!

Try the free trial here

Scarab Sages

RPGXplorer is proud to announce the release of version 1.9.0 of it’s flagship character generator for 3.5 Edition DnD (OGL).

New in this release:

Animal Companions, Familiars, Special Mounts, Psicrystals and Fiendish Servants – Feel the wrath of my Giant Octopus! :P

Mounts – Yey, you can now print off a statblock for your warhorse! Apologies to DMs everywhere who hate mounted combat ;)

Monster Playable Races – Hillgiants, Goblins, and Minotaurs galore…

Plus a host of other cool stuff inc. a new expanded character panel layout and Office 2007 skins.

Try the free trial here

Scarab Sages

Now I have a dilemma, do I wait for Map Pack Inn lovelyness and delay my seven sets of GameMastery Cards, 5 sets of precision cut dice and 2 other Map Packs (I have the rest already) or do I wait?

Hmmmm <thinking>

....who am I kidding....I'll place 2 orders and damn the carbon footprint!

Scarab Sages

Hellooo, anyone? :)

Scarab Sages

I think what you are seeing IS it....


Scarab Sages

Vic, any word on this coming off pre-order? I'm putting together a big order and with international shipping and all I'd rather get everything in I possibly can.

Scarab Sages


Stating the obvious if you already know about Boot Camp but hey, not everyone knows.

Scarab Sages

Like the title says, the dataset for Pathfinder #2 is now available from our section of the store

If you haven't yet given us a try remember that you can try the software for free until your character's reach 5th level (just check out the downloads page on our site.

That means (coupled with the fact that the Pathfinder datasets are free) you can start using it for your Pathfinder campaign right away!

We're the #1 selling piece of software on Paizo.com for a reason!

p.s. if you see the software here and like it, buy it here at paizo.com. We'd like to stay #1 thankyou!

Scarab Sages

The unscrupulous Dr. Pweent wrote:
Anurien wrote:

We ran RPGXplorer through the Mono compatability tool and as thought, the core code is compatible but our 3rd party components are not.

This puts several +5 nails in the coffin on a Linux/Mac version I'm afraid.

Ah, that's disappointing. I had read your earlier posts as indicating that it would take longer if the third party components were trouble, not that it would kill a Mac version completely.

I appreciate that it's possible to run Windows on Intel Macs these days, but I'm utterly averse to shelling out the money for a Windows license to make it work. That pretty much rules out Boot Camp, VMware, or Parallels. Perhaps I'll check out the current state of Wine.

Our previous optimism in this area was based on the assumption that 3rd party components claiming to be 100% .Net code actually meant that their code was portable. Turns out this is rubbish.

Scarab Sages

Matthew Morris wrote:

I know this isn;t a help board, but is the software able to add new classes spell lists?

I can't seem to find it on the trial version, and wanted to confirm it can before I buy the full thing.

Yes, absolutely. You can add spell lists (or power lists) to classes, domains and something called a spell category which is designed to help with strange casters such as the Shugenja.

When you create a class, set the appropriate caster options in the class's editor and a spell list folder is automatically created. You then right click on or in the folder and use the Add Spells command.

You then use the filters to narrow down which spells you want and single or multi-select them to add to the list.

Remember to set the spell level that will be associated with the class and the spell in the bottom left of the dialog!

You can also set a class to inherit another class's spell or power list via the class's editor (saves a lot of time for creating spontanoues clerics etc.)

p.s. best place to post this is on our boards. The mods, the team or other users usually respond within a few hours.
p.p.s. believe it or not, we actually have a full help system also which is available from within the software or directly from here

Scarab Sages

We ran RPGXplorer through the Mono compatability tool and as thought, the core code is compatible but our 3rd party components are not.

This puts several +5 nails in the coffin on a Linux/Mac version I'm afraid.

Has anyone tried running it under a Windows emulator?

Scarab Sages

Well check to see if it runs under Mono next week (this is the .Net compiler for Linux/Mac OS X).

This will involve porting from .Net 1.1 to 2.0 to remove the dependency on ShDocVw.dll (Internet Explorer) which is windows only but that shouldn't take long and I was planning on doing this next week anyways for other reasons.

Once this is done I'm reasonably confident that the core code will run with the std. tweaks for filepaths etc, but I'm less than confident that our 3rd party components, in particular the licensing component will run.

In principal, if everything fixes up quickly and seems to run ok, we'll look at packaging up a Linux/Mac* version asap.

If we hit some critical errors, that either we can't fix quickly OR workaround, then I'll let you know.


Scarab Sages

Ok, there's some good stuff in there, new weapons, magic items etc. I'll run it by Paizo.

Scarab Sages

I'm just going to buy them all now Jonathan so I can get a handle on what is in them.

I suspect Paizo will be amenable to a similar arrangement as for Pathfinder, in fact we may already have discussed this but jetlag and a 26 hour journey back from GenCon has erased my memory.


Scarab Sages

Hah, so much for having to post a press release here then!

The datasets contain:

Deities (+new Domains/Spells from Divine section of the SRD)
Magic Items
Armor and Shields
+Filters/Tags for each folder so you can quickly pick out the Pathfinder content.

I think that about covers it.

p.s. you really have to check out the new Character Sheets, Statblocks, Cards etc. forum on our site. The new Revised 3.5 sheet absolutely rocks.