[CotCT by TerraNova Pt 1] Korvosa on the Edge of Anarchy


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Female Human Cleric 4

"I'm fine." Alandra replied shortly. "Are you?"

Female Human (Shoanti) Barbarian 3

"I am alright. I am just..concerned. That is all." Ayedah shifted uncomfortably. She didn't quite know how to ask her question delicately. "What did he do, Alandra?" she asked quietly. Her tone was soft; she wasn't going to force the issue. If Alandra wanted to open up about her past, she would be there to listen. If she didn't, Ayedah would keep her silence and respect the young girl's privacy.


Gritta showed the group to the living room, a nice room furnished with the sensibilities of large folk in mind. A talking table, six chairs and several comfortable seats.

Gritta offered them to sit down, and have some tea, an offer the prostitutes gladly took. "Well, time for us to leave town. Nothing is work getting gutted over." Plum announced, and for once, her older friend nodded in agreement. "Anything you need of us? We're nothing if not grateful"


Verrik tried to disengage himself from his captors, slowly and deliberately, no fast movements here. "Listen, people. I'll be frank. You got me, and I'm not dying over this. Just name your price - Anything goes. I surrender"

Female Human (Shoanti) Barbarian 3
GM TerraNova wrote:


Gritta showed the group to the living room, a nice room furnished with the sensibilities of large folk in mind. A talking table, six chairs and several comfortable seats.

Gritta offered them to sit down, and have some tea, an offer the prostitutes gladly took. "Well, time for us to leave town. Nothing is work getting gutted over." Plum announced, and for once, her older friend nodded in agreement. "Anything you need of us? We're nothing if not grateful"

"Do you know where you are going to go? I am sorry you have to leave your home. Please, let me pay for your journey. It is my fault anyway." There was a pleading tone in her voice, as if she was begging to be able to make what amends she could for placing the two in danger. She looked back to her companions when they asked what they could do for them. She wasn't entirely sure what questions they should be asking. It was all she could do not to turn the subject back to Sozite. Be patient...we have to think about right now... It was hard to convince herself of that.

Male Dwarf Fighter 1, Init:+1; AC 18(T12, FF 16); HP 15/16; F: 4, R : 1, W: 2 (+3 to saves vs magic, poison, spell like)

Gern wasn't overly surprised whent eh women joined him upstairs, however he was a little interested about the interchange between the two shoanti. There was a story there, he was sure, but it wasn't his place to pry.

When the two prostitutes made their offer he smiled to himself. The inflection on the "anything" had him thinking of those cheap readers that were occasionally printed, the ones that started "There were two human gils and a dwarf in the steam baths". Heh, best he didn't let his aunt know what their profession was, or it could be he had two relatives out to trim his beard for him.

Addressing the two street girls he stated "Aye, leavin' may well be what ye need to be doin', but it may be we need ye to speak up against that scunner we have downstairs afore ye go. If it comes to him bein' sent afore the law, your testimony may be all that get's him in hanged or locked up. Not sure as we have enough to go on."

Looking at Ayedah, he also asks the two "If'n ye have more information about the lass ye was talkin' of downstairs, now would also be a good time te be tellin'. Without the guard breathin' down our necks, we ha' time to be chasin' more detail. I'll go and see if I can help with some grub and mebe a drink or two, to settle the nerves like"

gotta dash off so may write mroe later. Gern will go and see if he can help his aunt with some refreshemtns and return in about 5 minutes one way or the other

Female Human Cleric 4
Gern wrote:
"If'n ye have more information about the lass ye was talkin' of downstairs, now would also be a good time te be tellin'. Without the guard breathin' down our necks, we ha' time to be chasin' more detail. I'll go and see if I can help with some grub and mebe a drink or two, to settle the nerves like"

"I knew him from before is all." Alandra told Gern. Then to Ayedah she replied "He's the one who sold me to Lamm. That's why he's on my list."

"They better not kill him yet." She muttered to herself.

Male Half-Orc Cleric of Gorum, 2nd
GM TerraNova wrote:


Verrik tried to disengage himself from his captors, slowly and deliberately, no fast movements here. "Listen, people. I'll be frank. You got me, and I'm not dying over this.

An outlet for the agitation from the insults, Krek was to Verrik in a heartbeat, his tetanus-ripe blade pointed at the man's throat. "I will decide that," he growled.

Male Human (Half Varissian/Half Shoanti) Rogue/Sorcerer 2/2
GM TerraNova wrote:


Verrik tried to disengage himself from his captors, slowly and deliberately, no fast movements here. "Listen, people. I'll be frank. You got me, and I'm not dying over this. Just name your price - Anything goes. I surrender"

For those downstairs I have no problem if anyone reads this, so please be my guest. I just do it this way for those who'd prefer not too


Zalen can't help an honest guffaw at the securely bound guard's choice of words "You surrender do you? Ah, well, how lucky for us! Eh Krek?"

As Krek, reacts to vent his anger on the guard by putting his sword to Verrik's throat all trace of mirth evaporates from Zalen's face as well.

Bending down so his face is close to the guard's (but not within a lunging nose-bite distance) Zalen speaks grimly "Perhaps, being with the guard, you're familiar with the Good Guard-Bad Guard routine?" Not waiting for a reply, he continues "Well, this is Not that. We Know who you are and we know what you've been doing and we know what kind of sadistic bastard you are. Just being this close to you makes me sick to my stomach. It will give me great pleasure to gut you like a fish so you can watch your entrails spill out of you and contemplate the pain your many victims must have felt as you die. You might also have time to consider that whatever pain you'll be feeling will pale compared to the eternal torment you are surely due for your sins." Leaving a long uncomfortable pause for the man to get a proper visual, Zalen continues "So, right now I'd say you have less chance of leaving this cellar alive than a bleeding rabbit thrown into a pit of ravenous hell hounds does... But, if you'd like to take that chance, and perhaps earn some meager degree of mercy as you are judged in the hells, I may just let you. We know almost everything. There are only two things we don't know. Why you were doing it and Who you were doing it for. If you'd like to die a quick and painless death instead of an extremely long, messy and painful one, you better make your answer really good. Oh, and you Won't get a second chance."

Zalen doesn't even really try and intimidate the man as he completely means every word he says (although he May be bluffing a bit on the 'messy' part...but maybe not. he's Really angry and disgusted by this guy!)
He does though release his hidden sleeve blade and cut away the man's shirt from chest to navel...
If you'd like or need to roll anything for me though Terra, please just go ahead

Female Human (Shoanti) Barbarian 3

Ayedah's face took on a grim cast after Alandra told her how she knew Verik. Gods and spirits, no wonder she hates him so... She had to admit that she felt like beating the man to a bloody pulp herself, but the idea of Alandra speaking of killing the man and the rest of her list still troubled her. "I see..." She could not think of anything else to say. What could she say to sway her. If Lamm were alive and before me, could anyone say anything to convince me not to kill him on the spot? It was not Verik's life she worried for, but whatever was left of Alandra's innocence.

She turned to answer Gern's question, trying to mask her worries about Alandra, and hoping the dwarf had not overheard the girl's intent to kill Verik. "She is...family. She is the one I was seeking when we first met. I knew her and her brother when we were children, and I came to this city to find them. I found Danel, her brother...but he was already dying." Gods...it is becoming easier to talk about. I do not want it to be easier to talk about...it makes him seem so far away... "He and Sozite were both taken by Lamm when they were young, and they were separated while being held by him. Danel was never able to find her, but I swore to him I would. All I know is what her..." She indicated Alandra. "...goddess has told through a vision. It was all riddles and symbols, but I know she must still be alive. I do not understand why they would be attacked for asking about her though." She couldn't keep the fear out of her voice entirely; she had just reminded herself of Sozite's plight, which she knew frustratingly little about. "I know what she likely looks like now too...her brother made paintings. And their parents were merchants...they were murdered over money...I do not know all the details. Danel did not either. The vision said something about a tiger and sa-ru-lee-un veils...I do not understand what that means."

Male Dwarf Fighter 1, Init:+1; AC 18(T12, FF 16); HP 15/16; F: 4, R : 1, W: 2 (+3 to saves vs magic, poison, spell like)

Gern's eyes hardened as more and more detail of the man Verik came to light. He nods once to Alandra, acknowledging her need for vengence for one such as Verik. Vengence was a powerful force and could consume a person, but the longer it went unvented, the greater the festering to be cleansed afterwords. "If'n ye choose te do this thing Lass" he speaks solemnly to her "Ye make it quick liek we did with Lamm. The ye put it behind ye. Ye and I have a date with bottle o' good Dwarven stout when it's all said and done, and we can between us exercise some dameons from our pasts".

When Ayedah speaks of the vision the fighter merely shrugs "The mystical arts aint never run strong through me family sorry Lass. Tigers and Veils I aint got much idea about, but it sounds a little like a house o' ill repute would use something like that as a name. Given what Krek was suggestin' to ye downstairs, and that these two ladies are also involved, mayhap we need te be lookin' in places like that?" He seemed to be thinking out loud for this last part.

Shaking his head slightly he looks up again. "However, I need tae let ye know my first aim after we get outta here tonight is te visit this meat works and finish what was started tonight. Them false guards got a look at me afore they fled, and I have nae intentions o' lettin' more trouble find its way te me Uncle and Aunts door. They need te be dealt with, and soon."

"I promise ye both this though, I'll be with ye both till ye get yer final vengence for what's been done to ye. Ye helped me with a family blood debt, and that's somethin' I be takin' right serious as a dwarf. Me axe and shield are with ye till the end girls, don't ye be doubtin' it."

He bows low to the girls, something the fighter rarely ever does. When he straightens, he nods then leaves the room to help his aunt prepare refreshments, and hopefully start making amends.

Female Human Cleric 4

Alandra added to this. "The Tiger is supposed to be some powerful man, I think he might be the one who has Sozite. The Curulan Society is some sort of thieves guild I think."


Gerns aunt moved through the room just as Ayedah mentioned the Cerulean Veils, and shook her head in disapproval. Her matronly face twisted with distaste. "You don't ever want to go there, young lady. It's bad enough these stirges bleed every business in the city."

She considered for a moment just how much she could tell in front of these people, but there really wasn't much to be hidden after the guard incident. "The Veils are the personal Den of the Cerulean Societies leaders. It must rival the royal palace, but few ever really speak about it."

Seeing the obvious interest, she elaborated. "The Cerulean society has many underbosses, and a few heads, but there's one leader above all of them, and he's in the Veils. Whoever is there is not coming out easily"


Verrik let out a rasping laugh. Not out of amusement (naturally), nor of desperation. Possibly because of some part of his mind clicking into place. "How damnable ironic. Whoever you are, you've forgotten one thing about the interrogation game. You only get what you give."

He kept laughing, his voice slowly taking on a pitch too high for comfort. "And you forget one more thing - whatever you do, she'll double it if I rat her out." He didn't realize he had started talking already - whoever she was, she had to be a creature of considerable malice and cruelty.

"I mean... I'll talk. Tell you everything from start to finish - but only aboard a ship bound for Absalom, with two-hundred gold, and your sworn word of letting me be."

Female Human (Shoanti) Barbarian 3

Ayedah mulled over Gern's words about Alandra taking her vengence cleanly rather than let it fester. She had not thought of it like that before, but for her to want enough people dead to make a list? Is there no other way for her to relieve her anger? Still, she thought dwarves understood vengeance more than most. She assumed Gern understood it more than herself at least. It was difficult for her to not assume that all of his race spoke wisely; they all seemed so...fatherly and motherly to her.

"Right, we have to find those other men before they set the rest of the guard on us. We were asked to handle them without letting the real Guard know about it though. We were told it would be bad for morale. And they are having a difficult time already." She thought of Maris and the other guards she had managed to befriend. She hoped none of them would ever come close to this matter.

Alandra's reminder of what the Cerulean guild was and Gern's aunt's interruption left her wide-eyed. "So the people holding her are that powerful then? Where is this "Veils"?" There was a noticable tension in her voice, as if she meant to go straight into the lion's den as soon as she found out where it was, but she was managing to keep herself in check. She understood that getting herself killed would do nothing to help Sozite. It was tempting to despair over how dire the situation seemed, but she was too close now...

Male Half-Orc Cleric of Gorum, 2nd

Knowing they were not putting him on a boat to be free, Krek was unsure for the first time in the night. Should they play along? Should they torture him? He decided to leave it up to Zalen - interrogation wasn't something he'd ever done or thought about. Life and death were his specialty (in theory - his meager combat experience left that specialty at a novice level), but straddling the line was too fine a measure for him.

Male Dwarf Fighter 1, Init:+1; AC 18(T12, FF 16); HP 15/16; F: 4, R : 1, W: 2 (+3 to saves vs magic, poison, spell like)

Hearing his aunt describe the criminal organisation, Gern felt sorry for the big shoanti barbarian. He had wanted to rush off the moment he found Gaedren Lamm's name but only his uncle's wisdom and patience had held him in check. It had taken weeks for him to finally get the last clues together, and then had come the card from the ghost to bring these people together. Having just told one girl to be quick in meting out her vengence, he prepared to tell the other to hold back.

"Twould seem as if this girl ye seek be a bit beyond our reach as o' now Ayedah." he said as genly a his gravelly voice allowed.
"Me uncle is fond o' sayin' that fate rewards those as wait for the right time. It'll come to us, ye can be sure o' that. And when it does, we'll be better prepared te move and strike down those as have caused ye this hurt."
He looked to his Aunt then and nodded acknowledgement her way "Tis the advice I took when trackin' down Lamm, and fate brought all o' us together to bring down that scunner."

He looked around the room at the woman seated with him and wondered how it had come to pass that a dwarf better with his axe than his words felt he should be doling out advice. Especially women such as these, whose lives had been far worse than his. He blushed slightly with embarrassment at his own hubris, and quickly took a deep drink of the ale he had brought back in with him. He was telling people things he new in his heart he'd have trouble following if he was in their position. Maybe it was easier to see the picture when you weren't painted into it. His Ma had said that a few times back in the day, but only now did it really make sense.

Male Human (Half Varissian/Half Shoanti) Rogue/Sorcerer 2/2

He's face expressionless as stone, Zalen sits just looking at what he considers to be a dead man for some time, making it clear the thoughts behind his eyes. He stands for a moment and whispers in Krek's ear. Finally he says "You seem to have caught me in a merciful mood Verrik as your steaming guts are not already piled on the floor. I'm thinking that perhaps my kick to your head may have addled your wits or your hearing somewhat. so I'll say this once more, real slow so you get it. You are not leaving this room alive. You Only two choices are to die quick or messy. Tell us what we want to know and your death will be painless, don't, and you'll be begging for death for the next several hours. Decide NOW."

As he finishes his speech, Zalen takes the point of his dagger and pierces Verrik's skin at the top of his bare stomach so a line of blood starts to dribble down. He puts everything he can into trying to intimidate (1d20+4=8) and bluff (1d20+8=21) Verrik that me means every word he says.
Perhaps you could aid me in intimidating here Krek?

Regardless of what Verrik answers, the next part will be the same.

Zalen had whispered in Krek's ear that, when he gave the nod, Krek should move like he's about to chop the man with his sword but at the last second strike him with the pommel to knock him out. Once he's unconscious, they'll make sure his bindings are secure and gag him, making sure he can still breath. Then they'll find an empty box somewhere and seal him up in it, making sure air can get in. Then Zalen will go upstairs and gather his friends. He'll tell them all that happened and suggest that, if Gern thinks it will be ok to leave Verrik where he is for a few hours they leave him there while they go after the other guards. If not (or after they get back from taking care of the other guards) that they move him over to Lamm's old warehouse and decide his ultimate fate there.

Male Half-Orc Cleric of Gorum, 2nd

Intimidate (aiding Zalen)= 10+2 = 12

Krek gives a slow nod to the human as his sword remains at the captive's throat.


The dwarven matron put her hands to her hips, and shook her head disapprovingly. "Somewhere in Old Korvosa, as if that was any surprise. But we don't know more than that, and if we did, we wouldn't tell you. Its dangerous, and many who thought to challenge the Society got in there, and never came out. Just think about it - the society has been in the city pretty much since its founding, and it is the only guild in a city that frowns on such business. Even if you hurt them, they'd just hurt you back in worse ways than you can imagine".

Gern had hardly ever seen his aunt so serious, remembering her more as a jovial, if somewhat unassuming woman. It seemed she played a larger role in the household than he previously assumed - and maybe also in the family business, come to think of it.


"You don't get it" Verrik croaks, raising a hand. "I am not playing this game. You can't do this to me! I'm not!" He was half giggling, half sobbing like a child.

Knocking the man out was not too hard, he was barely conscious as he was. Finding an empty crate large enough to accommodate him was, though. The two men found plenty of crates with earthen jugs, sealed with wax, though - removing the jugs would not harm them much, they reasoned, and once cleaned out, the crate could fit the rogue guardsmen.


Krek and Zalen hoisted the crate up about half an hour later. The two men both sweated heavily from the exertion, but that was nothing compared to the silent fury of Gern's aunt. She gave both of them a disapproving look fit to remove barnacles from a derelict hull.

Male Dwarf Fighter 1, Init:+1; AC 18(T12, FF 16); HP 15/16; F: 4, R : 1, W: 2 (+3 to saves vs magic, poison, spell like)

Listening to his Aunt speak with such authority had Gern off balance a little. She was always a woman to be respected, but he didn't realise how much of the business she understood. He quickly re-evaluated his place for her within his mind and found things just a little more interesting in the Hammerfold clan.

In Dwarven

"Can they be bargained with Aunt? These Cerulean Veil people I mean. Are they business people or just murderers? The girl is chasing down a childhood friend that Lamm had something to do with. If we can get her back without bloodshed then all the better. Would this be possible with what you know of this organisation?

When Krek and Zalen arrive up stairs, the dwarven fighter groans inwardly before asking. "Would ye' mind explainin' to those o' us here why ye're both suddenly feelin' tha need to be steelin' me uncles inventory? For, sure as me beard's me own, that's what it looks like from here. I aint ure about you two, but where I'm from, that aint considered the usul way te thank those as have helped ye'". He had an idea as to what was in the crate, but wanted to give the two mn a chance to explain themselves before his aunt flayed the both with her tongue. ALthough that would probably be interesteing to watch as well. He wasn't sure how the big and volatile Krek would respond to a tongue lashing from a dwarven woman.

Having asked his question, he quietly tried to place himself between his aunt and the two men. If trouble started, he wanted to be able to protect her (or them, as the need arose)

Wasn't really sure where to go with that info for a bit there. I guess where we go now is really up to the group that have been hired by the city guard. Gern is just tagging along to give them some more support.

Male Half-Orc Cleric of Gorum, 2nd

Glancing over to the difficult woman, Krek simply returned her hard gaze with one just as stony. Entropic as he was, he did understand the box's contents should be dealt with before insults and stares. There would be a time to set the tone rightly, he told himself, as he turned his head to ignore the aunt.

Female Human (Shoanti) Barbarian 3

Gern's warnings against rushing into things struck home, but it was still hard for Ayedah to admit that his words were likely true. It was even harder to listen to his aunt's words. Damn it! More waiting! Sozite could be in danger and I am supposed to just wait?! It was frustrating, but she held back her outburst. She wanted to blame someone, anyone, for her situation, but she knew it would serve nothing to curse any of those present. Gods and spirits, when I get my hands on that bastard downstairs...

Her jaw clenched, she couldn't manage to say anything more. It was all she could do to hold her tongue, and she crossed her arms tightly to stop the shaking of her fists. She kept her gaze on the floor, not wanting to look on the others with eyes she knew must be filled with anger.

It was something of a relief to her when Zalen and Krek came upstairs with their strange cargo. "What is going on?" she asked with a bit more force than she would have liked, adding to Gern's rant.

Female Human Cleric 4

When Zalen and Krek came up the stairs with the box, Alandra started to say something, then decided it was best to keep quiet, not wanting to get them in trouble with Gern's aunt.

Male Human (Half Varissian/Half Shoanti) Rogue/Sorcerer 2/2

Hadn't actually planned to bring Verrik in the box upstairs before talking to everyone...:P but it's probably more fun anyway this way so, let's roll with it ;-)

Having never tried his charms on a Dwarven woman before, Zalen is not exactly sure how to proceed, but, being ever the optimist, he decides to go with his tried and true methods anyway and try his charm (1d20+6=14) on her.

With his trademark smile, he bows slightly and puts his hand over his chest as he says "Young lady, my manners have been atrocious. With the hurry we were in before, we never had the oppourtunity to be properly introduced and, as you are mistress of this fine dwelling, that is unpardonable. Yet, I throw myself at your mercy and beg your forgiveness. Both for the impropriety and for any trouble our own actions may have brought upon you and yours. I am Zalen Caldorian, I suppose I am the de-facto leader of our rag-tag group and I place myself at your service. Your nephew saved our lives this evening with his timely arrival and heroics and you have without doubt spared us from much trouble and difficulty with your generosity and kindness in harboring us from the guards. You have my great thanks and should you ever be in need of my humble services for anything, you have but to ask." Again placing his hand over his heart, he bows his head respectfully.

"Madam, I know I am a stranger to you so I can only ask you to take me at my word, you have helped a good cause this night as we are on a mission from one who has the city's best interest at heart. The man you saw up bring into your cellar is the vilest of creatures and we were charged with his capture and stopping his horrendous crimes. Unfortunately, I may not tell you much more than that." He places his hand on the box and briefly turns to wink at Gern before continuing.

"I assure my lady that we have neither appropriated nor damaged any of your property. I ask your forgiveness once again for not asking your permission beforehand but we thought it best that we be as discreet as possible in our removal of our... trash, from your home. That is all this box contains. I will most happily pay you for the box itself of course" Not wanting to insult Gern's aunt, Zalen will not yet reach for his money belt yet until he hears her response.

Finally, he ends with. "Madam, you have been a great boon to us yet I fear we have already disturbed your home for far too long already and so, with your permission, we shall depart as soon as possible. Once again, you have my eternal thanks"

Female Human (Shoanti) Barbarian 3

The reminder of what Gern's family had just done for them had Ayedah turning her eyes to the floor again. Despite Zalen's dizzying way with words that often left her unsure of what to think, his explanation to Gern's aunt refocused her on the task at hand. Yes, let us be on our way and finish this without endangering anyone else.

Gern's aunt quickly shook her head, and intoned a few words that sounded like rocks grinding against one another, only slightly more melodic.


"Not now, Gern. We trust your choice in friends, but this is beyond their interest and ability to handle

As Zalen tried his charm on the lady, he found her quite the tough customer. While he didn't feel any "wall of ice" that kept her at bay, she wasn't buying his honeyed words either. Instead, she merely tapped her chin thoughtfully. "Candorian, I recall that name well." She announced, and left Zalen with that reply for a moment too long to merely collect her thoughts.

"But lad, don't you mention a thing. I'm quite certain any honorable friend of Gern's will consider it a duty, nay a pleasure to aid us in return." She announced, and shrugged. "As to the box, just feel free to return it once it's been cleaned."

Male Dwarf Fighter 1, Init:+1; AC 18(T12, FF 16); HP 15/16; F: 4, R : 1, W: 2 (+3 to saves vs magic, poison, spell like)

Gern smiled broadly as his Aunt accepted his friends actions. Zalen had a way with words, to be sure, but his aunt certainly seemd to have a way with them as well.

"Aye, well then" he said to the group in general "We have work as needs doin'. The "crate" needs te be moved somewhere safe and quiet like. Then I think we be havin' a wuick chat to those lads that run off from us earlier this evenin'. All the worlds meats may be needin' some new management in not so long a time methinks"

He smiled again, looking forward to the fight despite himself. He and Krek might not see eye to eye on many matters, but enjoying a good scrap was certainly something the dwarf could get into as much as the half orc.

"As soon as it's safe, I be thinkin we move. Ye got someplace in mind te be puttin' our parcel Zalen?" he asked, before draining off the last of his dwarven ale and wiping his beard clean.

Do we need to wait for the curfew to end before moving? I've read the plan you have Zalen, so no need to go into huge detail in response to Gern's question, it was just a roleplay thing given he was upstairs the whole time. Oh yeah, Gern will go down and collect his axe and shield before the group heads off.

Female Human (Shoanti) Barbarian 3

Ayedah welcomed their renewed momentum. It would keep her mind busy at least. But she was worried about how they were going to avoid detection on the streets while moving something so large. "How are we going to move it, Zalen? The guards will still be searching for us, won't they?" Her tone wasn't doubtful, but inquisitive. She knew he must have some sort of plan; she just couldn't see it.

She approached the dwarven woman, though when she spoke it was as much to the two women they had rescued as it was to Gern's aunt. "Could they stay here for tonight? It is too dangerous for them to try to leave the city without protection."

Male Human (Half Varissian/Half Shoanti) Rogue/Sorcerer 2/2

At the mention of his family name and her obvious recognition of it, a mix of shame, rage, sadness, pain and several other emotions cause a red flush to begin to creep up Zalen's neck and face. Bowing his head to hide his feelings as much as possible, Zalen merely replies to Gern's aunt with a mumbled "Yes of course madam, it shall indeed be our pleasure"

Taking a quiet deep breath to regain his composure, Zalen raises his head and avoids the keen eye of Gern's Aunt by turning to address her nephew "Yes Gern, indeed I do. I believe there to be an old establishment near the docks which once belonged to a dear friend of ours who won't be needing it anymore..I'm sure he won't mind us using it to store our 'trash'" after which he can't help but end with one of his winks.

Turning to Ayedah Zalen answers her, "Well my flower, to be honest, at the moment my plans for moving this box are sketchy at best. I had thought that perhaps we could carry on the same ruse as Gern and Krek already used? We could pretend that were moving some heavy cargo for Gern's family which is also so valuable that it requires a couple of extra guards? What think ye all?"

Also Terra and all. What we do next depends on a few things. Like, how long would it take us to get to Lamm's from here? And than back to the meat shop? What time of night is it now? Do we have time to do both before morning? As well Gern & Ayedah's concerns are both valid. We don't want to leave it too long before we go after those other guards but we may be in danger on the streets at the moment. Especially being more conspicuous with the box...So?

Female Human Cleric 4

I forget, and I am too tired to dig through the old posts, but do we have anything from Marshall Croft that proves we are on official Guard business?

It's close to midnight, and getting to the fishery is still possible. Not too much more than that, but that's possible. You have a letter of passage which allows you to go out without the curfew, but not anything beyond that - this is an under the tables operation, and Kroft would not want her name or seal associated with it too much

Male Dwarf Fighter 1, Init:+1; AC 18(T12, FF 16); HP 15/16; F: 4, R : 1, W: 2 (+3 to saves vs magic, poison, spell like)

Krek and Alandra, in case you weren't aware, we're having a bit of a planning discussion over in the ooc thread if you'd like to chime in. cheers

Male Dwarf Fighter 1, Init:+1; AC 18(T12, FF 16); HP 15/16; F: 4, R : 1, W: 2 (+3 to saves vs magic, poison, spell like)

Gern blinked and shook his head gently, as if coming out of a deep thinking revelrie. He looked around at the group and spoke up, sounding determined

"Well, let's get to it then. If'n ye all are feelin' up to it, I be thinkin' we need te get those scunners at the meat works sooner rather than later. It's time we moved."

He looked to Zalen and nodded trustingly "I'm sure the smooth tongued young fella over 'ere 'as a plan for tha crate. Let's put it inter action"

Looking at the injured Ayedah and the others, he now waited. If they were so hurt as not to be able to complete the raid, he was confident they would speak up. He would follow their lead, and trust in the leadership of Zalen.

Female Human Cleric 4

Alandra's eyes widened when she saw the silver dagger.

"May I hold it?" She asked.

Gern wrote:

"Well, let's get to it then. If'n ye all are feelin' up to it, I be thinkin' we need te get those scunners at the meat works sooner rather than later. It's time we moved."

He looked to Zalen and nodded trustingly "I'm sure the smooth tongued young fella over 'ere 'as a plan for tha crate. Let's put it inter action"

"Lets go."

Male Half-Orc Cleric of Gorum, 2nd
Alandra wrote:

Alandra's eyes widened when she saw the silver dagger.

"May I hold it?" She asked.

Gern wrote:

"Well, let's get to it then. If'n ye all are feelin' up to it, I be thinkin' we need te get those scunners at the meat works sooner rather than later. It's time we moved."

He looked to Zalen and nodded trustingly "I'm sure the smooth tongued young fella over 'ere 'as a plan for tha crate. Let's put it inter action"

"Lets go."

Krek wondered as to the lady's focus on the knife, but he felt it best left alone. Hoisting the crate, he headed out.

Male Human (Half Varissian/Half Shoanti) Rogue/Sorcerer 2/2

" Of course Alandra, consider it yours as you'll likely get the best use out of it." Zalen says as he hands over the dagger to the young Shoanti.

As Krek hoists the crate, while impressed with his strength, Zalen puts a hand on his shoulder to stop him "Just a minute the Krek, if we're going to do this, let's do it right. Let's see who fits best in this armor, you or Ayedah. It'll help us look more official and sure won't hurt in a fight."

Moving to put a hand on Ayedah's shoulder, he says in Shoanti


"Sister, I don't question your bravery, put I wish to make sure you are well enough to stand and fight again should we have need of your strong arm"

Turning to Krek and Alandra he says "Is there anything either of you can do to help Ayedah regain some of her strength?"

Not knowing what else to do with them for the moment, Zalen puts on the bow and arrows and hands the spear to Krek or Ayedah.

Female Human Cleric 4
Zalen wrote:
"Of course Alandra, consider it yours as you'll likely get the best use out of it." Zalen says as he hands over the dagger to the young Shoanti.

"Thank You." Alandra takes the dagger and examines in more closely. "Its beautiful..."

Alandra is out of spells, but has 3 channel positive energies left.

Female Human (Shoanti) Barbarian 3

"So..." Ayedah started as she pushed her weight away from the wall she was leaning against, wincing in surprised pain as she did. She felt her side, there was no bleeding, but the sting of the wound was still there. "..ngh...what is our plan, Zalen? What if someone stops us on the streets?" Her questions themselves carried no tone of worry. She was certain Zalen would have an idea.

She couldn't help but be a bit distracted by Alandra's admiration for her new dagger. Beauty still struck her as an odd thing to find in a weapon. The city people seemed to prefer theirs as ornate and shiny as they could be. She looked at her earthbreaker with a brief moment of guilt over thinking it ugly in comparison after all the times it had saved her life.

Male Human (Half Varissian/Half Shoanti) Rogue/Sorcerer 2/2

Well, let's use some of them then Alandra? And Ayedah, how about Krek takes the armor and you take the spear...seems to look right, yes?

Zalen answers Ayedah "Well, as soon as we're set to go, we'll pretend we're making a valuable delivery of salt or some-such to All The Worlds Meat's. I'll scout the place out a bit before we go in and then we head in hard and fast and take the bastards out. That's the plan...more or less" he finishes with a wink.

Female Human (Shoanti) Barbarian 3

"Good. And some of them are hurt as well." She was grimly hopeful now. Best to end this quickly, tonight.

She tested the weight of the spear in her hand, trying to remember what she had been taught. It had been a while since she had used lighter weapons.

Female Human Cleric 4

Alandra puts the knife away. "I will have give you a name later." raises her holy symbol over her head and suffuses the party with positive energy.

channel positive energy x3: 1d6=2, 1d6=2, 1d6=6 = 10 total

Male Dwarf Fighter 1, Init:+1; AC 18(T12, FF 16); HP 15/16; F: 4, R : 1, W: 2 (+3 to saves vs magic, poison, spell like)

Gern hears the Shoanti cleric invoke her god, but gains no benefit from the healing magics. Again he thinks of the fight and of how little he actually did during that brief skirmish. Well, that was certainly about to change.

He moves back down to the cellar while the others are dividing out the prisoners gear, and gathers his axe and his shield. Everyone upstairs seemed so focused on their weapons! Bah, it was just a tool, one for killing to be sure, but not something he ever got attatched to overly much.

When he gets back up stairs, his axe in belt loop and shield slung across his back, he moves to the other end of the crate and offers to help Krek carry it. "Nae need to be doin' all the work big man" he states with a smile "I've been liftin' crates for most o' the time I been in tha city. Let me give you a hand"

wow, i havnt' checked the thread for three hours and suddenly there's six new posts. Think we're all keen for this fight :)

Female Human (Shoanti) Barbarian 3

Ayedah's side stopped aching as Alandra's prayer ended. "Ah...thank you and Pharasma for that, Alandra." She caught herself thinking of Alandra's goddess like the spirits the shamans spoke to back on the Plateau. She wondered if the comparison would offend the priestess.

She was about to offer her aid in moving the crate when Gern spoke up. "Do you two have it?" she asked out of politeness more than uncertainty; Gern and Krek certainly looked sturdy enough. She had to admit as well that she looked more like hired muscle than a laborer. She had not served as a caravan guard for long, but she thought she still looked the part considering the weaponry she was brandishing. She made certain her hammer was fasten securely to her back, and kept the spear in her hand as she moved to the side of the door, waiting for the others.

The group made their way past the patrols and sentries of the night, with some raised eyebrows and uncomfortable questions, but managed to make their way to the old fishery without incident. The abandoned building loomed as ominous as ever. Now abandoned by even the bullies and thugs that had held out after Lamm's demise, it was a perfect location for any kind of skulldugery.

Conveniently enough, it was also none too far from all the worlds meat to finish off the evening's combat.

Male Half-Orc Cleric of Gorum, 2nd

Krek donned the armor without hassle. He didn't feel he needed it, but he had no qualms about wearing it.

Any bonuses/penalties from wearing it would be appreciated.

As they came into the fishery, Krek smiled at the irony; the place which had been such a bane to him before was going to be very helpful to them tonight.

Male Dwarf Fighter 1, Init:+1; AC 18(T12, FF 16); HP 15/16; F: 4, R : 1, W: 2 (+3 to saves vs magic, poison, spell like)

Gern placed his end of the crate down as the group entered the old fishery. He looked around, noting that it hadn't been touched since the night he and the others had gotten their vengence on Lamm.

"Aye Zalen, tis as a good a place as any te be doin' our business tonight" he stated grimly.

"I'm thinkin' we have but a few hours left o' tha night afore the sun comes up and those scunners organise themseves enough ta flee the meatworks. If'n yer gonna be doin yer scoutin' now is the time."

Turning to Alandra he nodded and spoke solemnly "Now tis tha time for yer vengence against this one as well girl" he mpahaises witha kick to the crate. "We do it quick and get rid o' the body. And ye dinaae ever look back, ye hear!"

He was getting tense again, knowing that fighting and death were coming up. It always brought out the gruffness in him, a time when his patience fled and his controlled anger took over.

"Tonight we get one step closer to avenging all o' us as was wronged by these people"

Female Human Cleric 4
Gern wrote:
"Now tis tha time for yer vengence against this one as well girl" he mpahaises witha kick to the crate. "We do it quick and get rid o' the body. And ye dinaae ever look back, ye hear!"

Alandra pulls out her new knife. "Open the crate and take him out," she says grimly.

Male Human (Half Varissian/Half Shoanti) Rogue/Sorcerer 2/2

'They know we didn't get all the information we needed out of him yet...we need to know who is really behind all of this... who is "She"??' thinks the rogue
Opening his mouth to say something, Zalen takes in in the look on Alandra's face and decides to say nothing.

Instead he simply nods to Gern and says "I'll be right back"

Applying all his stealthy (1d20+7=11) skills, he fully checks out the site of their next potential battle.

Male Dwarf Fighter 1, Init:+1; AC 18(T12, FF 16); HP 15/16; F: 4, R : 1, W: 2 (+3 to saves vs magic, poison, spell like)

Gern looks around to the others and states "Ifn' ye haven't the stomach fer this, or you have someat te say about the killin' o' this 'ere scunner, now's tha time te speak up or take yer leave. I'll stand by yer Lass. A person needs a friend near them for this kinda thing."

He unslings his axe and readies to open the lid.

Gern will hold off opening the lid in case anyone wants to speak up or leave the room. If no one objects, he will open the crate and drag Varlik out of the crate. It's then up to Alandra how she wants to proceed. He will stand by, ready to stun the man if he somehow overpowers the cleric or makes a break for it. I figure this is the last chance for anyone who feels uncomfortable about this to speak up btw. Having just watched Taken (with Liam Neeson) I can fully understand where Alandra is coming from in this situation.

Male Half-Orc Cleric of Gorum, 2nd

Moving to stand opposite the crate from the Dwarf, the half-Orc waits patiently - something rare for him - for the crate to be opened.

Having no personal problems with the man, Krek didn't mind letting Alandra take care of him. In fact, it could be entertaining. The small blade would probably not make for an immediate kill, and he was interested to see how the woman wielded a blade.

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