5th level playtest

Alpha Release 3 General Discussion

On the weekend I ran a group through D1.5 and E1. 4 characters, a ranger, a sorcerer, a cleric and a fighter. The first three characters had been through D0 and D1 so were adjusted from 3.5. the fighter was a newly created pathfinder character. My comments below

Character/Race: we did not like the favored class hit point concept- it felt like it was pushing people to be more stereotypical. the races that are good fighters and clerics already have bonuses for this they dont need extra hit points.

Everyone chose toughness- perhaps that indicates it is too good- I would prefer +3 hp or +1 hp per level whichever is more.

Having said this having heaps of hit points worked pretty well.

Ranger: the +2 to hit (as well as damage) against favored enemies seemed a bit much. The animal companion was still lame.

Sorcerer: chose fey bloodline but didnt really get much out of it mechanically (except roleplaying flavor so all good there). Still ran out of spells and ended up acid splashing. This is worse than a light crossbow so needs some improvement (perhaps damage is 1d3 + (lower of stat or level))

Cleric: Channeling worked really well. I thought the heal side would be too powerful but I was wrong. the domain powers seemed a bit bland (he was war and strength from when he was a 3.5 cleric) and the 1st level abilities having to be used within 3 rounds meant he never used them- and this is the sort of player always looking for an angle. they were just not worth the opportunity cost.

Fighter: he worked fine- bizarrely he was an archer (the ranger was a two weapon fighter) so we didnt get to see cleave in action. I must say I am worried about the fighters AC bonus ability I reckon fighters with any sort of dex could get untouchable very quickly.

CMB worked fine but once grappled too hard to break free.

I liked your spells: confusion much much much better- this is a spell I hate in 3.5 (as a DM). I also liked entangle and like Web but havent seen it used.

I look forward to seeing Beta.

Werecorpse wrote:
Sorcerer: chose fey bloodline but didnt really get much out of it mechanically (except roleplaying flavor so all good there). Still ran out of spells and ended up acid splashing. This is worse than a light crossbow so needs some improvement (perhaps damage is 1d3 + (lower of stat or level))

Acid splash is a cantrip and should be nearly worthless. If your sorcerer isn't going to use his at will touch attack why didn't he take a bloodline with a ranged at will ability? Those are much more effective than a crossbow.

Dennis da Ogre wrote:
Acid splash is a cantrip and should be nearly worthless. If your sorcerer isn't going to use his at will touch attack why didn't he take a bloodline with a ranged at will ability? Those are much more effective than a crossbow.

By level 5, I like to have a wand as well (in case I run out of spells).

hogarth wrote:
Dennis da Ogre wrote:
Acid splash is a cantrip and should be nearly worthless. If your sorcerer isn't going to use his at will touch attack why didn't he take a bloodline with a ranged at will ability? Those are much more effective than a crossbow.
By level 5, I like to have a wand as well (in case I run out of spells).

Maybe I should get an offensive wand for my 5th level sorcerer. Right now his only wand is shield, actually nice since he tends to leap in and use his claws in melee.

Werecorpse wrote:

On the weekend I ran a group through D1.5 and E1. 4 characters, a ranger, a sorcerer, a cleric and a fighter. The first three characters had been through D0 and D1 so were adjusted from 3.5. the fighter was a newly created pathfinder character. My comments below

Character/Race: we did not like the favored class hit point concept- it felt like it was pushing people to be more stereotypical. the races that are good fighters and clerics already have bonuses for this they dont need extra hit points.

Everyone chose toughness- perhaps that indicates it is too good- I would prefer +3 hp or +1 hp per level whichever is more.

Having said this having heaps of hit points worked pretty well.

Ranger: the +2 to hit (as well as damage) against favored enemies seemed a bit much. The animal companion was still lame.

Sorcerer: chose fey bloodline but didnt really get much out of it mechanically (except roleplaying flavor so all good there). Still ran out of spells and ended up acid splashing. This is worse than a light crossbow so needs some improvement (perhaps damage is 1d3 + (lower of stat or level))

Cleric: Channeling worked really well. I thought the heal side would be too powerful but I was wrong. the domain powers seemed a bit bland (he was war and strength from when he was a 3.5 cleric) and the 1st level abilities having to be used within 3 rounds meant he never used them- and this is the sort of player always looking for an angle. they were just not worth the opportunity cost.

Fighter: he worked fine- bizarrely he was an archer (the ranger was a two weapon fighter) so we didnt get to see cleave in action. I must say I am worried about the fighters AC bonus ability I reckon fighters with any sort of dex could get untouchable very quickly.

CMB worked fine but once grappled too hard to break free.

I liked your spells: confusion much much much better- this is a spell I hate in 3.5 (as a DM). I also liked entangle and like Web but havent seen it used.

I look forward to seeing Beta.

Interesting to hear what you found,although I thought the idea of encouraging the players to stick to their favoured class was a better one than the 3.5 ed view of discouraging the player from multiclassing.

I agree with the toughness view, it does appear to be a little bit too effective and should have been +1Hp per level.

The ranger chosen enemy should be higher than normal, especially because the ranger rarely bumps into his prime enemy, so his ability is often forgotten. Its annoying because the Paladin pretty much always gets to use his Smite ability, as almost all the creatures that the party ends up have a fight with are evil.

Can't see why the fighters improved AC options should be an issue. It should give the fighter less reasons to try and upgrade his magical armour so much.

Liberty's Edge

Werecorpse wrote:

Character/Race: we did not like the favored class hit point concept- it felt like it was pushing people to be more stereotypical. the races that are good fighters and clerics already have bonuses for this they dont need extra hit points.

Not true, if a player wants to make a stereotipical class he can... half-elf and humans are versatile and will win the bonusalways unless they multiclass...

then again my elven bards earns no hit point bonus and that doesn't amke her less fun :P

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